Transgender character creator confirmed for cyberpunk 2077

>transgender character creator confirmed for cyberpunk 2077

based CDPR

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Other urls found in this thread:

>gonna use default male model

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That's fine because you can be something that doesn't exist, that's video games

ow yeah, giant futa time


cant wait to make smug flat futa that only fucks thick girls

it's the future, where everyone's a degenerate, so if there was a game to include trannies, a cyberpunk setting would be the most accurate

>tfw trans
We just can't stop winning

Good stuff, the game takes place in a fictional dysotopian setting so it makes sense to have fictional gender options


You can't stop winning until you ragequit 40% of the time.

Hard to lose with a 45% chance and infinite retries.

so penis and breast sliders are confirmed?

Wait I'm confused. How would a trans CC be any different from a male/female? Programming wise it just seems slapping on the trans symbol onto m/f, allowing access to all accessories for both sexes, and adding in game dialogue from there.

what is the gender bonus?

Wouldn't that be on theme with the whole dystopian and degenerate future?

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Honestly this. I'm still going to be a straight dude but thats hardly the most offensive/controversial thing in the game. I don't understand people getting upset over options they won't use in an RPG about thugs and lowlifes.


Gib muscle slider roided shehulk

So can I run around with a giant bulge?

holy shit yes


cant wait for all the trannies to start seething over getting exactly what they want as per usual

Post body before you join the 45%

>after a week
that shit there's like 3 days

>the absolute state of poland

>cyberpunk lets you fuck with your body
oh no, how shocking

>-10 Charisma
>-50 Sanity
>Every time you fire your weapon you have a 41% chance of shooting yourself instead

>allow tranny options
>in a dystopian future
I see what they did there.

The trannies will too except they'll add tits to him

If it's true they only make up 0.6% of the population, why do trannies get so massively over-represented?


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You're cool; almost every other trans person online refuses to forgive CDPR over a stupid joke

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Just add a 'I am a snowflake' checkbox that does nothing.

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That first-person camera angle is really gonna shine when I'm being facefucked by a cyberfuta

A cyberpunk world actually makes sense for there to be trans people in it thought considering if body augmentation became available and popular, it would immediately be used for degenerate shit because go figure one of the major themes of cyberpunk writings is how frequently we abuse the technological power we receive

wew day 1 pirate

They are seriously schizophrenic. The only winning move with them is not to play

>degenerate future that's continuation of the current corporate fuckfest
>includes trannies
Fitting, can't complain.

Back to facebook, boomer

why do you guys like augmenting your suicide rates?

we all know you will complain though


Can I make a androgynous male tho?

>I'm not gonna play this game because I'm so autistic and can't tolerate shit I don't like
wow can't believe a game developer hurt a bunch of neck beard fee fees

what the fuck bros my schizoautistic headmate persona isn't an option in the character creator... who wants to sign this petition?!

Name an actual game in the past decade(s) where there is an actual transgender character. Even Overwatch's Moira isn't canonically one, and everyone knows how progressive that game is.

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It's true. Trannys don't inherently bother me. Shit getting shoe horned into media for the sake of checking off some precieved societal approved checklist does. And in this case it simply does feel like that is what's happening.

>degenerate dystopian future has options of degeneracy

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CDPOZred won't see a dime from me

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Already happening, RE thread was full of pearl-clutching faggotry. These people get angry when you bring up horseshoe theory but they're almost indistinguishable from Christian soccer moms.

You guys say stuff like "boomer" but an entire year later and you're still pissed about a dumb "assume their gender" joke. Ever since CBP2077 was shown again on Sunday I've seen trans and rainbow flag people online begging to get the game canceled over a "boomer" joke you guys are such bitches lol

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Unironically the one time this is actually a good addition.
It's not cyberpunk if this shit isn't here, this is just even more options for roleplaying.

Happy for those degenerate anons that wanted to do sex machine runs

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Wait why can't they just play as a female/male character if they identify with the opposite gender anyway? Whats all this bullshit about "transwoman are woman" if they actually consider themselves some third category.

Daily reminder you're fucking autistic because some game developer did a thing you have political conniptions with for no reason.

based & futapilled

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like a dream cum true

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Neat. Can't wait for all the futa porn. Dumb trannies.

Why are people who got here after 2016 so triggered by trannies?

CDPR really missed out on a unique premise by making a traditional character creator
the cover guy really should be the only character you start as,
changing your looks and features should be an option you get along the way,
pay for plastic surgeons to get you your ideal look
be as degenerate as you want to make it, but also make it all expensive as hell, and something you can't really afford to do all at once early game
making you save up for any substantial cosmetic surgery

instead this is just the normal shit every standard rpg has done

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sex you should have

>defending tranny shit
why are cybercucks so pathetic? They defend the hideous game, the boring game play, deny the fact the game is having an insanely troubled development, refuse to acknowledge CDPR has never made a good game, and the shills are out here trying this hard.

It's a pathetic sight.

Because they're autistic sperg lords.

are you a virgin trans with fake vagoo or the chad shemale?

is have sex filtered now or something?

>trying this hard to appeal to 0.1% of the population

Forget trans people. Tell us about the cat girls. How many are there and just how romanceable will they be?

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based posers everyone else is a fucking loser with no life who will never know the love only a futa can bring into their life

t. reddit faggot

Sure thing tumblr.

Don't fucking buy it if you don't like it you spastic fuck

its either false flaggers who would have issue with trannies in this game and setting, or actual tranniie who can't stand a fantasy portrayal of their mental illneses.

can't wait to make watchdogs1.webms again
trannys gonna get whacked

CDPR has no direction or ambition and has long since settled for utter mediocrity.

If trans people are a problem, how do we fix this problem?

That's nothing - this was posted earlier

Also, daily post of what this thread will devolve into

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Time to dilate.

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how about mind your own fucking business

Realistically how does that even work? Is the tranny going to be the female model with a bulge and pitch shifted male voice? I'm legitimately curious how it's going to work

they will include the option to have a penis for your female character and sell it as diverse for the SJW retards, lewders like me will have futas and they will dilate happily, everyone is happy, everyone wins

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>/pol/cucks seething

Jesus Christ btfo. Now say happy pride month bitch

Show everyone the future they wish for.

The popularity of shemale content on pornhub suggests it's a bit more than 0.1%

No, YOUR based.

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Mandatory estrogen shots for all alt-righters and incels.

What is there to like?

Traps are my fetish so this is good news


>trannies only exist in the US

Playing a plastic bimbo with a big dick.

nah, they already exist in the game, might as well let real trannies RP as themselves in the game too.

>cuts off own dick

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How about fucking name a reason why non trans should make a game with a trans character when there's plenty of other minorities to choose from that mentally stable people can actually relate to. The fact is that trannies are all disabled dramafags who don't/can't work and spend all day shrieking on social media making them an extremely vocal minority whose real world impact is trivial and that needs to be remembered.

How do we do that?

>People are actually getting triggered that there will be transgender characters in a high sci-fi setting in the Cyberpunk Genre where people can have giant fucking knives coming out of their dicks, they can swap their jaws to others if they want or remove their head and just be cameras

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shemales aren't even trannies if you think about it. Trannies want to cut their dick off and have to dialte their disgusting mutilated gentials. Shemales keep their penis

>cyber enhanced elves and orcs
My penis didn't even knew it wanted this.

Oh no. My spelling error is visible to all. I am so humiliated by my error.

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Suicide rates say otherwise senpai.
Rent free.

>they literally have to spell out the most basic and obvious messaging to these cretins

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Nice goal moving. I'm not interested in this debate though, you said trannies are overrepresented in video games while in fact they're not. You can't even think of one example.

Absolutely based. There is literally no reason to not want to be a cutie with big titties and a big cock.

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well, i hate inclusion but it does has sense with the setting


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Typo on my part. Should have read
>doesn't fell like that is happening.

So the character customization is just what Saints Row 3 and 4 did?

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>tfw you finally steal enough credits to buy a new cyberpenis
>after getting it installed a new model is rolled out rendering your obsolete

It kinda loses its appeal if it's as a simple thing as someone changing their mechanical parts for the day. How is it different from a strap-on?

>mfw trans

how does it feel to be losing the culture war, Yea Forums?

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>they're so insane they had to show the world on actual paper in the streets that they can't meme

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Back you go:

As a polnigger, It doesn't change anything. Still an accurate representation of the future

How does it feel to declare victory in 2019 for the already existing features of a tabletop system designed in the 1980s? You are retarded.

I think you can make a dude with tits in Saints Row, but not necessarily a chick with a dick. It's been a while since I played.

i dont give a fuck i wont use it

Tactile feedback.

holy shit

He ain't wrong, lack of conflict turns people into complacent hedonist losers.

I hope this means they're going all out on the character customization and letting us change everything about V and not just some shitty clothes and hair changes.

This is perfectly fine as it makes sense in context.

>implying I won't make a dickgirl
you can't stop me, moralitycucks

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>cyberpunk game will include transexuality and etc body modification, slavery, and corporate fascism
>Will probably not be allowed to murder children or commit rape

Immersion ruined 2/10. I'm probably not even going to be able to McNuke factions I don't like

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They have two voice actors for the game hired male / female, and if people honestly think that they would hire third actor for trannies then they are delusional.


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Do you think the game will have characters we can romance? Does anyone know if they commented on this topic? I loved what they did with fucking in witcher

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>game includes transgender options catering to the 15 trannies that will play the game
>in the distant future it is possible technology will allow trannies to come out in full force
>"muh realism"
>Yea Forums loses their mind

Get over it, $60 is $60. They just sold 15 copies at the cost of adding a literal checkbox for transgender. Ya'll a bunch of faggos

Just don't buy the game. Why do you care what other people enjoy

There are only dick boys, retard

The only point in adding TG is to have dickgirls and pussyboys for fetishists. I thought the whole point in the op was to change gender, so picking female would be their choice surely?

>implying anything we don't get won't just get modded in
although if CDPR made it mod friendly on purpose that would be even cooler


Give them an inch, they'll take a fucking mile.

>implying this won't be DLC
Let's go maximum degenerate.

Because nothing is more disgusting than gay men, except gay men in drag.

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dont worry nobody will

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>chops dick off
>i-i won Yea Forums...
there is no culture war. youre just a mentally ill homosexual being taught to mutilate himself

>cyberpunk means edgy enough to murder kids

Yes. However the majority of people making trans characters won’t see the irony of it.

>Tfw no Slaaneshi voice actor to complete your roleplay
Lame dude

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Are you legitimately retarded? I said over-represented, I didn't say in games. You're the one moving goalposts you frothing spastic. I don't know any game with a trans lead and when they only make 0.6% of the population they shouldn't expect anyone to kowtow to them. If trannies want tranny games trannies can fucking make them.

>CDPR makes a game set in medieval Poland and tries to be accurate to the setting
Yea Forums: I love these guys, they are based and redpilled

>CDPR makes a game set in San Francisco 50 years in the future and tries to be accurate to the setting

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unless you cut your dick off and commit you're just a crossdressing faggot

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we REALLY need gangs with that theme (and even beast-like abilities and bonus)

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based tourist moralfag

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The game

I'd tell you to consider suicide but statistically speaking you probably already are.

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>makes a game set in medieval Poland and tries to be accurate to the setting
except there were trannies in there too

>can choose your own gender
>b-but I want a choice to choose the wrong gender!
I don't get it.

Kek unironically cancelled my pre-order. Why are all western devs such trash?

>I mean sure you can murderfuck everything to death as a tranny cyborg, steal people's organs for fun, and enslave anyone you want
>But don't you EVEN THINK of hurting children
Faggot. This game isn't for moralfagging

Has Yea Forums been completely and utterly BTFO?

PC gamers are obsessed with killing kids, it's kinda weird

and they themselves are the jokes

>spelling Y'all correctly
you did it wrong

Catherine, and nobody gave a shit because Atlus made her a hot redhead and the entire game doesn't revolve around her nethers

It is our filthy fucking future after all.

Take it to Yea Forums or /pol/ if you want to whine about trannies in your series, what do I give a shit? Do you understand the concept of different boards existing for different discussions you imbecile?

most of us don't get SRS because it sucks lmao

seethe harder numale
t. fake statistics

incel gamerbros here on Yea Forums are more likely to 40%

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I want to live in a world like that

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>transgender options catering to the 15 trannies
You don't need to be trans to find transgender options appealing, just need to like freedom.

Retard, if trannies are normalized it's a near-apocalyptic scenario, like assault on precinct 13 but on a worldwide scale.


where do I preorder

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In any instance of the "cyberpunk" future, the trend is ALWAYS body modifications which in turn creates the bubbles that organize into gangs or segregated communities.
I do have a problem with it though, and it's the fact that they're making it into a public announcement which abuses the esteemed media outlets to propagate the game into public eye. This sort of abuse of political issues in intentionally controversial because communities like ares no longer deliver the constructive criticism we may have once provided and although there's a good number of us who understand how this site can be used as a tool, but most do fill in that stereotype of edgy contrarians who don't know how to properly form a shared opinion.

I don't get why more choices bothers you. Let me make a fucking alien and put it in a human suit. Why would you complain about more variety?

I don't like trannies or futas
I don't want to have sex with trannies and futas
I would never mutilate my body to attempt to become a tranny or a futa

How are tranny's political you spastic?

it's a game set in a cyberpunk world, that's totally fine.

it's when devs go full retard and fill WW2 with women that hibbies my jibbies.

Also cutting off their dicks and rape. Weird

Kill yourself.
You before him.

god damn that's some disgusting artstyle

how aren't they?

>Yea Forums continues to insist there's an invisible line between dickgirls and trannies
>with that line essentially being "I jack off to it"
Degeneracy AND hypocrisy is a deadly combo.

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Normally I wouldn't, but the option is stupid
>trannies are trannies because they're born the wrong gender
>instead of choosing to play the 'right' gender, they want the option to play the wrong gender wanting to be the right gender

don't that defeat the entire purpose? I mean, unless the whole point of them being trannies is to be special snowflake attention whores who want their special unique title.

You're gay as, bro.

Answer his question. What is the point of being trans if you can literally choose your sex?

They totally are, because every "diverse" thing comes with activist shilling from real life attached to it.

How is muh overrepresentation of trannies in media except video games Yea Forums related you knuckle dragging retard?

>American Academy of Pediatrics
>American Journal of Public Health
>fake statistics
Who's coping now?

>tfw pretend to be a tranny to get easy (You)s from obsessed closeted faggots
thanks retards

>Being openly transexual isn't political
Lol wut

Majority of the world still looks at trannies as mentally ill. At least normal people's chances of survival are higher than 60%. Whatever culture there is will fade just like all trending shit that started in america.

saints row lets you make butch females, but no trannies

They know they are men with a wig, they just don't want you to say it because fuck you.

Guess I'll be pirating then.

And they are being included in the game, How is that off topic?

Whatever. Curious to see how trannies twist this into being transphobic.
It's their last chance to stop moving goalposts.

RP flavor. I can tell you faggots don't play tabletop games.

>Cyberpunk will have girls with animal tails n shit and futas
>but they’ll more than likely all look like total abominations and in no way fuckable

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>I b8'd newfags
Do you want a medal or something?


I want to be a twelve foot tall EMP shielded spaceworthy mech with my brain wired to deliver dopamine equivalent to orgasm every tenth headshot

It used to be called Body dysmorphic disorder until trannies bitched and screeched how politically incorrect it is to label people who want to mutilate their own genitals and pretend to be the opposite sex as mentally ill.

Whatever. If the game has RPG stats, I'll do a second playthrough tranny retard run with low intelligence and charisma.

Do you find it hard to suspend your disbelief when K isn't routinely hunting kids to rape and harvest their organs in Blade Runner too? it's cyberpunk, ffs

Yeah, I guess eunuchs were around.

the seething is enough

>futafags will have their dickgirls
>trannies will dilate in peace
>furfags will sin in fur
>even the polfags will have their fun with their death squadrons

I think we found a way to archive world piece

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I want to play cute girl with female voice and huge dick.

It's not, he's being deliberately retarded.
If your idea of RP is being a cocksucker you're a fucking faggot. I bet you actually find rotten shit like Shindo L hentai arousing.

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K is a police offic

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We need to contact Projeckt and show them these things - from Cyberpunk 2020 and the episode from Batman Beyond.

Splicing DLC
>New Gang introduced
>New story
>New ways to customize your player and replay the game as a sliced animal

none of those groups state that transgender people have a 40% suicide rate and the statistic is from an evangelical anti LGBT hate group

seethe harder faggot

daily reminder that while transgender people do not have a 40% suicide rate, 1/5 incels successfully complete suicide

we should pump those numbers up
why pretend when you can just post your estrogen or girl dick lmao
>Majority of the world still looks at trannies as mentally ill.

you could say the same about basement dwelling gamer NEETs

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>b-but poland is b-based

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I may be pretty gay, but I still drown in pussy.

>Yeah, I guess eunuchs were around.
no mongoloid, i meant the tranny in novigrad they included to be progressive

fuck CDPOZred

>if your idea of RP is something I don't like then
I really don't care. I don't even plan to play a tranny. I'm just defending freedom because I like choices. Have fun being miserable at your internet boogeymen existing lol

Nobody is going to suspend him for exercising his lawful citizen rights.

most trannies are incels
their slogan is "becoming the girlfriend"

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why are trannies all so deranged? just look at your own posts.

>Mangled tranny can't explain why videogames made by non-trans should cater to 0.6% mentally ill crotch-monglers
>moves goalposts constantly
Why are you talking about media other than video games you knuckle dragging retard

>Man and woman having sex
This explains white birth rates. Y'all are legit retarded

Because a detachable cybercock is just a hedonistic accessory in the dystopian future. Trannies mutilate themselves irreversibly, your cyberpunk waifu could get a 12 inch Bad Dragon vibrodick installed and rail catgirls side by side with you one week and then remove it and have handholding missionary sex for the purpose of procreation the next

>AAA gaming finally giving us the ability to make a cute trap main character

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>t-the facts are fake!
>it's all a conspiracy!
>fuck incels!

-er, and is meant to be an antihero. In cyberpunk setting police are extremely corrupt and, ye, villains murder children and exploit everyone. It's cyberpunk, the setting is about unrestrained technological progress dehumanizing us.

Why draw the line at children when there would clearly be people willing to hurt them in such a setting? It's just not immersive, hell in real life children are molested and impressed into child soldier armies.

the size of that bulge disappoints me

They're obviously adding huge futa cocks in all kinds of shapes and sizes.
Designing multiple neon cock rings takes time.

>haha us real 4channelers wouldn't care about ___!

I'm not miserable, I simply cut ties with whatever makes me wanna vomit. I was blessed by the fact I find first person camera even more disgusting than faggots.

>WHO and DSM-V changed gender dysphoria / transgenderism from a mental disorder to a medical condition, making it no longer a mental illness medically, psychologically speaking according to all up to date medical journals
>gaming changed into a mental illness within the last 6 months
>transgender people are becoming more and more accepted in overwhelming numbers in the west
>transgender people becoming happier and happier while Yea Forums straight white males stays SEETHEing and butthurt, low self esteem, no gf, overweight, virgins, etc
>pride flags on every corner

how does it feel to be the gay bashers of 2019 and losing the culture war?

it's over for breeders on Yea Forums

My question is, how the hell do these people end up affording the multiple surgeries and procedures? Are there insurances that actually cover such a pointless thing?

oh it's just another tranny with AGP, wish they'd just end themselves already.

So cutting your dick off and wearing a dress is politics now is it? They are result of the left, Yes. But being a tranny freak is not a political position, It's a mental illness.

In this case? because it fits the theme of dystopian future and not isn't out of place in a cyberpunk setting, as pointed by 100 other posters. Congratulations on being the biggest retard in this thread right now.

as long as I can kill niggers

deny them all rights, deny them any respect or validation, bully them at all costs.

>After 2016
If you think people here before 2016 didn't bully trannies then you're a retarded newfag of the highest calibre

this time, bringing me access to futa character editor it makes me feel really hot and exited...

>tfw a woman of color
High five XD

>a fucking man in drag is gonna school normal neckbeards over morality
Shove a molotov up your ass.

>I'm not miserable
Bro, you save walls of text about trannyshit and then post it when someone isn't exactly like you.

That's pretty miserable shit. lol

>losing the culture war
That's where you're wrong infidel, we are winning the culture war, inshallah

>white population is declining
>the rest of the whites are becoming increasingly conservative
>the west is being flooded by muslims
I wonder what will happen to trannies in 40 years

If you're so eager to confront /pol/ maybe you should go to /pol/? Screeching and screaming about /pol/ on Yea Forums just kind makes you look retarded.

Imagine actually screen capping that mentally ill post

Gaming is not a mental illness you dumb fuck. Gaming to the point where you lose your job or neglect your kids is when it becomes mental illness.

How the fuck do people have such strong opinions about things they know literally nothing about

I hope the incel trannies live long enough to see perfect human replica android sexbots - which of course they'll no longer be able to use due to self inflicted mangled-crotch

Sounds like you want Eclipse Phase

I save posts about anything, about 9gb of posts, and that post is specifically about cuckolds, to describe white liberal males like you. It helps the flow of discussion. Now dilate.

Most of them are mid to upper middle class who pay out of pocket.
Others either pretend they got surgery or run kickstarter/gofundme scams for the money.

Transexual acceptance is a political issue, yeah

>transgender people becoming happier and happier
Yet still have thrice the suicide and substance abuse disorder rate as the average population... Well there isn't much of a point in talking with demented freaks about reality anyways.

>in 40 years
Probably dead like everyone else.

Help them, Institutionalize them, Psychiatrists have agreed it's a mental illness but they are not allowed to actually treat it, Only enforce it

This. If you want posthumanism you want Eclipse Phase. Eclipse Phase is so posthuman that "human" doesn't really mean anything anymore.

do we have magical futas in the Witcher or something?


Having trans characters playable by everyone is extremely problematic, They need to find a way so that only real life trans/genderfluid/non binary have access to these classes. A cis playing as trans is transphobic, fetishizes a marginalized class, and extremely demeaning to those of us who have to face the hate of trans people on a daily basis. Everyone needs to spam CDProjekt Red with our concerns and let's take back our identities!

>WHO declares shit no longer smells
>people who smell of shit rejoice
>everyone else can still smell shit for some reason

based cdpr not adding drm so i can pirate this game.

>I save posts about anything
That doesn't sound like "cutting ties" to me.

Nothing is gonna change for the better until the culture accepts these people as mentally ill. So long as the leftists and corporate media can parade them around as their little pet minorities, calling out dissenters as bigots, then trannies are still gonna be encouraged to mutilate themselves and drastically alter their body chemistry.


Attached: teehee.jpg (600x582, 68K)

As a lesbian,
seriously pisses me off. Especially whenever dumb ass fuck shits try to pass themselves as lesbians because they wear fishnet stockings and shove a tampon up their ass or some shit. Dealing with het community shit is bad enough, now the gay community shit is even worse with the trannies going
>haha i remember when i first realized i was a lesbian XD

Attached: 1548656282747.png (690x932, 277K)

>lack of conflict

If you're in the USA your country has been at war since, well forever. We have been in one sort of war or another since our founding 93% of the time.

>I said cuckold and liberal and dilate xd
>I have 9 gigabytes of things to look at when i need my biased confirmed and there aren't any friends to do it

also, you're probably fat lol

Cyberpunk doesn't mean the total collapse of society and civilization. There's still law enforcement, corrupt as it may be. Those at the top still want to profit and control those at the bottom. The idea is just because there's a degradation of humane values it's suddenly okay to murder the next generation doesn't make a lot of sense. It's needlessly edgy from a roleplay perspective, Even if child rape and murder was a-okay for whatever reason, you can bet it'd still be regulated and punished so that not everyone gets away with it, or what's the point of power?

Its funny how trannies see cyberpunk as some sort of haven for themselves when the general message of it is losing your humanity through body modifications.

>I'm not happy being male, I really want to be a woman and I want to wear women's clothing and take female hormones to look more like how I want to be
No this is wrong, you're a disgusting abomination and your feelings are SICK

>I'm not happy being poor, I really want to be a doctor and make a lot of money and help people and feel good about myself and my life
No this is wrong, you're a disgusting abomination and your feelings are SICK

This is the only setting where it makes sense but I see this shit all the time everywhere being pushed I fucking hate it.

what is it you "deal with" exactly?

reminder that trannies actually literally unironically believe their fronthole wounds are real vaginas

In the next 40 years you'll be in 50 trillion dollars in debt and up a shit creek without a paddle.

reposting this from yesterday. Really seems like this should be the new face of the game.

Attached: cyberpunkboxart.png (215x279, 111K)

/pol/ actually read the 2020 rulebook, unlike you.

>tranny poison
Garbage taste.

You. Can. Choose. Your. Sex. What is the purpose of RPing as something that physically won't exist?

>be lesbian
>a bunch of people instantly hate you and want you dead and try to fuck you with a vote
>what do you deal with?

this is why they REE for representation in games btw

I mean, unless the whole point of them being trannies is to be special snowflake attention whores who want their special unique title.

Gee, just stumbled upon that realization, huh?

vidya is about escapism and fantasy, and anyone who has ever spent any time with children has fantasized about killing them

no offense tranny, but I have to imagine getting someone to stick their ding dong in your gaping wound is difficult. or are you a cross dressing faggot? Either way, the chance you
>have sex
more than me is slim.

Attached: 1558306265464.gif (414x382, 3.07M)

so you don't actually deal with anything other than made up bullshit?

too bad carpet muncher. you are getting what you so justly deserve. all of you degenerates will eat yourselves.

This triggers the average Yea Forumsirgin

Attached: 1560217781668.gif (640x349, 2.87M)

What part of your body do you cut off when you go from poor to rich?
aside from your foreskin ;^)
A better analogy would be
>I'm not happy being human, I really want to be a cyclops and I want to gouge out one of my eyes to look more like how I want to be
Basically, seethe and cope and dilate

Holy shit?! A dystopic future where people are half human, half technology has a few blokes want a cunt and knockers?


>I don't understand roleplaying
It's to piss you off :^) Also, it's a video game, nothing in it will physically exist retard

>What is the purpose of RPing as something that physically won't exist?
user when they say "RP" they really mean self-insert.

reminder that if free women's sanitary products were available, trannies would still horde them like fake vag dragons and scream Nazi if you tried to take them away

proof? citation? source?

>protip: none exists
t. projection
you should transition if it makes you feel so excited and hot

a few pills a day, user....
>he fell for the white replacement /pol/ meme

lmao retard
/pol/ and Yea Forums are the same thing post gaymergate and trump being elected.

my girlfriend is a global mod and bans you retards from boards that aren't containment boards like Yea Forums, /r9k/, /pol/, etc
>Gaming is not a mental illness you dumb fuck.

it's over for gamer-cels
>falling for the 40% propaganda meme

the real 40% statistic is that 40% of cops beat their wives

you sound like a flat earther or anti vaxxer denying science

t. newfag who doesn't understand cyberpunk as a genre
have sex

easy [you]'s. polcels hate getting dabbed on contrapoints style by a baste blue pilled tranny like myself

Attached: data laughing.png (729x480, 526K)

Post your face. I guarantee you're ugly as shit and haven't ever been gotten close to intercourse

You see people of the opposite sex everywhere you go, just being allowed to exist how they are. Cis women are allowed to wear dresses without being told they're mentally ill for doing so, cis women are allowed to get surgery to 'pretty up' their vagina or get breast implants without being told they're an abomination from hell for doing so. There is zero reason not to extend those freedoms to cis males

why does everything have to fucking revolve around trannies these days? it honestly feels like they're competing with the sun for center of the solar system.

We're sitting here talking about an ongoing cultural showdown and you're telling me it doesn't exist as we're talking about it

I'm not her or even gay. I just find this level of intellectual dishonesty amusing.

>Even if child rape and murder was a-okay for whatever reason
If it meant you retained power or drew some manner of profit from it then it would be okay. Money rules in this setting above all
>The next generation
Of clones and androids...the elites themselves are questionably human anyways.

If you want to deal with issues of dehumanization, existential crisis, and hatred then ignoring child abuse is fucking brainlet tier. Of course it would be an issue, why make a game that is inherently about resisting or choosing to enact evil as part of environmental influence of you can't even be evil? The only issue I would have in putting that in a video game would be issues of censorship otherwise it would definitely be included.

can you make decent looking femboys or at least twinks?

giga fucking seethe

This is completely in line with cyberpunk so anybody bitching about this is an enormous idiot

See this folks? This is why trannies will never be accepted.

>What is the purpose of RPing as something that physically won't exist?
>won't exist
user, you cannot tell me that, if a future comes where technology advances to such a degree as to be able to pick and choose bodyparts as individuals see fit, people will not try out, at least temporarily, such combinations as dicks and tits at the same time? To say nothing of double dicks, quadboobs, and seven vaganias

Attached: 1553802704905.jpg (514x287, 27K)

Oh shit, here comes the mental illness and breakdown

Attached: 1560369994696.jpg (1080x631, 142K)

about transsexuals, not lesbians.

the only thing lesbians have to "deal with" is self-inflicted domestic abuse, among other things.

In which case?
Het community
>het girls think you're going to infect them and will avoid you like a plague
>religiousfags (still a thing in the south if you don't realize it)
>incels constantly bringing up /pol/ shit (plenty of that shit in tech fields) thinking its hilarious to talk about retarded memes and "statistics"
>haha you just haven't met the right man yet
>hey daughter, when you going to get fucking married, your sister already has a kid

with trannies?
>user why do you hate trannies so much? don't you know they're just like gays used to be!

Apex Legends

You're reaching a bit too hard to deny there's a political aspect to it, it's entirely political.

2 zloty have been deposited in your account

p-p-p-post your f-face t-tranny!!

i-i-i guarantee you're u-u-ugly as shit and haven't ever been c-close to intercourse!

t. butthurt ugly cishet male

Attached: clicky uh snap uh.png (1080x1061, 1.03M)

>b-but I WANT to be a mentally ill retard indecisive about my preferred sex!
Literally kys

90s the left used blacks as their shield
From 2000 to 2010 they used gays as their shield
Now days it's trannies

Thrice does not mean 40% , of course you're some low IQ Tumblr dipshit so I don't expect you to know much about about math.

Sexual reassignment surgery doesn't negate the immense amount of issues those types have with substance abuse, personality disorders, and suicide rates. It only makes a marginal difference. I work as a paramedic and I can tell you for a fact that those people need a lot more help than just reconstructive surgery

I thought it was 3 times worse than homosexuals? Which is almost double than normal if i remember right. Anyway one tranny tried to silence the discussion by saying it belongs on /pol/. Even though its included in the game,
Point is It's not politics but their using the "political tension" surrounding it as a method to silence discussion. Devious.

show me pix of your fake pussi pls

Attached: 20190601_120417.jpg (669x600, 143K)

I don't get people. I thought the whole point was to blend in as the gender you transition as? Why make it noticable?

wow you really have to deal with a lot

Attached: 1546579250846.png (680x680, 378K)

Can you please answer my question instead of avoiding it? Which physical dismemberment does a person have to inflict upon themselves to go from poor to rich?

I've never seen that much seethe in my life, and I visit /pol/ regularly

Attached: 1560349499301.jpg (398x376, 40K)

you'll be dead soon enough

Attached: 124.png (841x450, 32K)

>'Here you can see the raging homosexual projecting their issues onto another minority'

post face uggo

Ok, then what is your opinion about the author's book stating that the world got ruined by the enforcement of equality?

Trans people don't have to have any physical dismemberments you dumb fuck

Attached: dumdum.png (1086x1086, 981K)

At best, you can do something sort of like Justin Bieber, it's more like twunks, you can't really make femboys in Saints Row 3 or 4

What? Not true m8.

Why is Yea Forums obsessed with trannies?

You have the freedom to do it, as long as I have the freedom to mock you for being a disgusting degenerate.

Cause people want to feel special. A real trans person who isn't 100% insane would just pick the gender they are comfortable with, not pick a character to be constantly reminded of that they are trans. A retard who either wants to virtue signal on twitch or some delusion ape who just cut off their penis will choose it to feel special.

Religious people exist everywhere you fucking moron, you're in for a rude awakening if you think some milquetoast WASP soccer mom going "pooh-pooh" at your sexual shenanigans counts as persecution

Why are western game developers obssessed with trannies?

People who want politics in video games are obsessed with them

CDPOZREKT is Bioware 2.0

screenshot this

Attached: 1526048717121.jpg (532x446, 26K)

Easy targets and the peer pressure to fit in.

Cause they keep trying to push our shit in and constantly raid our board.

Because , like as it was with furries, bronies, and rDonald magatards we've been invaded by Tumblr and resetera refugees who keep posting their gay shit everywhere

i'm going to make a dickgirl dom and roleplay myself

Attached: 1408812171650.jpg (414x465, 49K)

They come to the shittiest board on the internet because no one else will have them

>tfw straight but POC

Best of both worlds. I get all the gibs from being a minority, but don't have to cut my dick off like a deranged faggot.

they are called "exotics" Slicing is a Batman Beyond thing but yeah, if it's used right it can be much more than a aesthetically thing

Imagine things like a reptilian corpo secret club, a band of different catgirls (the more modified, the more on the top they are) even chameleon like abilities to increase stealth

The Hunter. They are canonically transgender.

Because incels might as well be trannies. Fat, gross, unfuckable.

WOW, CYBERPUNK was about Trannies all along, the most CYBERPUNK thing possible, who knew?

Attached: CyberPunkTranny.jpg (2048x2048, 540K)

>trans people

Attached: 1549521048379.gif (100x100, 23K)

why is cyberpunk putting in a transgender option when the future allows perfect transitions from ftm or mtf? It's because it's a social justice shakedown that is occurring. People are mostly angry at that, and using edgy posts to enrage the resetera lurkers here.

>Thrice does not mean 40% , of course you're some low IQ Tumblr dipshit so I don't expect you to know much about about math.

i did my PhD in math and work for microsoft as a software engineer

>Sexual reassignment surgery doesn't negate the immense amount of issues those types have with substance abuse, personality disorders, and suicide rates.

except when it's scientifically proven it does

seethe harder NEET
i have a 7" dick lmao
you : )
our lives are infinitely better than the average Yea Forums user and whilst there was mechanism for us to fix our lives problems [transitioning] there is no such mechanism for a /pol/tard or Yea Forumsirgin to fix their pathetic lives

so they seethe

Better question: Why are trannies so obsessed with /pol/ even while posting in Yea Forums?

t. 50 year old man wearing a dress who goes into women's bathrooms to molest 7 year old girls

Are you really comparing education to body mutilation?

you're aren't any better leftist nazi shithead

>tfw passable trap
life is good m8. i get to keep my dick and have tons of gay sex

Can't wait to play as one of these amazing CYBERPUNK characters. It's much cooler than a arm blade or armor plating anyway.

Attached: CyberPunkTranny2.png (901x1200, 1.19M)

i feel sorry for your family and colleagues.

But wait. What's the difference from a tranny just playing the gender they really are? Like a MtF can just play as an F. Why do they need a specifically tranny F? Won't they just design it to look F? Or are they seriously gonna intentionally make it look mannish

Any amount of shit is annoying.
>b-but people are getting shot at in Afghanistan! you should be grateful for sitting in traffic for 3 hours.

>they just said something mean
I've had soccer moms actively encouraging their kids to bully me for my life choices.
Which yeah, you can say its not a big deal. But things add up. And its clearly not something you had to deal with.

And as a normal person, I have to deal with all the same shit you do on a daily basis, with the addition of my shit.

>allowing access to all accessories for both sexes
The actual answer they gave sounded like it was just this

it literally isn't even possible to be cyberpunk if you're not transgender

you deserve it you freak.

>better question
Nah, he asked the right question. Why do you faggot fucks go screencap shit to circlejerk here? That's like those shitty reddits for Yea Forums screencaps.

Of course, you fuckers all started at reddit, so I'm not surprised you guys do dumb shit like link directly to Kotaku and implore me to look at Twittershit

fucking homos all of you

based nigger

Imagine the smell, jesus christ

t. projection

>Why do you faggot fucks go screencap shit to circlejerk here?
Probably to get this exact kind of reaction from sensitive little bitches like you.

god damn i hate you sheltered fucking americans, hope that shit country collapses as soon as possible

>It's because it's a social justice shakedown that is occurring.
CDKEKREKTred is bending the knee as they retards they are

First they fired the pr guy, not this

Next is gonna be "remove cis white male from cover"

Attached: 121_PZGZla5.jpg (480x480, 44K)

damn you're really trying hard

Everyone that has been trapped on this board has been jacking it to futa for years. I mean, certainly some aren't but this cesspool of degeneracy really shows it. Plus gamer rise up sjw shit was something people really got pissed at and dilating trannies go hand and hand with that. I would guess a good chunk probably sees the divide between the perfect 2d and obscenely disgusting reality of 3d and that probably pisses them off even more. Same argument applied really with the whole 2d>3d thing for women.

Idk just shitpost thoughts.

speak for yourself you insecure shitter

If this is true, i will pirate gog version day 1.

>It appears my superiority has led to some conflict.

The very first teaser trailer for this game has the police radio says "That prosthetic bitch is a seventy four year old male." Go listen to it.

As an American, i couldn't agree with you more

>Hello, I am mad that you accurately called me out, get dabbed on epic style

Attached: 1298487217089.jpg (217x208, 23K)

You are trying too hard

>walking death statistic
>wasting precious time on a video game forum

Attached: yy71i0ip2h411.jpg (1242x977, 140K)

Sorry chinaman, did the policeman hit your head with that gas canister too hard?

>Not wanting to rape and pillage your way across commiefornia
Beta af bruh

be that won't make it to the actual finished game now
point to where I am wrong?
We've seen this happen over and over

You lack all sense of self-awareness and that amuses me.

Quoting 'people'? Is that not a descriptor you recognize genuine Yea Forums poster? :)

Attached: 123132.png (924x522, 762K)

when will this crossdressing meme end?


It will make me buy physical

>nobody but trannies get bullied
grow the fuck up you loser, everybody gets bullied as a kid

CDPR doesn't actually care about trannies because those people don't actually buy games - they're catering to neckbeard fetishists (such as myself) who want to jack off while they play vidya

Attached: 2016-01-05_00015.jpg (1920x1080, 236K)

>Or are they seriously gonna intentionally make it look mannish
This is exactly what they want to do because they're lunatics that want special attention and sympathy for their mental illness

open wound

pretty sure Cyber implies a mind interfacing with technology.
Being mentally ill aint it, chief.

Oh, The state of California deserves nothing but a nuke, I can agree with you there, Portland can go too.

>be american
>have plenty of money and time to waste on whatever I want

>some jealous south american living in a hut is angry on an anonymous image board
oh no, what ever shall i do.

Trolling was retarded in 2006. Baiting is retarded in 2019.

Yes? And? It is cyberpunk. The setting is a dehumanizing shithole, crime, drug, violence, sex, multiculturalism,etc. It's not a good place to be and one if the reasons why is because freaks like trannies

I want to huff smelly cyber cock foreskin. Come on CDPR make my dream a reality.

>A joke, hidden in plain sight, right in front of their own faces.
>Immortality chip

There is no transgender, there is only TransHuman. Not transition, but Transcendence! THIS is the very thing we are constantly trying to achieve, and we're getting closer and closer.

Attached: Transcendence from humanity.png (771x1600, 1.86M)

>only setting where trannies fit naturally is a dystopia full of self mutilation

Well they played themselves

Everyone's just gonna make dick girls. What a future

Great, they are going paint every cop as pic related aren't they?

Attached: Police.png (500x393, 96K)

>our lives are infinitely better than the average Yea Forums user
>Why are trannies so obsessed with /pol/ even while posting in Yea Forums
They live in constant victimhood and live to be oppressed to their own detriment. Its like how people love to surround themselves with the things that they hate even if it hurts them in the long term. Trannies live and die in self hatred and mental illness, thats why you always see them act like that. Just be glad that you can be yourself and you don't suffer from the disgusting illness that rots their brains and bodies.

>CDPR doesn't actually care about trannies because those people don't actually buy games
you sure about that? Trannies are an extremely loud minority

Quoting a general "people" is what someone does when they can't just say "I feel this or that" because they are insecure how standing on their own.

It's like
and if you don't know
then you're a fucking newfag and you need to lurk moar

>they're catering to neckbeard fetishists (such as myself) who want to jack off while they play vidya
oh, is that why this only is being added now after all the sjw pressure?

That's the spirit

Attached: 1550038852003.jpg (640x731, 28K)

Then try a hugbox because Yea Forums is 60% shitposts, 20% trolling, and 20% raw unfiltered opinions that may or may not be retarded.

is this saints row 3 or 4?

Actual trannies and lefties are too brain washed to notice it

Stop trying so hard

I think we all got caught up in the
of it all, and forgot that we were all REEEEing over how shoehorned it was, and how it's perfectly acceptable when it fits the setting.

And in a cyberpunk, transhumanist setting, transgenderism fits perfectly fine.


>They live in constant victimhood and live to be oppressed to their own detriment.

stop talking about white american gamers like that

I guarantee you this feature was planned years in advance of this manufactured media outrage, and I'm all for it, it's been my dream to play a video game as a beautiful vaporwave shemale collecting a harem of 1980s cybersluts

Attached: 1560206659779.png (1492x868, 1.81M)

Wasn't the entire point of being Transgender that you were going from your original gender to a new one? Why would you want to identify as Transgender if the whole point is to make a full transition?

Finally a good fucking post. Only took almost 400 shitposts but here we are.

Attached: 3a9.gif (600x338, 2.97M)

>Yea Forums isn't a hugbox
Yea Forums is as big of a hugbox as any other shitty website. the difference is only the opinions that get hugboxed.

Corpo police definitely. City police after dark are pretty trigger happy too.

does the voiced part turn people off surely if you were to make a trap if you wanted it to be realistic you would have to give him a male voice

3, the nude mod to show nipples and vagina doesn't work on 4

Attached: 20181003170946_1.jpg (558x656, 78K)

>Not wanting cops in your cyberpunk kino to be like Lupin III
Dude it's cyberpunk, no one is pure

Next time you post this, put 1 at sanity.
Such a high sanity value implies that the player has reached a level of enlightenment where nothing can unnerve or disturb him/her and and acts in the most rational way possible.

Please pirate Cyberpunk 2077. Don't give them your money after this. Send them a message, make the game flop.

Is that how you look?

The mass censoring of biology, protest and firing of teachers, push for compelled speech laws, laws to let minors get hormone blocks without parents, anti discrimination laws forcing girls to compete with (girls), and child services taking your kid if you misgender them.

Attached: 1559576608776.png (344x430, 100K)

If anything they're making up for the sunny gta shit by actually trying to make the game edgy

It would be pretty on brand for Cyberpunk so...

it won't surprise you that a lot of transgendered types who whine about video games wind up becoming what the tranny community refers to as "bricks"

Listen. Buddy. I think you've gone past the point where you might have had something to say.

At this point, you kinda sound like a desperate guy looking for something to prove and be right about. Seriously. You sound like one of the shittier Yea Forumstards here. It's kinda pathetic and it's making you look bad.

Well, you already lose your mind and dick...jokes on you.

I'm going to, the game is coming to gog so it's an easy free download by day 1

stage 1: denial

Wouldn't mind being a cyber futa.

fuck off cuck

Trannies cut of their dicks and kill themselves. Dickgirls get big boobs and keep their dicks.

>make sexy futa character
>have her top men
>masturbate furiously while self inserting as the men getting fucked in the ass by my character


>Yea Forums is a hugbox
Want to know how I know you're a newfag?

sounds like a perfect use for those VR scents...

Attached: anon in the cyberpunk arena.jpg (280x344, 78K)

Based semigay poster.

Attached: 1560398140536.png (640x480, 132K)

>parents should be allowed to forcibly mutilate their child's sex organs the day of birth

>if a child wants to take pills to prevent their body from permanently changing in an undesirable way they should be forced to have to develop in a way that they don't want against their will


Attached: 1547846172771.png (636x915, 827K)

Stage 1: Seething

I don't know why he jumped into our spat. This is demonstrably not a hugbox because we're all flinging poop. he's a based brainlet user.

>grow the fuck up you loser, everybody gets bullied as a kid
not trans, just gay.

the difference is that generally speaking, most groups are relatively anti-gay, even if not full on bigoted people will avoid you.
The reason LGB groups are a thing is because they're willing to give one another a chance. Its not that everyone gets along, its that they're willing to get along. Meanwhile if I join the weeb club, most the girls are going to go "oh gross" and the men will still try to fuck you.

I'm on your side, Read the reply chain.

Of course. never gonna see a dollar from me ever again

In the future, dickgirls are men and women who swap their healthy bodies for sexier healthy bodies, and they can swap back whenever they want
In the present, trannies are men who permanently and painfully remove themselves from the gene pool

I'll take future feminization every time

The very fact this thread exists in its current state is proof Yea Forums is not a hugbox. Hugboxes punish their particular brand of wrongthink. Here the worst you get is someone calling you a faggot while actually responding to your opinions in a candid manner free of some enforced sense of politeness or political correctness. This place is the opposite of a hugbox you asshole, it's a shark tank.

Keep seething. Big tell when you guys blow up over a word. There is no sane person that would deny that there are some people here more angry about politics and trans activists than trans individuals in general.

This board has gone to shit, with mentally ill people like yourself derailing everything.

Attached: 1560477588958.jpg (2048x2048, 540K)

>Yea Forums isn't a hugbox
want to know how I know you're the newfag?
>b-but we say mean things!
Yea Forums is incredibly hive minded. Yea Forums and Yea Forums might give you the wrong sense because of how fast paced it is, but go to any slower board or thread and it becomes immediately apparent how generic and hugbox people on Yea Forums get.

Watch a thread move from Yea Forums to /vg/ sometime, its pretty sad how quickly it turns into a circlejerk hugbox.

Children don't know what they want, are absolutely retarded, change their minds every 2 seconds and should never, ever be trusted to make an important decision until they are in their late teens at the earliest
t. parent who actually doesn't care about trannyshit one way or the other

why would I care that cdPOZrekt rainbow is going SJW?

I never was a fan

Do you know who Linetrap is? Sorry, who am I kidding, of course you don't. What I should have said was, "You should look up Linetrap, newfriend."

Fool, This is the future /pol/ told us about.

Attached: 1547219638899.png (432x442, 485K)

I don't even mean to say this to antagonize, but I have no idea how anyone can feel right after doing all that to themselves. The thought of practically killing off your old identity in favor of wearing someone else's face that you claim is the real you seems like such a dangerous mindset. I feel that our world is pushing people into this because they have unfavorable genetics which leads them to seek acceptance among a community that doesn't bother to care how you look so long as you aren't "normal".

>not self-inserting as the shemale breeding the asses of hunky dudes
that's gay 2bh fampai
it's not gay when you top

>>have plenty of money and time to waste on whatever I want
>yet spend your time making up problems and acting like you have to "deal with" the most mundane shit possible
>then imposing your made up problems on the rest of the world through your cancerous media

>Trannies cut of their dicks
Most do not. Some even enjoy their dicks
>kill themselves
Most do not. Transition, while shitty, reduces suicide rates from what is usually a functional 100% and is successful in that regard.

Will footfags get representation too?

Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (899x1200, 335K)

if both sides get the rope i'll be more than happy, i'm sick of politics

based and Chromepilled, I want to see how crazy my character can go, I welcome everything!

Attached: 1560285815621.jpg (4032x3024, 716K)

>go to a slower board with exponentially less people
>that is more accurate than boards with a larger sample

Not only gender confused.. just actually confused in general. People just don't understand statistics or sampling - is this an American phenomenon?

Attached: kayrebel.jpg (938x960, 69K)

>but other websites
most websites, unless they're very clearly meant to be strict, won't ban you for having different opinions.

I recently started going to reddit boards because of tech threads and niche vidya, and there's just as much shit flinging and non-correct opinions there as there is here. People don't get banned for it.

Meanwhile I go to certain threads on Yea Forums or /vg/, and instantly get banned for making a post people don't like, and they managed to get a personal mod to sit in on the thread.
Yea Forums is unironically a worse hugbox than other websites, you just have to wait for a mod to pick a side.

Question. What is the cause of transgenders? Is it a lack of testosterone/estrogen? Is it a mild form of autism? What is it? Are there any reputable studies being done?

>but go to any slower board or thread
I go to /k/, /fit/, /his/, /ck/ and Yea Forums and I can certainly tell you that those places are no hugboxes. Absolutely not.

Just because you're some leddit newfag who only posts on Yea Forums and /vg/ doesn't mean the rest of us are. I've been here since 08 and no, this place has never been a hugbox for as long as I've been here over 11 years

You're just as dumb as those faggots who liken "based" and "cringe" replies to upvotes and downvoted on reddit.

I bet the game will have lame as hell "racizm=bad" and "transphobia is evil" quests too

what a dumpster fire

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if shemales are an indication and how most dont get the surgery then I assume most tranners dont either

Have you been told that "you're just trans and you don't know it yet"? As a bisexual and you a lesbian I think we get harrased the most out of any LGBT 'members'. Lots of people don't like Bisexuals anymore. I fucking hate this feaux community of oversexualized intolerant people. Pic related

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>should never, ever be trusted to make an important decision until they are in their late teens

In that, you and the trans community are in agreement.
That's why hormone blockers exist; so their body doesn't change in a way that they might find undesirable, until they know exactly what they want.

Ok Poland

Dude, remember /new/?

>>make sexy futa character
>>have her top men
>>masturbate furiously while self inserting as the men getting fucked in the ass by my character

THIS futa on male, the ultimate patrician taste

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don't use star trek to shitpost

>Transition, while shitty, reduces suicide rates from what is usually a functional 100% and is successful in that regard
You know what else reduces suicide rates? Curing their gender dysphoria with antidepressants.

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literally having a females brain

Hello yes. Basic biology clearly shows that the hypothalamus isn't done developing till age 25. That's the part of the brain that uses logic and makes actual decisions. Now the endocrine system starts pretty early on. That part starts early in the tween years as a matter of fact. One of nature's funniest jokes really, giving us years and years of emotional rampancy before we can actually take in things for what they are.

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Because they aren’t, you know it, but you don’t want anyone else to like them because the idea of other people experiencing joy at something you don’t like makes you Seethe.

Now Cope.

If they enjoy their dicks they are just faggots and are not really trannies.
>Most do not.
Sadly that is true. They are /pol/ levels of toxic. I wish more of /pol/ and more of the trannies killed themselves. Both groups are vile.

u're just as mentally ill as they are faggot

Slower boards lets you see the real nature of people, because it has time to settle in.

with boards like Yea Forums 90% of posts are just pointless shit flinging without real opinion. that's not hugbox or anti-hugbox, that's just pointless shit flinging.

a hint at why this is a hugbox, look at the posts that replied to me
>nuuh we're totally better, totally not a hugbox!
these are real opinions people have, and its always extremely homogeneous.

Yea Forums's hugbox is the mentality that its not a hugbox, so they insert shit randomly to pretend they're better than reddit or tumblr. but ironically, even reddit has more dissenting opinions than Yea Forums does. because Yea Forums just buys into dumb memes and parrots them constantly. (see /g/)

Serious question. Why does Yea Forums hate trannies again? Hardmode: no shitpost resposes.

t. passsble tranny that kept my dick

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fucking idiot

You realize who is making this game right

I want a camera head and all limbs replaced with robot tentacle dicks.


You are gayer than tranny's, My friend

See here

because you're all fucking insane

Autistic furry here.
Would congratulate you but I know from personal experience that transgenderism is just an autistic thing, that you're probably just autistic, and you were duped into mutilating yourself for medical industry profits. I'm sorry.

>He thinks Linetrap wasn't bullied
Pfffttt, yes I remember Linetrap. I also remember bronies and furries and etc other faggots everywhere, that does not mean we were a tranny hugbox.

That's actually part of the cyberpunk world they have themed gangs that all go into the same kind of gene splicing or body mod thing. It just may or may not be in the game.

>I don't even mean to say this to antagonize, but I have no idea how anyone can feel right after doing all that to themselves. The thought of practically killing off your old identity in favor of wearing someone else's face that you claim is the real you seems like such a dangerous mindset.

That means you're normal.
Trans people aren't normal. They don't feel normal. They don't feel like their skin belongs to them.
And every trans person knows, on some level, that they'll never get the body that they want, but they're willing to go through painful surgery to get as close as they can, because even "close enough" is preferable to not at all.

Because you're insane and degenerate products of extreme decadence

Prove it fag

Yeah, What's your point?

you don't pass. none of you do.
I hate trannies because they are the best example of our moral and mental decay as a society.

not same user but being a sextoy for a strong hunk futa is the lifestyle this reality toked from me

>Make a trans character
>Keanu never shows up in that play through.

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>take puberty blockers
>get years of extra time to really confirm if you want to transition
>decide to transition, awesome your body didn't masculinize and you'll pass as a girl flawlessly with estrogen
>decide against transition, awesome as soon as you stop taking puberty blockers you'll masculine and become a normal looking guy

>forced to go through puberty against your will
>10 years later, you STILL want to transition and nothing changed except now you have a hypermasculine fridge body that will never pass
>kill yourself because your parents don't see you as a human worthy of having personal choice in life

>passsble tranny

based housenigger furry.

I don't hate bi people as a concept, but I do refuse to date them because I've never had a single good experience with them.

And I know its silly, but being cheated on with a guy feels worse than with another girl.

but eh, i don't think they deserve the hate they get, a lot of people act like bi-girls are tainted or something, and its kinda like eh, who cares.

>t. passsble tranny
You dont get to decide that. Post pictures, so we can all laugh together.

Its all this toxic shit in the environment.

>most websites, unless they're very clearly meant to be strict, won't ban you for having different opinions.
Oh but they will, especially when the tranny brigade mass report you and you get a permanent ban for "insensitive drive-bys" or "problematic rhetoric."
>I recently started going to reddit boards
I would give you a hard time about this but I've come to accept the fact that most of you fuckers are cross-posters now. I don't know if you know this or not but Reddit is a bigger bogeyman to these fuckers than Yea Forums is. I mean, hell, where do you think the "discord tranny" meme comes from? They retreat into their own little bubble and call eachother for aid while crusading for their stupid fucking ideals on Reddit and Yea Forums. I wish I were making this up.
>Meanwhile I go to certain threads on Yea Forums or /vg/, and instantly get banned for making a post people don't like
Then you're doing it wrong because you can shitpost and tell people to kill themselves to your heart's content as long as you keep the post vaguely on topic. Hell, you can even get by with a post that has NOTHING to do with the topic as long as you post an image relevant to that topic. Mods are too lazy to come down on anything but flagrant violations of global rules.
>and they managed to get a personal mod to sit in on the thread.
Those come and go. I'll tell you a secret: They can only really ban you for 1-3 days because otherwise they may have to explain themselves.



What are you, a buttblaster /pol/tard or a buttblasted tranny?

You somehow manage to be worse than women when it comes to complaining.

Ladies and gentlemen, I think we've just reached a breaking point.

i dunno about the rest of the faggots here but i hate tranny activists, and the white women who defend and get outraged for them and the politicians who use them to bolster their lefty bona fides. mostly i just sympathize for trannies. it sucks being mentally ill thinking that yiur body is wrong and not being contented with sticking your peen in sweet pussi or man ass. It just must suck.

not only in denial but a literal schizo

It's just gonna be the usual lighting and angle witchcraft.

>Stop taking them and you will be back to normal looking male

No. It doesn't work like that either.

Yakuza 4

So if i don't mutilate my genitals with a meme surgery for a never healing axe wound im somehow invalid? uhhhhhhhh explain to me how again

how so?
ive literally had facial surgery and been on hormones for 8 years

take hormones keep your dick and get plastic surgery + makeup


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>stop talking about white american gamers like that
Do you even go outside? The problem I addressed was already addressed. You view the world through twitter and social media and enclose yourself in a bubble where you hear what you want to hear. To be oppressed and circlejerk with the old "o woe was me". The very group of people you hate do the exact same thing. Circlejerking and filling oneself with hate and the scratching a victimhood complex you and they so desire. Stop treating yourself as something special, stop thinking that you and the people you see as your own enemies are any different in the grand scheme of things. You're filling your brain with rot with meaningless battles of political ideologies which lead nowhere.

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why are you even here?

Now this. THIS is the definition of seething.

Just answering a question user.

I am the buttblaster, Wbu?

because everytime there's some twitter blowup that tries to ruin our hobby it's one of fucking them.

The world's getting too crazy for me. Maybe I'm just getting old.

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i hate those loud mouthed faggots too. they're just tools that want to force the world to give them undeserved special treatment. shit is hard enough having a man's body without twitter niggers shtting up everything they touch

Yeah, sorry, as someone who grew up in one of the gayest fucking places in the US I can tell you're a man from a mile away. You still need surgery