Smash Bros appreciation thread

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Are there any bigger cucks in the fandom? They were given the most direct middle finger Sakurai could have given them.

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Is it true Ridley is still bottom tier?

Ridley was never bottom tier.

he didn't have to give them anything at all

Yes, he's probably in the bottom third of bottom tier. In my opinion he's worse than little mac.

Nah he's a comfy mid-tier if you ask me. He has really solid aerials a normals. Only thing he lacks is a decent recovery and better specials.


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Mega Man was my soi moment for me. Huge fan of the Mega Man series and when Capcom was shitting all in his IV while on life support, Sakurai came in and gave him the much needed life he needed with his inclusion. Now we have a new Mega Man game and things are looking up for him. Let's hope Rare notices Banjo's popular and give him a much needed lift.

Rosterfags are gonna ruin this thread
O wait

I agree. I think people understemate Sakurai's influence. not just any game director would have been able to get all these characters in won game. You think Masuda would have?

People thought KIng K. Rool was a never? I thought they'd eventually add him.

>Bomberman's creator literally fucking dies IRL
>Bomberman confirmed as an AT the very next day
Absolutely savage

I'm still thrilled.

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geno is the last member of the boomer never ever crew left behind
thoughts and prayers

>best reveal trailer to date
>gets an encore appearance in an arguably better one, just as full of soul and personality as in his own reveal
I cried both times, of course.

They've gotten real good at these trailers for Ultimate. Smash 4 ones weren't as good.

issac - ded
skull kid - ded
only two remain...

Everyone understands that not being acknowledged at all is less disrespectful and damning than being relegated to the status of a fucking Pokemon. It's Sakurai and his team going well out of their way to say that your character doesn't deserve to be playable.

Nostaliga faggots should KYS asap. No one gives two shits or knows about some faggot gator from 1935 when your parents weren't divorced.

Literally should have never got in smash. Bayonetta got in because she was relevant and a recent game release, not some literal who green shit.

>inb4 muh rob muh pacman muh duck hunt
Icon characters of different eras or mascot characters. No one gives two shits about literal who the gator

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I'm glad we didn't get him before now. He'd be worse off for it all around.

Fuck off, Startropics didn't get shit for decades, If Mike Jones was a spirit or At I would be thrilled, just to know that Nintendo still remembers it

All we need now is Geno, and Bandana Waddle Dee.

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Agreed. Keep Yourself Safe, nostalgiabros.

I enjoy this recurring shitpost but I can't abide being made to lay eyes on that Smashified render again.

Oh my god I remember like a month ago you posted a very similar post in a very similar thread with same line about my 1935, this shit cracks me up every time. Good pasta bro.

Nintendo does not care of its western properties.

Why didn't Doshin the Giant, Endless Ocean and Pro Wrestling get anything then?

Adeline and Skull Kid are pure bandwagon. Adeline's support only went up after it turned out she didn't get a .jpg and people only really wanted Skull Kid when that one leaker guy said he was in.

Bros, what the heck. I never knew Bowser Jr. had a trailer.

Still need:

-Skull Kid
-Young Link reworked with Mask transformations

It's crazy to me that Cloud, in the top 3 of most insane additions to Smash Bros, didn't even get an animated trailer. Just music then his model. Smash 4 DLC was weird.

I want GOKU dammit

It cracks me up that such a dopey cartoony character gets such a dramatic and intense trailer.

> Caring about fucking trailers
It's the gameplay that matters retard, imagine all the content we could have had if they didn't spend money on trailers

Probably Square's doing with them being overly cautious of how their poster boy is represented. But by doing so the FF representation is severely lacking. Two fucking tracks?

it hurts, bomberbros

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speak for yourself, I'm always down for more charming animations of the DK crew chimping out

>K.Rool getting in killed the Ashleyfags
>Incineroar getting in killed the Grinchfags
>Banjo and Kazzoie getting in killed Stevefags
So this is the power of bara...

At least he's in the game, and bomberman R legit is a good bomberman game.
and we still got the belmonts and Snake from Konami. maybe Bill and Lance are next since the serie was revived.

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All characters I really care about as playable are in except Geno. I feel lucky where I'm even at now but if Geno actually managed, I'd be done with character speculation.

Ah yes my favorite characters. Literally, fucking, who, and Skull Kid

It was 4 DLC era which didn't get any cinematics.

Knuckles is the only legitimately deserving pick.

How are you boomers celebrating?

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Pretty sure K. Rool has been featured in over half of the gameplay reveals for newcomers that have come out since his own reveal. He’s animated in the cinematic portions for Kencineroar and Banjo & Kazooie, and he appears in gameplay for Joker’s April showcase and the Dragon Quest Hero reveal. He’s absent from Isabelle and Piranha Plant’s trailers, but 2/3rds is still great among a roster of over 70 fighters.

>Can't play my favorite character without ruining everyone's fun
At least there's Lucas I guess, though people seem annoyed by him as well.
I just want a Mother rep people won't whine about facing.

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Playing Banjo-Kazooie of course. Currently at Clanker's Cavern. Holds up.

Cloud's trailer made the most of it, though. It's very well done.

He's next after RE2make is announced for Switch, along with RE3make.

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if theres an ultimate 2, those 4 are for sure in. maybe not adeleine, she would be an assist trophy
lucas is worse, my dude. stick with ness if you must.
i love the mother series too but the characters just arent fun to play against so i dont touch em out of respect for my opponents.
i hope porky gets added some day. him, andonuts, or giygas (earthbound zero form) would be the best fit. oh, and cameraman should be an assist trophy that freezes time for all other fighters for three seconds

Tails deserves it more than Knuckles

>Series started out on the Gameboy
>Series gets constant yearly releases
>Smash needs more super-heavies and/or robots
>Already has enough moves for neutrals/specials, Rampage Ghost makes a perfect Final Smash
>Namco still only has one rep

Yep, I think it's his turn

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Got revealed as an assist trophy as hope for him reached maximum. The kind thing to do would be to show him from the beginning, but at least he's included in a few ways.
>Skull Kid
Moon being its own assist trophy made him seem possible. Got quietly revealed as an assist trophy after hope for him had risen considerably. Still, at least that's something.
Sakurai paid to get his PNG in the game. That's better than nothing I guess, but I miss the mii costume. Those other 2 got that.
Completely hopeless character. Even her biggest supporters know she's a pipe dream at best. Sakurai hates her specifically and he's too petty to pay major tribute to a game and character he doesn't like. She can't even be a fucking PNG in his game. I would love to see her become the next big topic if only to make him acknowledge her.

Tails is a fucking faggot and no one likes him even within his own series.

No chance in hell they're putting RE2 on Switch. They couldn't even get RE7 to run and had to give the Switch a cloud version of it instead, despite that RE Engine being able to run that shit on absolute toasters.

Hello everyone, I would like Master Chief, Dante, and/or Doomguy to be in the game.

Thank you for listening and have a great day all of you. :D

Blow it out your ass

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That image was made before we knew what spirits were. Her support for Smash started with the ballot.

Well all of these wouldn't be exciting if they didn't seem highly improbable

I'm still upset

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He was my favorite character when I was a kid.

Cloud, much like Joker, is a shill pick. So that pic doesn't make much sense with him there.

They never asked us which FF or SMT rep we wanted in the game. Personally I would prefer Terra from FFVI and the dude from Strange Journey.

>Banjo gets added
>"Smash appreciation thread!"

It's time to move on to a new era of neverevers

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ashley pedofag is also a waluigi and skullkidfag and doesn't like geno, and is a knuckles furfag

why am i not surprised

Skull Kid has been my #1 since MM was released. Fuck you, man. We've always existed, for instance, the asshurt when he was an AT in 4. It's just that he had plausibility for the first time ever.

Classic Tails is awesome though. They should add that version.

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That's not Haken Browning

Gimme more pics and drawings of banjo & kazooie

Reminder to never ever let Stevefags forget how badly they got blown the fuck out

Absolute fucking cancer that got annihilated by based Sakurai

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I actually thought the reveal was going to be him, considering the lost of the best games of the past era was topped by chrono trigger

Why not both

Isaac is 100% part of the boomer never evers. He's had that support since Japan Time.

I'm with you bro. K. Rool and Skull Kid were my most wanted ever since Brawl. At least I got half of what I wanted.

All four of them are "boomer" characters. Only three of them are from the 90's, but at least Isaac predates 9/11.

Crash fucking when?

I find it way less fun to be two shotted by say Ganondorf or Ike. People just seem very sensitive against zoners in this game.
I try not to spam PK Fire out of consideration though.

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Bandana Dee isn't in the same league, he's more like Isabelle. Something predictable and not too exciting, but not offensive.

The Kirby girl isn't really a boomer character. She literally is, but she's not an old never ever.

>all three dlc aren't from nintendo-owned IPs
>thinking geno and hat goomba still have a shot
maybe next time

go back to discord stevefag

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i still cant believe banjo is not only in but everything i dreamed him to be, spiral mountain and gold feathers and all.
yet, shadow somehow didnt got in.Also Ken a fucking street fighter character got in before him.

Skull Kid and Adeleine became common requests at about the same time.

>implying Banjo has no Nintendo connection
Imagine if Hal Laboratory wanted to be bought by Nintendo, but instead Sega bought them. Then Kirby got a mediocre game on the Dreamcast and he never appeared again. That's Banjo. A bad timeline where a Nintendo character was taken from his home.

>Are there any bigger cucks in the fandom?
That's not Advance Wars.
>Removed AT
>No music
>Pathetic number of spirits

>"wow, this is the greatest most amazing moment in gaming"
>*throws game in trash and continues arguing about the roster*

Stop spamming side special on scrubs and maybe they'll play with you more often

she was so never ever that people started to use her as the human toilet of the fandom for a while. Bandana fags took over during smash4 speculation, but she was requested a lot and had good popularity after brawl was released.

this is you.

Bro I'm not going to go through the trouble of clicking a link and watching a video just call me a faggot like a real man.

I was really hoping he'd be playable, but I'm glad he's an Assist Trophy instead of not being in the game at all.

Spam this all you want I just ask of you, please stop using that fucking awful render.

Golden Sun has two tracks in Ultimate, same as Final Fantasy.

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Waluigifags got it the worst

The plant was also just salt on the wounds too

I remember Skull Kid being decently popular during Melee and Brawl. It wasn't like Wario or Dedede levels but still. I'm the biggest Skullfag to ever exist.

Honestly based, Golden Sun is a shit series with no sales. Banjo is from a classic game and isn't even comparable.

>he doesn't remember when Adeleine was a contrarian pick during Brawl

Rexfags got BTFO so quick

It kinda rings a bell. I mostly remember Krystal, Knuckle Joe and Genofags during that time.

I miss his 64/Melee self

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so skull kid and 3 literal whos
stop pairing up classic characters with nobodies please

I really hope there's a backlash against Sakurai's rigid views this time. Not enough people rallied against it during Smash 4 and the fact that it wasn't fixed now is a sin that shouldn't have happened.

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You're getting your Toriyama Hero within the next couple months and you're going to like it

There is a backlash, but the Kirby fanbase isn't exactly big or loud compared to Mario, Zelda, Metroid, DK, or Banjo-Kazooie fans. He straight-up got asked why every Kirby stage is from a game he made and he just dodged the question.

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I'm surprised Sakurai even put him back at all

he was right

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ignore the whiny faggots and put in work on quickplay
faggots just need to learn to get good

Isaac is the only one of these that wouldn't be totally lame. He's at least representing his own series instead of being a relatively C-list character within already well represented series.

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I actually forgot that happened until after I posted that.
Kirby is much more popular in Japan, right? Why haven't they responded much?

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I really wanted it to be chrono but seeing how good the DQ heroes look I’m not even mad. Makes me want to start checking out the DQ games

>Japanese version every single character just "joins the fight" 参戦 with no clever wordplay.

Hate to say it but... American version is based.

>people only really wanted Skull Kid when that one leaker guy said he was in.
No, people got their hopes higher though

There was no sign of him which made support rise, and when the Moon showed up without him it started to spread like wildfire, and then LoZ18 used this to boost his rep and people got even more let down.

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>There are people who died waiting for Banjo to be in Smash.

How is Lucas worse?

God, I can dream.

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Replace Adeleine with Bandana Dee and you would be right

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I can't see Nintendo putting in any muslim characters

She's in

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Adeleine is actually catching up in Japanese polls. She the next most wanted pick after Waddle Dee.

Reminder that if you want any Sonic character other than Eggman in Smash, then you're a faggot.

>Wanting a papi with the pedo mustache in smash
user.. I think you're the gay one for even wanting another sonic character in the game but then you go and pick the BIG GAY one?

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I try to, but I can't help but feel a bit guilty for it. Neither of the two are top tier by any means, still you just know how annoyed people are by losing against them even if they don't say it.

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but he's already in, look at banjo's backpack

Even Gamma?

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That's a bit shocking to hear, although I thought I was seeing an increase in Japanese Adeleine support.
Something tells me Bandana Dee won't stay at the top for long.

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this honestly. maybe fall or winter (Game Awards)

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He's in boys.

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>Mechanics man making for an interesting moveset
>Unironically good design
Gamma's pretty cool I also like Omega, but he's not relevant enough. Maybe he could be utilized in Eggman's moveset somehow.

Aren't 50 of these shitty threads a day enough for you smashfags?


Nintendronës will eat anything up like little bitches. Sure they're protesting pokemon now, but those same idiots will still be buying that piece of crap on release.

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I still like him

The only character we need

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>Sakurai hates her specifically and he's too petty to pay major tribute to a game and character he doesn't like
Can I get a quick rundown

Fuck you for even daring to put Cloud on the same level of those other 3.

I like to appreciate the fact that Smash renders BTFO all the fan bullshit

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Adeleine got it even worse when you consider there's an assist trophy that could have easily been her (Leonardo)

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This, I need to know what's up with her and Sakurai.

As a golden sun fag I would MUCH rather have summons as ATs than have Isaac in the game. Just have a bunch of them with sprites the same way Midgar does FF7 summons. Thats all anyone cares about anyways.

Skull Kid has always been an awful pick too.

Sakurai, please double reveal Layton and Wright, it's all I've ever wanted.

I was so glad K.Rool got in if only it meant not ever having to see that shitty "fist down" smashified image again

There are actually two, and Vince is surprisingly tame compared to the glaring inclusion of Nikki.

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>Implying he fucking wasn't
If anything, Cloud was so absurd no one even bothered to rally for him. The idea was fucking preposterous.

Oh please yes.
Edgeworth costume/echo for Phoenix Wright would be the cherry on top.

I love Adeline as much as the next guy but Swapnote deserved that slot

This is such a cosmic image

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>he has a legit chance now
If they announce a CEA port or MCC port, you can bet your ass he'll be in the second fighter pack.

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Man of good taste, put in an Edgeworth alt and Katrielle alt, Courtroom stage and moving stage going through all of Layton's adventures and I would be fucking ecstatic. Sakurai I'm begging you.

>Ridley's is clearly inspired by Xenomorph
>go out of their way to make him look even more Xenomorph than ever
Based Smash Bros design team

There wasn't exactly a lot of people hoping for Snake to get in before his reveal so nobody ever denied that he would be in.

>hate boomer characters
>lap around Hayabusa
Kids never touched a Ninja Gaiden game in their lives

All it is is that she’s a supporting character from a Kirby game Sakurai didn’t personally have a hand in. He’s been shown to have a strong bias against 64

We can dream...

>November 1st direct
>Grinch-mania has risen to a fever pitch
>be stupid enough to fall for it, even though there was no pokemon newcomer
>Ken shows up first, alright, now where's the other 6
>Incineroar appears
>bitter disappointment
>Isaac shows up... as an assist trophy
>After all the hints, the "missing slot" in the panorama, the green pixels, that fucking screenshot, not being confirmed or deconfirmed at all until now, he's an assist trophy
>I lol'd
Never really understood why Isaacfags thought they had a chance. But I have almost everything I ever wanted now, so good luck to you
>Shadow appears as a AT
also funny

absolute fucking perfection if it happens

Imagine how fucking kino the trailer would be, especially if they make it animated.

>Steve Allies

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>Rosalina and Luma trailer that didn't start with the Smash icon and lead me to believe that there was a crossover between Mario Kart and Air Ride
Fuck that trailer, honestly would say that is the worst reveal for me.

>Animated trailer of Wright defending Joker in court
>Layton is revealed to be the prosecution
>Edgeworth and Katrielle are also there

Kirby 64 ruins Sakurai's idea of Kirby being 8 inches tall, since he's friends with a human girl and he goes to Earth, where the buildings aren't massive to him. That's it, he has an autistic gripe about a meaningless funfact being contradicted.

Please, Nintendo. He even created a new finishing move for his potential Final Smash.

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>reimu niggers will use this to shill thier stupid touhou slut

is he /our guy/

Golden Sun 1 sold about 2 million
Banjo Kazooie sold 3.5 million
GS sold well for a JRPG
If we're being honest, Banjo kinda sold like shit for being a platformer
Spyro and Crash were more popular

Solidbros report in

At this point, I legitimately want Saber in Smash .

>Kirby 64 ruins Sakurai's idea of Kirby being 8 inches tall, since he's friends with a human girl and he goes to Earth
Is that why he hated the thought of humans in Kirby in general?

>Imagine if Hal Laboratory wanted to be bought by Nintendo, but instead Sega bought them
Imagine then that Sega would most likely have gotten Smash created since the most prominent members to create the game came from HAL. Also no PokeSnap and Pokemon GS would have a lot less content because no Iwata, who was still a member of HAL. That guy would never leave that company since he was very close friend to his coworkers plus the fact he is one of the founding members.

Project M has mods that add these two with enough polish that Ultimate really was off my radar for a good while.

BWD is Isabelle tier. Fans keep bringing up how relevant he is that it basically revoke his "Never Ever" status. Maybe with a bit of stevefags mustered into them as well.

Who was the most unlikely inclusion, in the grand scheme of things?

Maybe, but if he of all people misses the point of Adeleine, that's pretty sad.


>People think that Microsoft couldn't end up getting a second rep as DLC
You guys do realize that the only basis we have to go on with how DLC operates with Smash is Smash 4 right? The game in which they dedicated 3 spots just to veterans and one to a first party. The game where the only company to get added in due to DLC was Square, who not only wouldn't even let Cloud get more than two songs but was added at the very tail end of Smash 4's DLC. Hell, Capcom got it's second rep in the same game via DLC. They are handling DLC differently now and I see no reason now that every other company has at least two other reps why Microsoft can't get a second one as the final character, especially if we work under the assumption that every character is gonna be third party.

A bit late to the discussion but the combined efforts of the Kirby community amounts to a lot, just that these efforts are rarely co-ordinated. Some people want Bandana Dee, Some people want Adeleine, Some people want Dark Matter, Some people want Magolor, Some people want Gooey. There's a lesser fanbase for a lot of characters I didn't mention.
Generally though, it kind of boils down to Shinomura vs RtDL&Onwards community, both equally mistreated & under represented in Smash Bros. I believe most people are civil about it given the background they share, but it has gone to shit in many " Kirby in Smash Bros " threads.

I'll be happy with smash once they remove all the movie characters like Shulk, Bayonetta, the Dragon Quest Hero, the Fire Emblem Characters, and the Pokemon characters. I'm so sick of cinematic experiences getting representation in a NINTENDO game. It's sickening.

Also, get rid of zero suit. I will never tolerate that abortion on the metroid series.

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>Second fighter pass

But would Sakurai have had the idea to make Smash a crossover without access to Nintendo's IPs?

This is called Fighter Pass 1, user.

>not mentioning Cloud "literally has a full feature length film" Strife

Yeah, Zelda's going through the same thing where there's one or two frontrunners but a lot of people just want SOMETHING, they don't care who it is.
Compare this to the Metroid fanbase who exclusively rallied behind Ridley (outside of the 4 guys who wanted Sylux and the one guy who wanted Rundas), or the DK fanbase who mostly stuck with K. Rool (though a decent chunk backed Dixie). BD had that locked up for a bit but now we're seeing more people request Marx, Adeline, etc., and the Magalor fanbase is still around.

I think both groups would have a much better shot of being satisfied if a larger majority could settle on one character.

Master Cheef can be an extra, like Plant. He doesn’t need to be a part of the pass

Yes, him too.

ACnigger haven't seen you in a while.

Smash/Sakurai gave more respect to Solid Snake than Kojima did, honestly.

Literally the only character the people actually play from this image is Cloud, because he's actually a cool character. Other than that, nobody uses K Rool and Ridley because they're just goofy characters who got in because of people seething hard, its gonna be the same as Banjo. He's gonna be forgotten within a few months

I don't know what people criticizing the banjo games were thinking, I'm playing it for the first time and it's fantastic.

It's gonna be a huge relief when Steve finally gets announced.

Probably if he decided to use Sega's IPs instead of Nintendo. Or maybe he'll just scrap the idea, but who knows.

Whoa take it easy there /pol/. Criticism of your precious company is no reason for shitposting.

I play Ridley, and am gonna play Banjo forever, die fag.

Yep, mii costume is gonna look great

I still see K. Rool all the time on quickplay. The only reason Ridley doesn't get used is because they refuse to buff him.

>Trial is over the invitation for Smash being stolen.

I still like this one.

Add on to this, Shimomura Kirby isn't an infant that can't talk for himself and even has moments of emotion beyond any other Kirby game. You'll never see pic related again in another Kirby title.

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Figure I'll repost this little gem for this occasion
>Trailer begins in much the same way as K. Rool's cutting to show different franchises in Smash but instead of TV clips it's actually cutting to them in person with proper CG
>First shot is Legend of Zelda, at a BOTW campsite
>With Young Link on the Ocarina, Zelda and Sheik on the Harp, and Toon Link on the Pan Flute while BOTW Link enjoys the show like the talentless fuck he is, they play the Legend of Zelda main theme together
>Then cuts to Dreamland for the Kirby series, where Dedede, Kirby, Waddle Dee and Adeleine play the main Kirby theme together in their band
>As a Sonic Underground reference, Sonic is seen playing the title theme of Sonic 1 on an electric guitar
>Then it cuts to Kanto where Pokemon Trainer is soothing his 3 Pokemon playing the main theme of the Pokemon series on his Pokeflute
>After that it shows Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong playing a rendition of the DKC main theme with some other Kongs
>Lastly, a shot of a wooded forest with a waterfall in the background appears, with nothing happening
>Suddenly there is a knock on the screen
>Banjo and Kazooie make some noise!
>Banjo and Kazooie begin playing their instruments like normal for the intro sequence
>But instead of Tooty entering stage left, every previously shown character begins walking out of the woods to join Banjo and Kazooie
>Diddy and Donkey Kong jump right up next to Banjo and Kazooie and greet them
>Before long they've all joined in on a massive symphony of the Banjo and Kazooie theme and it cuts to gameplay
>The ending shot is Banjo playing the final notes of the intro theme and striking the pose in pic related, but Diddy Kong and Donkey Kong both join in with them as well
>Jiggy fade-out like in the games

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>The Judge is the one trusted by Smash to deliver the invitations to Wright and Layton.
>He was the mastermind behind the Joker incident all along.
Sorry, that's what the video was making me think of.

>real leak already happened with absolute certainty down to how they'd be announced
>roster fags still going crazy
Its a mental illness.

Not it isn't.
It's probably happening, though.


get kek'd weebs

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why is king K. rool there? Did people really think he was never getting in? Seems kinda obvious since he's DK's main villain. Ridley I get because the big meme but didnt hear anything against k.rool

Cowboy/outlaw costumes for each when?

People used the same relevancy argument against him.

All owned by Nintendo at one point. Yes, the Banjo-Kazooie IP was owned by Nintendo before the Rare buyout. Garbage like Doomguy and Crash is never getting in.

same, just unlocked gobi's and the swamp after suffering through 8 of the freezeezy jiggies. i dont know my head from my ass in this game, do you need all the jiggies? ditto for the notes. i just wanna stay way the fuck away from that shithole snow level

>He isn't even trying
Imagine if how nuclear he will get if KOS-MOS got in
Imagine if part of the DLC is a story mode with cutscenes and dialogue

K. Rool failed to appear in the last few DK games, his last appearance in general was some Mario Baseball spinoff back in 2008.

Relevancytards got raped hard

Hating on collectathon platformers, a long-running and very annoying meme.

Anyone saying that was retarded, of course pretty much every character was going to be from a japanese franchise, but still, Banjo is the first character that comes from a 100% western series.

Ken has a much more iconic stature compared to shadow, and they both fulfill the rival role to their respective games' heroes. Akuma's a better parallel but the point is that between shadow and ken its hardly surprising shadow wasnt in. its not an either or thing anyway, they didnt literally have two big buttons with either option on them you fucking stupid prick

Zoomies have been shitting hard on collectathons and jrpgs recently, wonder why.

also fuck you i hope shadow never gets in faggot, go choke on it with the stevefags. doomguy is gonna get in first mark my words you shitkid

I'll have you know that baseball spin-off game was the fucking best.

But we already got the DQ guys why would we be mad? Also the reason actual people not shitposters said that there couldn't be any western characters is because they didn't think Banjo or Doomguy had a chance and every other western option is shit

There was support for her even earlier than that, I remember seeing this around a couple of time back then.

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there's no way to distinguish real text leaks from the thousands of fake ones

Go back to 1983 and stay there.

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maybe I'm just missremembering, but wasn't there recently an interview where Sakurai said that there most likely won't be a second fighter pass? Or was I just reading made-up shit?

imagine being mad about other people's joy

>most wanteds are Isaac, an NES/SNES FF character, and a DQ character
Hey, it's slowly getting there. Isaac is probably stuck in trophy hell but I'm still clinging to a retro FF rep.

this guy slugs

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this is hilarious delusion. what's the argument going to be after doomguy gets in?

Not that I remember. He did say he didn't like the idea of a fighter's pass, though.

>get kek'd weebs
>leddit and normies still screaming and crying that DQ isn't mainstream
>it's been 6 years and people are still seething about the Awakening/Fates Smash characters

It was made-up, but he does mention being uncertain if he wants to do more

I feel like people inflate the importance of Bandana Dee. This character is genuinely important in 3 games. Just use Dark Matter.

I don't remember if K. Rool does it, but DK uses his fists as a baseball bat.

>Samurai said that they could have used Bartz or Terra instead of cloud but didn't because not enough people know about them
I hate the ADD of the current generation

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Are we getting a season 2 or what? other games do it and they're not even half as successful as smash.

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K. Rool had this big scepter with a teal gem. DK and Petey were the only characters that used their hands, I think. I know Funky used his surfboard.

Sonic is already unfun to fight because of his safe and unpredictable homing attack. Don't need another version of it.

hello acfag

Funky was fucking based.

we really don't know, nintendo does a lot of shit that hurts their bottom line

I believe Sakurai said he didn't want to but he didn't want to make Melee, add Ridley, etc. and he came around eventually.

If this is all that's left, they might as well just stop making characters.

hell yeah
mii costume. baby

Only one people have been asking for over a decade is geno. The rest are just moving goal post for "never ever" fags getting btfo again.

why was that some rule in the rosterfaggotry?

Sakurai may not want it, but Nintendo may just attempt it, and I'll be down for it at this point. The question is, what will the theme be? Purely Nintendo faces?

Are Doombros allowed to get excited over this after Banjo made it in?

I think yes.

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Did the ballot convince Nintendo and Sakurai that people liked Rare and their characters/games?

Up to this point, Smash has hardly given a shit about DK/Rare and now all of a sudden it's become a giant celebration of it. This pics not even complete because we haven't seen the BK spirits yet.

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This makes it seem more likely imo. No bad blood, pretty positive outlook on their relationship.

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Jet Force Gemini and Perfect Dark when?

I think that chances are really low but not impossible. Nintendo makes weird decisions all the time.

How are they are just moving the goal post exactly?

Because the vast majority of characters in Smash are from Japanese franchises.

I do understand it's probably more difficult on Sakurai's part to work with English speaking companies on the other side of the world than it is with local Japanese ones, but it was never this hard and fast rule shitters made it out to be.

The one golden rule Sakurai has is to just be a video game character.

(You) think you're funny saying this, but really I just feel bad for you missing out on one of the best games ever made.

Because so far all the franchises were from japanese origin (even though characters like Diddy or Dark Samus came from a western studio), and Banjo broke that, but like most made up rules it had no real basis.
To me the only plausible rule is that the character must be the MC of the game/franchise, and after that they might add other ones later.

No one gives a shit about project m. You can stop bringing it up

>smash players get mad at sword characters
>don't get mad at people using fists

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>Doesn't give a shit
>Still replied

Well shit, my mistake then. More power to you then, user. I want Chief too, just didn't think it was likely because of that.

I get mad at characters who use their fists and next to nothing else. Like Incineroar for example.

It's Super Smash Bros, not Super Slice Bros

They'll probably do a season 2 because they're also likely not gonna do another smash bros any time soon
It'd be better to just casually add in more characters before taking a long long break and getting back into it later with probably half the cast cut or the whole game ported

I'm honestly going kinda nuts here trying to work out who the last few characters would be. Really at this point, if everyone company gets one more character, I guess everyone's got a new rep. Arguably not Capcom I suppose, So maybe a Resident Evil rep? Can't imagine they'd do a Monster Hunter rep, though maybe the stage+Ken was it for them

Hate to say it, but Ado might have worse chances than Dee. This is coming from someone who'd genuinely love ANY new Kirby character, despite having a preference for BanDee.

Sakurai hates Ado almost more than he hates any games he didn't work on. Bandana Dee getting a spirit and her not being present even remotely cements this.

A lot of the support for Dee comes from
>Realistically okay chances (Would see phenomenal increases if Sakurai was taken off the project)
>Being a 4th mainstay character (Which, could've been said in the past about Ado, but this is no longer the case.)

If anything, Marx could surpass Dee, but as for Ado, as much as I'd enjoy her inclusion, I don't see it happening.

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Oh good the Eurofags are awake

I honestly can't imagine RE in Smash, between the realistic style, being a survival horror franchise and the regular weapon arsenal, it just doesn't blend at all in my head. Maybe, just maybe, if it was similar to Jill's appearance in MvC2, but even then that's kind of pushing it, and not really an option considering that being faithful to its original games is a big part of what comes with being a guest in smash.

>implying fucking Doom niggers were ever their friends.
Fuck that shit

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Not him, but while I do believe that Ado has a low chance of joining, the autism behind "Sakurai hates anything he didn't make" has gone so over the top that people start believing fan theories as if they're actually true. The only reason people says that is because of a rule he made for the anime and nothing else. Plus there's the fact that there has been at least some recognition of Kirby 64 in the past. People are just running with this because of the fact that Sakurai references his own work in the Kirby series more than the numerous amount of games the series actually has and it went all downhill there.

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They've been in the code since before release, so it would be bizarre not to have something.

So folks, what do you think, in your own thoughts, the chances are of a second wave of DLC fighters after this one? People like to speculate, but I'm not sure I see it happening. You think Ultimate will really have the longevity to keep interest in DLC going like that?

Pac-Man was considered a never ever?

Could you imagine having to deal with smash bros threads on Yea Forums for another 3 years? 3 years of leaks, insider cocksucking and steve-fag tier autism slapped on some other poor character?

What's wrong with them?

Banjo isn't in to represent Microsoft, Banjo's in because of fan demand and history with Nintendo. Chief isn't getting in because Sakurai isn't retarded enough to put in some shitty soulless dudebro mascot, if he puts in any FPS character it's going to be someone important like BJ, Duke Nukem or Doomguy, and all of them are still pretty unlikely.


It would be nice if that could be taken to >>>/ssb/

>Banjo isn't in to represent Microsoft, Banjo's in because of fan demand and history with Nintendo.
And Sonic is in because of his rivalry with Mario, Snake is in because Kojima asked for it, Megaman is also in due to fan demand. Yet all three of those companies have at least one other fighter in the game.

>if he puts in any FPS character it's going to be someone important like BJ, Duke Nukem or Doomguy
No he won't because neither of their companies are present in Smash already and Halo is more popular than both of them.

>goalposting this fucking hard

I've often thought the "rules" at least have some sort of basis but this is incredibly stupid

I think it's done after this pass


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I'd say so. This is the third year of the Switch and I'd imagine Nintendo is going to stick with it for a bit. I can see another pass but after that, the game may be kept as is.

>raymanbros neutral
yeah right eat shit blockhead

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I mean, even if there wasn't a new DLC set to come out, there'd just be shitposting about when the next one will come out instead.

Capcom will undoubtedly get a DLC rep, who will it be?
from most to least likely, I'd say
>Monster Hunter
>RE character (either Chris, Jill or Leon)
>another Street Fighter character (unlikely since the DLC reps have been from games not represented in Smash)
>Arisen from Dragon's Dogma

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Issac isnt even the best golden sun protag

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What's the project M mod with Metal Face?

At first I saw Agumon as a never ever meme pick but the idea festered over time and now I want a Digimon rep unironically.
We've had Mario vs Sonic for a while now. It's time for Agumon vs Pikachu.

I'm going to say Monster Hunter or Dante stand at the most likely, with Amaterasu pulling up in third place.

I like Leon, but Phoenix is worth it just for a Objection 2001 remix

It's probably Dante or Leon, but I think people are underestimating Chun-li. She's basically Capcom's mascot after Mega Man.

Sakurai said during 4's development that just because BanNam was developing, doesn't mean they will have a character. Clearly he was trying to save face, but that and "WHAT MOVES WOULD HE EVEN HAVE??!?!?!? HES JUST A CIRCLE" pushed Pac-man more or less into that mindset.

Rexfags since his mii costume is locked behind a 25$ paywall for some reason
And this is SUPPOSED to be an apology

monster hunter got a boss, they don't like putting generic hunter in things and only did so in MvCI begrudgingly

[That image needs Sonic./spoiler]
People sure did spout NEVER EVER back in the day when people said they wanted Sonic in Smash anyway.

>the chances are of a second wave of DLC fighters after this one
If you think otherwise you are delusional

Dante's the only one that I want from Capcom, just so he can finally be in a game with Bayonetta. The only other viable character would be Phoenix Wright.

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Hey Yea Forums, Daddy here. Don't worry, I'll always turn your memes into dreams.

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Classic Dante of DMC1 and such like in the crossovers, or DMC5 Dante though?

can shinobi just leak the last two characters so I can be done with this?

Felix can be his echo.

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This. I fucking love smash but I'm ready to move on. I'm honestly hoping Ultimate is the last game so I can just be content with it.

same. like, are there any reliable leaks for the last two characters? I just wanna know and quit rosterfaggotry for good.

I really feel like Phoenix could happen. He seems like the Capcom rep with the most support, I wouldn't be surprised if he got a ton of ballot votes.

Absolutely none. Theres a Yea Forums leak that keeps getting reposted that got a lucky guess with Joker and Banjo so now people assume it's true, but the last two characters it mentions are Sylux and Edelgard, which i just cannot see happening at all.

phoenix would be worth for a court room stage alone

Shrek is never gonna be in Smash.
There I said it, add him in Sakurai to prove me wrong.


Zero analyzes Hero and Banjo:

>Uh, that looks okay
>Could be good
>That's probably not that useful

>Easily a top-tier move
>oh man just look at that hitbox
>very likely a very broken move

I hate this.

I don't mind another sword character, I just hate that having a sword seems to be a free pass to A-tier at minimum. errybody else gotta struggle.

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Please give me Layton and Wright together, dad.

Why is Kazooie so cute, bros? Her unimpressed look during hers and Banjo's splash screen is so adorable.

>listening to zero
he's literally always wrong
dude said joker would be bayonetta-tier broken and he's not

Are there any Joe supporters left? He was always a long shot, and will likely never happen, but the lack of a RH stage or even assist trophy hurts.

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She was a snarky asshole way before that was in style.

Out of all those, I only give a shit about Ridley.
Zidane > Cloud and I never played any of the Rare games. Ok I did DK but I absolutely hate apes so my enjoyment was mild.

I don't want Karate Joe as a fighter, he'd work better as an assist trophy.

God damnit I want her as a pet.

I'd like DMC3 Dante with alts being DMC1, 2, and 4 Dantes. I'd want DMCV but the whole facial capture thing ruins it for me.

Hating apes is a fucking hilarious and stupid reason for not liking DK games, the hell did apes do to you bro

Geno is coming, friend. Never give up.

How does the talon trot work? It doesn't look like their default run, but it doesn't seem like an attack either.

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A stage with a ton of music would be the absolute best way to represent rhythm heaven. I just cant see a fighter working well.

It is their default run. Banjo runs normally during the first couple frames of his dash and then Kazooie picks him up. The run he does on his own in the trailer is just his fast walk animation,its of characters have stuff like that.

From what I can tell, it seems like his sprint will convert from run to talon trot once he has enough speed

This game is so adorable

Jesus christ Sakurai went nuts on their model.
it literally looks like they just ripped his old boxart render and increased the graphical fidellity of it

So what do you think the Golden Feather mechanic will be for Wonderwing? Is it a slow recharge of your golden feathers once you run out, and is the move unavailable, or just severely weakened with no invincibility when you run out?

Snake, he came out of left field and opened the door to thos whole clusterfuck of 3rd parties

>I absolutely hate apes
What is this autism
They're not even real lmao

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Humans are apes.

People complain about The Hero being another sword user so much that I'm hoping the next character is Adol Christine just to make them seethe more.

I really hope you have to collect the feathers