Post underrated games. Ill start

Post underrated games. Ill start

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Maybe not well-known but Butcher Bay is praised across the board, definitely not underrated

There was a thread last month with snoyfags shitting on it

this game was awesome

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Anything on Yea Forums will be shit on by some faction you mongoloid
Agreed. Gold standard for cinematic-action that more games should take notes from. Level design was Kino and the games did a good job of mixing up it's encounters and pace

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The Darkness was fucking awesome too.

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was this underrated everyone i knew loved it.

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probably only person in the board who finished this game

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There was another Riddick game, a sequel released years after escape from bb. Never played it. How's it holding up?

it's not underrated at all, it's fucking amazing and everybody agrees with thtat.
it's just that it was released 15 years ago so it's not talked about that often.
some people posting on Yea Forums right now were not even fucking born when it was released.

It's old and after you finish there's not much to talk about, so it doesn't get too many threads but it's not underrated.

did those smiley face grenades

Dark Athena, I think it holds up pretty well, stealth action games are my definite favorite genre

How is it compared to the prequel?
Would you recommend?

it's the sudden stop at the bottom

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Can't post pics due to "range ban" but Saga Frontier 2.

Fuck you gookmoot for this permanent ban.

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I was just thinking about the movies earlier. Shame the third movie was so lackluster.

Orcs and Elves for the Ds. Same dude that made DOOM made this.

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