/vp/ here. One of you faggots posted this disgraceful image on our board earlier today.
/vp/ here. One of you faggots posted this disgraceful image on our board earlier today.
I'm sorry, pedophile and patrician should overlap fully
but that image is correct
Rosa fags being trannies makes a lot of sense when you think about it
was about to post this. Lusting after lolis should be a crime.
He said the opposite of that though
>be tranny
>like Haruka the most
Chessmate atheists
yeah well maybe being a criminal is patrician. Ever thought about that?
>homosexuals like the most feminine ones
what did they mean by this?
I wanna have sex with dawn and young girls so it is accurate user.
>garbage frlg girl instead of may
absolute shit taste my man
>ywn be her chair
>ywn catch a whiff of ass as she walks by in her sweaty hot pants
it fucking HURTS vros
She's 12
switch the LG girl and dawn, and may and leaf, and it's a good and accurate list.
she was, in 2006
She's hot
That's cool, but how about you go back there and don't come back.
The chart is clearly meant to illustrate the types of people who like the characters in question. Obviously Dawn herself is not a pedophile, but the adult fans who are obsessed with her most likely are.
>liking Serena
Faggots. She the only girl that made Ash catch a boner.
Nobody gives a shit about what number some intern picked out from a hat, they care about what the character actually looks like, and Dawn is as young-looking as any of the other non-pedo characters in that image.
and make abysmal taste overlap on Serena
And the other ones aren't?
Why did gen V have the best girls by far?
yeah and ash is a faggot, what a coincidence
Liar, the only boner Ash has is for becoming the best trainer in the world.
because they are slightly older
>ash is a faggot
>manlier than Yea Forums and Reddit
Yeah, no.
>manlier than Yea Forums and Reddit
maybe manlier than (You), mr. "Yeah, no" basedman, but there isn't a 10 year old in the world I couldn't beat the absolute shit out of.
Post pics of Rosa's and Hilda's butthole please. Dawn's butthole is acceptable too.
It's all fun and games until the black van parks outside your house.
Aren't they all 10 years old? Shouldn't liking ANY of them make you a pedo?
No you animefaggot
>most boring girl is "patrician"
hildafags are the first to go
There is no way any of them are even close to 18 lol
Why so salty?
I want to have unprotected sex with Hilda.
Using the selene from USUM which has to be one of the worst redesigns in history should be a crime
Excuse me my favorite poke girl is Mint from the Pokemon Trading Card Game 2. Where is mint?
crime's cool nigga
>Favorite Pokégirl? Sabrina. Gen I design, of course.
this, have you even SEEN Goodfellas?
>I don't want this cunny anymore
>Aren't they all 10 years old? Shouldn't liking ANY of them make you a pedo?
Who that cutie in the bottom left, senpai?
Lol it looks like an absolute flaming faggot compiled this list together.
>posturing this hard
See you on the papers in a couple of months.
Pfft. You surf here, you can't even do shit against SJWs censoring Snoy games and people still supporting Bethesda and EA. You're like an ant to Ash who fought off legendaries and crime organizations.
>fap to me is 8
oh my!
>Obviously Dawn herself is not a pedophile
11 best age. All of the SunxLillie doujins.
LG may be a shit game, but goddamn is that a fuckable little girl.
I don’t care about Yea Forums‘s tranny paranoia. Rosa and Serena have the best designs there.
Yeah, Sakura is a fuckable little girl too. I blame her for making me into lolis.
Aren't the only ones confirmed to be "older" the ones from the B/W?
Back to the quarantine zone.
I'm okay with having abysmal taste.
>almost 40 million posts
Lyra is best girl.
leaf>lyra>dawn>may>hilda>rosa>scottish>marina>serana>chicken>go loli
The only more autistic fetish group that isn't incredibly specific than giantesses is diaperfags, change my mind.
>bun twintails in tranny
>dawn isn't
shit graph desu.
>Go Loli
>copperplate gothic
Do people actually find this funny?
If not, do they think that there's truth to it?
Only the haglover diaperfags are autistic.
I'd move serena or whoever that bottom right girl is somewhere else and create a memelords circle for mario girl and shieldchan but otherwise good shit
furfags because they include both of those + more
Honestly, its kinda weird how people do the whole pedo posturing with anime girls.
>like misty
>haha XD same, first crush
>like sailor moon
>wow i remember that anime! sailor moon was cool!
>like random teenage girl in lesser known anime
Idk man, that pic related looks pretty pedobait to me
Looked generally stylized to me, didn't even realize she was wearing a skirt from the thumbnail at the time desu.
I only have so many pokemon images though, mostly what I save off Yea Forums.
these girls are really lovely
>sheild getting a bad rep because of her game
I still like her.
Image is correct if you switch Kris and Leaf
I'm actually a pantsufag.
I’m pretty sure BW1 protags are 15 at the youngest. Plus they also gain two years in BW2
that couch is really lovely
Where is it said the characters in LG are 8? I always thought they were 10.
Begone, fools.
Hilda is not patrician, she is my Sun and shines only for me.
>proceeds to post image with no visible pantsu
I wring your neck
Imagine having your morals be subverted that much.
And yet not a single sakura. Fuck your image and fuck your thread
Pokegirl tierlist
>S: Rosa, Hilda
>A: May, Dawn
>B+: Leaf
>B: Serena, Moon
>C: Lyra
>D: Krystal
>E: powergap
>F: sword and shield girl
God, gen 5 have the best girls in the entire series, Junniper, skyla and Elesa are God tier, also the best works from terufuu
Her name is Ayumi.
Post the lass
Why did Lyra never take off?
Is it the hat? Would you guys like her more if her hat was smaller?
Fatfags are worse
The two have a lot of overlap
>remember pokegirl names
>look it up to find porn
>find out years later the japanese name is different and that's why there's no porn
god damnit.
What, like this?
>trannies and/or homosexuals
if you're talking about anime Serena only, I agree with you, otherwise you can fuck right off
Yes, that's it
holy based
I also love nessa a lot, I hope she gets lots of fan art
It shouldn't be all pedophiles?
Serena and Hilda are age of consent
Serena and Calem are the oldest. They're 17.
Aren't all of them?
Feet, fat, and fur are the unholy trinity of obnoxious autists.