June... I am Dead...
June... I am Dead
But it isn't though. I smell SEETHING snoy
>Spend two months putting out a new map after a barebones launch
>It's a fucking treehouse in the middle of an empty field
>9k 24 hour peak for player population
L M A O I N G @ U R L I F E
>Where did my.....50k players.....go?
that's 20k...
What did you expect for a Chivilry clone? Horses ruin the game and they just added a new map dedicated to Horse combat. It's like the devs don't care.
Doctored numbers. How does it feel to be sucking at Israel's cock?
what are you even rambling about you angry little virgin
Seething. Stay mad, tranny chivalryfag
riiight... do try and calm down kid, something clearly has you quite upset.
One more buzzword and you get the next one for free
Have sex, incels. Youre just pissed because your fucking Deus Vult meme christian crusade war game is doing as piss poor as your god emperor daddy drumpf's approval ratings.
>It's a fucking treehouse in the middle of an empty field
And it's great. I love the simplicity and how it forces everybody into the middle. Let the horsefuckers meme around in an empty field, the true lads are inside.
you are so mad lol, and you really shouldn't be implying anyone is a virgin other than yourself you raging manchild. get a life you fucking loser. seriously cringey little autist.
Jesus christ 2016 ruined this fucking place. Kill yourself, user. I mean this sincerely.
Nah it's summer.
I mean... I'm having fun....
I wonder if people will stay in mordhau or move on to chivalry 2
you might want a gorget because that visible neck really sticks out
but I'm having fun too, I went and had a duel session with a friend against whom I usually couldn't do anything and managed to go toe-to-toe with him, 14-14 at the end instead of 23-1 like the previous time
kys you ugly little virgin lol
Dude dueling chambering lmao
I take full responsibility
imagine being so upset at a games success
I’m at 90 hours and it just kinda got old. Everyone is really bad, and they didn’t take advantage of their big player base to put out new maps or game types.
The lack of maps and balance problems is the biggest issue.
That map is kino as fuck. Never had so much fun. Firebombs warrant immediate retaliation even from your own team. Fyi
Memes on a horse are pure Hilaria
this. a single new map was pretty pitiful. i only know of one other in the works supposedly, so they better put out their fucking mod support if they dont want their game to be dead relatively soon
are javelins new, or did that map just make them incredibly useful and therefore noteworthy?
Javelins are new.
a true chivalry clone is destined to die and be left with a small community of abusers and exploiters who shit on new players ultimately leaving a dead game with tryhards nobody wants to play against
I mean, I got like 100~ hours out of it, I enjoyed it, Im fine withe putting it down at this point, I stopped playing when it felt like I was only playing with people who play it religiously every day
>feint feint feint, instant kill
It stopped being fun when it was a common occurrence to have 2 people coming at you doing this.
a month after release i did notice some fags abusing mechanics almost like chiv players. why do fags have to go out of their way to make the game less fun for themselves and others?
>Game populated entirely by retarded ironybros
>Gets abandoned in a month
Someone got the Warbros Yea Forums logo added as a cosmetic.
Because some fags enjoy min/maxin
Because if they dont they could lose, and if they lose that isnt as fun as winning.
I really think the issue lies with the directional combat system of these games and why they fail, there has to be another way to do melee combat in these games without directional combat, there is always some kind of exploitable bullshit. Ill take literally anything else at this point, fuck it, make a game with Dark Souls/Bloodborne combat multiplayer arena game with objectives like Mordhau and you make your own classes and shit, I want to see literally any other combat system used for a team based melee game, this cannot be the only way to do it yet every goddamn one of these games does it.