Any games with East German M1956 Stahlhelm besides Wargame?
Any games with East German M1956 Stahlhelm besides Wargame?
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Oh and I guess this can also be "Stuff you want in a video game"/aesthetics thread.
If that's the case I want more military games set in the 80s/90s.
There was some really nice aesthetics
French paratroopers looked great
Rising Storm 2
There's an upcoming shooter called Escalation:1983 or something like that, seems like it'll be in the vein of red orchestra 2/rising Storm 2. I believe East Germans are a full faction in that.
>I want more military games set in the 80s/90s.
The next game from the devs of the Rising Storm -series, called " '83", is exactly that.
That arma 3 dlc even comes with an east/west getmany campaign
>totalitarian state has a 'Monument to the Victims of Fascism and Militarism'
>monument is patrolled by the goose stepping soldiers of a murderous dictatorship
What did they mean by this?
Nobody is talking about politics, don't derail the thread
Are you fucking retarded or american?
Every game with the Ossie stalhelm has been highlighted already you pussy.
Too bad WiC had a whole east Berlin level but the NVA never shows up once.
>he's defending the DDR
Are you edgy or a teenager?
I said this because of this
I'm defending my sanity. Who do you think set up that monument? The occupiers perhaps whose myth core is built around "fight against fascism" or Germans who did it for the lulz kontradikzion?
Yep you're an american no doubt about that anymore.
Came here to post this.
holy fuck this looks good
He actually did it the absolute madman
A team of military advisors from the Warsaw Pact travels to Egypt during the war with Israel
A Soviet official gives a speech, it goes something like this:
-Comrades! We here to oppose international zionism! We need to stop oppression of arab people on their rightful lands by jewish regime backed by Washington.
Some german turns to a Russian sitting next to him and whispers:
-You know, it sounds oddly familiar.
Many old school natsocs actually moved to muslim countries after the war to combat judaism there. Like Otto Skorzeny.
It's a really piss poor DLC. Campaign is mostly broke and the map is copy and paste. Wait for a deep sale because the 46% reviews on Steam say enough.
I want a modern game set during Desert Storm
damn thats one ugly helmet
It grows on you.