Only people who played Demon Souls before Dark Souls was even annouced can reply to this thread.
Only people who played Demon Souls before Dark Souls was even annouced can reply to this thread
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ive only played demons souls
i pre-ordered demon's because the dude at gamestop said you used the triggers to attack and i always wanted that in vidya.
Yep. I bought a PS3 because of Demon's Souls and clocked so many hours on Dark Souls 1 and 2.
This is a based thread.
I saw that picture as a poster at Game Crazy and asked for the game immediately. Dude at the counter said I was the only person who bought it that week and gave me the poster on my way out. Amazing game.
Bought it a week or so after launch. The levels look interesting and it had good word of mouth.
I played Demons Souls before it was even in NA. Had to ebay it from Hong Kong.
Get on my level faggots.
I bought it when I first saw the IGN review of it and was curious about how hard it really was. I learned that day why.
It took me years to finish Dark Souls because I honestly didn't like it when I bought it but I platinum'd DeS.
Why hasn't Souls multiplayer system become ubiquitous? Is it really that hard to implement co-op and invasions in games? Seems like an easy way to add longevity to a game.
My friends hyped it up as the hardest game ever, so I tried it out and ended up having a ton of fun with it.
The Yea Forums threads around the Japanese release shilled it to me. I was lucky that a localization was announced before I bothered to buy it.
Can't stop me bitch
based boys reporting for duty.
I bought a PS3 just to play Demon's Souls and it's still my favorite entry in the series. The comics were great and I wish we still made nice things here on Yea Forums
The years of Demon's Souls threads were peak-Yea Forums. Dark Souls made the community slightly worse but it never recovered from the PC release.
I wanna suck on maiden in blacks toes.
I wish my dad liked games.
I bought the Hong Kong version because I saw it shilled here in the generals and because the PS3 genuinely did have no games. First invasion was in 1-2 by some slant eye who made me use all my grass and scraping speared me until I rage quit.
Best thing Yea Forums ever told me to do. I bought it off ebay before it was even localized and had to borrow my brother's PS3 to play it. It's strange, no other game before or since then has interested me enough to go through all of that to play it, but for whatever reason this game really appealed to me
I read a lot about Demon's Souls before the release, I was fascinated by the multiplayer model
DaS2 is complete shit, and bringing the PCocks in ruined the fanbase.
My dad takes some mild interest in hearing about them. He used to play wii games with us and back in the day we would play CTR and Tony Hawk, good times.
>Only people who played Demon Souls before Dark Souls was even announced can reply to this thread.
A.k.a. Only people who pretend Demon's Souls is better than Dark Souls because it isn't as popular
I want to rest my head on maiden in black's thighs.
demons souls 2 when
demons souls remastered pc when
demons souls remastered switch when
vr souls when
it requires a very specific type of game to implement that kind of system. not every game could handle it well.
I bought every game based on its cover and thought DeS had a cool cover. Plus the font was cool and the name was kind of edgy.
God, I miss those days so much. Could just enjoy the shit out of the game without all of the faggotry associated with it. The MS paint comics, the guides, fight clubs, it was all so much tighter and drama-free. Damn it all.
>Minecraft with Soul style multiplayer.
>I played DaS first and I'm addicted to shitposting
High quality stuff, man. Do you like DeS or are you just here to behave like a subhuman faggot?
People are allowed to like certain aspects of DeS over DaS.
I know DaS is the better game but DeS is still my favorite for various reasons.
I will never forget the times when people shat on King's Field for the same reasons they praised Demon's Souls for.
>be 12
>shitposting on Yea Forums as usual
>see lots of this "demon's souls" game threads hyping the shit out of it
>some anons even imported the asian version before the US release
>"hardest game ever"
>everyone making inside jokes that only players would get, "git gud" still didn't exist (that was a dark souls 1 thing)
>decide to stop playing modern warfare and give this game a chance
>get a used copy and played it through
>found it mediocre at best, went back to FPSs
>be 21
>huge Souls turbonerd
>shilled the fuck out of Bloodborne because I bought a PS4 at release
>Got Dark Souls II and III as well
>I need to pretend I loved Demon's Souls because if I said what I really thought of it back then I'd be ridiculed
>Can't play it because I sold my ps3 and all its games when I got a ps4
souls mmo when ;-;
Who shits on KF for any reason other than it might be a bit slow?
I make that comment in every Demon's Souls thread and there's ALWAYS a couple of faggots like you two who get touchy.
It really was a different time. Newfags will never understand.
>a bit
it is better though lol
So you post without wanting a reply or discussion?
>I know DaS is the better game
It really isnt. Almost everything it does was directly ripped off from Des and alot of it is done worse.
I personally shit on it(not him) because I hate every game that used shoulder buttons to control your viewpoint. It was awful then and remains awful years later.
Thankfully, I have emulators, and I can just two analogs and it makes the games quite alright in that state. I really enjoyed Eternal Ring
>sharing the board with people like this
You were 12, it's ok to be wrong. Also just emulate it if you can
It took me like 6 months to actually start playing Dark Souls after it's release because every time I tried to play it I just wanted to play more Demon's Souls instead.
>feeling special about playing a genre before the masses did
If it was 5%-7% faster I'd be able to tolerate it more. I love the atmosphere and exploration but I'm too much of a pleb to handle the speed.
not everyone fishes for (You)s in all holes at maximum force
I'm one of them. Did I do good, Yea Forums?
>demons souls 2 when
>demons souls remastered pc when
Maybe someday but demons souls remastered must first be released on the PS5 before it comes to PC
>demons souls remastered switch when
Unless Sony & Nintendo become friends like how Nintendo & Microsoft are nowadays, that will never happen.
>vr souls when
KF being a bit slow is an understatement.
And yes, King's Field was never received well (only in niche circles was it favorable) until Demon's Souls and to an extent Dark Souls came about.
So what you mean is you think baiting is cool and you have a shitpost saved for a specific thread?
sounds mentally ill to me. Do you like DeS?
I remember people on Yea Forums imported the japanese version and played it before the english one came out it was a hot game
just chiming in. feel free to ignore me rather than be defensive next time ;)
I wanted to but didn’t have a ps3.
Wound up getting one after winning a speech contest at my school for $300 but by then it was already out in NA.
Is Dark Souls really the better game? Although it's my favorite, it didn't do that much to expand on Demon's Souls. Demon's Souls started the whole formula and feels much more complete, despite the fact that it's likely missing an entire area
just ignore the bait then. not hard, smart boy.
I think estus is better than grass but I think archstones and levels were better than open world meme.
>King's Field was never received well
it was well received in 95/96 for the novelty. It really was a good looking and massive 3d game and rpg for the time. There was a lot of novelty to it, even it it played like shit. reception was in the 70s and 80s.
it's like Yea Forums cringe bingo in here
I got a PS3 in 2007.
tfw still think des and das1 are the best. i only slightly like des more due to minor things, an example being i like the upgrade paths more. i dunno, they both do something in general that was never quite captured by the later games.
I think he meant by the masses not better than they are now game journos. I didn't hear of KF until PS3 era and I'm an ebig boomer
>King's Field was received well
Come off it, be honest now.
Eh, I'm still a sucker for the idea of the interconnected world, it's just that Dark Souls abandons it halfway through the game. The level design in Demon's Souls is also far more consistent.
Well, yeah. You get to Anor Londo and farrrrrrt
t. Freddy Francesco
Open world in souls makes it less replayable, as the main enjoyment comes from the intially finding the secrets and navatinging around.
It also makes the game world seem very small as a sense of scale. When you are warping around boletaria it makes it feel like you are just in certain areas of the world, the few that aren't covered in fog. In dark souls lordran feels like all of lordran and it's hard to imagine where people even lived.
What was your speech user?
I got King's Field III japanese version (II in USA) back in 1996 or 97.
I thought it was a kusoge but it was a bit like a guilty pleasure, I liked the atmosphere but I never thought anybody would like it, I'd hide it when my friends were over.
I only learned it was a "cult classic" after Demons' Souls came out, yeah.
DeS and DaS2 are all that matter. Give me my storm ruler and acid cloud with the babies nail. I miss stacking DoT's on people. Poison, plague, and bleeding would eat people alive.
stat ailment babby
>getting into DeS and Berserk at the same time
The best of feelings.
I saw it in a magazine stating it was the next Shadow of the Colossus. Me and a friend chuckled, he bought it sometime after release, I played it at his during a party, and then bought it myself shortly after.
I played Demon's Souls before it was released in the US, when it was still difficult to get an import because they massively under-produced the first production. Come at me, fuckboys.
Isn't Berserk from like, 1997?
Remember when/v/ had comfy demon's souls threads and not bandwagon soulsborne fashion shit threads full of dmc/jojo memes
Must be too underage to remember just how mind blowing 3D games were back then. Kings field was a modestly big deal during the launch window of the ps1. Graphics and scale of the world was mind blowing.
Sure by shadow tower it was just seen as kusoge despite being a better game, but to the more hardcore people king feild was a technical masterpeice, even if they never finished it. People back then often bought or appreciated games just for the novelty of the graphics. I mean play some snes rpg games that came out around the same time like fire emblem or some shit and just compare how the two look, without considering the artstyle.
I personally think the Metroidvania approach is perfect for the Souls series, though DaS1 is the only title that can be considered one.
It makes for a great adventure, keeps the down times at a minimum, and Estus is one of the best healing systems ever.
However, I'm one of those people who prefer DeS individual level design over DaS. The world is fantastic but I don't think a DaS level can beat a DeS level when compared. I also like all the punishment and obscurity in DeS. It felt much more brutal to die in DeS and tendency not being explained made my first play through very rough and exciting.
>Selling previous consult with games
Most people I've know that did this regret it some time later. Such a thing never crossed my mind. I like playing all of my games!
I got a greatest hits version of DeS with a radicool red plastic case.
Come at me, broski.
Darn autocorrect!
yeah that was already pretty late. Kings field 1 came out in fucking 1994 in japan, two years before mario 64. It got by though the awe of it's graphics alone. By the time mario 64 game out that novelty was gone.
Moment I got introduced to DeS was also when I got into Berserk. I haven’t had a combo that good since then.
I picked it up pretty much on release because I heard it was hard and everything else looked gay at the time.
So glad I did. Fucking murdering invaders with my shitty sword of searching
Demon souls was the first game that challenged me in more than twitch reflex or pattern recognition.
The feeling of being pitted against the developers intentions to kill or outwit you was so refreshing. Exploration being punished and rewarded. Learning from mistakes. Having to become consistent in my performance as a player to succeed because I wasn't fighting a computer I was competing with a designer, a person. Something I would later enjoy in pen & paper games with friends to this day.
I never knew what was coming next. As I got older my desire for games with similar design goals grew because of it. I "got gud" before that phrase had anything to do with From software.
If only the industry understood that challenges (and not in a numeric sense) in game design benefit the medium. Countless AAA titles I've played in recent years choose accessibility over skill and experience and it hurts. I feel like the target market are kids, not wizened or patient enough to savor the journey, only its result. Worlds designed to ensure that youth, grown incompetents and journalists alike can "experience it all".
I didn't finish Demon souls until I grew up. I stopped because it was too hard to beat the Flamelurker, but I never returned it. When I dusted it off and finished it a few years later, it astounded me how much Demon souls influenced my taste in games, and it was incredibly satisfying to finally complete that adventure.
I played DeS in 2010 when I hacked my PS3 using one of those blue dongles. I think I got to the first boss (shield oil slug things) and couldn't beat it and gave up only to return like 5 years later and beat the game with relative ease because by then I had already put hundreds of hours into DaS1 and 2.
Easily peak Souls. Nothing will top Latria and getting fucked in world 5 at pure black world tendency. Also False King Allant was the best fight with the coolest intro.
Fight me, Dark Souls faggots.
Seems like you'd enjoy /vr/ stuff.
>my soisborne is better then you're's XD
Reporting in, I bought a PS3 for DeS and Valkyria Chronicles. Tower of Latria is still one of my favourite levels in vidya, the atmosphere's amazing.
DeS was so revolutionary for its time. Legit couldn't compare it to anything. The multiplayer, world tendencies, the NPCs that could fuck shit up in the hub area, playing as the boss of an area, those fucking geckos, phantoms, The incredible atmosphere, the non linear progression, the way the games story was told...
Out of all the souls games that needs a remaster this should have been it.
The import fags on gametrailers back in the day convinced me to pick the game up. I remember item trading was so much bigger back in the early days than in later souls games. Lots of trust needed.
>the way latria and valley of defilement start out cramped and narrow
>the way they open the FUCK up in their second stages
This was the shit I was looking for and had no idea til I played these games. All the levels do this to some extent but these places in particular nailed it.
I want a 60fps remaster so bad.
I really, really like Demon's Souls.
The Xbox 360 already signalised a change in the player base and the PC was the final gigantic nail in the coffin. I still can't believe how many pieces of shit are around in the pc community.
why does DES look better than any other souls game including BB DS3 and sekiro?
demon's souls had the best armor sets
art direction
you're wrong about Demon's Souls and you deserve the bad things that happen to you
minimalism. it feels like a game, isn't over detailed with junk/grass and shit everywhere. you can just appreciate the geometry.
never because its in publisher licencing hell.
Dark souls is the spiritual successor and reboot for a reason y'know.
Nothing will ever beat the fluted armor, it's absolutely iconic.
Has the only good soundtrack in the entire series. Instead of generic chants in every battle you'd also get mysterious, ominous and sluggish weirdness.
You know those renders of DKC or Mario 64 that people love because of how much SOUL they have or something? That's how I see and feel about DeS and DaS1. Their art and atmosphere are untouchable. DaS2 looks like plastic and DaS3 looks like wet garbage. BB and Sekiro are better than those but the art direction just isn't as good as DeS/DaS.
Too much buy in cost for me. I'm very exited for the medium though.
It was my first game in the souls series, before dark souls even existed. The hub layout was way better than shit souls' "open world experience" with warp points.
And the world tendency system was way better than any of the covenant or other meme shit later games did.
Demon's souls a best.
What do I win?
The small arrangements make the ost very memorable and have an atmosphere to them that describes the feeling of witnessing the boss rather than fighting it.
They tend to overdo it with the chants in the DaS series and the instruments are so loud and plentiful that it can sound a bit over produced.
>beat des
>boss montage during credits that makes you remember everything you went through
>or alternatively in the evil end, a montage of vital characters from your journey, also a completely different song plays
>beat any other souls game
>black screen with credits, same theme every time
unironically, demon's souls has the most soul
I don't have a problem with the "open world" DaS introduced but my biggest gripe about the series is that they brought back the hub style without the main feature the Nexus had(access to multiple levels), making the hub feel like more of a waste of time.
>find secret legendary weapon
>fully modeled in world
>animation to pull it out of the ground
>find shiny
>generic shiny pick up animation
>oh, cool weapon, yay...
As flawed as it was, it had the best pvp.
Would have liked to see where else the archstone/level select approach could have gone. Dark Souls 1 is obviously the only game in the series with a logical and fluent layout to it. Both 2 and 3 could have massively benefited from more diverse and isolated areas like the DLCs instead of being awkwardly connected with all the design decisions that come with that.
I don’t remember exactly, something about veterans. Only one other person entered so it was basically free money.
I've never played Demon's Souls, but at least I know that Demons is plural, you casual.
That's because demon souls is mediocre.
come fight me faggots
you lost nothing, Dark Souls is literally Demon's Souls but with more glitches and worse framerate
Dark Souls II is literally Dark Souls but forgettable
I bet you just read the navy seal copypasta, didn't you?
Both DaS3 and BB could have benefited from ditching their connected levels in favor of accessing more from the hub. Their linearity is a detriment to certain builds. The item placement issues could have been fixed that way. DeS has very balanced item placement. No matter what build your are, there's something for you early on. Bloodtinge and Arcane builds are kind of fucked early game in BB. Faith and Sorcery builds have a rough start in DaS3 as well.
Does the lad who helped me shoot arrows at a dragon for an hour back in 2009 still post here?
Can I reply if I played it before dork souls but never finished it?
DeS was too easy especially with dupe glitch
I've never played DeS but played every other Souls game and rank DeS above every other game.
des multiplayer was the most fun because it was before From started listening to the cry babies who kept getting shanked by invaders. it was also simple and straight forward but also rigid and unrefined giving it a wild west feel. there weren't any rules, you just won your battles. these days, multiplayer has so many regulations stuck on it and worthless covenant shit that doesn't even work. oh but because of grass people say it was bad lol.
I beat dark souls 2 as a hexxer
Beat 3 with twin daggers curse build
Never beat 1 but playing it now as a miracle knight
Never played demon souls
Beat bloodborne and a bloodtinge build with that rapier
Haven’t bought seikro yet
Dark Souls is good, and different, but I think Demon's Souls is slightly better. I'll never forget my first deep dive into the Mines level, when you eventually get to lava and dragons. Incredible feels. Nothing in Dark Souls can compare. Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are the most inspired. The rest feel cheaper.
It's still pretty difficult if you don't use that and don't use magic/crescent falchion. The bosses are easier than the levels though.
i think a lot of us did that
My nigga, I still have fond memories of the threads on Yea Forums .I had to import it because I lived in uk and it didn't seem like it was going to release here. Everyone I showed the game to told me it was shit then lo and behold when dark souls became big they all praised the series suddenly.
Honestly, my biggest turn off for Dark Souls, was that the thief class didn't look as badass as the Demon's Souls thief. The thief was the most badass class in Demon's Souls.
Got it when it came out, was too much of a retarded kid to get past the bridge in Boleteria or even figure out how to level. Played Dark Souls and finished it years later, then went back and finished Demon's Souls.
I love both, they each have a unique story and the atmosphere is different enough even if the aesthetics are very similar.
My friend got me into this and I quickly became obsessed. Duped with Thomas like a fag and went platinum. FUCK PURE BLADE STONE.
I beat the tutorial boss first try after watching my two brothers. No matter what they say, I am better at video games than them. Even if I got insight piror.
Me too. Such an amazingly unique experience. Wish I could play or for the first time again.
It took me 10 hours to beat the Smelter Demon, but in the end I was victorious
I'm amazed how much patience I used to have back in the day
This video really hit the nail on the head as to why I like DeS the best
Made me realize that FromSoft won't be able to top it either. There was something about playing a game so obtuse yet fascinating, and it was this new kind of ARPG you hadn't seen before, and from a mostly unknown studio and few people were talking about it. Even if FromSoft made a totally new kind of game (borrowing no elements from Souls) and made it focused on exploration people would be analyzing every detail and memeing it to shit. FromSoft keeps doing good but I do think it'll have to be someone else to make a game with the same amount of SOUL as DeS.
>Smelter Demon
You mean Flamelurker?
>Smelter Demon
I mean the Flamelurker
The Nexus was is by far the best hub out of the entire series. Mysterious, atmospheric, with tons of lore. Compare to Dark Souls 3, where they literally just copy pasted art assets from Bloodborne into an ugly hodgepodge of a hub.
Noice broooski
Went through a bad breakup + failing uni. Got this game to escape reality. It taught me to keep trying as many times as it took. Also, using magic was an admission of defeat. Now STEM graduate with good career and superior gf and superior console (switch). Thank you Miyazaki.
hello fellow chads
i remember being a nigger with a scraping spear and a heavy shield
just invading people and ruining their day
>tfw got the Deluxe edition with the preorder OST last year for $75 at a pawn shop in a tiny neighboring town
>das3 hub
>it's just a dirtier nexus
Does this game emulate well on PC? Never even tried to emulate PS3. My fat PS3 is long deceased. Went through 3 Blu-Ray drives in like 100 days.
yeah my bad
also the best thing was I tried to cheat by turning off the console when he killed me so next time I'll spawn before his fog gate but then realized it actually takes more time to boot up the PS3, the game and load the save than the shortcut to him
I also read that you can glitch him but luring him into the bones and he will stuck, but having the EU version meant it was patched
so it was two options - fighting him in a fair fight or not fighting him at all
but in the end, beating him clean felt so fucking good
me when i wrath of god dudes through the wall
I saw some random jap pvp video of it and thought it looked sick, being able to play as a knight with a big ass sword (DBS) as well as using some kind of fire magic. I was particularly into the idea of battle mages at the time and that game seemed to nail it better than any other games I had seen so it was an easy buy for me. Little did I know it would also be one of the best communities Yea Forums ever had.
>reach Valley of Defilement part 2
>see lights off in the distance
>think there's a city hidden in the darkness
>try searching for it
>can't find it after spending a lot of time exploring
>realize there never was a city
>get hit by a powerful loneliness
DeS was something else
never forget
shit the Maneaters
>everyone bitch that the Maneaters are the hardest
>beat them on my second try
>one of them glitched out and didn't recognize me at all
>months later read wearing the thief ring can glitch the Maneaters' AI
>realized I was wearing the thief ring
i also packed a firestorm and second chance, i was the TRUE nigger of pvp
when dsp started playing demon's souls i booted up my game, grabbed my tweaked out grief build and kept trying to invade him
i eventually did catch him
i remember playing DeS for the first time and sucking shit, and then making a second character and it waas so much easier knowing how to build a proper character
noble background is the true chad choice, MP regen is based
Seething console retard, did you enjoy Diptown, faggot? I bet you did
always hated rehash souls, thank god for des and bb
it's the do everything class after all
Anyone else here play Demon's Souls last but end up with it as your favorite?
DeS is a very cool tech demo. I'm glad the way the series went after it. I've played it in 2009, then again in 2012, and again last year. I don't know if I'll ever touch it again though, unless it gets the cut content in a re-release or something. The movement+hurtboxes+rolling are janky as fuck, and too many of the enemy encounters are ruined by shitty terrain. There are other issues, of course, but these are the biggest offenders in my book. I guess I should probably also mention how gimmicky novelty the final bosses of each area are, except for Boletaria, and in subsequent playthroughs they really fall short. I don't know if I'd change those though (except for the Dragon God, fuck the Dragon God, what a shitty fight).
pure bladestone
Demon's Souls OC has the most soul.
There was a special kind of atmosphere that demons souls had, akin to old n64 games where there’s this otherworldly feeling like your floating out in a void. I don’t think dark souls nailed the same feeling, which let me down initially and I still prefer demons souls
>The movement+hurtboxes+rolling are janky as fuck
Playing locked on or off?
Still have the collectors edition.
That and MGS 4 are the only collectors editions I own.
>backstabs black phantom skeleton for like three days
it was rough finishing a dex build in des. though if you used a katana, hiltless outdamaged the uchi at least.
fuck bladestone
same here, thanks engrish translations
>dbs with fire magic
Simultaneously the most based and cancer build in des pvp.
I played demon souls before dark souls but dont know if I played it before it was released.
I rented it and thought it was neat but not very remarkable.
I also thought of it as an Atlus game and not from the Adventure of Cookie and Cream people.
I played Demon's souls when it came out. I loved it. I was pretty hyped for dark souls then i realized every souls game is pretty much the same and if you played one you've played them all.
>post this in dsg circa 2013
>get called cancer and told to go back
To this day I don’t know if they were baiting or not.
I have over a thousand hours in both Demon's Souls and Dark Souls and refuse to play the other Dark Souls games out of respect for the theme. Ask me anything.
I used online help to play all these games and it makes me a little sad. Would love to play Demon's Souls blind.
Absolutely. Das music can be too much at times.
i got nothing to ask and respect your stance.
>too many of the enemy encounters are ruined by shitty terrain
Enemies were intentionally placed in difficult to handle spots. It encouraged using all the tools you had at your disposal including different weapons.
Playing with the lock off improves it, but the invincibility and recovery frames from the rolls are all over the place. I don't feel as if it's slow like DaS1, but I feel less in control. It's all so weird. Also it's probably the best game in the series to go full retard with blocking instead of dodging, as the other games all have bosses that do attacks that aren't really practical to block (unless you're memeing with spells that buff your shield in DaS3 for example). If you decide to go that route though, you'll probably want to get the LSoM to block magic shit.
And to anyone who hasn't killed Doran yet: don't waste your time trying to play fair, it's a shitty fight. As for people who only played DeS and love the Brand swords moveset: the Black Knight Sword and Claymore have the same moveset in the DaS series.
My first play through was offline and all throughout my friends kept complaining about getting scraped online. I had no idea what that meant until I ran into these assholes.
>he missed the Souls community glory days
PCniggers never ever
I'm complaining specifically about falling being too big of a danger, making running past enemies the safest and least punishing way to play.
> It encouraged using all the tools you had at your disposal including different weapons.
This is something I noticed hard on my playthrough last year: the game gets way easier at times once you switch to a different weapon that makes more sense. I'm not sure I'm a big fan of that kind of design in this series though, as I like to pick a weapon and play through the game with it to enjoy its moveset, I don't want to be swapping weapons as if I was playing a Zelda game, but that's just preference. What is NOT preference is the enchanting system and limited resources giving you exactly the opposite idea about fucking around with different weapons. Regardless, it was very interesting to trivialize some enemies like the giant mosquitoes at the bottom of the Valley of Defilement just because I swapped my enchanted falchion for my halberd.
DeS is a bunch of weird ideas jankily put together. It's beautiful, not in spite of how filled with flaws it is, but precisely because of all those flaws.
Claymore/brand moveset in dks1 is pretty different, and while it’s imo more interesting and better designed, the sheer power of a claymore 2H R1 feels better to use than the versions in dks2 and 3.
Pre-ordered it when I saw it was a spiritual successor to kings field. Only anons who have played kings field can rely to this post.
2009 Yea Forums was super comfy.
The biggest cancer there is in the Souls community are the consolefags trying to pass as some sort of old ancient tribe of blue blooded masters of knowledge or something. Desperately seeking validation, instead of talking about the game, all they can do is reminisce about this dream they fabricated in their minds while trying to shun everyone else. These are the same people who won't shut the fuck up about Bloodborne since its release. You speak of comfy and muh comics, yet all you do is act the exact way you try to accuse others of with your shit narrative of being annoying and not worthy.
>Playing with the lock off improves it, but the invincibility and recovery frames from the rolls are all over the place. I don't feel as if it's slow like DaS1, but I feel less in control. It's all so weird.
That’s very weird as it feels literally like a faster DS1.
>Also it's probably the best game in the series to go full retard with blocking instead of dodging, as the other games all have bosses that do attacks that aren't really practical to block (unless you're memeing with spells that buff your shield in DaS3 for example).
It’s also the one where you can use dodge as a repositioning tool; bad guys seldom change direction mid attacks. That’s why Taurus demon shit down my throat in DS1.
They also both have greatshields, so easy mode unlocked.
I actually had a lot of fun with the 1.06 giantmom memes until this video came out and everybody realized it was a joke. Invading and killing somebody with a garbage build they thought they’d never have to fight again was pretty funny and you got lots of hate mail from butthurt shitters. After that video all that hate mail turned into “xD the legendd”
The worst was people telling me I was doing it wrong for using lightning instead of chaos and MotM over MotF.
I bought 3 collectors editions and sold all three for $350 each a few weeks after release.
Bought the game for $15 a few months after release on ebay and played the hell out of it. Today its trash tho.
I got it not long after it released in the west, but too be completely honest I got filtered pretty hard by the mind-flayer enemies in the asylum. A few years later I got around to playing it again and managed to beat it.
Great game, I always imagined what the missing levels could have been.
Also Dark Souls was great, too.
I bought a PS3 just to play Demon's Souls. What a game of wonder and intrigue. I'll probably never experience any game like it.
I can't hold all these projectors you're using user.
I tried it on my mates ps3. Thought it was janky ass shit and dropped it.
Years later I pirated dark souls on pc, did the same thing.
Then finally I got around to trying das with dsfix and it was fun, so I went back and played des. I liked it better.
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>the game gets way easier at times once you switch to a different weapon that makes more sense. I'm not sure I'm a big fan of that kind of design
Whether this benefits the gameplay or not is up for debate but I find it interesting that DeS has the correct answers built in. It emulates a choose your own adventure type of approach. Like you're reading a book and it says "you come across a poison swamp, what do you do? A. Equip Health Regen items B. Heal as you travel poisoned or C. Run through it as fast as you can" and all three options give you different results but only one leads to the best ending. That's how I feel about the obstacles in DeS.
You sound like a faggot
I still like it more than the dark souls games. Maybe its nostalgia, but something about it always felt more unique and special. Dark souls always felt more more in line with generic action games. Demon just felt like it was doing new things and adding in cool mechanics while dark just took the stuff that worked and formulated it better.
As a result dark souls played better and the mechanics and world were better designed, but in doing so it lost a lot of the originality and fun of demon souls.
>Yea Forums shilled the game hard as fuck
>got a PS3 for Christmas that year
>went to Gamestop and bought Demon's Souls shortly after
That was the best winter break of my life
Legit melee maneaters hardest souls boss. Total RNG
never even played dark souls 1 or demon souls
i just watched vaati videos and played through 3
how mad are you?
>Thought it was janky ass shit and dropped it.
I legitimately thought the same thing and didn't touch it again for months. I kept dying to the basic flailing retard enemies because I chose barbarian and had no armor. Thought the game was an unfair, umbalanced, broken mess. Glad I gave it another chance later that year.
I’ve had few cooperators as awesome as this brazier
>no u
Great points, really worth of consideration. As expected of a true Sony™ elite fan.
I played DeS, it’s good, not the greatest souls but it’s good.
Official Souls Ranking
DaS 3>DaS>DeS>DaS 2
>but only one leads to the best ending. That's how I feel about the obstacles in DeS.
Unfortunately, most of the time rushing through is the least punishing way to advance, except in the Valley of Defilement, at the bottom, in which you don't have much of a choice thanks to the swamp slowing you down while doing FUCK ALL to the enemies. And umbasa to you if you happen to aggro one of the larger fuckers.
based, not taking rankings from bandwagonning Yea Forums faggots
I played Demon Souls on release. After that I played Bloodborne on release. Then I played DS2. Finally I just played Dark Souls for the first time on Switch a month ago.
Do I win this thread?
I’m not sure what it was: I thought it looked like shit, grew up for a few years, then got hooked. I didn’t own my own PS3 though, so I was desperately trying to enjoy other games while waiting for my roommate to be done with his.
darkiddies reeeeeeee
>start game
>see hole in ground
>but theres bright lights floating out of it, maybe theres a trick to it
I still dont get it.
>the ONE swamp in the series you can’t roll in
>you can’t just not roll in it, trying to puts you in this long “fuck me with damage please” animation
We need to go back. Crystal Sage in DS3 was just a pussified Fool’s Idol.
Yes. The only friend one can have. The true bringer of light. I got very, very good at getting up to the fight quickly. Flamelurker was a gearcheck. Maneaters was understanding burst, patience, and working around jank. The true essence of Souls
>people cheese the soul gate and then say the fight was easy
>googling “fool’s idol glitch”
please tell me it wasnt just me who did this
have sex
Picked it up day one. I have to special edition artbook and audio CD even. What's my reward?
>that fucker who arrows the first and dies to the second
My best guess is that people are dumoed down that pit and soul remains float around it.
I jumped in my very first time seeing it. Doesn't help that it looks sort of inviting. I thought it was a portal.
This is harsh
>souls of the dead are inviting
actually sorta spooky
I never tried googling it since I didn’t know it was a thing.
>didn't find that asshole before fighting the boss
>too focused on dodging magic to read messages on the floor
>they just ask for help anyways
>defeat Idol and a voice tells me that didn't work
>thought it was one of the dudes in there left alive that talked
>fight her again
>same result
>defeat her in sanic speeds thinking that'll do the trick
>only now reading messages on the floor
>one tells me that the voice is above
>finally find the fucker reviving her
>had to defeat the cunt 4 times before being able to continue
Wasted a ton of resources, god damn.
It’s not a thing, it’s a common search result for someone like me who didnt know she ressurects
Demon's Souls was truly the wild west of PvP and it was so much better for it.
>Mustard race subhuman trying to talk down to idorts
Kill yourself.
I bought it because I remember the thread in Yea Forums way back in the day talking about this obscure game where you got the shit kicked out of you for not being careful, and even still, you'd get the shit kicked out of you. Then the user described a boss fight where it was actually another player utilizing the online to fight you so it was completely unpredictable.
I also remember 86 from Dman's stream (deepgamers), his PS Trophy case had the game platinum'd twice. I guess it was because he has the Jap one and the US one, and he had gone through and platinum'd both. So I figure it had to be somewhat decent.
>find the dude because exploring before getting to the boss
>'pls dont kill me, i wont bother you'
>Feel bad for the guy so i leave him
>fight boss
>oh let me gues, it the hobo
>Check google. Yep, its the hobo
>Sorry old man but gotta progress
And before that
>Let the prisoners alive because yes
>Get killed by a soulrapier becase the mob of fags wont elet me move
>Inmates are waste of taxmoney anyway
Oh, right. I believe I got spoiled on that, unfortunately. I was a dumbass and read the general thread while I was saving up to get a ps3. I was too hyped to stay away, wound up ruining a couple things for myself.
>demons souls remastered pc when
Hopefully never. They'll ruin it, by importing Dark Souls 3 mechanics.
It has nothing to do with being on console. it's the fact that Demon's was the first in the series. Establishing the standard by which all sequels are judged. The fact that Dark Souls made it to Xbox and PC, doesn't factor at all into the fact that Dark Souls dropped concepts and mechanics that Demon's Souls had, instead of refining them. And the fact that Dark 2 and 3 were multiplat as well, doesn't factor at all into the fact that the games progressively strayed away from the vision of Demon's Souls.
You will never understand what the Soul games are "supposed" to be, because your viewpoint isn't grounded in the original title. You have a skewed outlook based on the sequels.
>suspicious as fuck enemy that you've been murdering the whole time doing weird magic shit in a balcony
>kill him because he was suspicious as fuck
>walk into boss
>read messages on the ground
Proud of myself.
It's actually directly above the pit where Executioner Miralda hides. you know the one with the brushwood armor at the bottom? The idea is that so many people were executed down that pit, that their souls swarm within.
I got into the sl125 pvp. The gap in knowledge between duelfags and everybody else back then was pretty ridiculous. There weren’t any YouTube tutorials for the pvp back then and twitch wasn’t a thing yet, so if you wanted to learn shit you had to hang out with other pvpers. Invasions also were really fun. Less people ragequit when they died. More people playing back then understood that they were playing a game with pvp in it. And outside of the duelfag stuff people didn’t care about meta builds or anything.
>doesn't factor at all into the fact that Dark Souls dropped concepts and mechanics that Demon's Souls had, instead of refining them.
Like hiding black tendancy/optional harder mobs behind a broken covenant. Still mad.
Dude I fucking cheesed this boss so hard you wouldn't believe it, and I did the entire thing blind. When it was slowly landing, I attacked it, then for some reason it looped the landing animation. I abused this shit and literally finished off one of the maneater before the other appeared somehow.
The sad irony is they still didn't "fix" Gravelords in the "Remaster."
Buy Dark Souls Remastered, goy. You will absolutely get a different experience.
Yet they left in vagrants. I ran into a red one the other day in anal rodeo. It was a bit surreal it's so rare.
I love Demon's Souls so much. When I played Dark Souls, I simply could not enjoy it the same way. The atmosphere wasn't the same.
I still remember the panic that came over me when I first got invaded.
DeS was the second one I played but it's my second favorite (to Bloodborne). that atmosphere, music, and overall game feel and secrets won't be matched
A different shitty experience is still shit user.
fuck yeah I bought the Deluxe Edition for my first experience
I bought the PS3 just Demon's Souls and For Answer. Dark Souls was just a pleasant surprise.
Day one buyer here. I watched the only trailer from Japan on the shitty psn store for 4 months before it came out. I thought it was going to be like Oblivion from the screen shots. Had no idea how to play it and was stuck on the castle area for days.
>Toad arrow
give me that Ds3 poise webm pls
only 2 other games do invasions AFAIK Watchdogs and MGS V
Also has the best theme of any hub.
The HUD is so fucking nice
Who cares when BB reigns supreme.
>be 15 in Russia with shit internet, unaware of most games that come out
>friend somehow finds and buys DeS because it has a cool knight on the cover
>he can't beat Boletaria 1-1 because there are no quest markers
>borrow it from him because there's nothing to play
>restart the game until I can kill Vanguard
>beat half the game before returning it
>ignore DS1 thinking it's a remake
>DS2 gets announced
>play the shit out of DeS and DS1 and become a massive soulsfag
>that friend haven't touched another souls game thinking it's a meme series about unfair difficulty
I still like DS2 and DeS the most for their variety and replayability. DS1 feels the most nostalgic with the best first playthrough. DS3 is a fanservice rail shooter and I wish it didn't need DLC to be good.
I ordered a Korean copy off and played for months before it was released in the west.
>tfw dual wielding Northern Regalia
DeS had such great NPC and location names
Fun fact, the chalice dungeons in BB have demon soul armored knights in them. They're dead of course but it implies (along with other points) BB was intended as a continuation of DeS early on.
I bought Demon's Souls because I happened across it while browsing for games at a local shop. I ended up picking it up because it was made by FromSoft who I recognized as the makers of the Armored Core franchise that I'd loved and played the shit out of when I was a teenager until I kind of fell out of the series after 4 (to this day I still haven't played For Answer, V, or Verdict Day). I also remembered that FromSoft had made Otogi way back on the original Xbox which I'd really liked so I decided to pick it up in spite of knowing nothing about it.
That first playthrough was probably the most fun I've ever had with a video game, only made better by the fact that I'd had no fucking idea what I was getting into. I went into it completely blind and struggled my way through. And I loved the shit out of every second of it.
yeah I hate the shiny globes in BB.
Making it a globe for generic vials or bullets would've been fine but theres only like 30 weapons in BB it wouldn't have been hard to model them in.
while Blt and Arc builds are fucked I think that might have more to do with how little weapons there are in the game.
Theres only 3 Blt weapons in the game and 2 of them can be obtained fairly early while the last is pretty much at the end of the game.
I bought a ps3 for Demon's souls
Very nice game
>not having deluxe edition with the cardboard case and manual
royal, crescent falchion
Accidentally bought this instead of some shitty hack n slash I thought it was. Greatest mistake I ever made. I probably clocked in a good 500hrs.
The rest of the internet becoming tip of the iceberg self aware has made everything unfun.
Archstone is such a better system than bonfires it's not even funny.
I never got the whole "sense of scale thing" I actually allways wished develeopers would opt for smaller world packed with more detail instead of more square km of boringness like in skyrim.
also don't forget that the whole das experience is way more metaphorical than literal.
just think about those retarded scenes involving the lordvessle and its size or the whole character size thing.
Going from Demon's Souls to Dark Souls was like going from Oblivion to Skyrim. You can call it going from soul to soulless, but I just think of it as fun vs what the fuck is this shit? This isn't what I signed up for!
I remember watching the trailer like a year before it released. Bought it on release too. I enjoyed it, but I think Dark Souls improved on it.
Demon's souls import threads were the best.
fuck bloodborne
The saviour of the video game industry.
Playing through this for for first time right now. I've killed Phalanx, Tower Knight, Armor Spider, Fool's Idol, Adjudicator, and Leechmonger. Who should I go after next? Also, any tips or tricks for a beginner?
it's not a manual, it's a strategy guide
tfw you just found out about a ps3 emulator but you have a dvd drive not a bluray drive in your pc
quite informative
only thing i wish i would have known, is about the npc in 1-1. if you encounter him you have to clear out all the enemies from that area or he'll die. if there are no enemies left and he lives, he changes location later and you get some items from him. there are a lot of npcs like that. you could check the wiki but be careful not to spoil anything
back in high school, my friend brought his PS3 and small TV over to my house on release day. We raced to the first boss, I won. Little did we know the shitstorm of popularity this game would inspire, we were just having fun.
No u
I played DeS right after DaS1, and I personally prefer it over DaS1. Shame I didn't play it at the time of release and did it on an emulator. Threads back then were much comfier.
You sound like a tremendous faggot.
I remember reading about Demon's Souls in a Game Informer preview. I think it's the only game I've been hyped about from a magazine and got it on release.
Based thread
I played this game and KZ2 mp for pretty much a year straight
finally a thread for me