Who do you want to see in Resident Evil 8?
Who do you want to see in Resident Evil 8?
who fucking cares? everything before/after RE3 is going to be a nightmare
Adult nu Sherry
teenage girls
>REmake2's engine
>More zombie animals
>takes place in a brand new huge mansion/castle that is significantly bigger than RE1's
>better route Bs or item randomizers
VR rebecca kissing scenes
What if Claire and sherry were in?
Jill fucking dogs
Pitbros where we at
Claire and Leon's child.
Claire can't see a little girl she goes all crazy.
Sherry started it
I want someone investigating illegal genetic experiments that get out of hand. Mood, atmosphere and Horror. SURVIVAL and no fucking co-op sidekick!!!FACT!!!
Raid mode
Claire is really fucking cute. If someone could mod her to have Claire's cheerleader costume I might die of happiness
>Allah ackbar-- Ada, you're alright!
Is Claire Redfield a homosexual pedophile?
No. She's doing this because she cares
I love Claire
Can't wait to see Jill in new engine
No, she really likes men too
Really want to sniff those pits tb.h
That kind of outfit might poison Sherry's mind
Not Rebecca thats for sure.
She loves Leon.
The fuck is that model?
How come she didn't really have a thing for Leon in the original RE2? In this version she gets all hot and bothered whenever he's around
New characters because the originals are getting really old. Not that I wouldn't mind seeing a cougar Jill
yeah even Sherry is like 33 now
I think you need your head examined
are the best
So many mods, and such quality too. How is this possible? Other games don't get such treatment
Other games don't have Claire
None of the other games with this level of graphical fidelity allow for such a freedom of modding. It's like if people could mod Horizon Zero Dawn as they do Skyrim
>after those subpar over priced ports of REGC to Switch Capcom has the balls to make a trailer for RE5 and 6 on Switch in a way to trick people into thinking it was a new game or a port of 7 or 2
>neither of those ports will have gyro aim and will be over priced again
How did they get it right with the ports of RER but not with anything else?
I couldn't care less about RE8. I'm just here for that yummy tummy.
Claire and I being happily married and raising a family together.
Claire would be a spectacular wife and mother
I've been in love with Claire since the remake came out. It's already been almost 6 months.
I want to plant a kiss on those cheeks!
Claire is pure bliss and joy
Claire being bullied
Claire deserves love and happiness.
The return of Billy from Resident Evil 0 and him reunited with Rebecca.
I especially want to see more Rebecca since she is the best RE female. She would also be good waifu material since she would be a great caretaker for kids and remedy cold symptoms with her knowledge of medicine.
Claire needs to be hugged
Rebecca's pits
>tfw Trish, Ada, and Lady were all made in this engine and have gotten jack shit.
Ada has gotten a few good costumes, but she's still a side character while Claire is a protagonist.
The DMC girls, they are just NPCs though. If you modelswap the DMC girls so you can play as them, they look all fucked up from their skeletons not matching up with Nero's, V's or Dante's. Doesn't stop people from making a small handful of costumes for them anyway though
I want to hold Claire close to me as she sleeps.
I'm sure they'll pull some bullshit like her T-Virus antibodies have reverse aged her like Aya Brea or some shit just to keep her young.
I'd like to spend the rest of my life with Claire
I want a game with Claire and Sherry as leads but Japan hates older women
A Claire is a terrible thing to waste
Claire is wonderful.
Claire is for love
REmake 2 should have just been console exclusive. All these mods are garbage and you should feel bad.
Also add better fighting system than in resident evil 6.
stay mad bitch boi
not even mad friendo, just tired
>All these mods are garbage
Objectively false. Some are higher quality than Capcom's work. They are like free DLC outfits
RE outbreak is masterpiece.
I want to hold Claire's hand.
im here but I only want Leon's
>Modding is bad and shouldn't be allowed because people can make mods that might offend my pure virgin eyes
fuck off
Claire is need of a nice, warm cuddling
Capcom doesn't have the balls to retire the classic characters. Even 7 had to have the Redfield cameo because they weren't confident a faceless literally-who protag could carry it.
*is in need
best girl of course.
Becky for re8
>Listen to Claire's cute "mmm" noises she makes when she is standing idle
>Imagine she is making those sounds in her sleep while I'm holding her
underrated post
But in the end the Baker family carried that shit effortlessly.
A good villain can do that. The Bakers didn't have staying power though. That's why Capcom is going to bring back Wesker soon. They need his charisma.
Nobody cares about that abortion of game
hopefully no waifubait
RE threads are unbearable due to goblina and the chink it would get 10x worse with a new game
Well that goes without question
Surprised this dude hasn't been unlockable earlier, to be honest. I'd love to see Frank West struggle his way through an actual zombie apocalypse using just random junk he finds around.
Frankly I feel any service Dead Rising representation could have other than the appeal of a crossover is adequately covered by the Outbreak cast.
Why the hell is Rebecca and Barry so underutilized?
Capcom really truly sucks at managing characters.
Don't suppose you have a link to that version of the mod user?
Ada looks better without the black bra
Rebecca's appeal is niche, but if you do like her then you really like her. Just not enough people do. Not that anyone hates her.
Barry is too much of an old fart w/ a family to be consistently in games. He was playable in Rev2 at least though