GOTY 2019

GOTY 2019

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Imagine the slime

>GOTY 2019
Doesn't it need to be released in 2019 to be GOTY? We are halfway through the year without an official release date. I'd have more hope of Sony giving up censorship and moving HQ back to Japan than this game releasing this year.

does gooichi tastes like gummy bear jub jub?

I'm excited.

I'm can't remember Nintendo ever waiting further than E3 to reveal a game's delay aside from Tropical Freeze. If it's still 2019 now, I believe it's 2019.

He canonically tastes like coffee.

If Gooigi dies at the end I'll cry

This might surprise you, but there is a canon answer to that:

>What is the goo made of? Is it like Jell-O? Can you eat it?

>You’re the second person to ask if you can eat Gooigi. [Laughs] It’s probably like gummies so you could eat it. The actual backstory is that Professor E. Gadd extracted a bunch of energy out of the ghost that he captured, and then he accidentally spilled coffee on it, and that's how the goo was made.

Kinda odd that it's just called LM3 without a subtitle.

You are part of the problem

What this user said. The game also looks very polished. If they said the game was releasing 2 months from now I'd believe them.

I'm surprised Gooette isn't a thing after what happened last time.

Not for JP and EU.

deepest lore

>tfw Gooigi will be playable in Mario Kart before E. Gadd

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Unironicly GOTY this year

>brought back portrait ghosts (kinda)

only thing I give a shit about. dark moon was infinitely worse without them

I seriously disliked LM2, but I'm actually surprised at how fucking good 3 looks. It honestly looks fucking great and brimming with soul

Luigi doesn’t have the poltergeist when King Boo chases him so it’s most likely the beginning of the game

think about it dude. e gadd is an old man, kart racing would kill him. he'd be happy to see his son on the track
e gadd would still be dope as fuck tho

imagine thinking "dark moon" is an acceptable name

I’m hype for this but I’m stuck on paranormal chaos in Dark Moon. I need to upgrade my suction one more time.

Also the multiplayer is still really active by the way.

it should be called Hotel Luigi

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>Luigi game
>Daisy still doesn't appear

I guess we'll have to wait 20 more years to see her appear in something again.

With the new physics engine, you can bully toad and throw shit around

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they put her in smash, that was more than enough. stupid ass thot.

>scripted animation
>physics engine

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>luigi walks into into chair
>it bumps out of the way

>gooigi on the cover
Found the final boss.

Well it is acurrate, it did have a moon and the sky was dark.

It is only announced as 2019. Looking at recent games and ignoring tons of previous examples, Fire Emblem Three Houses had a loose release date of Spring 2019, which wasn't updated until Feb 2019, which is literally just before spring begins. That means they waited until 1 to 4 months before release before they announced a delay. Short notice delays aren't uncommon for Nintendo which is why someone even bothered making an article about Nintendo's comments on delays.

One thing to understand here is that I don't hate Nintendo for their delays. The fact that they don't tend to release broken games that need to be patched speaks for itself in defense of delaying games. I'm just not naive.

That's a crazy level, good luck user.
c'mon bruh

I just hope the game gets fairly reviewed

Fucking that tranny carolyn at Gamespot for giving Dark Moon a 6 just because she didn’t like puzzle games

But they delayed Animal Crossing in this same Direct.

So is Gooigi just an optional character to use to make the game easy mode or is he a more of a tool?

Huh? Animal Crossing was delayed in this recent direct, not in Feb. Also, how is saying a game was delayed help prove that a game wont be delayed?


He seems pretty required to do things that Luigi can't, like going right through bars. Another person can also pick up a controller and do co op as him

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I like Gooigi. It's funny to see the contrast between Luigi's terrified overreaction to everything and Gooigi's perfect passiveness.


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Gooigi really is the best.

>Being terrified of your own goo

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I mean the trailer pretty much explains it. He can go places where luigi cant and help out with puzzles n stuff.

>e gadd is an old man, kart racing would kill him
This nigga was wrestling with a ghost in his very first appearance in the first LM game, the fuck you mean kart racing would kill him

Hey guys, remember ghost Luigi? Now he is Gooigi, funny how game development change over time. First, you think of a ghost that can pass through bars and spikes but you can't think of good weakness then he becomes goo.

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>Luigi's Mansion: Beyond Two Souls

Gooigi expels from Luigi's Splatoon-esque canister. Luigi also goes fucking limp when Gooigi comes out

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It's looking really fucking good.
Hotel mansion was a good idea.

>babies can drive
>but not old dudes

How has this not been shooped with a BLACKED label yet?

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this and astral chain looked like unironic goty contenders

I wish they went a little further with it, eg. the poltergust is merged with his back and hand, the flashlight/vacuum is floppy when not in use.


Now we wait to see if there's things Goolgi can't do aside from taking hits.

December 2019.

Impressed with all the graphical effects. I know it's running at 30 FPS, but that's typically just breathing room for lazy optimization for some shit Switch developers like HAL and GameFreak.

The dark moon was a thing in the game, it was the main plot point even.

watch the trailer again

He can't pass across wet surfaces like puddles, and according to Treehouse Live he doesn't play well with fire either.

Interviews say Goolgi was planned long in advance, them planning him for 3 is why he got time travelled into the 3DS port of 1, not the other way around.

The scene with the drain has me wondering if Goolgi will have to go down one at one point.

Ghost Luigi can't be only a gag for one smash announcement, it can't be,

They confirmed Luigi's Mansion 3 was in development for the Wii U so it has to have been in at -least- 2-3 years.

Gameplay also showed that he has only 25HP.

Take it one step at a time, but try and prioritize the hiders (blue ghosts) in the kitchen first. after that, the rest of it should be a breeze

Thank god they moved it, I can only dread at whatever stupid gimmick they'd come up with to make you use the gamepad.

yeah in the tv set level he gets sucked into some plumbing in the wall and it gives you some extra money

Give it to me straight doc, can you press A to call for Mario?

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Luigi's Mansion 3 legit looks like the best game to come out of e3 to me.

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Moving it to the switch is the best idea to do for this game. You can see the extra 2gigs of RAM alone helps the game.

Absolutely based. I've literally waited since I was, like, 7-8 years old for this. It looks like we may finally be getting a sequel that does the original justice. I'm not real thrilled about 30fps, but original only ran at 30 and it wasn't that bad, so hopefully this will be alright too. Not having a rotating camera will make low framerate a lot more bearable. This and Elden Ring are the only two absolutely top-tier things showed off at e3 this year, and I almost hesitate to give that distinction to Elden Ring because we haven't seen any gameplay.

But what does best boy do? I can only assume the hostile ghosts kidnapped him and once you free him, he becomes part of Luigi's arsenal.

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I thought he had pupils

Is Gooigi made out of Luigi's Goo?

He does at the end of the game once the dark moon is restored and all the ghosts become cool guys again. I guess they figured the pupil-less look was more iconic.

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Speaking of Luigi, is this true?

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My only concern is that so far it looks like there's no reason not to use the slam move. Hopefully they'll introduce reasons to not do it all the time.

Other than that this feels like a perfect sequel.

no hes only afraid of the gays

Can't wait

Fucking Omega Chad

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Not surprising. Don’t most people prefer Luigi to Mario?

I'd say most male audiences like him as a protagonist, so it's not surprising.

To be fair the first time I masturbated I didn't know what came out me and thought I hurt something.

>the interview on Switch's news feed confirms that the there are floors sprawling multiple floors instead of each floor being like a stage

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That looks nasty. No pupils is way better.

bros im so hyped


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wtf Luigi you homophone

Make a good Paper Mario first you hack and I might consider it.

I like to think Polterpup sleeping beside Luigi is the reason he wasn't taken like the others

I had the idea of gooigi turning out to be the main villian and become an evil luigi that hires waluigi to help kill luigi,in the final battle he tries sacrificing waluigi to revive king boo but they end up fusing

Wait source?

delusional, it looks like nintendo sponsored shovelware

>Tomb service

30 fps is probablt cause of the multiplayer too.

Switch's news feed

Turn on your switch, one of the articles is an inhouse interview


Why is his moustache way above his upper lip, looks weird. It's as if the "moustache" is just his overgrown nose hair.

They probably don't have a solid date because they wan't to fix the framerate.

I wouldnt be surprised given how much better looking the game is compared to last year

But what if your gay for luigi

He's not there when Luigi wakes up after everyone was kidnapped, or at least he doesn't appear to be. Either he actually got dognapped or he managed to give them the slip. Little bastard is good at that.

King Boo is in the trailer already, here's hoping they have a new main villain.

I appreciate the fact that the elevator lady is based on Morticia

They really nailed that GameCube soul in the human ghosts, especially in Morty. And during the end of the multiplayer segment at the treehouse they say there’s “a couple dozen” of them, Any hopes?

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They polished up a lot when you take a closer look. The texture on Luigi and everything, plus lighting. The lighting makes the biggest difference

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This guy looked really good

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>not posting the webm

Luigi's never looked better

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Anyone else happy that it looks like they took criticism of gooigi's mansion 2 to heart and fixed a bunch of stuff?

This is under the assumption that the flow of the game is 1 ghost per floor, which we saw contained 13 i believe.

Im assuming there's more, or that your going to have to go back, or even a fucking basement, NO FUCKING WAY we ARENT going to the basement

If you look in between the arm plates there’s some sort of skeleton arm structure inside the suit.

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>Luigi gets the Odyssey treatment
>His model is tons better than Mario's
I love it

>Luigi has a nightmare at the beginning where King Boo chases him
>Whole game sets up King Boo as the main villain
>You reach King Boo
>Gooigi betrays you, puts on King Boo's crown and becomes some monstrosity
>King Boo's whole plan was to destroy Gooigi, knowing that E. Gadd created him from condensed ghost energy, which is extremely dangerous
>King Boo knew that E. Gadd's plan was to use Luigi and Gooigi together to help him in his research
>so he lures Luigi and his friends to the hotel and kidnaps only Mario, Peach and the two Toads, so that Luigi and Gooigi would try to rescue them and Gooigi would get destroyed by one of King Boo's traps
>For the final battle you play as Luigi and King Boo, fighting against Gooigi

They said they read reviews and forums to see what people didn't like about the game, which is really surprising.

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>odyssey treatment
His hair isn't at all like Mario in Odyssey.

Actually looks great, I wasnt expecting that at all.

>He didn't watch the treehouse

The King is a scottish Manlet, everything in that suit is artificial

New Punch Out when?

I can't tell if it was Nintendo themselves or Next Level

I would like to think it was Next Level

It looks so uninspired and generic, like the second game. I dont get it, how is this different from the other shovelware Nintendo puts out like Mario Party or Aces?

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That and I'm glad Nintendo doesn't blame them over FF flopping.

Luigi getting more paranoid and losing his shit the closer he is to ghosts/multiple ghosts is Kino

>When you remove the painting Little Mac's Glove comes out

Great fucking easteregg

>beat game
>everybody congratulates Luigi and head out to celebrate
>"Luigi" turns to the camera and smiles

I meant being brought to the Switch in his own solo adventure, they're clearing giving hi all the works from his overalls, shirt, to his hat ect.

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>watching treehouse
>showing off Googi
>"Gooigi was introduced in Dark Moon..."

he was? I literally don't remember him.

Mariolets BTFO!

Anybody at the show floor bothered to see what the brightness setting actually does, it's very curious why they chose THAT to be in the pause menu.

Does it actually darken the game in style or just actual brightness and if it makes a difference

17 actually

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Must have been a mispeak. It was introduced in the 3DS port of the original for Co-op.

Remember when Luigi was in Backdraft?

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He wasnt

They mustve been confused with the original Luigi's Mansion. People at Treehouse tend to do that by accident.
I remember last E3 they accidently said K Rool's Final Smash was from DKC2

You misheard or they mispoke, he was introduced in the 3DS port of the original.

I'm sure it's the same brightness setting across any other game.

>original Luigi's Mansion

the REMAKE i meant

He apparently handles the tutorial. Maybe he sticks around with E Gadd.

Looking forward to what improvements they come up with the next time we see the game, maybe we'll see a game specific direct where we will get the actual release date.

Its the same devs that made punch out wii, one of the most soulful games ever made. Seriously they know how to put personality into their characters.
You are actually blind. It is much closer to the original than 2.

Remember when everyone said Xenoblade 2 would not make a 2017 release?

It was everyone's fault that that game flopped though
>sakamoto for making other m
>nintendo for not fixing the problem straight away
>tanabe for okaying the project
>next level for not making it anything standout

That level of detail is what you'd expect at this point though. He looks good, the whole game looks good, love the reflective surfaces, and the lighting and materials.

I'm already sold so I want the only further information to be a release date.

everything beyond XC2 has been delayed

It was not present in the original reveal trailer is what he means.

Imagine if they pull a Punch Out Wii and make you revisit the areas that are REMIXED with altered versions of the boss ghosts?

>the penthouse is just a 1:1 recreation of the Mansion from 1

Not sure but you can play with him using the poltergeist

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The treehouse statement technically isnt wrong.

The canon explanation is that DURING Dark Moon, Egadd created Gooigi and decided to time travel and give it to Luigi's Mansion 1 Egadd

Nintendo would block that because then newcomers might not buy the 3DS port.

>12 Floors, one Boss Ghost each
So far we have
-Probably King Boo
And then 7 more we haven't seen.

Way less than LM1, but it's better than nothing.

Me too

If anything, maybe do some improvements to get the people who are still REEE ITS NOT DARK AND REALISTIC to finally shut up

>That announcement trailer last year.
Game looked kinda shit.
>That E3 trailer.
Game looked kinda neat.
>That Treehouse segment.
>Game looked dope as fuck.

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Actually it's 17, we saw the elevator door And that's assuming

Remember when Yoshi, Travis Strikes again, Fire Emblem Three Houses, Daemon X Machina and Animal Crossing were delayed?
Xenolade 2 was pushed forwards, that game was clearly not finished, it's whole development was clearly rushed too considering how poorly optimized it was.

Oh yeah, nice upgrade.

I like the easter eggs and details in the environment like that punch out pic.. I hope there is a lot of these, and I believe they will be just for how long the game has been in development. Yoshi's Crafted World was also delayed a lot and there was a ton of attention to detail in the backgrounds.

>there was a Luigi's Mansion 3DS port with extra modes
Fucking when? Had absolutely no idea

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Notice how bottom corner is missing? That's probably the fucking basement

To be fair those are only bosses, there'll probably be regular ghosts that only require puzzle solving too.

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Theres a couple dozen ghosts they said, its likely not all of them will be bosses.

I see all of his years believing in ghosts got him in.

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I really hope so kek

There is no evidence that suggests they won't or atleast cause a boss fight with each special ghost

Morty isnt bad, but he makes Luigi in a situation that is technically a boss fight

>more human-like ghosts
I'm fucking sold already

Gooigi terrifies me.

Ecto-plasm with coffee spilled on it. No seriously.

It's basically the original with downgraded visuals for the 3ds but unfortunetley it doesn't play too great unless you have a circle pad pro lying around because they didn't use dark moon's control scheme for some bizarre reason. The biggest addition was co-op but it runs like ass. Not an awful way to play LM1 but it feels rushed out the ass

But will there be RETURNING GHOSTS
If you had to pick 3 from LM1, what are your picks?

-Madame Clairvoya
-Slim Bankshot

I find the slamming move hilariously over the top and violent.

he's Googi

They could have called it "Last Resort" since that is apparently the name of the hotel. But they probably wanted to distance it from dark moon as much as possible.

I saw a ghost in the multiplayer demo that reminded me of the faggot grabber ghost from the original, maybe it was him but redesigned

>We are going to be slamming the elevator lady's face on the floor

you deserve love

Are they bringing back the little "scared" mechanic or something similar to it from the LM1 beta when Luigi gets ambushed? Because that's what I'm getting from this little clip

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Would you do it?

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>luigi's mansion 3 was clearly supposed to be this years surprise e3 announcement but nintendo overlooked how fucking strange it would be to have luigi's mansion 3 content in smash bros ultimate without any info on that game being given
That's one thing I missed from this years E3.

Luigi physically freaks the fuck out when he gets too close to a ghost/gets ganged

Whether it's an actual mechanic or not we really can't say, im pretty sure Treehouse wouldve mentioned it.
Maybe it'll be implemented before release because Luigi is very noticeably doing this the entire demos

>Asking Tanabe to create shit that he doesn't know about

Why are you asking the fucking retard that thought Toads were the only available NPC's in the mario world

Just make Birdo wayoshi, they are already a character
>yoshi is masculine but lays eggs
>birdo is feminine but is canonically male

This is gonna be a goldmine when it hits

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>Is Birdo Wayoshi? Maybe

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LM2 was good for the hardware and I didn’t own a WiiU so I’m glad that if we got anything it was a slightly downgraded 3DS game instead of a console game I wouldn’t have played, but yeah LM3 is gonna be kino as fuck

Would I?

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Why do interviewers never ask actual good questions


>Game: Game
>Game 3

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Good-a job!

Gooigi has no mouth. Thats unsettling.

What do you mean they don;t ask good questions?

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You got Burgered.

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what is that yellow square ruining the box art? lmao

>Player fucks up

>Entire room spams GOOD-A-JOB during the final seconds

We better be able to do this in LM3's version

Technically it was only American that gave the subtitle

2 let you do it after a certain point

>GI: What is the goo made of? Is it like Jell-O? Can you eat it?

>KT: You’re the second person to ask if you can eat Gooigi. [Laughs] It’s probably like gummies so you could eat it. The actual backstory is that Professor E. Gadd extracted a bunch of energy out of the ghost that he captured, and then he accidentally spilled coffee on it, and that's how the goo was made.

The power to dictate whether character is edible or not

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Its what we call the one thing Burgers have over the EU and that's a small age rating

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So it means its okay to make vore art for once.

>developed by a small studio in British Columbia
Day one purchase.

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How can one team be so based?

British Canadians are the best

Shut the fuck up, Kevin.

>the haunted hotel is brighter than the original mansion
>but still darker than the places in Dark Moon
I'm actually okay with this.

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EAT UP user

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>British Columbian studio
>isn't 80% chinese and indian
What the fuck?

I think the only thing they literally need to do, which is probably josh's only actual good criticism regarding the style, is getting the lights to get darker or just turn off entirely when doors get locked and your fighting ghosts

It's the Germans' rating thing, other countries don't have that.

Good on you user for not being The Bit Block

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Yeah, i'm from B.C, a lot of asians even back then in the early 90s.

>Ghosts wearing costumes equal minions
It's hard to take any criticism he says seriously when he also says shit like this at the same time.

Josh managed to be a lot more tamer than his original reaction

But he basically just flat out admits he only cared about the original because it was a dark tech demo and nothing else.

Never take a diaper lover seriously

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so would he just taste like coffee then?

I want to like Josh and sometimes when he's not being a retard, he is, like talking about games where he likes the actual fucking game and not dumb aspects like Animal Crossing

Arlo i have the same issues with, i realize i enjoy both by just dodging topics.
Arlo's video about Mansion 3 is great compared to games he's forcibly inserting himself in.

Maybe Coffee with a hint of Jelly

user I respect you for getting past the barrier that is Josh and to a lesser degree Arlo. But you really need to reconsider listening to Josh about anything that isn't Animal Crossing because Josh is a fucking idiot. But you did with many of us couldn't good job man.

>the only thing he seemed to genuinely like was the Dark Crystal game

>Josh likes a Netflix game over Mansion kino
He really is mental

I kind of had to because i was actually enjoying the fuckers content back when he was about showing us cool Wiiware shit.
I have pretty much learned the shit he likes so i pretty much avoid the majority.

Dark Moon players who saw the treehouse segment, should I be excited for multiplayer? Do you think it will be fun, based on your experience with LM2?

Scarescraper was fantastic with randoms, playing it with new hardware will be glorious, now if only I had friends.

Oh man those were the days of quality.

Which one is Josh? It’s not BeatEmUps or Wulff, right?


It is a lot of fun, and you can play it offline too.

This Josh guy seems like a bit of a buttwipe, especially when he calls himself a Luigi's Mansion "aficianado" but doesn't like Dark Moon. His criticisms are pretty stupid, the Minions movie didn't invent maid outfits and ghosts are supposed to be mischievous spirits. The 1 ghosts are still the goofiest of the lot, just look at their grins.

I do think the rooms should get really dark again when ghost fights happen, but that probably isn't likely. All the same, looking forward to 3. It feels weird not having a subtitle like 2 did in burgerland.

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haha imagine if Booette slurped up Gooigi haha

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We know for a fact that the Toad escort missions are back so those are covered but what about Peach and Mario? Are we going to separately collect them or together? Wonder what would even happen if we got them seperate

>Morty Boostein

TheBitBlock guy you know the one that's into diapers and Zero Suit Samus cosplay one and also has really bad opinions on everything that isn't Animal Crossing.

Why can I hear the smash announcer saying "Gooigi" so clearly in my mind?

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he races them in mario party 5 im pretty sure
so you're wrong

>This Josh guy seems like a bit of a buttwipe

He's a literal diaper fag, someone should have the pics.

He's into diapers, hates everything, and got blacklisted by Nintendo what more could a man want

Im awaiting fanart of Luigi using the slamming move to slam Booette on the floor

Its really similar to how he say's Luigi anyways.

Did he at least like animal crossing?


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>vore art with Booette and Gooigi

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He did when he realized there was houses and seasons

Missclicked meant to say here's one of many

like a $oyboy on $oylent

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That's how I felt too user


>part 1

We shouldn’t devolve into talking about Josh

Talk about Booette eating Gooigi

Now there's something I didn't need to know. Let's get back to talking about ghost busting.

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part 2: dark suit

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You're right can we discuss from a scale of 1-10 how much of a good boy Polterpup is?

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Don't act like you didn't at least get a little choked up at this.

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>When Luigi starting crying tears of joy
Now that's an ending

bugs me that the flashlight is always on like LM2 instead of a toggle like LM1

The fuck

I remember when Josh was featured prominently on Gonintendo and was fairly normal in his lets plays and quick looks. Nothing out of the ordinary.
Then i noticed afterwards he started becoming really angry, bitter and a little nutty, and that's when i found out he broke Nintendo embargo and got blacklisted. All downhill from there

What would it feel like if you put the vacuum on your dick haha

This was a great reaction given how Luigi was losing his mind over the entire game.

Dark Moon has it’s own charm, having Mario day “THAT’S MY BRO, YOUR NUMBER 1!” was a long time coming

What an insufferable fuck

How did we go from this...

Attached: KingBoowser.jpg (500x567, 48K)

During e3, Luigi was skulking around the show floor creeping on guests

Attached: weegies.png (899x500, 767K)

>his very first appearance
He got older since, idiot.

to this

Attached: 604px-King_Boo_Artwork_-_Luigi's_Mansion_Dark_Moon.png (604x599, 354K)

so based nintendo reveals Josh is loony?

is there a way of playing this and dark moon without getting a nintendo quentin or a nintendo soei

and then this

Attached: Storage_Room_King_Boo_LM3DS.png (400x240, 71K)

Emulation and stop speaking in memewords when asking questions.

That model sucks

His actual dark moon artwork is Kino

Attached: 2315AA80-2096-48E5-8756-E113C147BCB2.png (600x335, 166K)

Is that Biff Atlas in his prime?

>nintendo quentin or a nintendo soei

Attached: Reaction.jpg (282x326, 30K)

>Dark Moon
>Luigi Mansion 3
well that'll take either rather quickly or rather long
either way grow a pair and don't unironically use >soei

and now this

Attached: 600px-LM3KingBooArt.png (600x600, 259K)

dark moon doesnt run well on citra at all

>Game functions, but with major graphical or audio glitches. Unable to progress in specific areas due to glitches even with workarounds.

>its too cartoony
Has this clown ever even played the first game? It was cartoony as fuck with luigi getting flattened pancake and the sort. I will never understand the people that imply luigi's mansion was ever some "serious" horror game. Its a cartoony parody of horror at most.

These graphics tho

Attached: D89vS4CUIAUm8oF.jpg (1200x690, 78K)

Why do people pretend that the first game was the scariest game ever?

Same people that call Metroid 2 a horror game and say SR ruined the atmosphere.

well sadly you can't emulate it then. Or I suppose it would be sadly if you didn't just use meme words to get help

Attached: Luigi.png (188x297, 86K)

Why is King Boo always just a Big Boo with a crown in Mario Kart if he has an actual design?

>Looks almost if not just like this trailer
Gamefreak has no excuse

Attached: Mario-Odyssey-Trailers_10-10-17.jpg (600x337, 46K)

im not the original poster, just someone who tried to emulate it a while ago

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I'm not defending him, and I haven't watched that video either.
But there is a bit of a tone shift from 1 to 2. Not saying 1 was ever a horror game, but it did have some genuinly spooky atmosphere. While 2 felt more like a scooby doo episode.
Not that either of those things are bad or one is better than the other. Just pointing out there is a difference.
With that said, 3 is looking more like a mixture of 1 and 2 in that area.

>Same devs as Wii Punch Out
I'm sold. Those guys know how to put thought into practically every aspect of the game. Which is weird since Dark Moon was filled with personality aside from the ghosts themselves.

No one really knows. King Boo's first appearance in a Mario Kart game was just two years after Luigi's Mansion. Maybe he was just too spoopy for Mario Kart or they didn't get a memo. Either way I somewhat hate it but live with it.

Attached: 636px-King_Boo_Artwork_MSS.png (636x600, 195K)

They also made Federation Force but hey we all have our low moments. For us every moment on this board counts as a low moment.

I blame Tanabe for that, not them.

Why not just buy it and play it on a 3ds?

Well.. He is taller.

The guy asking the question doesn't want to buy Nintendo systems because buzzwords.

Sorry then dog poster in that case I looked it up and it appears it works or at least much better on recent Citra so give it a shot.

Why is it every Luigi Mansion 3 thread turns out to be comfy in some way or some form?

Attached: Weegee.jpg (480x360, 19K)

Playing metroid on an original gameboy sounds horrific.
>But there is a bit of a tone shift from 1 to 2.
Oh I totally agree, but saying 3 is too cartoony when all of the games are is just silly. 3 does seem to be a big improvement over 2 in that regard as well though.
Yeah I'm excited to see what they came up with for the ghosts, all the fighters in punch out wii were fun.

because Luigi's Mansion is a comfy series

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>when he first shows up
Fuck the haters
Dark Moon had some amazing moments

Attached: [DBNL] Dragon Box Z (DBZ) - 226 - Confrontation with the Demon King! It's Your Turn, Gohan!! [x (640x480, 134K)

It's cause it doesn't have the autism of Smash nor the failings of Pokemon.

>Little Mac shows up as a hidden ghost as a jab to his series being "dead"
>uses the Star K.O punch as a last ditch hit
>Foreshadows a new Punch Out game
how based would this make Next Level Games?

We got good info from Treehouse streams, that's why they're good right now
It saddens me that we have to wait another year for comfy Treehouse threads

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I love the continued tradition of basing the UI off of a nintendo console

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it hurts me too user but we can do it not just for us but for Luigi

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9/10. Him stealing the keys pissed me off a lot but it wasn't entirely his fault.

It still makes me smile to this day.


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Is it too much to ask for designated Luigi Mansion 3 threads every day like Smash. These threads are just too good.

Amazing how luigi has gotten the most character development.

He ignores luigi and only chases down brown ghosts.

YES it also could of been the Nintendo Witch

Before LM3 comes out, blows us all away and likely causes all discussion of LM2 to end, I just wanted to say that I personally liked LM2 much more than most players apparently did. Yes, portrait ghosts missing is a big feature lost. Yes, the mission structure takes away a lot of the free-form exploration of the original. But apart from that, everything else seems like a big improvement over the original.
Standard ghosts are much more lively and have so much more character. In the original, all they did was spawn, punch, laugh. Here, they possess statues, mimick mummys, utilize weapons, shields and shades, hide in the ground, burrow into the sand and do all kinds of stuff. They remind me of Gremlins, which is great. Then all those different mansions, giving so much more content, so many more themes. The Toad rescue missions, which each Toad having a distinct phobia to work around. Luigi's phenomenal expressions. E. Gadd's Dialogue. And what I found to be very impressive graphics for a 3DS game, as well as some neat music.
Honestly, the reason why I was looking forward to LM3 since it's reveal was because it comes from the developers of LM3. With "portrait" ghosts back, this is gonna be a blast. Also glad to see them working on something this great, after nobody (probably rightfully so) appreciated Federation Force.

>portrait ghosts are back
>the missions from LM2 are gone
>scarescraper is improved largely from the second game
how can one studio be so based?

Attached: perfectus.png (500x500, 303K)

The game looks good and they fixed pretty much all the problems people had with dark moon. Also Luigi is just peak comfy.
Damn I would love that. There is actually already a mac reference in the game though. A punch out poster is in the movie studio level and if you suck it up mac's boxing glove pops out with some money.
Stuff like this is why Luigi is the better brother by far.
Yep and its called the Virtual Boo

Does that make every blue ghost white when they were alive?

Attached: 1559230295342.jpg (1280x720, 159K)

Attached: 250px-KingbooSunshine.jpg (250x296, 9K)

Imagine if they continue the Strikers references and add this somewhere

Its canon this was made by Bowser Jr. so it explains everything.

They also made the Mario Strikers games and Punch Out (Wii) so they've done a whole lot good to say the very least

I was always curious as to why the boos in sunshine look blazed as fuck

Attached: biff.jpg (2518x1024, 273K)

Luigi's Mansion 2 didn't have a subititle in Europe, either.

It does have a lot of soul for a game about dead people...

Fuck man I always loved that theme
>When the fucking guitar kicks in

Attached: Anon uses kinect to hack into the pentagon.gif (480x270, 1.07M)

Good taste man I just want them to reference every possible Luigi theme for the ultimate Luigi game

>king boo chasing luigi without the poltergust
>luigi gets it back
>this starts playing
Would be kino

big bobs

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But the question remains...

What pun are they going to use for it's in-game name this time?

Confirmed as Virtual Boo.

It's a gigantic moment of relief. He spent the entire game in fear and anxiety, screaming or yelping when he gets ambushed and pushing through his worst nightmare. And now it's finally over and he gets to laugh at Mario's misfortune and a huge weight just falls off of him.

It looks really great. The good gameplay and amount of charm it has makes up for lacking that eerie atmosphere of the first game. It looks like Dark Moon but better in every way.

To be fair he looks great in 3. I hope he gets more screentime, I always liked King Boo the most out of the Mario antagonists.

Attached: LM3E3Screenshot4.png (1920x1080, 1.26M)

unrelated but I'm still so salty we'll wait for eternity for a proper sequel to Punch Out Wii

wtf i hate trannies more now. what a faggot, would she give zelda a 6 too in that case?

>have the 3D turned up all the way for immersive spooky effects
>open the door of the final mansion
>not a damn thing in sight
>Luigi turns around and flashes the torch literally into your eyes
3DS could be god tier when it wanted to be.

Attached: 1370333738683.jpg (243x346, 12K)

makes sense - luigi actually has some remnants of a personality

I still care more about Paper Mario and Luigi's Mansion would have been fine without you, so no.

I would advice against that. We are already delving deep into vore faggotry.

I wouldn't say tons better but it's really good. But Luigi's Mansion runs at 30 fps and has a forced perspective unlike Odyssey.

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>implying Mario characters age

Mario should be old by now according to your lofic

>in which I find my soul brother
Could not agree more with you, user. I get the mission complaints but I loved everything else about the game so much I didn't even mind it. There was so much to do, so many collectibles, fun little side missions, improved gameplay, it was nuts. I loved the regular ghost enemies as well, they did all sorts of goofy ghost shit. Only time will tell if I like the ones in 3 as much, but portrait ghost-type bosses already looks like a huge plus.

Attached: 1385534823348.jpg (316x400, 24K)

You haven't even played it yet.

>You wanna be a star, don't you kid?

Doesn't mean it don't look fucking amazing.

Nothing to shitpost about with Luigi's Mansion, it's just peak comfy

Yeah, Luigi's Mansion is shaping up to become a great trilogy. Really happy to see LM become a series, after the original has been one of my favorite games, but also has been just a single title with no apparent future for so long.

I cry every time I watch this.

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Dark Moon's ending was a good too. Leave it to a western developer to have the balls to make Mario and Luigi speak a few sentences

>Those gums

Good lord

This needs to be shopped with the dancing strippers intimidating Smithers.

Can I just ask: Why is King Boo so fucking PISSED this time? He looks like he's trying to kill Luigi in this pic.

>New mechanic of photo scanning, use it to find a location and learn more about the plot

>The final photo ends up being a manipulated Jump Scare by King Boo


Now this is fucking obscure, but I do remember Biff. What game is the other guy even from?

Technically the canon reason King Boo is unique in Luigi's Mansion seems to be because of the jewel he wears on his head that darkens his eyes.

Why wouldn't you? Luigi has been the bane of your existence for 3 games now

Nigga that's the pool guy from the same game

Attached: SlimBankshot13.png (386x285, 162K)

Why they don't use her more desu?

Abso-fucking-lutely. The scares in the last mansion definitely got me. I played that shit at night too.

I remember the abandoned mine having some scary moments with this one really unsettling track (it was used for when you're hunting for hiding ghosts) and this one part where King Boo is kinda just off in the distance looking at you. The clockworks also had clothing stuck in gears, which is dark when you think too hard.

I'm just glad they confirmed they're going back to the Luigi's Mansion 1 style of ghosts. That was my main problem with 2. That and we have a whole hotel to explore rather than different mansions, which was also a change I didn't like.

Here’s my question: There was a luigis mansion 2?

Luigi is basically the gender-inverted version of a cute animu waifu that must be protected at all costs.

I liked the Haunted towers a lot, being plant based was cool but also the constant rain and thunder storms, and the fact that it's the only song that took me quite a fucking while to realize was meant to be the main theme

The name is absolute edgelord in english, but its understandable considering the actual themes of Twilight Princess.

Dude it would be pretty epic if someone were to edit that as if luigi got shot in the head

Attached: 1560391978238.jpg (235x235, 10K)

I've literally never fapped so much in my life. That was a fun week

what a cute ghost


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Do you think as some points we will be required to go back to past floors or are they going to be pretty much seperate from one another?

Attached: 1552427828047.png (645x645, 423K)

We don't know.enough to say.
We do know at some point we are going to the basement despite going up all the time.

>power goes out at sometime when you are in the elevator
>crashes down to the bottom floor
>you have to climb the stairs back up in the darkness
Would be great

I have good expectations for this game.



Does Elevator lady have porn yet

Hes still seething about getting cucked of his dream of an art gallery

Also, was it ever explained how bowser died in luigis mansion 1?

King Boo was using a Costume, Bowser was never there

So is the basement or the top floor gonna be endgame?

>talking shit about Luigi

Nice reddit humor with incel infographic.

Attached: 07FDA169-07D1-4FA7-9E07-31D12F0AD1D5.jpg (795x1024, 149K)

Then why does madame bitch tell luigi bowser is dead?

>ever explained how bowser died in luigis mansion 1?
The game was developved after Paper Mario 64 where Bowser exploded alongside the platform that powered him, so he was assumed dead when he really wasn't.

i hate it too. idk why they wouldnt just use the actual king boo

You should keep in mind that a ghost made this picture

Watching 2 happen and it being so damn fun to play was one of the best things to happen for me in a really long time. Both the original and 2 are now part of my mandatory Spooktober games list. The OG theme and 2's theme are some of my most hummed tunes of all time.

You know what was Kino?

The fucking time limit GHOST Pun challenges in Dark Moon, specifically when the song keeps getting fucking faster

>Metroid Prime
>Donkey Kong
>Luigi's Mansion

Why do western devs work so well with Nintendo ips?

Luigi being my favorite Mario bro and Ghostbusters being my favorite media franchise (2016 parody notwithstanding) the Luigi Mansion games were literally made for me. Love the cartoony tone, interactions, designs, they're all fantastic. With them trying hard to unfuck GB after the 2016 fiasco I could see them having some kinda GB dlc. Sure I doubt it but I'd buy that shit.

I hope we get more surreal kino

Attached: observatory.png (738x1620, 1.08M)

>He doesnt know

Go away josh

user: , and many others.

>claims to speak to the spirits???
>not even the spirits know what the fuck is going on
Bravo miyamoto

him dying and his ghost appearing was just the obvious tease, you can see the new pack though
maybe there’s a part of the game where you are a ghost? who knows

How bout you actually watch some shit first before complaining like a mormon.

It'll be a December game, don't worry.

Girls love Luigi, yes. They don't choose him in Kart or other party/sports games, but they do think he's a husbando.

Looks uninspired, from the character designs, to the overly angular environments, which look untextured in spots. Also I found the "puzzle" shown off in the treehouse, where you enter various movie sets, was laughably straight forward and linear. Every ghost we've seen is just a variation of the same blue casper, with no personality. There was even another ghost type that was just a big red cube with arms, seems like they're really targeting kids with this one. Then the giant godzilla comes out, and for a second I'm like "cool a new ghost", but nope it's just a another blue ghost wearing a costume. It fails to capture the atmosphere and level design of the first game, and worst of all, there's no mansion? Not interested.

Attached: luigi_s_mansion_ghosts__aka_ghosts_everywhere__by_jtcartoon92-d83tj6i.png (1024x766, 1.08M)

>the fuck is even this room, what do i do
>tfw i realized you needed to blow up the moon

Attached: garcian.jpg (444x296, 11K)

6' vs 5'11"?

You know they skipped over that entire puzzle to show the movie scene right? They didn't even actually show it on screen.
>every ghost we've seen
>there was even another ghost type

You can't even be consistent in the same sentence.

You know that dancing gif with the brazillian and his dog?

I need that with scared Luigi, emotionless Gooigi, and Polterpup

Anyone that uses the word atmosphere in an argument should just admit they having crippling autism

I'm like 70% sure I've seen a post almost identical to this, with the exact same filename.

I know we said we should stop with mentioning Josh but i want to quickly post this parody that tells you the problem with him



Attached: sweaty circle pad.png (400x240, 130K)

>Every ghost we've seen is just a variation of the same blue casper, with no personality.
Portrait ghosts are confirmed back and even the blue ones have personality. How did you somehow watch the movie studio level and miss the director ghost?

Look at this thing and tell me it isn't the definition of soulless?

Attached: kathryn-raccuglia-blooie-concept-art-001.jpg (1920x2173, 322K)

looked really good
how long until i can emulate it?

Was Dork Moon multiplayer?

I liked them more than I thought I would. First ones were easy as hell but the last ones got really hectic with multiple rooms going into the yellow and red all at once. You really had to git gud at ghostbusting to pull that shit off and get your three-star.

>A pose model looks souless
Wow its almost like the soul is in the animations and a picture doesn't do it justice at all

Yes and it was really good.

He's curvy like the originals mixed with Dark Moon, what's the problem? You can't pretend the originals werent goofy fucks in their own way

Also there's more ghosts, Scarescrapper showed different varieties

user it's a ghost, it is 100% soul

Why does none of the fucking OST youtubers post the speed up versions, it's always the slow ass base ones

Yup, and surprisingly fun. Hey

Guess I should try Dark Moon out, don't remember why I skipped it.

Are they gonna bring these guys back? They just want to hug you

Attached: Grabbing_ghosts.png (1037x189, 187K)

compared to the first game, the new ghosts are terribly generic

If i recall, Trecherous Mansions was an actual plot missions instead of an unlocked one and you STILL had an unlocked mission

It's a fucking ghost user, Dark Moons were actually generic, stop being a drama queen, 3's have curves similar to the original

>no pink haired ""women""
>actual good game

It looks just ok. The trailer already shows it's not going to have an atmosphere similar to the original, the suction shot looks like it's going to be a real forced mechanic, the mook ghosts aren't as evocative as they were in the original, and Gooigi in single player is probably going to be a real pain in the ass, but it'll probably still be fun to play. Looking forward to playing it on Yuzu.

The ones in the first game were terribly generic too so it works. The portrait ghosts look even more unique in 3 than they were in 1, considering that they aren't limited to just the haunted mansion setting, and they can make them anything they want to.

Attached: molseting ghsot.jpg (571x404, 21K)

>Game Boy Horror
>Dual Scream
>Virtual Boo

You act like the original ones aren't generic. They're most definitely iconic, but we'd all be lying to ourselves if anyone said they were the most inspired ghost designs in games.

He's coming

Whoa, that's cool

Attached: LM3GooigiPipeArt.png (960x960, 361K)

Yeah, i think the slam isn't finished yet. When they spammed it the animation looked janky. I'm guessing it will be liek Dark moon, where once you use it you need to fill up the bar again.

How do you force a mechanic?

It looks way better in-game with the transparency

idk they're growing on me
Yeah I didn't watch the scarescraper treehouse, do they actually grab Luigi? Looks pretty fuckin sweet if they do.

Attached: luigis-mansion-3-e3-ghosts.jpg (672x378, 58K)

These look more like Ghostbusters ghosts than ever

>they have fucking teeth

Attached: 1550913811995.png (1124x805, 1.27M)

I hate it, talk about wasted potential

I'm trying to emulate Luigi's Manions with Dolphin, but I can't seem to get it to work with my 360 controller, but it does work with my keyboard. Anybody know what to do? Also I'm getting some graphical glitches in the game.

Attached: 1544519531815.png (629x758, 715K)

The level themes look really good, it's nice to see that they are pushing for lots of different themes for them
>movie studio
>medieval castle
>shopping mall
>hotel including guest rooms and dining room and service rooms
The visuals in this game are great too, when other games struggle to have any reflections there are multiple reflective surfaces in some scenes, the level of detail is great too, the wallpaper has holes in it and you can see the dry wall behind it, there's some other parts where it's clear the game isn't finished, like where the level of detail is inconsistent, mostly low res textures

Not sure about the map, the movie studio was really small if you looked on the map, but then the medieval castle is quite large and consists of multiple floors, the Diner and observatory look very interesting

Same energy

Attached: 4C39801F-13C2-4FD3-ADA3-CF3A4D98444B.png (900x1125, 1.94M)

Try the wiki to check compatibility problems, error shouldn't be with 360 controller, my original pack in wired 360 controller works with dolphin.
In order to fix your graphical glitches you should delete system32.

>he's not actually that translucent in-game
Mildly disappointed, but still a great concept and I hope they do good shit with it.

It looks like a return to form, hopefully it's half as good as Luigi's Mansion, which to me it's still a near perfect game.

Maybe it's because my controller isn't an offical 360 controller and a cheap third party one. Also, thanks for the deletion tip. Will brick my computer right away :)

Basically, a lot of what they showed off with the suction shot are things you should be able to do with less inputs. Removing a shield is something you should be able to do directly, considering that the original didn't need a suction shot to de-mask Shy Guys, and destroying the environment for cash is so routine that it should be something quick and direct like sucking on objects for cash in the original. Requiring the player to instead use the suction shot adds needless extra steps to try to make the game look more interactive than how it really is. It would be like if a new Zelda had sliding box puzzles, but you had to press A every push and manage your stamina to move it across the ground.

I imagine there will be fun purposes for it, like maybe tethering a ghost to the ground or attaching them to a physics object that launches into them when they try to pull away, and it's an understandable upgrade for opening new areas, like what they showed in the trailer, but in most of their gameplay examples of it, it's a needless addition.

Thanks for giving any information on what those graphical glitches were. Being 3rd party shouldn't matter, they all use the same input system, I'd be surprised if Dolphin could tell the difference.

SOUL is back

Attached: castle.png (677x540, 556K)

Well I can be more specific with the graphical glitches. Mostly I noticed that Luigi's eyes would get really fucked up sometimes, but also whenever the camera would change the game would just stutter.

The sad thing is I don't think you're too far off base with these worries. I'm loving everything else about the game but it does seem sort of weird that they're tying exploration to this one new thing when we never needed it before. Luigi never needed anything to open doors or activate stuff or just plain interact with the environment. There was the strobulb in 2, but that was a natural evolution of the ghost catching mechanic and didn't take any extra time than just press A or B. I'm hoping the final game doesn't need you using it in rather erroneous situations.

>where is wayoshi
shit that's a good question

Gamespot gave the original Tropical Freeze a 6/10 and the rerelease a 9/10 literally because they could finish it now with Funky Mode being bab tier

Gamespot will always be a bunch of giant fuckwads.

>never needed anything to open doors or activate stuff
Well no, there were the three elemental medals in the original game that you needed to use to progress through the mansion and solve certain puzzles. The problem with the suction shot is that, beyond moving extremely large objects, there's no real need for it to exist when it's launched from a device that already has suction. The elements served different purposes, whereas the suction shot is just adding extra steps to what you're already doing.

Good point, though those were also simple to use and just the press of a button in addition to the utility they provide. It just leads back to the suction shot being one extra thing to do for functions that didn't need it before. Only time will tell if it turns out to be pointless or cool, I suppose.

The suction shot has multiple uses and it's only able to be used from specific angles, you even need to aim it at the right spot for it to be effective, the vacuum has more of an arc in which it's effective, and enemies and objects can be attacked with it no matter what way they are facing.
>needless extra steps
That's some retarded logic right there, you could say this about almost any equipment in any game, why have the light when you could just suck up enemies, why not make the vacuum omni directional and let you suck in everything at once?
The only bad addition is the slam, but only for the ghosts since there is no point when using the slam isn't the best way to defeat a ghost

Biff was the hardest non-boss portrait ghost for me, that guy pulls like a fucking black hole and there's so much shit you can bump into that makes you release him.
Either him or Sir Weston, fuck that guy too.

>nd it's only able to be used from specific angles, you even need to aim it at the right spot for it to be effective, the vacuum has more of an arc in which it's effective, and enemies and objects can be attacked with it no matter what way they are facing.
Well thank god for that.

>That's some retarded logic right there, you could say this about almost any equipment in any game, why have the light when you could just suck up enemies, why not make the vacuum omni directional and let you suck in everything at once?
There's no need to be hostile toward the guy. Haven't you ever played a series where a sequel needlessly complicated a basic feature from the previous title? It's more common than you'd think.

>a luigi's mansion thread filled with legitimate discussion with over 450 replies
Good shit. I'm glad reception to this game has been mostly positive, I'm excited about it.

>Haven't you ever played a series where a sequel needlessly complicated a basic feature from the previous title
I have, but this isn't one of them.

Clairvoya would be good she was real spooks, The Dancing Couple+Melody in the same fight and Vincent Van Gore would be cool too.

I hope we get more info down the line. They didn't even give us a release date, I really want it before Halloween.

All the same, you should know it's a legitimate worry to have and not someone just baseless negativity for the sake of being a downer.

Wait what the fuck is Wayoshi? It's the first time I've ever heard of it.

Birdo already exists.

>Animal Crossing
>Astral Chain
>Banjo in smash
Great time to be a nintendofag.

that would be dmc 5

Astral Chain is already the better of the two though.

>mario lore is actually deep

i thought this was just a meme. Could Mozart actually still be alive?

>I guess we'd have to make a Waluigi mansion for that.
Yeah I'd buy this.

He's always been trying to kill Luigi. The first game's "good night" was a euphemism.

>No mention of NMH3
You got the fag part right.

Possibly a mistake on her part. King Boo was using an outfit.

>eyes on every single character in logo even the 3
>instead of just one pair of eyes someplace suitable like the dot of the i
Yikes this?!

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Never played the series. Were the 3DS ports/releases worth a look? I don't even know why they didn't just put them on Switch instead given how late in the 3DS life they came out.

3DS port of Luigi's Mansion is a complete downgrade aside from a boss rush mode and some mild improvements like lower-screen map, co-op and light amiibo support. I seriously wish they had just released an HD Luigi's Mansion on Switch, I would've lapped that shit up and played it until 3 came out. 2 is definitely worth playing since it's the sequel and only on 3DS. Lots of gameplay improvements but people seem divided as to the quality of the design and how the game is structured. Either way if you want some fun ghostbusting action play 2 and the original on GameCube.

Downgrade on what end? Just the visuals? I can stomach that as long as the gameplay is intact.

Tbh can't wait to play it with my gf
Dark moon was meh but would have been a thousand times better with co-op story. This seems like something between dark moon and the first, though leaning towards the first based on some areas and puzzles (and bosses that don't look trash), but also seems longer and has co-op which is a huge plus

It's worse performance wise, and the controls are fucked unless you have the New 3DS or a circle pad since they didn't implement the Dark Moon gameplay style to accommodate for the lack of a C-stick on handheld.

NMH3 isn't for nintendofags
It's for nintendochads

>It fails to capture the level design of the first game

Yes. I too enjoyed the straight hallways of LM1. Lets just be happy that LM3 is taking level design cues from 2 and not 3

Based and Egonpilled

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Not him but the problem with LM2 is more how basic the puzzles are, how small each level is given they're all separated, and how basic all the enemies are.
LM3 seems to have fixed most of that though I suppose we'll see if it's interconnected or not