So based on the quality of each game we can come to the conclusion that pic related is correct?
So based on the quality of each game we can come to the conclusion that pic related is correct?
Is it even possible to discuss games here without starting your thread with bait? I feel like every genuine thread gets ignored.
All of them are good.
There I said it.
Sekiro is the most polished game on that list by far.
It's the most polished turd indeed
>B team would be the only group with a bad game
Goes to show the quality of From
Sekiro = Dark Souls 1 >>>>> Dark Souls 3 >> Dark Souls 2
havent played bloodborne or demons
BB > Sekiro > DS1 > the rest
I've never played demon's souls
the only real A team is From + Japan Studio
>no bad level
>only one arguably bad boss (the bull), lots of great bosses like Lady Butterfly, Genichiro, Guardian Ape, Owl, and Isshin
>characters actually move their mouths properly when they talk
>mostly solid animation work
>60 FPS
>minimal jank
It's way above Soulsborne in terms of sheer quality.
Now you might not like that Sekiro is more of a straightforward action game rather than an RPG, but that was an intentional design choice that allowed for a more focused experience.
If anything people should be very concerned about Elden Ring because of the open world meme.
I keep trying to go back to DeS but its just so fucking boring after playing the newer games. I actually find it less enjoyable than DaS2.
Bloodborne has no replay value without the dlc. The only reason to do the dungeons is to avoid hacking at Ludwig for 20 minutes on ng+7
Honestly I think the most solid levels are Boletaria and Latria, everything else is kind of meh. I especially don't like Stonefang.
ANOTHER fucking From Software game that you faggots claim it's made by the A Team, this happens every single fucking time, I'm done with this stupid shilling.
le git gud exdee
>each A team game is an exclusive
sounds about right to me.
Haven't played Demon's, so I can't comment on it
Dark Souls
>Most well known characters
>Great level design
>Lots of variety in environments and play styles
>Suffers in the latter half
Dark Souls II
>Least polished from what I've played
>The most content, especially with the DLCs
>Most characters aren't as memorable, but has a few noteworthy exceptions
>Most variety in play style and environments even if the connections between levels can be dumb
>Best NG+
>Best combat imo
>Not as much variety in environments, but still has excellent level design
>story feels the most complete
>potentially endless replayability with Chalice Dungeons, but Chalice Dungeons aren't as good as the main game
Dark Souls III
>Probably the most linear of the games
>Areas themselves are usually large and nice to explore
>doesn't answer nearly enough questions
>still more polished than DaS2
>Most polished game
>Focuses on one playstyle and excels in it
>If you don't like that style, game can feel boring
>fastest game with the most mobility
>lacks replayability, but the first run is really good
>people still believe "team meme"