>played Minecraft since early 2011
>still never made a single potion
>still haven't legitimately "finished" the game
>still haven't explored whatever ocean shit they added
The game peaked at Beta 1.7.10, prove me wrong
Played Minecraft since early 2011
Other urls found in this thread:
>Beta 1.7.10
Game peaked in 1.5.2
that is all
1.7.01, there's been so many ridiculous version numbers its hard to keep track
the game died when they added beds. It removed the danger of the game by just allowing you to sleep through it
game died when they added hunger in beta 0.8 i think
Not really. You could always just dig in the ground and wait 10 minutes, the bed just made it go by faster. The real game-ruiner was adding hunger.
I've had a similar experience sans the potions. I finally started a 1.14 world yesterday and ended up seeing the aquatic stuff. It's actually really well done and makes oceans way more interesting (monuments still spawn way too frequently, though).
Like most Minecraft updates it just ends up being a content dump that ignores certain things (e.g. rivers and oceans still spawn with those retarded perfect circles of sand or clay in them, which has looked terrible basically since they added 'textures' to ocean biomes).
I've also never made an Enderchest before. The only time I ever visited the End was in creative just to see what it was like. But yeah, game definitely peaked sometime around 1.7. We've gotten certain quality of life updates since then but they always seem to be peripheral to massive content bloat intended to promote the game to new players (which makes sense considering that they've been developing the game basically for free - I bought the game for $15 Canadian in 2010 and have thousands of hours in it. The only better RoI I've ever gotten was Sid Meier's Civilization 4).
You think so? I actually really liked that. I think it was around that time that you could stack bread, too, which definitely changed the nature of the game into one that was more farm-y.
There was never any danger to the game. You just grew up and learned how to play it better. This is what happens with most video games - it's new until it's not. Minecraft itself has been dominated by turbo-autist pvpers and factioners who have forgotten more about the game than most of us will ever know for at least the last 4 years.
All the things they have added in the last decade are extremely superfluous and do NOTHING to reinforce the core game mechanics of Building, Digging, and exploring.
There's, what, still only like 10 structures that can generate in the world? Dungeon, Stronghold, Mineshaft, Forest house, Villages, Ocean temple, pyramid, jungle ruins. Cave generation have been untouched for YEARS. There's nowhere near enough biomes or variation in natural gen.
That is pathetic. The assets are already ingame for thousands of possible structures and biomes. And even if they had to make new assets it's just a cubic 16x16 pixel block.
And now we see them making spinoff games like Minecraft dungeons, focused on exploration and puzzles and structures and enemies, instead of actually fleshing out those aspects of the base game
Everyone just plays mods or on modded servers regardless.
It's a shame that they decided to go down the RPG route instead of the creative building/technical tekkit style route
>want to play on newer versions to get all the QoL improvements
>remember that they gimped the terrain gen since alpha/beta and never fucking fixed it
What the fuck were they thinking? The uniquely weird terrain they had for alpha and beta was great, tonnes of really interesting seeds like Gargamel, 404 etc. Then it all became boring flat plains forever
someone post the server
They do have sunken ships now, too. The update aquatic actually does look quite cool, but they missed out because rivers and oceans still spawn with sand / clay in retarded sections (see ). Agree on the caves, though. I've been waiting for sizable deposits of iron that actually make it worthwhile to set up a proper mine forever now, rather than just spending autistic hours eating the world. I would rather they make it more difficult to organically gather materials by yourself and easier to farm them (which is what 1.14 should have been about, IMO). Instead they seem to prefer to make it really easy for players to do things themselves (e.g. one shotting a school of fish can get you enough food to last a day, and they respawn) and difficult to automate (e.g. breaking iron golem farms).
I think this is where they want to take the game, though. Towards roguelike activity and exploration and away from the building aspect. They've been incredibly hostile to automators by breaking farms all the time for no discernible reason.
I actually kind of like the RPG route for exploration because you now have an excuse to go build trains (Notch himself said he saw Minecraft as a sort of model train simulator, as I recall) and explore the world (makes the infinite gen actually worthwhile).
The problem is that the worlds are so big and things like trains are so neglected (you still can't send trains without being with them yourself because of how chunks despawn when you're outside of them) that you don't really get any meaningful interaction. I would have liked to see some sort of automated ship system between villages that players could ride, but honestly I think the problem is now that they're running into limitations with the engine based on the game being 10 years old, and that they aren't ready to burn goodwill by just telling everyone they need to buy Minecraft 2 if they want new content (hence the spinoff games).
>because you now have an excuse to go build trains
But then they added horses and elytra lmao
>you now have an excuse to go build trains (Notch himself said he saw Minecraft as a sort of model train simulator, as I recall) and explore the world (makes the infinite gen actually worthwhile).
I hate how they neglected furnace carts and patched out cartboosters. Shit like that and water elevators gave the game a unique charm.
I've still never built anything cool. The most I managed was some kind of treehouse on a ledge, I just kept growing the tree and carving useless spaces into it. Not that I play this game much anyway, I would fire it up like twice a year and continue that treehouse project. I think I started it in like 2012
Literally worse than useless. You can't even ride through a forest on the stupid things because hitting a leaf block will knock you off, also they're just barely faster than a full sprint.
I actually kind of like these because they had a spin-off effect of requiring you to build massive glide towers to jump off which adds a unique aspect to your worlds. Too bad the chunk loading is so fucking slow in Java that they're only really enjoyable to use in the shitty Win10 edition.
>people still complain about hunger
I remember the first map I played (and deleted like a retard because I was worried I was becoming addicted). It was in alpha, had all these weird chunk errors that made these two perfectly square towers in a waterbody that ended up looking like a river because of how the chunks glitched (this was before rivers existed). Then they updated to biomes and I was in the middle of a plains biome but on top of a massive mountain with no grass lol. I never ended up exploring it further, but God I miss those maps.
I had another with a good long railroad that went to a subterranean dwarf castle, reached by a modern house, past carnival tents and a cave house and a hunting lodge with a glass roof and a dog in it. Now I'm autistic and have to plan everything to look perfect and have to theme the world (industrial if modded, medieval if not). Can't just enjoy the process of building something for fun.
Yeah, patching stuff like that was retarded. Water elevators still exist, though. With the update to swimming you can actually go faster up a waterfall than a ladder, IIRC. It was honestly kind of immersion breaking.
>literally a game without physics lol
I have never gotten an elytra and rarely use horses but yeah, good point.
IKTF. Most of my builds are garbage. I tried building an arch bridge in the 1.14 world I started and couldn't figure it out.
I remember horses just being really laggy which is why I never used them. Glide towers is a good point, though, I used to build "chimney" exits out of my base when I played Industrial Craft because you could jetpack in and out of them without any worry about absolutely any monster getting in.
>requiring you to build massive glide towers to jump off
Not since fireworks can boost your flight. And even before that you could use a bow to keep you flying.
> And even before that you could use a bow to keep you flying.
Wait, how?
Spamming a Punch II bow in flight would make it hit yourself propelling you forwards. Was very unreliable on servers though.
Never visited that hell place
Never brewed a potion
NEVER read a book or use enchantment
I still don't know how to make a bed or a compass
Fite me
Anyone remember servers like pic related? I remember Mojang used to have its own servers you could access for free and play in your browser if you had an account. Remember a creative server that was really popular that would just become layered with construction on every level (dug down from an office tower and found a temple with a swatstika on the floor, dug below that and found what looked like a living room with a TV and bookshelf). We'd build the sky out with pink and try to grief the blocks under other people to make them fall, then the server would reset.
Then there were the quieter servers that looked abandoned, filled with 1x1 towers of TNT up to the height limit and filled absolutely everywhere with builds (lots hidden below the surface in hopes that they wouldn't be griefed). I remember filling one with red wool blocks in the sky (which is when my RSI started developing).
I also remember once digging a 2 by 2 tunnel around the perimeter of one of those creative maps with nothing on it, having to un-flood it with sponges every time I dug into water.
This community is on a level of autism that shouldn't even be possible.
Rail is at least somewhat automated. Still not worth it on servers though, everyone builds canals instead because people will steal rails (so you can only really play with people you trust to not grief).
>Never read a book
lol. Are you actually serious about the bed, though? I remember when they added them it definitely took some of the risk out of it because there weren't even coords back then (or if there were, I didn't know how to use them), so finding your base was entirely up to landmarks from spawn.
Minecraft classic was some good shit.
>village and pillage update
>villages still spawn over chasms
>villages have less character than they did before
>villagers are way more annoying to maintain
>villagers still die overtime if the player doesn't make autistic fortifications
>all the mechanics of zombie raids that were broken being turned up to 11 with illagers
am I the only one? the only change I liked was that the game just treats beds as houses now.
>serious about the bed, though?
Yes. I once looked it up just for room aesthetic but I didn't realize it actually had a use.
I also don't need landmarks, since I simply delete the save if I ever die.
Fucking Mojang should've never removed it. You've just reminded me that it was once possible to play Minecraft in browser. God the new launched sucks ass, I've been using this one called T-Launcher which is way better because trying to mod old versions in the official new launcher is impossible as it does integrity checks and doesn't let you modify the old jars for some reason. Also you have to add in the sounds yourself to any old version as they no longer download from Microsoft's servers for some reason.
I remember playing this amazing mod called Millenaire way before villagers were a thing. It was so fleshed out and well made, the towns looked great and blended well with the environment, the trading and quests were well implemented, and then Mojang's pathetic villages came along. What a disappointment that they didn't just work with the Millenaire mod authors. I think they updated it fairly recently so it might still work for newer versions
> never made a single potion
bitch why
> still haven't legitimately "finished" the game
back when "finishing" the game was first added that made sense, but now it's just you being a dumb bitch
> still haven't explored whatever ocean shit they added
literally just a disservice to yourself at this point, ocean temples are legitimately fun with new swimming
> game peaked at beta 1.7.10
you have no fucking clue what you're talking about. Beta 1.7 went up to 1.7.6, but you could also be talking about release 1.7.10.
It was never a good game lol, are you serious? If you ever thought it was a good game past the first hour of discovery in your highschool computer lab you're a huge loser!
>I also don't need landmarks, since I simply delete the save if I ever die.
They have hardcore mode which deletes the world for you if you die. But then you might end up dying from lag glitches or mob spawning mechanics not following their actual set upon rules (many such cases).
I loved millenaire up until I realized that the villagers had an unlimited supply of seeds to replant. You could effectively spam infinite food to sell to them for infinite money and it just seemed pointless after that. I think they've updated recently and I'm sure they will have fixed that by now, but haven't gotten around to playing it. I think that MCs engine in general is sort of limited in its ability to have good pathfinding, which I remember being a problem with millenaire as well (although the terrain generation was way better because it flattened the space and THEN spawned buildings, rather than just spawning over chasms like villages do now).
I remember monuments being an enormous pain when I first tried to explore one. You had to do gimmicky stuff like cover it in sand. I'm sure swimming makes it slightly better if you have a potion of water breathing, but IDK. Seemed like a lot of effort for a few gold blocks and lanterns.
Millenaire was so damn fucking good, Mojang has no fucking excuse to not completely plagiarize this system like they did with pistons. I mean just think about the quantity of good content modders have added to the game, and the sheer incompetence or outright laziness needed to just completely ignore that as a dev team and sit on your ass, adding one useless mob or underdeveloped mechanic per year.
It's also sponges, and prismarine. Which is now also good for conduits, which make water an absolute breeze.
1.12.2 with Forge mods you asshole
> Zombie Survival
> Lava Survival
Army of darkness for normal was so fucking good holy shit.
Never forget
I am the exact same way
Fuck that first video gave me some good nostalgia.
Seemed like Minecraft had a lot more potential back then. The possibilities for future updates were endless and the mod scene was booming. Good times
Which modpack/version is your personal favorite Yea Forums? Haven't played it in a while as well and want to get back into another modded playthrough