ITT: Trigger Yea Forums as hard as you can
ITT: Trigger Yea Forums as hard as you can
Other urls found in this thread:
Witcher 3 is the most overrated game of the decade.
That's literally the circlejerked Yea Forums opinion.
Trannies are mentally ill, and most of them are ugly retards in real life.
Final Fantasy 13 is one of the best in the series with a solid story, characters that are well written to the point of getting emotional responses from players, and it also has the best version of the ATB system to ever exist in the series.
It got 2 sequels for a reason, and that reason is that it's actually great. Following in 7 and 10's linear footsteps was a great way for them to streamline the story and focus on combat and it paid off in spade.
Traps aren't gay
Nintendo is absolute fucking trash
video games are objectively art
The new Pokémon games look terrible.
Persona is for retards, fallout 3 is the best fallout, banjo should have never been in smash, Mojang is for pretensious people, loot boxes are good. AMD > Intel. 30 fps > 60 fps.
BOTW is far from a masterpiece, and isn't even the best game in the series.
BOTW is a masterpiece
Old: bad
New: good
New ports of old: great.
How is that Yea Forums being triggered here?
You're not wrong, cyberpunk is just going to be GTA with a futuristic paint job and Yea Forums is going to eat it up
Tifa looks better with smaller breasts
Not the most unpopular opinion here though. Try harder.
games should be only text-based
Whinnie the Pooh.
There is absolutely nothing wrong with games being cinematic. I've played games for 20 years and doing the same actions over and over for years gets boring, these days I just like to sit back and enjoy a well written game with easy controls, I just wish more games were made this way.
Based. Any more than a handful is a waste and they will sag to the knees on whatever they're attached to.
>getting triggered
> H....How is that b-being triggered!?
video games are for fucking losers.
>game is just going to be like good game and people will like it
That's a weird way of spelling persona 5
I prefer to play as girls as long as they're cute and kick ass, like Claire in RE2 remake. I also like it more when girls aren't sexualized because I'm deeply repressed.
I played Dishonored 2 with all the difficulty sliders set to the easiest and I still abused the shit out of quick save and quick load
The Last of Us, Half Life 2 and Ocarina of Time are my favorite games.
I used LMAOBox in TF2 for years. If I ever got caught i would start headshotting the enemy team while micspamming an obnoxious rap song
I never seed
I have over 12k wallpapers
I made it into Master rank every season I played Overwatch, only playing Mercy. I stopped playing because the anxiety for getting yelled at became too much
I'm a trophy/achievement whore
I watch Game Grumps and Super Mega regularly and have been to some of their live shows.
I've spent around 400 dollars on girlfriend audios
I gave myself 99 attack power in sekiro with cheats after getting beat 3 or 4 times by the first aamurai general, it was a mediocre game anyway
Not triggered, but genuinely curious. As a fan of Game Grumps, do you feel as if the quality of their show has deteriorated over the years, or do you think it's as strong as ever? I'm not interested in the vast majority of the videos they put out these days, but I did enjoy their Phoenix Wright series until they put it on indefinite hiatus.
ITT : Lurkers getting triggered as fuck but don't want to post and prove us right.
Yea Forums is worse than reddit and resetera
Can't be true because nuzelda is the most overrated game this side of 9/11
They clearly checked out a while ago, I mostly just have it on for background noise and Danny will occasionally crack a joke that makes me laugh.
i don't remember this scene from doogie houser, MD
I'll trigger Yea Forumseddit with one webm
Resident Evil 4 was the WORST in the entire RE series.
There's one faggot in this thread that said some shit I really, wholeheartedly disagree with, and I desperately want to tell him how retarded he is, but I don't want to give him the satisfaction.
Monster Hunter is an awful franchise with a shitty fanbase of whiners that can't handle criticism. Dragon's Dogma should've been cancelled because it's such a sloppy mess of tropes. Final Fantasy VII is overrated trash and Final Fantasy XII is better purely because it's not turn-based combat. Crash Twinsanity is a better game than Crash 3 Warped.
>this side of 9/11
more like only one guy. Pic related
the only completely honest post on Yea Forums
3D Zelda games are all shit
3D Metroid games are all shit
There is no reason to buy a Nintendo console until after the first hardware revisions come out, they'll get hacked soon enough and there's not enough games worth playing until the console as had a few years on the shelf
It's PSX, not PS1
Saturn had better games than Dreamcast
360 won its generation
The N64 was the last decent Nintendo console, the Gamecube, Wii, and WiiU were trash
Jay Are Pee Gees suck unless they have a gameplay gimmick of some sort, like pic related and Suck a Dan.
no one even post this yet
Spoiler that shit you fucker.
Gacha games are fucking terrible and everyone who plays them are retarded subhumans.
The game
The easiest way to ruin a game is to add a cutscene.
Why you gotta remind me of this shit, Yea Forumsro? Why you gotta do this to me?
That's just common sense. Which I guess is why it would trigger Yea Forums.
this tbfh
You dont have to try hard for something that easy
VR is the future.
Valve saved PC gaming with Steam and they've never stopped working for the betterment of the industry.
All non-flagship Nintendo games (eg. Zelda BOTW, Mario Odyssey) are utter shit. Even The flagship games are enormous overrated.
>It's PSX, not PS1
Bruh, you're meant to trigger people, not look like a complete fucking retard. It has always been the Playstation 1, only tossers like you keep the misconception alive. Talking shit about a game is a subjective opinion and yes, if I were pissed off about your "opinion" I would be triggered, but blatantly lying by stating OBJECTIVELY FALSE INFORMATION makes you a dumbarse.
I honestly don’t know which of these has been the bigger shit spectacle of E3 so far.
There's nothing inherently wrong with diversity or identity politics in games.
The Genesis is better than the SNES.
Games that rely solely on sex appeal or controversy to sell are almost always shitty games.
Kingdom Hearts 3 was actually fucking great. Possibly the best in the series.
give me the rundown.
A game having a nigger or a woman as the protagonist doesn't mean it's part of some SJW plot to brainwash you.
Creating and assimilating into in-groups on irrelevant websites will never make you happy with your life.
Starting from Pokemon Sword and Shield, and going forward, all Pokemon will not exist in the game’s code for Pokemon games, meaning you cannot ever again “catch em all” and complete the National Pokedex.
Masuda claims this is because it was too hard to implement “high quality models and animations” for all the Pokemon, despite SwSh using literally identical models and animations to previous games.
It’s been the biggest shitstorm in the history of Pokemon. The YT video of Nintendo Direct where he announced it is being flooded with dislikes, “Bring Back National Dex” is twitter trending, 2ch, /vp/, serebii, smogon, etc., are all having complete and total meltdowns, Yea Forums keeps getting threads leaking over about it, etc.
It must have been a while since I saw a Pokemon game because last time I checked the graphics were so basic that there is no way animating all the Pokemons would take that much work.
I do not like Sony’s new censorship policy.
It doesn’t. And when people shit on GameFreak for XY’s lack of content and abysmal performance, they revealed that all of the models were painfully, ridiculously high-poly SPECIFICALLY to future-proof the dex for subsequent generations so this exact thing wouldn’t happen.
Also, you know, Pokemon is the most profitable media franchise in the history of the world, so “it’s too hardo too exprensibre, prease undastandu” is a dickmilk excuse and everybody knows it.
That’s the thing. You’d think that with a limited roster they’d animate all of the Pokemon well enough, but that obviously not the case.
God of War 4 is a perfectly good game and the story is better than most trash writing in vidya. The greatest flaw was variety in bosses and a second game in the series getting the same improvement in that area that we got going from GOW1 to GOW2 will be incredible.
odr brodir blindr
>the graphics were so basic that there is no way animating all the Pokemons would take that much work.
This is what you would think right? but that's not case apparently
It’s transparently obvious that this decision had fuck-all to do with quality or development cost/time. It is entirely a marketing stunt designed (pathetically) to push Home as an application, so All Your Bros will have a place to live (for a small monthly fee) while the fanbase can be whipped into a smash-tier rosterfaggot frenzy over who’s “Getting In” each generation, and who they’ll get a chance to play with.
have sex
nice. this kills the incel poltards
The funny part is you'd think with the shrinking pokedex and only belting out 80ish mons a generation they'd add more gameplay features and better overall design in other areas but Sun/Moon had some of the absolute worst dungeon and overworld design in the entire series, including skipping entire areas in text bubbles.
Gamefreak is criminally lazy.
Let’s not forget that they’re actually killing features, as Mega Evolution and Z-Moves are being officially canned this generation in favor of “lol it got bigger” battles.
literally nobody:
Yea Forums: I hate video games
Just a few months over 4 years old, how long has time gone by since pic related?
Transexuals should be able to do whatever you want with their bodies. Half of Yea Forums talk smack about them, while gaining 200+ lbs because all they do is eat, play Vidya, and fap. I'm half hopping Trump loses in 2020, so /pol/ can cool down already.
stale meme format
beat me to it
JEBAITED, i win this thread Yea Forums
>The Dark souls of Persona games
Fuck it, I'll take the bait
>Hates Miles
But why? I can get Marvel, and I don't know who the other character is, but Miles is actually a likable and we'll written character.
No that would go to Bioshock infinite
im new here what is that?
most people here already think that though
Ah fuck I got BTFO'd
>5 replies
Wouldn't Darks Souls be the Dark Souls of both action RPGs and Fantasy games?
Skyrim is better than Dragon's Dogma (I stopped at the ox cart quest because it was so boring)
Risk of Rain is fucking stupid
Banjo and Kazooie is a dumb character inclusion
Anyone got any Yea Forums girl r34?
Ocarina of Time is the best game ever
Nah, that doesn't trigger people, Sadie Adler or the online mode does. The game itself was really liked.
pff that's just an out right lie though
>The Genesis is better than the SNES.
only casuals think otherwise
most of Yea Forums agrees on that opinion though
legitimately upsetting
Good. Xbox was was always shit
>The Dark Souls of Persona
Yea Forums has the most toxic audience.
It's fine. It's not like the Xbox had games.
Okay you win. Now meet me in minecraft so I can kick your fucking ass.
>gutting an Xbox devkit to make a PC case
My eye just twitched involuntarily.
You would think, but they don't apparently.
This isn't a YLYL thread.
Majora's Mask is contrarian shit game.
Remember when Reddit traded the Starcraft source code to Blizzard for $250 store credit?
what is it?
This has the same energy as the guy who sawed up an SVD because his wife was scared by it
Except on resetera and reddit you get banned or downvoted for voicing your opinion if doesn't align with the general consensus.
>durr commienism is bad
>what, this guy did a thing for personal gain instead of the greater good? this is an outrage
>the Dark souls of Fantasy OR Action RPGs
>Neither is dark souls
>the dark souls of Persona games
>Long live the queen
I'm fucking dying. This is so dumb I can't stop laughing and I love Long Live the Queen.
You seem triggered. Did you forget what thread this is?
Video Games
and the same goes for Yea Forums, but instead of a ban, its a derail. Go ahead and make a normal Cyberpunk thread right now. See how long it lasts
He could have made more selling it to a dedicated autist though
Just because I don't think it should be illegal doesn't mean I am not going to call the guy an idiot and an asshole when he does it.
>getting unironically mad and baited
Who the hell cares. Xbox Classic is just a 2001-2002-era gaming PC nothing more.
Blame Microsoft for locking the platform on the software-side.
Oh right sorry.
Yea Forums BTFO
Or he could have made nothing, because there'd be absolutely no seller protection in place for doing a private sale over reddit.
It triggers me.
They should just kill the online, it's so obvious that no matter how big of an update or "role-playing"(gay) shit they can add it will always be a repetitive grind because of the very nature of the game.
Who cares? What games did the Xbox have that weren't already on PC? Halo aka Babbie's first FPS?
single player is dead
change my mind
trump will win and you will die from dick blood loss when you perform your penis mutilation surgery
>no citizen kane of gaming
Step it up senpai
Yeah but nobody comes here hoping to have a serious discussion. At least nobody that knows how this board works. At least here on the rare occasion that an actual discussion takes place it's not deleted because it didn't align with the site staff's political ideology.
I'll never cease being angry at this.
>gta past san andreas
>has never had a gf with d+ tits
>not Zelda
>not Dragon's Dogma
>not Bloodborne
Epic Games Store is good for customers, because its actual competition. So far they offered free good games on regular basis (was 2 weeks, now each week), and had a sale, where they offered $10 discount on behalf of Epic as well as other massive discounts.
Security is like everywhere else, as long as you dont use qwerty123 as your password, and 2FA like any sane human.
Tencent have no say in Epic, because they are minority shareholder.
EGS Launcher is not malware, it was debunked numerous times. It does look for hashed ids of your steam friends, but only if you decide to import steam friends into egs launcher using that option. It also doesnt send any data to Tencent or other 3rd parties.
Epic buying exclusives creates no friction or hassle for the customer, and you cant compare it to console exclusives, because in case of consoles you have to buy $300 console if you want to play this consoles exclusives, in case of EGS you only need to download and install a launcher free of charge, and click on a different icon.
EGS lack of features is temporary, as any software it will evolve over time.
I've seen this copy pasta in a few epic threads.
Grinch posting was the best time to be in Yea Forums and all the characters in that leak were unironically better than Joker/The Hero except Banjo who was always a based choice.
You didnt, because i wrote this myself right now.
This meme format is awful.
99% of times it's just something that would work with just the tagline but people add that "literally nobody:" for no reason.
So yeah, congratulations, you triggered me.
Then find a thread where you saw it or fuck off.
It's not something about which your mind can just be changed.
You need to live in a secluded cabin in the mountains with nothing but a PC and some real good single player games to understand. It's like something between reading a book and watching a movie.
Big online multiplayer games with DRM or battle royale are just the new turbo-corporate brainwashing that is being used to milk cash from little kiddies parents. It's fun for the first month and immediately after it's like beating a dead horse.
Absolute autism
The source code is worth way more than both nothing or a blizzcon ticket, apparently you and that redditor don't seem to know shit
>no seller protection in place for doing a private sale over reddit.
First off it wasn't implied he sold it over and second off if you don't know how to protect yourself in this situation you really do don't know shit
>Skyrim is better than Dragon's Dogma
If you buy EA games it's because you are trapped in the corporate pen of your poor judgement
Based, time to give more money to Israel
Y'all niggas need to work on your bait. I can tell most of you don't actually believe what you're typing.
Fuckin vorefags
I do not own a gta game but i love space. Might buy cyperpunk77 after i have tested it for free
Well guys, I'm glad we all agree that Nintendo decidedly won the E3 with an excellent exposition.
Fallout New Vegas is shit
oh no Danny
English prinnies are unironically better than Japanese prinnies. Ending your sentences in a different particle or word does not make your character cool or interesting.
I realize that you're a bluepilled tranny unfamiliar with politics when you still think that /pol/ appreciates trump.
wasted trips on shitty opinion
Why would we buy triggering by you mentioning the company that pays for our games
How can it be opinion when it's objective truth?
What LGBT+ flag is this?
MGS2 is not prophetic at all, it's stating something that was already obvious at the time.
Deus Ex is just a random mish-mash of a bunch of conspiracies. It's not "redpilled". If anything it's mocking you.
Long Live the Queen is pretty great.
You're pretty retarded. VII and XII have the same ATB system. Only difference is that XII lets you move characters around and doesn't have battle transitions. They are equally "turn-based".
Spotted "babies first RPG" fag.
Nice argument faggot.
If you're claiming FFXII is AKSTUALLY RTwP then it must be the weakest RTwP ever since you have almost no control over party positioning, you can only move single characters with the analog stick, they will ignore your inputs to do their attack, and will completely ruin your movements as soon as you let them go.
In terms of mechanics FFXII is a lot closer to FFVII than any Infinity Engine game.
Hey OP, what do I win?
>merely pretending
Nah not buying it, you believed every word.
All wrong. The most overrated game ever is either Skyrim or TLoU.
I wasn't merely pretending, I'm just saying you're fucking triggered so hard you're spouting bullshit.
3 4
>trigger Yea Forums
I'm a cute trans girl! :) and my favorite game ever is Dark Souls 2! the only thing that could make it better is if it was an Epic Store exclusive uwu fuck drumpf
GabeN will die in your lifetime, and his heirs will sell Valve/Steam to the Chink botnet.
I can't interrogate the shit out of you without getting closer
The ONLY correct thing you said was that the Xbox 360 won its generation.
But he's right
Black people, gay people, women, and trans people deserve equal treatment and representation in video games.
the weird thing about that video is that its uploaded on the original channel
so they were self aware enough to change the title yet still hosted their other gay aass videos on the same channel
That picture is just awful.
all dogs should be shot on sight, they're dirty and annoying as fuck
post animal abuse videos
Is that the foam one, or the one where a bunch of furfags yell "NYA" at each other?
Wow bad
Nintendo good
>I'm a cute trans girl! :)
It's disturbing how effective this is. Even if people know you're just RPing for (you)s.
Banjo is the worst smash bros DLC pick
Here is another.
The Epic Games store is not nearly as big of a deal as most people are making it to be. It's not any harder to navigate and competition (in addition to innovation and quality) is what keeps markets alive.
Almost wrote a serious reply to this one. Nice a subtle.
Not gaming related but it is guaranteed to trigger if not destroy brain cells within half a minute.
Then I raise you this.
Turns out, they're not furfags, just regular fags.
Add me on discord uwu
Paypal has great seller protection for goods/services.
GTA V is game of the decade
clever girl
How has nobody posted this yet?
This uwu! :) we deserve inclusion!
You got me
Yeah, I was just LARPing. I'm gonna try it in another thread since I didn't get many (You)s.