Avatar TLA

Why did we never get a good Avatar The Last Airbender game?

The show was great and had a lot of fans, a video game about it would have been well received

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Recently I have heard a lot of Zoomers saying this show is a new “classic”

The Korra game didn't sell well enough

did any nickelodeon series ever had a good game tho?

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Mid-00s video game adaptations were universally shit.

Think about the kind of studio to whom it's easier and cheaper to license something currently popular and shit out something passable that's guaranteed sales to children. Those were the ONLY ones doing games like this at the time.

>What is BFBB?

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it was aimed at 12 year olds 14 years ago user

Avatar is 14 years old, and it wasn't aimed for little kids

I want to play as the firelord and murder water and earth niggas

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There was bro it was on gamecube dont remember the name of it but it was based


Avatar was one of the most creative pieces made recently, it decimates most fucking animes you watch today you little bitch. Name something as creative and interesting as this. It is a classic.

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underground desert library is the first episode that pops in mind thinking about the show again

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okay itsagain and holy fuck i almost thought i imagined it but it was literally called Avatar: The last airbender and I could barely remember it but apparently it existed here ya go

I hear that the GBA games weren't so bad? I dunno.


>Tfw no tla warcraft3 style rts
>Tfw no DMC style action game
Why live

I rewatched the entire series last year, and I hadn't seen it since it first aired on TV. I'm 26 now, and I agree that it was indeed a classic. Also one of the best animated shows I've ever seen

Wasn’t there a Wii game?

>tfw only game we got was a half baked korra game

life isn't fair.

well it was one of the best parts

It is, you dumb asshole.

Avatar or pokemon mmorpgs if done well would collapse society
People would live just to play these, if done well

But both will never happen for some reason
Id give 30 years to play runescape but avatar styled with a bigger world
Id blood bend all day

The combat would be too weird.

If pokemon mobile games didn't do this, neither would an mmorpg. Also Avatar was never as popular as Pokemon.

Agreed, there would be so much lore to work with. I remember when Nickelodeon released some random Avatar arena game on their website, where you picked a bender and played against other players. Pretty sure the website broke on the first day.

I have never seen someone ruin their own setting as much as Bryke did with Korra.

It is just inferior on every fucking level.

It is pretty good, but kids from that era masturbate to it way too hard.

>comparing shallow mobile games to a fully fleshed out title.

Was it the same people who made Korra? It felt so different. There were some good scenes overall, but fuck me, that lesbian scene was out of nowhere.

Gamefreak are just lazy incompotent fucks
They only time they made a little bit of effort is with bw2 and those were grest

They should just nake an mmorpg already. Every nrw gen they can add a new region.

Just cruising around hoenn comfy grinding with friends

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How about something like this?


Well Yea Forums pick one?
Firechads rise up

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earth best element

So did Zuko do it?

>not water
lmao imagine not being able to throw ICE BULLETS


>that lion thing

Second choice would be earth

Fire obviously

>fire misiles though your forehead
>Lighting bending
>Cool blue flames

It was.
The whole thing was atrocious.
It wasn't just the dykery.

Earth and Water are the most versatile choices but I'll pick Earth because because of my Chinese zodiac element and the Earth Nation is the best looking region

Are the comics canon?
Should I ignore them?

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that's the wrong question
the real question is which aspect

>rewatch the entire show in my late twenties
>it's still amazing
>start watching Legend of Korra
>it's a trainwreck

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anyone remember that lost online downloadable 3d game from the nick website?

Play female Monk in Diablo 3

They're cannon, and pretty decent. Worth a read

You mean Autumn Twilight? I did find a download of that several years back but it's unplayable without being logged into Nickelodeon's servers.

They're bad.
So just ignore them.
I don't consider them or Korra canon.

air is nerfed in the show
you should be able to manipulate water and earth in a lot of situations like in nature

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pretty obvious but the ren and stimpy game on genesis was pretty alright too

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You damn dirty liar.
They're shit.

I'm still waiting for more Azula shit to surface, but it looks like they aren't doing anything more with her?

It's okay. I watched it for the first time when I was 24 or so, better than expected but not a masterpiece. Korra wasn't markedly worse except Spirits, and Change was better than Water and Fire.

yup that's it

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>Are the comics canon?
>Should I ignore them?

I mean I thought they were alright. Nice bit of the gaang we've been missing out on since the end of the series. But then again I stopped after the mining camp whatever thing that was going on so I don't know if it went downhill

>couldn't watch as a kid because dad cancelled cable
>always had to sit out when friends talked about the show
>start seeing avatar pop up more and more recently
I feel like I really missed out.

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just go watch it, user
it's still great

You could always just... watch it..?


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Final season was...okay. But if you didn't see the whole earth kingdom season, yeah you missed out

She's not wrong

He meant that he doesn't have any fond memories of it watching it as a kid you guys

Final season was great, shut the fuck up. Zuko training anng and going on black ops missions with the gang was some of the comfiest shit ever. Not only that but seeing the Fire nation was also pretty sick, lets not forget the BASINGSE fucking SIEGE,

when does legend of Korea become a train wreck? im on season 1 episode 12 and its been interesting so far for me

There were tons of great games, just not ones that were released on consoles. The isometric ARPG was absolutely top tier, but I can't seem to find it anymore, it was released around the ass end of book 1, with parts of it coming out every few weeks through the start of book 2.
The arena fighter that came out near the end of the series' life that let you be any kind of bender you want was probably one of my favorite arena fighters of all time. Was more balanced and more enjoyable than any fucking modern one. It also didn't have much depth though.

The final episode of Season 1.

I don't remember there being cleavage in the show.

That's nice and all, but which nation/kingdom/whatever had the best girls?

Season 2 is horrible, but I started losing interest at the end of 1. 3 is fantastic though

it's from the cut scene where she seduces a drunken Zuko by acting like their mother

The one with the brown ones


that seems like a fucking lie and you should provide proof of this unbelievable claim

no there's just less control, because you can't control the element itself, just the air around it, and you'd need some godly avatar levels of control to control the wind to mimic regular bending. Aang uses airbending to pretend he's an earthbender a bunch of times in chapter 1 and 2.

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I never watched the show. Dodn't they also do martial arts shit besides throwing rocks around or whatever? If so that's very simple to do as an action game.

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The one with Toph
Shes blind too so she cant know I'm ugly

I kinda feel like Nickelodeon may have had some input with the first series that made it successful and I say that because parts of story feels like should have unfolded differently than what we were presented with. Take Katara for example: her age, personality and backstory seemed like it would have prevented her with ending up with Aang in the end and more likely would have resulted in her ending up with Zuko instead. Not to mention that whole bit about training to obtain mastery over the Avatar state which actually required Aang to give up on having a relationship with her, I mean what was the point of all that if he was going to gain that ability anyway?

Yeah, there are badass normals, but the show almost entirely focuses on bending. The 4 bending styles also are choreographed after 4 different martial arts styles so it's probably a higher budget endeavor.

They based the "bending styles" on real martial arts, but the actual martial arts aren't a part of it, until much later in. It's 99% bending, sort of like dbz is 99% energy beams.

Water Tribe women seem like they're the most predestined for hardships

You appreciate it more later on anyway

it's a quick rundown from the old nick days

Fire and Earth women are the hottest but they're the biggest bitches, Water women are cute but they have the worst luck, and Air women will probably never fuck you,

Youre on a cruise on a wooden boat eith Toph
If you rape her she will never know who did it because she is blind and she cant use her senses on wooden boats

Do you do it?

I really hate the dumb deus ex machina at the end though.


Psycho Pass, Made in Abyss, Shinsekai Yori

Yes and yes.

Fire for science and industry

I would in a heartbeat.

Mostly in the first. Korra kinda did away with it and turned it more into generic kicks and punches.

A whole combined mosaic of water rats and they still can't compete with best girl.

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>Rewatch the entire series (including Korra) again for like the 4th time
No matter what anyone says, Korra was a fucking badass sequel. Korra the character is annoying early Season 2 but aside from that, it's all damn good. So many amazing scenes.

And the music, lawd.

I do it while making dog sounds

I don't see what's so great about her
She's just a regular earth kingdom girl

>Has a shit opinion
>Is an attentionwhore

Color me surprised
Kill yourself

She has big tits

Hourly reminder that (head)canonically Zuko and Azula are in a pure romantic relationship (with some tame femdom) and a baby is already on the way, and they will live happily ever after.

Depends on what you're after

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>Zuko could have had this and instead he settled for Mai who would cuck him later

Holy fuck your taste is shit.

Feel free to tell me all about Shingeki Kyojin

was there ever any explanation for the origin of the swampbenders?
they were like the only white people in the entire world

Someone post that fanart where they're married and living in the palace.

Just the dutch being retarded and not draining the swamp like they should

they were very obviously cajun

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>Shinsekai Yori
great taste

Water benders who migrated out and just got pale for whatever reason.

isn't waterbending objectively the best since you can bloodbend anyone, through any sort of armor or protection?

Yeah if you can be uninterrupted during a full moon and forego any morality.

How wild would the sex be with Ty Lee? She's pretty flexible and acrobatic.

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for me it's air bending

1 day of unwinnable warfare
29 days of genocide back
If watershittes started using bloodbending in war they would be the next air nomads

>appas lost days

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It seems like a very easy concept to realize in an action game. Plenty of action games have elemental attacks and magic and this already comes with a martial arts angle. Honestly it kind of "writes itself" as a video game.

Play Korea game and find out how easily it can be made bland.

Last episode of the first season. I was loving it until that point. I guess that episode was so bad nobody bothered watching it anymore except tumblr, so they started catering to them. It goes from bad to worse.

>shinsekai yori
>psycho pass
Hard pass. End your life.

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Hot take but I LOVE the Korra x Asami lesbo ending.

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4ET is canon and Azula love route is canon

Did you mean to say "Korra" or are you talking about Korean MMOs? All i know about her is that she's brown and she's cute. In any case, Platinum is bottom of the barrel and any concept can be mismanaged no matter how solid it is on paper.

I looked up a video and i'm confused. I thought this show was set in some fantasy pre industrial world. Why she running around a brown modern city fighting people on motorbikes?

Book 3 was the best overall.


Because despite Korea taking place like sixty some years after the original avatar the nation advanced so fast because the new writing team wanted gilded age not New York setting.

Yeah. I'm on my phone on lunch and it auto corrected korra

Is there a good place to get the patreon versions of 4et? I don't want to pay for porn but korra's pretty much the reason I started paying attention to the project.

it's one of the best pieces of western animation ever made. some consider it a masterpiece, but that's largely subjective, along with the "classic" moniker. while it has many flaws, as every piece of work does, it 100% deserves to be recognized as a standout exemplar of what the medium has to offer. call that "classic", call it whatever; if you want amazing western animation from a technical, storytelling, and worldbuilding perspective, ATLA has it all in spades.

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It was SHIT

Dumb Tumblr Zoomer masquerading as a Boomer
Avatar was straight fucking trash. It was the most generic shonenshit ever.

F Ninety five

Yep even at the time Avatar was complete garbage and Carttoon Network's Ben 10(Original Series only) and the Canadian Produced "Storm Hawks" were much better than that generic piece of animu-wannabe crap.

>western animation
korean animation.

Basically the part of the earth nation that was occupied by the fire nation became it own country after the war and then became super advanced because of space metal basically. Also enjoy it it's like 95% of the series.

Name two recent anime better than PP and MIA or shut up Jojofag

ATLA >>>>>>>>> LoK

>it's one of the best pieces of western animation ever made
Lmao neck yourself tumblr tranny.
That animation is average at best.

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>best western animation
zoom zoom

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Fuck off samefag.

>race-mixing agenda the cartoon
I'll pass.

Mob Psycho
Ping Pong
Now kill yourself retard.

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end of the first season for me, don't remember the exact episode. amon's backstory completely fucking ruined his character for me and my interest in the series never recovered after that.


It is

>mob psycho 100
man why is it that okay manga always get turned into the cringiest normalfag bait anime.

Neck yourself discord tranny.
Avatar was always trash and will always be trash. It was just faggot ameriturds trying to copy anime and failing miserably.

>Mob Psycho
>One Punch man 3.0
Why not My hero academia? We both know why hipster police
>Ping Pong
Sports anime suck

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Rape of Ninjang
Comfort Women of Korea
Mukden incident

Plus you actually have to be gifted in waterbending. Not just anyone can do it, especially effectively for long periods of time

got SY recommended by a friend, honestly can't see why anyone would rate it higher than 6/10
the last few episodes are a goddamn mess
it did look nice though in some places

>still image


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>hipster police
>tiktok image
Yet has the gall to insult others. Kill yourself zoomer cancer.

Left: Soul
Right: Bugman Soulless

>14 years ago
Holy shit time is moving too quick

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Avatar came out in 2005, which was right on the cusp between Millennial kid culture and Zoomer kid culture. There seemed to be an attitude change in the kid culture between early 2005 and late 2005.

Early 2005 felt more on the late millennial side with Yu yu hakusho dark tournament, Kim possible so the drama, Revenge of the sith, and George W. Bush entering his second term with narrowly over-50% approval.

While Late 2005 was starting to creep into the Early zoomer era, with Naruto, post-movie Spongebob, Ben 10, Web 2.0 started with Youtube, the 7th gen of consoles beginning with the Xbox 360, and Bush's approval ratings hitting an all-time low.

>A show about a 10 year old boy which lets him turn into 10(+ more later) different Aliens
>A show about a group of sky warriors trying to defend their planet from an Evil Ruler

>Lame ass element bending powers

Avatar was uncreative as shit. It was lame as fuck.

you're a nigger and PING PONG: the animation was anything but sports anime

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Name one thing that isn't for discord trannies

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>everyone was gay

Jackie Chan

>Avatar aired 14 years ago
Fucking hell, man.

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>when someone says "western animation" the mind jumps to animation quality instead of literal western media
I don't get it.

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We're talking about TLA you fuck, can you read? Stop bringing up Korra, we know it's shit.

>tfw 4ET is all I know of the Avatar universe
I barely understand what's going on but Toph and Ty Lee make me diamonds.
Is Ba Sing Se or whatever really this fucked in the show?

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>the guy who send people to kill airbenders, oppress other nations and even let his best friend die is the worst only because he was a bigot

Have you even read animal farm?

>Have no argument
>Attack a reaction image
Okay boomer, tell me how Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan and Gantz were timeless classics

Yeah pretty mucg

>The guy who keeps talking about "Discord tranny 10fps Ameritrash"

Alright, thread is now derailed.

when i realized it's a drama show and has nothing to do with the adventure of becoming the avatar


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it's totally orwellian, the king has literally never left the rich people district

Holy fucking BTFO

I have, which is why the ending didn't come as such a fucking surprise to me. It's also infinitely worse.
Why is it getting so much praise?
the reveal should have come sooner, then they could have expanded upon it some more

>Made in Abyss

Awful lot of gwenfags in here

non-spoiler answer: yes.

spoiler answer: the entire city is in the dark about the massive war going on outside its walls because the ruling class in the city uses gaslighting and brainwashing techniques to subdue the populace into ignorant complacency, including the king.

What was the last good era of Nick here?

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You had no argument either, you just resorted to saying "h-hipster police". Pathetic.

because avatars can't reach nirvana. nirvana menas your soul retures your body but the avatar's soul is the world's soul, therefore an avatar reaching nirvana means you not only gonna kill the avatar but the world as well. of course that doesn't matter anymore because korra retcon that phylosophy by stating the avatar is 2 spirits

If the animation is shit it can't be "one of the best piece of western animation ever"
I'm sorry zoomie but animation quality matters.

Avatar is the original reddit cartoon. It even came out the same year reddit did.

I thought the avatar was jesus considering korra turned it into good spirit vs evil devil.

>28 years old is zoomer now
But then again I should expect that from the type of people that can have their entire thought process changed by having a meme dangled in front of them like a doggy treat

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That shit killed my interest in the world. Fucking yikes.

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Based post

Bending is way too free-form to ever been satisfyingly implemented in any video game.

i would too if they even hinted at it or had a long development but insteas these two were fighting over the same guy and never talked to each other until much later and still didn't have a girls night out to keep uo the updates on each other. relationships dont happen because a hair compliment, it takes time and effort but tjat concept is too alien even for a crowd like tunblr who considers any good friendship as a sexual romance

so I'm curious, when you think of BTAS, what's the first scene you think of?


because le one punch man creator

Why are we talking about BTAS now?
I hope you're not implying that horrible anime-wannabe crap is anywhere near as good as Batman.

it's the best animated piece of media ever created (counting tv shows, film, anime, cartoons, etc.)
not a super high bar, but it's not nothing

even your pic is for them

That's zoomer as shit.
Only a zoomer would call that gay ass anime-wannabe one of the best animerican animaitons.

>ask a question
>don't get an answer
classic Yea Forums


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Zuko’s mom was a 10/10 MILF

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the avatar is the reincarnation of the world in human form. you can say is the world's stand. this is why it controls 4 elements, the reason why the avatar must exist is to preserve balance around the world and also to keep the spirit world and the real world segregated. it was pretty easy to follow but now with korra, is all a mess

Did they ever do something crazy with the powers? I only remember blood control with water powers and being able to bend metal because it had dirt inside or something like that, did anything interesting like that ever appeared for air and fire?

LIGHTNING for fire.

>warm up food/tea whenever you want without a microwave
>have the best girls

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>I'll just push something away
Airbending is the big gay

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this is the main issue. the flexible nature of bending in the show made it interesting because you were never sure what exactly the characters would do with their element, and seeing the creative ways they used them in each fight is what made the fights interesting. it would be incredibly difficult to translate that into a coherent combat system in a video game that players could reliably understand, predict, and manipulate while still retaining the free-form nature of bending from the show. characters with bending powers can theoretically do literally anything with their element, with the only thing limiting them being their training and own understanding of it. not sure how you could ever incorporate that into a video game outside of sandbox/physics simulators.

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it's the Naruto of Nickelodeon

>Did they ever do something crazy with the powers?
No, other than for some reason Azula has blue fire because she's a Mary Sue or something and Zuko and a few other characters can shoot lightning and it seems exclusive to Fire users for some reason.

The powers were always the most generic shit possible because the whole show was a creatively bankrupt by-the-numbers shonenshit show.

>because she's a Mary Sue or something
Is that what they call it?

Goddamn the fights were even lamer than I remember.

>azula has blue fire cause she's a mary sue
if you have a lot of skill with fire, you either get blue flames or lightning control. Earthbending has metalbending and the other one I don't remember, waterbending has bloodbending, airbending had something too I think, it's like an evolution of the bending.

Airbenders could fly.

>Trying to call something shounenshit when he doesn't even understand what the term "Mary Sue" means
Holy fucking shit, that term does not just mean an extremely powerful character, especially when they're shown to be highly mentally unstable near the end of the series. See Korra for an actual Mary Sue

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Precisely two airbenders could fly.

In Korra, there's an Airbender who bends the air out of people's lungs

They were more constrained to "duels" in the early seasons, attack, defense, attack, defense, smooth but slow - probably one of the few things Korra changed for the better by modernizing its combat and making it a bit more rigid, quick, and diverse

>calling Ping Pong a sports anime
>dislikes mob psycho

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>Earthbending has metalbending and the other one I don't remember

Who would win in a fight?
Toph from Avatar or Gaara from Naruto?

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>Mary Sue
Oh boy here we got with this shit again.

No I'm not seeing anything because I was done with tumblrfest when the original ended.
The original ending is one of the worst endings I've ever seen in any piece of media ever.

Fuck that gay copout shit.
Also fuck that anti-father agenda they had going on with Ozai.

>lol no
Seems like an easy fight to me

Gaara could probably win even against Avatar state Aang

I was an adult when I watch it. it's the last relevant cartoon show for TV, as far as I can tell. I do have my eye on the upcoming Looneytoons reboot though.

its true though isnt it faggot?

Shut the fuck up and eat your rubber nen

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It's definitely my favorite anime.

It wasn't about anti-father anything, Ozai was a crazy fuck born and perpetuated through a militaristic society. If there was such an Anti-Father statement, then why was Iroh so kind and wise to his nephew? Also the entire point of the air nomands was to preserve peace to all, and consider all souls, it was against Anng and his religion to kill another person.

>Anti-father agenda
What the fuck kinda ultra boomer nonsense is this? A piece of media is now bad if a character doesn't get along with their parents despite the fact that Sokka and Katara have a good relationship with theirs in the same show? This isn't even criticism, it's some weird personal hangup you've brought into this cartoon meant for preteens

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Not really no.


how is the fire nation even a threat
>water puts out fire
>dirt puts out fire
>air blows out fire
like lol

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>Also fuck that anti-father agenda they had going on with Ozai.
Yeah fuck them for doing that! Lord Ozai didn't anything wrong! (even though he was the reason why Zuko got that big ass burn mark on his face)

Gaara would easily solo the whole Avatar world before they know what hits them and I hate Naruto.

>anti-father agenda
wait I don't understand, Iroh literally quit a war because his son died and even sent him letters while he was alive

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Because they know how to use it effectively and they where a nation based on military forces ruled by a lord with a lord fist so there's that.

>Have to be near water to waterbend
>Air nomads are peaceful and refuse to fight back
The earth one I think can be chalked up to the fact that earthbending requires slow, rigid movements and wouldn't really do much good in a fight against the highly agile and militaristic firebenders.
Plus it takes way less effort to do damage with a little bit of fire than all 3 of the other elements

>discussions to be had in year 7 with your friends in the libary

>comparing a movie to a television show

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I rewatched it my final year of college at 22 years old and still enjoyed it immensely.

Invent vacuuming with Airbending.


I can't help that Katara is literally perfect

They went as far as to pull of that bullshit asspull turtle just because Aang and his "muh peace" bullshit and in the end they don't treat him as a human.
If Ozai is such a monster then why not kill him?
It doesn't make sense. Why spare him when you're just dehumanizing him anyways?

The characters are not believable at all. Any real person would wonder why their father acted the way he did but here Zuko just doesn't give a crap and it just doesn't work for me.

>muh ebil red nazis

fuck that's comfy

I'm talking about Ozai and the dehumanization of his character.

But what was anti-father about that

>Why spare him when you're just dehumanizing him anyways
Holy shit you really need to crack open a history book
>Any real person would wonder why their father acted the way he did but here Zuko just doesn't give a crap
Then you didn't watch the show, Zuko questions his father's decisions multiple times throughout the show and even directly confronts him at one point
Stop pretending you even saw this show and didn't just read a wiki synopsis

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The only correct answer is water
>Ice missiles
>ice ARMOR
>healing powers
>blood bending
>able to boil water/steam (I think)
>moon makes you even stronger
In a survival scenario a waterbender would be basically invincible
Earth bending is too rough and basic
Air is useless without tools and contraptions unless you're literally the avatar
Fire is only useful for killing shit and heating up soup

What are water tribe people supposed to represent in real life? Inuits?
I knew a half japanese half american indian girl in school and she had dusky skin just like that but I've never seen anyone else like that

>Zuko just doesn't give a crap
didn't he literally stand him down and confront him about being a sociopathic douchebag before leaving to join Aang?

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Yeah, but Yea Forums will never admit it.

A few firebenders can do varying levels of self-propulsion. It's mostly pretty weak and can only be done in short bursts but one guy does this kinda dumb but kinda awesome iron man thing

There's no way he watched the show, Aang being a vegetarian and not hurting/killing anything is brought up in some way EVERY FUCKING EPISODE. He expected the 12 year-old (112) vegan boy to kill somebody? lmao, he's just here for replies.

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Yes, especially this one holy shit

Looking at that webm makes me realize a lot of what makes bending so good is its basis in martial arts. While crazy abilities occasionally appear (Korra kinda overdid it) it's mainly technique and skill. It's like watching a kung fu movie but with extra flair

Beat me to it, I was gonna type basically the same thing.

In addition, please also consider
>blood bending being able to remove other people's bending (thanks Korra for adding this fuckery)
>fast and easy transportation on/under water, drowning is no longer an issue
>can sort of fly wherever there is a body of water with a tornado

Water is just absurdly OP, and the women are a nice bonus. Even the master fire bender Jong Jong said fire fucking sucks and he wishes he could to good water shit instead.

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A recurring trend with Korra is that the villains end up too right so they assign arbitrary traits to make them worse (Amon's backstory, Season 2 villains true motive, Season 3 Villain ended up too powerful, Season 4 villain true motive especially)

>Then you didn't watch the show, Zuko questions his father's decisions multiple times throughout the show and even directly confronts him at one point
No, not really what I meant. Zuko is convinced that his father is wrong/that he is right and he doesn't try to understand him at all.

In the last episode all I remember is him asking where his mother is and that's it.

Is Korra worth watching if I liked ATLA?

>didn't he literally stand him down and confront him about being a sociopathic douchebag
See, that's exactly what I mean.
Zuko just wants to antagonize his father he doesn't really ever think of trying to see his perspective at all(regardless if it's bad or not).

It just doesn't feel like Ozai is even his father.

He tries to understand him for years even after he burns his fucking face for merely suggesting they not use soldiers as live bait when he was 12, again, stop pretending you saw this show when you're clearly don't even remember basic plot beats like how Ozai threatens to Kill Zuko pretty much every time they talk or Zuko's big confrontation with him before he leaves. You would have to have the mental capacity of a child who hasn't learned to question authority yet to not understand this

Set your expectations very low going in and you might get some ironic enjoyment out of it. Season 3 is actually kinda ok, the rest is pretty garbage. Also try and spot the KorrAsami shipping moments, because I sure as fuck couldn't.

Holy shit no. Korra is a much different show in terms of pace and tone and the first 2 books are just a complete trash fire, only 2 of the original writers from the first show came back for the first book and it shows.

The first game that ends at an incredibly early time in the series is phenomenal. There was a second game that included toph/jet/I think even Zuko and it was hot garbage because of the gameplay

you will like it if you are a tranny

>Aang being a vegetarian and not hurting/killing anything is brought up in some way EVERY FUCKING EPISODE
Yes I know that which is what I meant by "peace bullshit". It's shallow as fuck.
It's hypocritical that Aang/Airbenders are all "muh peacelovers" and crap and yet he thinks of Ozai as a monster when he's really just a human like the rest of them.

Hate this double standard bullshit. Azula is redeemed but Ozai can't be? Give me a fucking break with this hypocritical bullshit.
It's clear Ozai is a stand-in for Hitler and the jews agenda of demonizing him.

Fire, of course.

>Gets away with everything

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>It's clear Ozai is a stand-in for Hitler and the jews agenda of demonizing him.
It took you long enough for you to get here after the "anti-father" nonsense

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It’s the only good western cartoon next to Batman TAS

>doesn't have lighting
yep guess firechads win again

Yes I did actually watch the show and he didn't try to understand shit.
He just wanted to prove himself to his father by hunting the Avatar down. Which is where Iroh comes on and tries to calm his tits.

Zuko is a dumb shallow character.
He's Tao Ren from Shaman King done completely wrong.

based chad thundercock

*Next to the DCAU

So you only have watched the first episode of season 1?


Most people who grew up on this show are in their mid/late-20s so yeah it's a classic.

Half the series literally highlights Aang coming to terms with having to kill Ozai before Nickelodeon pussied out

Inuits, the creators cited inspiration from the film Atanarjuat: The Fast Runner

samurai jack

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how is it possible to be this much of a retard

Vidya idea:
Cumming on Korra's abs simulator

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Zoomer post

If Kuvira REALLY was a daughter to her, why doesn't she forgive her but her son who was even more trigger-happy and chaotic than Kuvira?
Also I just realized that her adopted daughter and her biological son are dating

The ones the show decided to stop giving her?

Mai is for AANG

Katara sucks

Give me an RPG that lets me smack the Fire Nation around and romance best girl

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The GBA and beat them all game was good.

Zoomers like you should be gassed.
Don't even dare compare this piece of crap to BTAS.


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That's true
Avatar sucks, just like BTAS

wow a cartoon from my generation that everyone like that's rare.

...did they even interact once directly?
I've never seen this ship before

He did that throughout the first season and at least a good chunk of the 2nd one. Iroh babysitting him softened him over time.
This is why Katara rages like crazy in the 3rd season when Zuko wants to join them.

Zuko's character was about trying to justify his existence by trying to prove himself to his father.
Over time Iroh's influence affected him but by that point he doesn't even feel like a character with a clear motive anymore and just wants revenge on his dad and in the end he does fucking nothing in favor of just finding his mother which as I recall doesn't get mentioned a lot throughout the show so that came out of left-field.

Avatar sucks but BTAS is pretty badass.

Only the first is good at being entertainment and also having depth.
MiA is baby's first spooky anime
SSY is gay

Lol no, it’s just another garbage kiddie capeshit cartoon

Holy moley, you're retarded

its a fine show season 2 is a little bad but the rest are fine but spergs like thiswant to hate every little thing about it

Can/will an adult enjoy watching this?

I know it's really well received but I just dont know how i feel about watching a children's cartoon

>it's bad because muh ship didnt happen
fuck off

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Considering you're on a board for discussing a hobby for children, it's time to stop pretending you're a big boy.

It's basically a shounen anime except good (not that those aren't children's cartoons but you know). It's timeless.

you're already on Yea Forums
you have nothing left to be insecure about

The subvertion was hinted at half the series as well.

They pulled the same crap with the Avatar state too.
They were too pussy with the whole Avatar State thing
"Aang shouldn't lose himself" and all that bullshit

What kind of hero is this? It felt to me like the West taking a jab at Eastern Religions/Culture.

I would be fine with the subvertion of Aang not wanting to kill Ozai but it comes off as shallow and fake.
Aang doesn't want to kill Ozai because he hates killing which is selfish as fuck.

If it was about Aang not wanting to kill Ozai because he wanted to save him and he genuinely believed he could turn a new leaf or something like that then I could understand him.

But Aang in the end is just a selfish pussy and not Yoh Asakura.

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thematically aang taking away ozais powers makes much more sense. He found a way to fix things without stooping to his opponents level
and preserved the balance
its a great ending

It's more like a fantasy setting aimed at adults than it is for children.

In the show, no. But in the (crappy) comics, yes. Theoretically I think their personalities could mesh in some really fun ways. Pessimism vs optimism, cold vs. warm, etc. I imagine Aang taking her on a tour of the Air Temples and her pretending to hate it but loving his enthusiasm deep down.

Zuko's character was about learning how to find his own purpose instead of following the path laid out for him by the circumstances of his birth, and Iroh lays that out clearly when Zuko goes to free Appa. The stuff about his mother is mentioned very regularly throughout the story, ties directly into his relationship with Azula and is also shown in multiple flashbacks. You clearly haven't watched it in a long time if you can't even remember these things.

nice opinion

No arguments.

Executive meddling is a thing

I watched K-ON when I was 22, if I can do that you can easily watch Avatar.
I wouldn't even call it a shonen, that would imply filler episodes.

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>Can/will an adult enjoy watching this?

There's one long AU fanfic where Mai's the one who's on the scene when he breaks out of the iceberg and thus his crush on Katara is transferred to her. Not sure if they ever hook up though, since she's still got her canon thing for Zuko and the dude writing it is a big Maiko shipper.

I wish Korra season 2 and 4 were at least as good as TLA. Season 1 and 3 were the purest kino. Fuck I want an RPG.

>It's basically a shounen anime except good
lol no
even bleach is better than this shit

Watched it around the same age, and it still holds a soft spot in my heart. Ui is a treasure.

well technically there is filler in the show

>he watched Bleach
Poor soul

>Korra Book4
I'm still mad about what they did with Kuvira and how most of her problem was "my parents abandoned me so i'm a bad guy" and then it's even worse in the comics because one scene shows her being a little shit to her parents so...???

>4 were at least as good as TLA
i dont get this meme how is it bad

soldier boy comes marching home

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I know about zuko but Soka too?

I haven't watched Avatar since 2008 when it ended.
But Zuko was basically a villain in the first book and then later Iroh was trying hard to save him.

Zuko grew up being treated like shit compared to Azula. In the end he hasn't grown much at all and since his father didn't accept him he just settle for finding his mommy.

He never grew to be able to stand on his own. He still needs someone to depend to.

You're missing the point
He learned how to depend on other people
At the beginning he's do obsessed with finding the avatar, he treats his crew like shit and ignores his uncle, he's generally just a shitty dude
At the end of the series he knows how to let others support him and builds genuine relationships with people

It was fine until it dove into why she was bad () and when they forced, yes forced, the lesbian romance. No matter what anyone says, i've watched the series multiple times and there is zero, ZERO, backing for it. I would've been fine with it were it set up, but it wasn't.

This post reads as if it was written by an actual middle schooler.

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I don't know about that. I mean yeah kids cartoons in the US aren't allowed to go that far but I think the creators of the show fully intended the whole "AVATAR STATE = BAD" because ATLA actively deplores heroism and Aang sacrificing himself would fall in that line and that would be "problematic"

wow one thing ok

desu wasn't that bad for the first 2 arcs and the fillers were usually better than kubo's bullshit after soul society


think I'n gonna rewatch avatar

Two, and one of them is the entirety of the villain. Comparing it to season 1 and 2 it was bad.

How good is Shaman King?
I remember seeing it a few times on fox box or whatever it was called but was too retarded to get into it at that age

she has daredevil vision so she knows you're ugly

I was never convinced by his character development. Didn't feel believable.


You're probably joking, but it's weird how Aang seems to forget Roku's wisdom that the 4 nations should remain separate, and goes onto uniting the nations as soon as the war was over

I always though zukos development was handled better than a lot of similar characters in other shows, if for no other reason than having Iroh guide him throughout the show.

penis hair

But that's a canon image user

>this thing is bad here's why

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Manga is great.
Anime is meh at best, not a really good adaptation. Can be fun(the jap version at least which has some awesome voice actors and music) but it was an early 2000s digital anime and it deviates into filler shit by the time they reach the Patch Village around episode 40 or so and in general it's not a faithful adaptation.

Only watch the anime if you really like the manga and feel like watching it animated and keep your expectations low.

>Mans Voice

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Yes, but to temper your expectations you should know that: the first half of Season1 is great. The second half is fucking retarded. Season 2 is extremely mediocre but holds some saving graces (the episode about the first Avatar is amazing). And then season 3-4 are actually really good.

Even fans of the show (like me) think that the spirit bending was a last second asspull so that Aang wouldn't have to kill Ozai.
He only gets that power because he bitches out when his past lives tell him that he should kill Ozai. The introduction of the Lion Turtle as a spirit bender gives way to the raping of the lore of ATLA in LOK with the whole Episode of Wan trash.
ATLA is near flawless, but the turtle is an asspull.

It's hard to dislike Iroh because of the type of character he is but I still feel like Zuko depends on him too much by the end.
Zuko went from wanting to be independent and "fuck friends I'm an emofag" to being almost too dependent.

Don't feel like they struck a good middle ground.

>You're probably joking
I'm not. Didn't really notice it at the time but holy shit it's obvious now.
Sokka with the Snow Princess too.

An uncontrolled Avatar State is bad, they make a big point of that in the series and is a thing only fully realised Avatars can pull off without going apeshit.


Probably. It's definitely not a show to binge watch since each episode feels like they have their own emotional arc. It's a good show, although with a simple plot. If you like shows with good world-building and character development, you'll enjoy it

Also, the show peaks hard at season 2, but reaches those heights again in the season 3 finale

oh, is that tranny who spends 3/4 of the video criticizing trump supporters and blaming all his problems on the alt-right than explaining why the series is bad as the title implies it should be about

>Even fans of the show (like me) think that the spirit bending was a last second asspull so that Aang wouldn't have to kill Ozai.
Because it was. Shit wasn't even foreshadowed.

Also Katara's moon shit, I don't know why the made that shit taboo same as the Avatar State. Could have come in handy to use it against Ozai...just saying.

whats the point of making a 4 part video

Will do, thanks

earth so I could build walls and shit. My house needs a third floor

it's kino

It's... decent? There's a point where the writing seems to "jump", in a bad way. Yoh's written to be a carefree, cheerful guy. Partway through the story, he suddenly becomes apathetic and aloof for no real reason other than to suddenly act like the antagonist. The events leading to the climax seem to be written in a hurry, and the entire ending sequence finished really abruptly. It almost felt like the author didn't care at a certain point and just wanted to wrap up the series quick. It's a fairly decent shounen early on though.

Pretty sure the show says something about how Aang would forget all his memories and he would forget "muh Katara" if he releases his full Avatar state.

It's clearly "individualism/muh feels" selfsh bullshit.

It's a fucking terrible ending.
It's idealistic crap. Bland sugary garbage.

Is Sokka the ultimate self insert of the writer(s)?
He gets all the best girls, and just the best girls, what the fuck

>he eats cold soup

>Depend to
Oh I get it, you're from the 3rd world. No wonder you don't understand character development. You may go now.

>It just doesn't feel like Ozai is even his father.
i mean he did leave him a scar for talking back. it was about zuko trying to overcome his fears

I' M T H E A V A T A R Y O U G O T T A D E A L W I T H I T

for me, it's toph's feet

Geez it was a simple fuck up because I was rushing, calm down.

>it was about zuko trying to overcome his fears
But it wasn't really. Zuko thought his father was right initially and was trying to hunt the Avatar down to prove himself to his father.

>Could have come in handy to use it against Ozai...just saying.
No real opportunity to do it with Ozai and I am sure Katara would have used it had she gotten the chance. We are talking about the girl who extrapolated her hate of the captain who killed her mom to the entire Fire Nation (which is justified, given her age and mentality).
No, it doesn't.
When Aang gets forced into the Avatar state by negative emotions or by almost getting killed he stops recognising friend from foe which is why he should not use the Avatar State while not being a "fully realised Avatar".
Now, when he goes to guru Pathik to be able to master the Avatar state by opening his chakras (which bypasses the "fully realised Avatar"), the last chakra needs for him to accept that the Avatar is the Spirit of the Earth (original explanation of the Avatar btw, not a fucking blue kite) and so he needs to set aside his mortal relationships, he initially doesn't want to do it but is forced to do so in his fight with Ozai which is why he unleashes the full power of the Avatar State.
This is selfish, yes, it's a character flaw, he is not supposed to be perfect, he is a 12 year old boy with a hard on for Eskimo pussy, give him a break.

>what is story development
man, is almost as if people aren't always right or they realize what they believe could be wrong. man if only those things were already told in the first episode instead of following an animated storytelling

I just finished S1 and am thoroughly unimpressed. It's mediocre at best, like an "anime-lite" except they took all the worst bits of anime like Japanese comedic timing. It has to be nostalgia.

12 year old boy, whose race genes are now completely eradicated and was put to peer pressure to kill someone and also master the other 3 elements he barely knew how to manipulate

In my re-watching of ATLA a few months back I found Season 1 to be the dullest (still very solid but when you get down to it Aang wasted a few months of learning Water in the North Pole because he wanted to travel the world). Season 2 and specially 3 are much better.

What is 4et?

that is true, aang got familiar with waterbending, barely got the gist of earthbending and only learn the basics of firebending. he was realy short in time

>I am sure Katara would have used it had she gotten the chance.
I distinctly remember her being creeped out by the technique.

It's a (hentai) trainer game. It's called Four Elements Trainer. Pretty hot.

>No, it doesn't.
OK am I misremembering or something?
I could have sworn there was something about Aang reaching the 7th Avatar State would mean that he would forget all his memories or something like that.

Oh my sweet, innocent child.

It gets better. And worse, and better. But the last half of season 3 is kino. I still haven't watched season 4.

Pretty much.
It was a lot of people's first fakenime.

she also learn how to extract water from other living beings. of course is something she didn't often use, just in case of emergency, but i wonder wouldn=t be easy to pull that shit on everyone for an instakill?

I remember thinking 3 was the shittiest.

Read my entire reply.
Yes and despite that she used the technique against a Fire Nation Commander when she and Zuko infiltrate that ship. She wouldn't have hesitated on using it on Ozai.

nope, that never happens. korra had lost her memories for 2 episodes but there was no need to throw the amnesia since it wouldn-t change much if she had it or not

It does have a one of the biggest flaws on the show (or rather one of the few) which is the asspull turtle but it's pretty great overall.

Who cares, could either of them beat Madara Uchiha?

Well she needs the moon for it so it would have to be a planned ambush on Ozai during a full moon.

>Yes and despite that she used the technique against a Fire Nation Commander when she and Zuko infiltrate that ship. She wouldn't have hesitated on using it on Ozai.
but she didn't because she realized killing that commander woulnd't bring back her mother, she was almost blind on revenge but chose not to fall on that path because what's the point of doing so if you won't get in return what you desire?

Season 1 is kind of crappy, it's a typical episodic Saturday morning cartoon. Season 2 is where the show starts getting good.

does an eclipse counts as full moon? it nullified fire bending, and since the eclipse require the full moon, woulnd't that make waterbending powerful?


I didn't like season 3. It was mostly filler like season 1, except this time they had a slightly better excuse in that they were killing time while waiting for the eclipse. Season 2's continuous plot was GOAT.

You are talking about the guy who killed her mother, I am talking about the guy who became commander after he retired which Katara uses bloodbending on, hence me mentioning Zuko and Katara infiltrating a ship.
I have re-watched the series recently, contradicting me is futile since I have excellent memory.

We are

No matter what you say about S1, if you think Aang being possessed by that water spirit and slicing battleships in half wasn’t hype as fuck, you’re a contrarian

I did read it.

I just did some research and it was the Chakras I was thinking about.

Pathik tells Aang to let go of his attachments to achieve the 7th chakra but Aang refuses because "muh Katara"
That shit fucking bugged me.

yes is the same i was talking about

>Avatar RPG
>Game starts with character creation
>Pick a nation to determin your element
>Start as literal who
>Become more and more of a big name as you do stuff
>Meet interesting characters, maybe even the new avatar
>Story is dictated by your choices, you can end up helping the avatar, those allied with him, the fire nation or just being a neutral party solving his main quest. Game ends with a totally different world than what you started which you may or may not have a hand in shaping, base on your choices.

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Sure but you are asking a show for teens to jump to an adult only rating. Earthbenders are supposed to be able to entomb people alive but we also don't see that in the episode for obvious reasons.

I'm not sure how it was.
I think Waterbenders drain energy from moonlight or something like that.

You should see the whole video bro it's a hoot!
>starts shit talking Trump and his fans out of nowhere
>thinks communism is good

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Here's your waterbender, bro.

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This, that game had no right to be as good as it was.

If you had read it you would see I told you the exact same thing as your research.
Maybe read slower next time.
As I pointed out a character having flaws (specially when he is justified for having them) is not a bad thing.
No, it is not, rewatch the episode or don't chime in with your half assed opinions

If we ever get a game, it should clearly be made after Shamy's movie, the superior Avatar.

Attached: Thank you Shyamalan.gif (350x151, 1.95M)

>Capturing and holding EARTHbenders in a place with EARTH.
I was raging in the cinema at most of the movie but specially at that scene.

It's not so much a character flaw as it is the west taking a jab at eastern philosophy let's be real here.

Western philosophy is all about individualism and selfishness and all that crap.

They should have expanded more on the elemetal bending, something like fire being able to oxidize metal because fire is oxidation etc.

This movie was made just so that whenever someone says ATLA is bad people will assume they will talk about this movie.

a lot of things made no sense in that movie especially within the context of the show. Firebenders are especially dangerous not just because of their industry but because they are one of only two elements that are always available. They don't need a fire source because Uncle iroh makes it clear that firebending comes from the breath. As long as you can breathe you can fire firebend. The only other bending art that can do the same are Airbenders who were immediately exterminated. earthbenders could make up for it since Earth is relatively common but waterbenders are forced to be sequestered to either the North or South Pole since without a water source the only thing they have is what they can carry. but M Night Shyamalan thought he was smarter than the original show even though if firebenders were forced to carry around fire pits they would have been destroyed before the war even got off the ground

the best part of this is how the rock just lazily drifts into the frame. if it weren't obviously shoddy cgi you could easily convince me it was grade school-tier wire action. holy FUCK how does this man still have a career?

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They were beginning to in Korra. Like earthbenders being able to Lava Bend. Too bad the actual plot of Korra was dicks because the new bending styles were cool. Like Waterbending replacing limbs. Or metal benders having deployable armor.

You are an idiot, Aang doesn't gain anything from not mastering the Avatar State, he knows it's selfish of him because everyone expects him to be the Avatar and not a 12 year old kid (big part of his character arc) which is why he links his last chakra during his fight with Ozai.

>episodes about the first avatar


10,000 replies and over 6 million views, I had no idea an Avatar porn game was so popular

stuff i thought of i dunno
>air benders can disassociate air into its different compounds and remove oxygen from an area, maybe create ozone or pure nitrogen too
>fire benders can absorb thermal energy from any object, water included
>earth benders can create electricity with metal dust from the ground or whatever



Why don't the airbenders ever use lethal force. They could dismember anyone in half if they chose to. Zaheer suffocated that queen. I'm just wondering what other lethal move airbending has desu.


The animations in the second season are so much fucking good.
Third season was trash though

The best thing avatar did was have a marathon with the pop up facts.

Because of their pacifism combined with their philosophy of complete detachment from worldly affairs. Aang's airbending teachings were so ingrained into his personality but he couldn't even bring himself to murder the biggest murderer on the planet. The only exceptions to Airbender pacifism are the avatars who are mandated to take part in worldly affairs

You gotta deal with it.
He was just starting, at the moment he didn't think people would watch a forty minute video. Now he makes multi episodic videos with each part having 20 to 40 minutes. Or a long video if the movie is shit enough to warrant it.

stop being stupid, all high powered benders had lightning, zuko even tried but got itself almost killed. Iroh explains how dangerous it is since the lightining can go through the bender heart and cause it to stop

>Why don't the airbenders ever use lethal force
they're not!buddhists. pacifism is in their culture.

>I'm just wondering what other lethal move airbending has
something i almost never see mentioned is sound manipulation. sound is transferred via pressure waves in air. a powerful airbender could probably make a pressure differential strong enough that it could deafen people. or maybe manipulate sound waves to confuse enemies via throwing their voice or something like that. not exactly lethal, but it's something. and if all that fails they could just become a pro tsungi horn player.


They fucked up on their expansion of bending so fucking bad man

>entire fucking factories full of rando firebenders shooting lightning to create energy
Like, I get it. The discipline of lightning has advanced and become easier and is being used for practical purposes now. But it wrecks lightning’s thematic purpose so hard it never recovers.

At least with metal bending I can say it was just elite city cops and soldiers who were good at it, I can see metal bending expanding and becoming more commonplace. But lightning was so fucking spiritual and required so much inner balance, goddammit.

I liked it.

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Enjoy that's your avatar lore now. It's a jrpg now.

they are literally the same people you retard.
I think you mean Sokka and the Kyoshi girl

its got some god tier waifus
so it is a classic

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I get you. But couldn't they have just had fire-bender powered steam boilers too? Or Metal-bender powered electro-magnet generators? I'd have a problem with any fucking industrialized magic with it not being at all relevant to the happenings of the story.

I haven't read it in a while but I'm hoping he'll end up going with MaiAang. It's an excellent story, but if we want Maiko, there's a million other stories and CANON for that.

fire is unironically the best because of heat transfer

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what is this azula-zuko bullshit? she is a fucking psychopath who cares nothing but power and the only thing between her path is zuko. She hates Zuko more than anything

nah she wants the brother dick, its obvious

she loves her zuzu, you freak

it just came out of nowhere and felt more like pandering to the shipping and sjw crowd.
I wouldn't have mind it at all of there was atleast some hint at it somewhere in the series, or it was build up. Now the ending was just "we gay now asami"

fuck off, this shit makes no sense.
Azula is such a great character, putting a hardcore psycho in a children cartoon was really something cool.
also, Azula makes me diamonds every time

I hope you werent planning on pulling out dear brother

Crazy Azula is my favorite

So... Azula then?

when she's even crazier and cuts up her hair

Yeah, that's azula

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The first episode she's in she bitches a navel officer out because she's upset her hair got even slightly messed up.

>bloodbending OP
obviously Water

>litteraly turning someone's lungs into a vacuum.
airbending honestly is the most powerful and scary power out there, it's just extremely underwhelming in the series.

Fire baby!
Although Earth would be the most useful element overall.

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it isnt, fire is the most OP because you can fuck with thermodynamics

Her pouty face makes me want to hug her.

good luck creating fire in a room where there's no air.

good luck bending at all when your body looses all its heat

I invite this thread to Lake Laogai

good luck taking away all my heat when you can't breathe

good luck bending air away when you freeze


Wasn't flying a thing that all air monks learned?

good luck freezing when your lungs have been popped

They never should have broke their promise.

Air all day everyday.
I don't care about fucking up others or being able to build mud huts anywhere.
I just wanna be able to sick flips from a standing position, fly around, prank cunts with the wind, and airbenders reportedly have this trick to keep themselves warm by bending the air right on top of their skin in a certain way.

Wasn't there a fan theory about her being a prostitute or something? Can someone explain that?

I remember playing a pretty good game that had a real satisfying clunk when you hit folks with sokkas club
I can't remember if it was gba or ds
That's exactly what it is.


The Wii game is good though?

She's poor, she's pretty, and theoryfags can't enjoy anything without making at least some aspect of it needlessly horrible because dark and gritty reality is the coolest thing in fiction.
By the way, Avatar is all a daydream had by Katara, who in reality is a low-functioning autistic orphan.