Play Pokemon

Attached: pokemon__nessa_by_omiza_zu_dd96w0g-pre.jpg (765x1045, 152K)

no, faggot. KYS

>Water type gym
>Brown girl with blue eyes

Attached: 1517205983512.jpg (820x820, 223K)

>black girl
>no ass or tits
What did they mean by this?

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She looks like she fucks white boys

I love Serena!

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I've been playing all day though, I need an hour before I can play some more

she has a trim, athletic build fit for a professional competitive swimmer/sportswoman

>One of those is just a giant bug that wants to eat your face

You've fucked up!


Attached: Nessa.webm (1920x1080, 1.91M)

If they're going the swimmer route than she should have wider shoulders

>Make a new Pokemon game utilizing the strongest hardware Nintendo has ever produced
>Coming off strong from Detective Pikachu
>TCG is as popular as ever
>Pokemon Go was a cultural phenomenon
>Can't put all the Pokemon in Sword/Shield

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How do I get a sexy black gf?

Officially she's Indian.

It's why she has the arm band and earrings.

Nah, still spends most of her time with pokemon.

She's fit and supposed to be athletic.
It's up to the fan artists to rectify this.

i wanna eat nessas curry


Step 1: Be White
Step 2: Be Fit
Step 3: Go onto any dating site and show off a shirtless picture of yourself.

>all these idiots thinking race is the same thing in the pokemon world
She doesnt look conventionally black because shes not. Shes a made up fictional character with a made up fictional race in a made up fictional game.

Borderlands 3 is doing that too
Indian girls can be quite hot

Why are you retards pushing this generic shit skin character so hard?

>Officially she's Indian.
That is even worse.

Have sex Virgins.

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Fuck off

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>don't even like pokemon
>can't get enough of the pokemon girls

I would give her as many (you)s as I possibly could.