Say something nice about his shit vidya
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Neck yourself edgelord
Never celebrate death. Even of your enemies. The bell tolls for thee.
He made more vidya than you, OP. Enjoy your shitposting on Yea Forums.
was it AIDS?
Never played it and never will. Cool beard. Wish i died instead you Patrick.
I actually just bought HZD yesterday. I'm really excited to play it. Rest in peace man.
Death here, you shouldn't laugh OP. You're next.
As for the rest of you, if you want to be knocked down the list and live longer than I've got you scheduled for post your best skeletons
Cartel actually
I liked horizon t b h
he died from eternal bleeding
I keep forgetting I have a PS4. Is HZD any good?
what's so funny about this man death?
never celebrate death, what if he was someone you knew? or someone from your family? pls rethink you life OP
Hzd is based. The matriarchy couldn't figure out anything more than spears in 200 years when there are robot dogs with laser cannons running around.
>fucked up killzone
>released whatever the fuck zero dawn was supposed to be
Someone else will just take his place. His death matters little in the grander scheme
he's was one of the first to popularize boys drinking legume beans, growing hair to hide weak chins and that god awful O face they all do now
j/k no fucking clue why we care
Legend says he’s still bleeding to this day
Really sad, 44 is too young to go.
What happens when you die, Yea Forums?
Does that mean Kojima is fucked?
I dont care i die
Mccain dying was hilarious
His cunt daughter crying was also hilarious
Same with hw dying
Not sure why anyone would celebrate this game devs death as he seemingly didnt do anything
I dont really give a fuck tho cuz i didnt know him
literally who
You go to sleep and await the Resurrection and Final Judgment.
it's just dreamless sleeping but you don't wake up
lmao fuck you death come and release me from this prison so I can have my revenge
So he wasn't there for KZ2?
You go back to being born with no memory of having already lived your life. We've had this conversation billions of times.
you’ll be nothing until this all happens again
you stop this charade that you were living a life
So no one of value was lost?
No he only did Shadowfall
Damn, how? So young
spare me a few years
Even then he'd have made the choice, Pat couldn't.
No problem senpai
>await the Resurrection and Final Judgment.
>You go to sleep
nope, you'll be interrogated by Munkar and Nakir and if you answer wrong you'll be tortured until the resurrection.
Don't mind me, just posting the most based skeleton of them all.
Sonyfags defending someone that made one of their exclusives and expecting people to give respects unironically to someone in a shit hole site, just stop replying to these people they just want to steer this thread away from its original propose
Go fuck yourself freak
why are ape escape fans so horrible?
Hello Death, have you visited Hell or Heaven? What do they look like?
You really are a faggot holy shit
You're just setting up for people to poke at Iwata's asscancer
Nothing. Dont worry about it.
If you say so Mr. Reaper
This basically sums up by past 32 years on this wretched hunk of rock
t. satan
Who left you to soon OP?
You unlock the achievement
Did you get bullied too much at school today, fat kid?
this is a cool skeleton evading ufo lasers
please enjoy and kill me quickly
He became successful, and people liked his game. That's probably the best way to go out.
nigger, I'll be partying all night when my sister and father both die before me. How do I know that they'll both die before me? Well, father is obvious, but long story shot, dad spent more time smoking than he did with me, hasn't visited in 20 years despite living less than 10 miles away, and he has just recently contracted emphysema. My sister physically and mentally abused me growing up, and she contracted Lupus at around 32-32 ish. While not fatal, it does pretty much instantly decrease life-expectancy at some point.
I am so positive that I'll be wearing a grin on both of their death days, that I plan on visiting my sister's grave (won't be attending her funeral btw) at night and taking the longest pent up whizz on her gravestone.
Fuck them both, and fuck you, death comes for us all anyway so I may as well rejoice in the few deaths that bring me peace.
If you're a shitty game dev like this dude you burn in hell
Yes. He is a s o y boi.
lol i just ran this dude over in my car was he really a game designer hahahaha
Can you actually move me up the schedule?
The people that love you will miss you
I'll think about it.
>iwata got a sticky and music
>this doesn't
You see where the mods interests lie on this board
Its okay. Main girl is ugly but fighting robo dinos is fun
when you die, you die
Literally who, producer means nothing
Nothing, your existence is over. The end there is nothing after it you can't prove it.
If this news was about Nintendo everyone would be paying respect because the majority of the users is nintenbro and there would be a sticky, I don't even know why do you have to make a fucking console war thread about it faggot
death will be like waking up from a dream.
Not tying to sound like a dick, but compared to Iwata his status in the video game world wasn't that large. He produced good games though.
With video games.
Bunch of hypocrites. Some literal who dies and gets his dick sucked. TB never got this respect
the best
Holy shit. That was great.
A fair deal, reaper.
Are you retarded i didn't imply the thread propose was for console flamming, also your reason is one big bullshit everyone would just shitpost on the nintendo thread as well, Yea Forums is fucking dead for years already nobody comes here for genuine discussion, the only reason i stayed here is to shitpost and laugh at dumb shit that people post
You got it, mister sir!
He couldn’t handle that fucking BotW2 life :cracking up:
*is an unbearable faggot*
W-w-why does my family hate me?
TB didin't make games, only bitched about them
Faggot never deserved respect, glad he is rotting now
dont make promises you cant keep you bitch
You have to be 18 to post on Yea Forums
I've seen enough webms of freak accidents to know that you can die literally any time.
S to spit on his grave
Kinda /devilish/ but I got a glimpse at this thread, thought it was Cory Balrog, and got excited a little.
Endless dreams
If only.
Sorry, I don't text and drive like the rest of you retarded normalfags.
kys microdick
have sex wojakoff
Looks like a nice guy
who knows at this point im still holding out theres a god but it seems silly at this point in human history
>Sucked at video games
>Never stopped bitching
>blamed the games for his incompetence
don't be a bitch incel
You got it pal.
A retarded normalfag texting and driving could run into you as you're walking outside.
What happened?
we Yea Forums now
which is why i never leave my house
The only death that will bring you peace is your own
>complaining about video games is a career
rot in piss
you stop being
fuck you death, you are not the boss of me
Mccain was a warmonger
The guy in OP made a video game that you don't like
These are not equivalent.
as you wish
thnk u mr. deth
Sad to hear he died but I have never liked any of their games sorry.
Are you unironically blaming someone for being abused as a child
What's the secret to becoming a lich?
faggot, this is literally what insurance companies do all the damn time. They have people working behind the scenes who basically make mathematicians look dumb in comparison, constantly crunching numbers and deciding who should be forced to pay a premium because risk revolves around them like an extra solar capture of a satellite.
If you drink alcohol and smoke instance, your chances go up, etc, etc.
fuck off satan
Skeleton Knights are the best.
This is a really low thread OP, you shouldn't behave like this, seriously. Someone failed you for you to act this way.
My condolences go to his family, may the Lord let him rest in peace.
Probably the most niggery white person I've ever seen. Probably got shot on his way to get some smokes.
he was a useless e-celeb. he didnt make games.
you start life in NG+ with all your previous knowledge and skills
i would abuse him too if he was such a annoying fag
>TB never got this respect
A lot of people were calling the S-posters edgy though
depends on how much you like open world games
ok kid
>I'm allowed to be a dumb cunt and lash out at people because I was abused
And the cycle continues
I was once suicidal, But i accept that we all die some day, So i'm in for the ride, No complaints when death comes for me.
Guy in my city died recently, nornal guy, had a gf and was happy. He died riding his motorcycle , you may think he died because of a vehicle accident, but no, guy was literary driving as he should when suddenly lighting hit him and killed him.
never masturbate and no sex
You'll get no skeletons from me, necromancer.
Nothing about his post suggested lashing out though
How much do you want to bet will kill himself once he's all alone.
thats how I want to go
Your Karma decides your next incarnation.
This thread is good but needs more skeletons
Absolutely, one hundred percent based.
Can I ask to be up on the list? I still want to post a skeleton though.
More likely isn't the same as knowledge.
Who gives a fuck about him dying? Just post more skeletons.
What will OP be remembered as?
Look at me !! I’m a fatso and a faggot
Oh shut up, this place was celebrating when some faggot eceleb died.
Jokes on you fag I got Jesus to back me up.
someone ban this edgelord faggot
You posted a skeleton with flesh on top. That drops you even further down the list.
How do you cope with death, Yea Forums?
Why do you think Jesus will back you up?
Mr Skellbones I want off your ride
Thanks Mr Skeltal
I knew having a folder just for skeleton pictures would come in handy.
How'd he die? Don't want to give journos clicks.
>Never celebrate death. Even of your enemies. The bell tolls for thee.
Leaving this world is not as scary as it sounds.