Why do Nips insist we keep getting these generic anime swordies? They need their own game and out of Smash Bros. They are not creative characters and it's ruining Western appeal seeing all of this generic anime on the character selection screen. Someone go to Japan and slap every otaku pushing for this shit. It's degeneracy.
Play good games and you'll appreciate it more.
>it's ruining Western appeal
Feature, not bug.
The game was right. This "Luminary" has brought nothing but strife and anger to this world.
These are your last two fighters
>Casuals Quest
> Good
It's easy as fuck
"Anime swordsmen" is not the problem. It's Fire Emblem.
Meh, you play 5 or 6 JRPGs you’ve played em all.
DQ is iconic and deserves its spot
Also based
We've been buying games with anime swordsmen since NES. I don't know why you fags are mad about it now. I get it that there's too many literally who Fire Emblem characters by DQ is a long running, classic franchise. Fuck off
If there are no female reskins, waste of a slot
Why do Mutts insist we keep getting these generic cartoon punchies? They need their own game and out of Smash Bros. They are not creative characters and it's ruining Unique appeal seeing all of this generic Cartoon on the character selection screen. Someone go to Murrican and slap every incel pushing for this shit. It's degeneracy.
Where is he? Why is he a trophy? I WANT THAT FUCKING ANIME SWORD NOW.
B&K is popular in many Western countries including Latin America. Only Japan gives a shit about DQ.
dragonquest fucking sucks every time i try to play one of these SHIT games i get bored to tears. Japs have awful taste if this godawful franchise is a big deal over there.
Considering how big of a deal dragon quest has always been in Japan I'm actually surprised it took so long for it to get a rep. I think the people that are mad are actually just mad at how overly represented fire emblem is.
t. goblinos
The only fun swordfighter is Meta Knight
Pretty much this smash fags will never stop seething at fire emblem and now hold a grudge against all anime swordsmen
What is your point? of course japan likes DQ more than banjo.
Seethe more Stevie/Sorafag
Serious question if everyone hates anime sword fighters so much why is that all I play against online? I cant wait for banjo to come out and for no one to play him
Someone posted that on Reddit and commenters went on full damage control saying Banjo has both English and Japanese videos and it's spreadout more.
B-But my twitter trends... Yea Forums told me nobody in Japan cared about Erdrick
Bash DQ all you want, the Hero is a way better pick than fucking Joker
>japs once again showing their trash taste
Only a minority of the Smash fanbase gets autistic over swords. Most Smash players don't give a shit and just play characters they think are cool, which tend to be the anime looking guys with swords or Link/Ganondorf.
Oh an generic bear from a dead franchise is Soo much better
which is true "Gamexplain faster than nintendo" reupload of the trailer collected one million views before the day ended.
I feel like this image is trying to tell me something but I'm not sure what
Anime sword fighters are usually mid-to-high tier in Smash (with exceptions like Melee Roy) and most of online is tryhards.
>Implying it's not the same people watching the Banjoshit.
But being real here why is that video reposted so fucking much?
>Serious question if everyone hates anime sword fighters so much why is that all I play against online?
Because they are popular among people who actually play the game and only disliked in rosterfag circlejerks (rosterfags spend more time discussing smash than playing it)
>I cant wait for banjo to come out and for no one to play him
Sad but true, the fate of all rosterfag picks
If smashfags hate "generic anime swordsmen" so much, why do they keep demanding shit like Isaac?
>Not Banjo video has more views than the Japanese Hero trailer
Wasted slot(s). Every smash dlc fighter that has ever been released is from a franchise I don't give two fucking shits about.
Japan is more ethnically Korean than Japanese
t. Kim Joong Soong
They feel good to play and don’t rely on boring shit like projectiles or gimmicks, only rosterfags and scrubs that can’t deal with the disjoint mechanic whine about them.
that's because you don't matter
>Hero is likely going to have 16 fucking special attacks
Hero is going to do a way better job at being a magic user than Robin. Actually, Hero might do a way better job at being a magic user than every single character in the roster.
adding just the dq11 hero kinda sucks, but him getting other dragon quest character skins was best case scenario and really helps represent in the series.
imagine if marth had roy/lucina/chrom skins instead of adding to roster filler
expand your palette gamelet
Robin represents how magic actually works in FE very well, FE doesn’t really have utility spells.
Too bad all of them are boring as fuck.
Honestly, I'd rather take a fucking Slime than any of them.
roy, ike, chrom, and lucina all need to be cut immediately
What makes them boring?
>Both Doomslayer and Dante split
fucking plebs with shit opinions
Hero at least captures the flexible powers of a traditional RPG mage
>what do I need and how much mana do I need to cast it
Woah, Ike is the only great sword user in Smash right now. Let's not say things we can't take back now.
>Cutting the most popular fire emblem character
Not happening
slime would have been cool but maybe too hard to implement
personally i would have much rather had jack frost over persona 5 protag
I know. I wish Fire Emblem had more magic shit to mess with besides mostly relying on elemental attacking tomes and healing staves. Hyped for Hero for a more traditional RPG mage.
Korean isn't an ethnicity.
>Touhou and Undertale
Honestly prefer it to western degenerates and their cartoony taste get gassed i am sure you're furfags.
Even if this was in context, it would only prove Japs have bad taste. But in context, Banjo is spread more widely. Search Banjo Kazooie, set it to results this week only, and set it to search by views. And you will see B&K reveal has 1 video with 2M+, and 1M on another channel. This is excluding the Twitter views and Banjo trending worldwide.
I'm ok with keeping Ike and Roy, since they're top 3 in popularity in Fire Emblem. Lucina and Chrom can be turned into costumes or whatever.
The Ainu are probably the last people left actually indigenous to Japan. The rest are Korean diaspora.
Bad taste is not liking Dragon Quest more than Banjo.
False. Japan is the most ethnically pure nation on Earth, which is why it makes you kikes seethe so hard.
The thing is, Lucina and Chrom were made into echo fighters already which are (supposed to be) glorified costumes though in practice it's all over the place.
>Japan is the most ethnically pure nation on Earth
They have a strong culture but they are incredibly mixed ethnically. It's not as bad as China but there are barely any true ethnic Japanese left.
>Japs have bad taste because they don't prefer my cartoon bear that actually looks more like a mutated primate
they use swords and look like anime
I was skeptical but they honestly look pretty neat, and Dragon Quests deserves its place in Smash. It's a shame Nintendo's Fire Emblem boner has soured everybody's opinion on sword users in general.
Ike is the only good one. Keep Marth and Ike. Cut the rest.
>Western potato brain crying for more cartoony animals
Never seen this thread before
>It's a shame Nintendo's Fire Emblem boner has soured everybody's opinion on sword users in general.
Who cares what rosterfags think? The only reason they dislike Erdrick and co is because they weren't a part of their circlejerk faggotry. They whine about muh anime swordsmen while at the same time clamoring for shit like fucking Isaac. It's all bullshit.
master chief and doomguy aren't cartoon animals
That really is it. No one would bat an eye at another sword user if the ones we had weren't all from FE or all Link
and no one would care if it was Isaac or an SE character they knew about like Crono. Or fucking Lloyd
And what's boring about those 2 things?
I dont think people who want Isaac complain about anime swordsmen
dilate tranny
It's not unique
There's nothing wrong with DQ and they actually have an interesting moveset that combines magic and items (although admittedly it comes off as Link with magic). Just get rid of the FEfags or merge them all into one character with alts like DQ and we'll have more slots for characters that actually matter.
I've seen Isaacfags shit on anime swordsmen while trying to say that Isaac would be completely different since he has magic.
i don't like it
Have sex
Go back to sucking cocks.
>Luminary literally rips off of Robin's Levin Sword attacks
>Nobody notices the attacks are the same
Pic unrelated
having 16 specials at once is pretty unique
Too bad all Jack sums up to is "Ice Climbers rehash".
i'll have sex with you
Fact: anyone who thinks dragon quest is boring and or a shit game series probably thinks kingdom hearts is cool
>or merge them all into one character
Why are you faggots like this they pretty much are one character lucina didn't take porky's spot
nah, both are extremely queer
You retard.
europoors really should just all die
>Merge Marth and clones into one slot
>There isn't enough time to make a wholly unique character
You didn't think this through, did you?
>spic coping after being btfo
They took the spot of other potential clones for other series.
This is the shit that gets me. Sakurai literally said
and he would've been -the- Anime Swordsman.
he looks fun you bitter cunt
He literally never said this.
Man literally nothing you guys do will suddenly make america kneel down to DQ or take banjo from being the most voted from a jp ballot to pretend that he wasnt requested there so stop
No, seriously, imagine being mad that your character is in JUST because others dont care about them.
i would delete every FE fag, but keep this one. DQ guys are cool as fuck.
>all these anime sword users
>I just want to play as an anime sword
why can't i be Masamune uwu?
Ike is more popular sadly I would prefer ephraim my self
because its fucking banjo?
t. seething rosterfag upset that DQ is in
>if you're not a goblino, you're an eurostani
cope harder
>dragon quest
I appreciate what the first few games did for the industry but the fact that it refuses to try anything new because of those roots isn't an excuse for being such fucking boring games.
>can't even make Luminary into a Trunks edit
>forget his blue eyes
Imagine being mad because you didn't get 2 cartoon animals instead of just 1
i love banjo-kazooie and DQ heroes, fuck you fags for trying to start character wars 24/7.
>They need their own game and out of Smash Bros
I actually agree with this, Nintendo should make a new game just for third party characters with only their most popular first-party characters like Mario and Pikachu, so they can put more niche Nintendo characters in Smash.
This is wrong. Sakurai chose Simon instead cause he wanted the Castlevania character to use the Vampire Killer.
DQ is good. I hope they make a DQM for switch!
I really dont care, honestly I am hating more the childish attitude of the fandom more since I never played DQ so I have no opinion about it. Why are you guys upset if he's in?
It's basically Animal Crossing: Story Mode. Disney-tier appeal
Would be nice to have some axes, staves, spears, halberds, ANYTHING more than long blade weapons.
>I really dont care
If you cant take my word as sincere then there's nothing I can do about it
at least you admit you lose
dilate and die
Zoomer detected
>Smash fans whine about DQ not being popular in the West
>but then circlejerk a character from a Japan-only Fire Emblem game and even when it got a fan translation they never played it
This further convinces me that Smashfags don't actually play games, but just look at Wikipedia for the character details.
these are self insert characters, that YOU the player are suppose to put yourself in. Marth was given a personality, pretty much every fire emblem character outside ike cause he's stoic. FE is a strategy game, while DQ is an adventure game. desu this pretty much is Japan's pick as B&K was the Western Pick in all. Now that they are out of the way, more "corporate picks" will be happen. Hoping for Ryu Hayabusa and Traivs Touchdown.
considering what you posted, it's obvious that you're lying lol
Banjo is more a global pick. I'm betting there will be a Western appeal character similar to Hero.
i mean roy was in melee, as was mewtwo. Fans wanted Roy to return after the brawl cuts as much as any other character whether it be the community or normies. Just the character cause dam sure none of them knew roy outside of mistaking him for eliwood.
Honestly they should just make a spinoff series called «Super Sword Bros.»
why is she an assist trophy, when she is one the most popular FE characters in the world....I think if she was a fighter then FE fans won't whine and complain. even though she's a sword user, her style is unique and isn't traditional.
Wrong. Started with DQ1 9 years ago right before uni, and have loved the series ever since. Maybe you misunderstood that I was correcting that zoomer.
Dragon Quest is the most influential and beloved JRPG series in the world, it deserves to be represented in Smash more than any other JRPG series besides Pokémon
Why do Fats insist we keep getting these generic cartoon characters? They need their own game and out of Smash Bros. They are not creative characters and it's ruining Eastern appeal seeing all of these generic anthros on the character selection screen. Someone go to America and slap every 9 year old posting on Yea Forums for pushing this shit. It's degeneracy.
Somebody already did that you uncreative fuck
The attacks aren't the same though
I dont think no one can deny that so there's no need to be a parrot about it. But people can have the right to hate or find uninteresting anime sword man as much as they want, blame FE for that.
Why do fags insist we keep getting these shitposts? They need their own board and out of Yea Forums. They are not creative posters and it's ruining Western appeal seeing all of this generic shitposts on the every thread. Someone go to Hiroshimoot and slap every jannie for pushing for this shit. It's degeneracy.
He really looks uninteresting except for the Kamikaze move: That could be dope depending on how it w
I mean, I couldnt give more of a shit about DQ.
It looks pretty generic. I can see the game being good but the protagonist doesnt seem iconic or memorable at all since isnt he a blank slate?
Banjo and Kazooie or the other hand are pretty much like a cartoon from your childhood. They have their personality and little story to them
>these generic anime swordies
The yuusha of dragon quest is like -the- generic "anime swordie", and only became generic because everyone and their grandmother's pet dog started copying it.
>Marth was given a personality
That's a stretch.
Who fucking cares? Both characters got in. What does it matter how many views each of them got? Also, why do so many people feel the need to defend either of them getting in? THEY'RE IN THE FUCKING GAME ALREADY. THEY HAVE BEEN CHOSEN so there's no more need to debate whether or not their inclusion would be justified because they're both in so it's fucking over. Nintendo and Sakurai are the ones that chose them anyway, not any of you, so it's not like you have to defend a decision you didn't make. If people feel the need to rosterfag about this shit, then at least move on to the remaining two slots instead of bickering about the characters we have confirmed. It's also not like any of this bickering is going to convince Nintendo or Sakurai to cancel them in favor of someone else.
And for the record, I'm a Banjofag that doesn't care about DQ but I'm glad Hero got in. It felt weird having FF in Smash but no DQ, plus Hero looks like a more gimmicky/complicated Robin and that's alright with me. Robin is fun and one of the few good FE reps in Smash. I probably still won't play him much because I don't even play Robin much either but I happy for the folks that wanted him in.
>"Gamexplain faster than nintendo"
I still find it weird that Nintendo allow this. Fucking every time when you search for game title plus trailer or whatever, gamexplain turns up before the actual source channel of the video itself that is to say Nintendo's channel. Always their reuploads.
dont care
still weebshit
I doubt they care
I'm genuinely upset that they went with the DQ4 hero instead of the DQ5 hero. DQ4 is overrated as all hell and DQ5 is fucking great and also doesn't have those stupid looking wings on his head.
I don't think Nintendo cares about moneys earned by views
I couldnt be more satisfied with smash cast right now and I have no idea why people is mad that a character they like and got in isn't popular around here. I can't imagine how it feels to be a corrinfag.
It's like that for all official trailers and such. Good fucking luck getting the official upload of a movie trailer in the first PAGE of results instead of 10 different reuploads of it by Furious trailer, MovieAccessTrailers or ONE Media or some shit. They don't care because it's literally just an ad anyway.
Keep Marth, Ike, and Robin (for variety). Kill everyone else.
>play japanese game
>complain about characters popular in japan being added
off yourself
I wonder what the japs think of us?
People can complain about any character they want to for any reason. And you can ignore them.
That's probably going to happen in the next Smash game. Maybe Roy will get back in as DLC again since he's so popular.
That we are pathetic for wasting our time being faggots here.
Why not insult and make fun of them? Especially since these complaints are coming from retarded rosterfags desu
i generally do, but every so often rosterfag retardation gets me
>They don't care because it's literally just an ad anyway.
I care though, because a lot of the time the reuploads have shittier quality or have add-ons at the start or the end.
>still weebshit
Yes, totally unlike most of Smash, let's just ignore
>Inkling (lolishit)
>Incineroar (furfagshit)
>Mega Man
Why are smashfags so angry all the time?
Banjokids were the Reddit of the playground. Banjofags please go.
None of those are weeb, go die
They are though. They're mostly niche series originating from Japan (Earthbound/Mother IS NICHE) or they've had multiple anime, used anime in their games and have had anime to market games (Mega Man)
Richter is using his Rondo version, a game previously only available in Japan, and as an extra on the PSP DCX. His game also uses anime style portraits for cutscenes.
They are not going to cut non 3rd party characters unless there's technical issues with their implementation for some reason, you guys are clueless. The whole reason Dorf hasn't been reworked is because he has fans of how he is in the game now, the FE chars have fans too.
Roy was cut in Brawl so I'm not sure what you're trying to say. They're going to cut 1st party veterans in favor to develop new characters, same as they always have.
I genuinely dont even know who this is. He looks like android 17.
Literally this. In most reaction videos, the people had no fucking clue who that was or would call him Erdrick because most of us don't care about DQ. What a waste of a Square Enix character.
t. Sorafag
This. And having Hero represent multiple DQ games with outfits is fantastic.
Why the fuck would I want more anime? He's the least interesting character in his own game. Also do you just associate characters you don't like with people who don't like your bland jrpg protagonist?
t. Sorafag trying to save face
>the hero
what a shitty fucking name
>tfw glad that Hero and Banjo are in and that Genofags are on their deathbeds
Why do people care so much about a failed mascot character from the 90s?
Yeah because Roy was a straight clone and they ran out of time, Brawl was basically an overhaul to the entire game while everything else has built on that. I would be very surprised if we ever get another overhaul on that level
>pretending to hate a character you like because of what anonymous said in a thread that will 404 in 20 minutes
You're retarded.
stay mad
Sorafag still SEETHING
Square and Enix were both separate companies, and now we have characters for each of their IPs.
I've never played dragon quest btw
>Trying to collect the 2 new spirits added for the recent Event
>It says the Owl is available at 20:00
>It is now 20:00 and it's not in here
This game is fucking retarded.
Western games already got their own Smash, it's called PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale and it's fucking dog-shit.
Does anyone have the alternate colors?
Fucking this, Jesus.
Also while SE's music fuckery may gimp the stage track selection again, four versions of the DQ hero beats Joker + Shujin Joker. In light of so many heroes representing that series, it is a little odd P3 protag and Yu weren't considered as well, especially given the stage music.
Because faltus is pushing Joker down everyone throat just like they did with P4.
For the fucks sake it even got a catherine DLC which isn't even needed.
Chrono would have been way better
DQ is better choice since it is an iconic franchise unlike flavor of the month niche anime shit but both are fucking boring.
I'm just a little disappointed there are no female alts. I thought for sure the female Erdrick would be in.
>SE's music fuckery may gimp the stage track selection again
I actually kind of doubt it's going to happen this time. The DQ composer clearly plays favorites with Nintendo seeing as how he has no problems letting them have the orchestral version of the DQ11 soundtrack while the other consoles got the midi music.
>anime swordies
no, he looks like he has a cool unique moveset.
>FE characters
>not weebshit
Cringe and bluepilled, kill yourself
May as well have Pikachu and Lucario up there, former because it's textbook Japanese cartoon mascot and latter because edgy furshit
More like chrom lucina and corrin. If they were skins or alts like the DQ heroes that would be perfect. I see no reason as to why they couldn’t do that. Corrin would have been fine being the FE rep added in Ultimate.
Generic in a character and aesthetic sense. Even special moves aside, he'll play the same as every Marth clone.
The current Persona always gets preferential treatment, but it's not like they've outright abandoned the other entries. Except P1 and the P2s. Persona Q, P4A and those stupid-ass dancing games all prominently shill P3/P4, so it's odd they didn't do the same with Smash except for some shitty mii outfits.
Why can Toriyama legitimately only draw like a half dozen human/human-like character designs?
That's literally what every game news related outlet does. Whether it's on their own website or Youtube channel. Either way it's exposure. Unless you think these companies like Nintendo actually care about the pocket change ad revenue.
>Even special moves aside, he'll play the same as every Marth clone
the only characters who ever played like marth were other fire emblem characters. Link and Cloud are totally different. actually, marth, ike and Corrin are not even very similar.
>generic aesthetic
I see where people are coming from but you have to remember that dragon quest actually defined the aesthetic to begin with... maybe that doesn't placate you but I don't see the problem if we don't already have characters that look like a DQ protagonist in smash bros
Because toriyama never exactly got arsed to learn draw properly or learn how the whole industry work.
But people still like his works, which why jump keep him as slave.
Man, actually playing games and laughing at Smash secondaries is the best.
>get to enjoy great games like Persona 5 and Dragon Quest XI and Banjo Kazooie
>get to enjoy Sakurai's wild ride references like BABY BABY BABY OH YEAH and I REACH OUT TO THE TRUTH, and Erdrick/ Solo/ Eight's appearance and all the other heroes like Madason and Celestial helping out, and K.Rool getting put underground and buried under a stone
Imagine judging franchises by "mainstream Western appeal" or "how many swords they have" instead of actually playing the damn games.
>it's degeneracy
Why? Because you don't like it?
I really like his monsters and his machines, at least. His fluffy 80's hair girl design is great.
they could not do dq5 because hes not the hero
Based, fuck westercucks
truth. Having the OG of all OG mageknight heros be called "THE Hero" is 11/10. If it weren't for Marth and his 3 clones people wouldn't be sick to death of swordies.
I feel that making DQV Hero the "Hero" is doing a disservice to his character. He's not the "chosen one", he's just some dude that did his best despite not having major plot powers or being able to wield magical weapons.
>tfw huge Fire Emblem fan
>Sakurai keeps making us look worse and worse
Can we cut everything besides Marth and Robin please?
lmao niggers and other minorities love street fighter.
Niggers and minorities also happen to live off entry level anime
Your point is?
>entry level anime
weeb spotted
>They are not creative characters and it's ruining Western appeal
Boy please, the extent of "Western appeal" is "I saw this character when I was a kid". You fags already have Cloud, Banjo, K.Rool, Ryu, and other stuff, let the Elevens have their Dragon Quest.
>Cutting Ike and Corrin
Lucina and Chrom i understand but those two are slightly different.
Reimu's final smash? Everyone turns into clones of her.
The real irony is all those people calling out dead franchises and then getting angry when an NES franchise that is still going today gets represented.
Dark Spawn!
I'd gladly trade them off if it means being able to have Fire Emblem discussions on the internet again. You can't talk about Fire Emblem anywhere anymore, people show up and start going REEEEEEEEEE FIRE EMBLEM IS RUINING SMASH.
You know who we NEED in Smash; how grand and intoxicating would it be?
By Azura! By Azura! By Azura! It's the Dagoth Ur! I can't believe it's you! Posting here, above me!
>This one's literally just called "The Hero"
>They didn't even have the default name like "Corrin" to fall back on
You can't make this shit up.
user, we all know there is no escape from the Skyrim shilling.
(Todd Howard liked that)
(Pete Hines liked that)
I was never able to picture Xander bellowing an awkward name like ERRRRDRICK naturally to begin with.
It's like they don't care about gaming history and are only considering their own selfish nostalgia...no that's exactly what's happening. I guarantee you very few would be complaining about FE representation if there was a cartoon about it in the 80s-90s. We have three Links, two Marios, two Pikachus among other things and these guys are spending all their energy getting mad about Ike? Nonsense.
There's four different Heroes, can't give them all their default name. Corrin and Robin both have unisex names so it's okay that they cover both genders of both characters.
>then FE fans won't whine and complain
FE fans aren't even the ones that whine and complain, FE fans are for the most part happy. It's false flagging rosterfags.
>Oh woah is me the weapon triangle won't someone think of the nobody axe characters
So Ness shouldn't be in the game?
>I guarantee you very few would be complaining about FE representation if there was a cartoon about it in the 80s-90s
While I agree she would be different FE has to lose all its fucking clones and Halfclones. People are already sick of Anime Sword fighters.
Because Lyn is not fucking important she's the tutorial character. Ask yourself why would you add her over Hector and Eliwood, and then on top of that ask yourself "how important are Hector and Eliwood in FE history" and you will understand why she's an AT.
He's the "Hero" in our hearts user.
>tfw you realize Yea Forums would call Crono a literal who anime swordsman if he were revealed to be in smash
I mean, I'd be fucking thrilled if they deleted that motherfucker come next patch.
DMC and Capcom in general has been geared towards West audiences as of late, so the balance is off. The only character who can contrast with such a Western-dominant character like Doomguy is a Touhou character.
That's the Sakurai pick. Nintendo picked the DLC. It's Sans.
Yea Forums already calls characters like Isaac a "literal who", it's the only means of coping that they have.
I wanted Isaac in Brawl but honestly he has no business anymore with how his series turned out.
"Tell me about Dagoth Ur, why does he wear the mask!?"
Yea Forums aren't the ones coping in that situation.
What the fuck is a weeaboo to any of you twitch cocksuckers?
People obsessed with Japanese media. Like otaku-lite
The hype season for the next Smash in 10 years is going to be an unprecedented trainwreck. Exclusively third party fanbases and obscure first-party character cults like Adeline and shit. What the fuck are they going to do with the next roster?
>Good games
Here's your gameplay bro
>fire emblem
Honestly all Soccerguy needs to do is un-assist trophy a bunch of assist trophies. There are a treasure trove of characters for him in that pool.
Alternatively, humiliate PS All Stars further by adding in Crash.
Geno will finally be playable in Smash 6 because he's the absolute last weird boomer pic with seniority in the hypebase.
Everyone in this thread who are upset about Hero and wanted Master chief or Doom guy please fuck off back to your cyberpunk tranny poster thread. Thank you
user, I bet you can't even name a JRPG that has super long cutscenes outside Persona.
Literally nobody gives a shit about doomguy and master chief. Fuck off already.
The N64 wasn't that popular.
Is there a reason people tend to think Crash would get in before Spyro? I always saw Crash as a crude parody of Sonic. Spyro is distinguished and sincere.
I wanted both, but I'm content with the outcome
>Dragon Quest
It's like you're not even trying to hide the fact that you're pic related, you worthless sperg.
weeaboo doesn't mean anything anymore, user, just get used to it. I've even seen posts saying actual Japanese people are weeaboos I shit you not that's how retarded it's gotten.
>weeaboo doesn't mean anything anymore
So it's finally come full circle. Never thought the day would come.
Who cares when the whole game might as well be one. Easy, slow menu-based combat is outmoded. There's rarely any real depth or strategy or difficulty in it. So I prefer games with an emphasis on action but that gets you called a zoomer by DVD menu brainlets despite gaming being rooted in high octane arcade titles
>removing Ike
>keeping robin
You're not a fire emblem fan.
>chad DQ gets kino trailer
>gay furfag trash gets a ripoff of k.rool, no effort
Then who do you want then you stupid western pig? dante? he’s dlc fighter 4 or 5 you retard
Nobody who played Robin's game is a real Fire Emblem fan.
>Failing to understand the significance of Banjo's trailer.
gay furfag trash from dead series doesn't deserve much better?
The only one worth getting upset about is Lucina who is literally a Marth clone with the fun mechanic removed. Chrom could go too but he AT LEAST has a different up b than Roy
You're talking out of your ass, junior. Go suck on a Tide pod.
Are you retarded?
Just turn Lucina/chrom into alts for Marth and it's fine.
Ideally we would have gotten characters like Tiki or Anna instead of Roy, Corrin, etc, but it's fine the way it is.
>ike tellius
I bet you don't even play that many Fire Emblem games. You faggots screamed at us back during the DS days for playing Marth's game rather than your special snowflake Tellius games too before Awakening came out.
It's because they all share a slot. Their individual names are Luminary, Erdrick, Solo, and Eight.
Lucina and Chrom basically are alts I seriously don't get why people are so bent out of shape over them having tiny tiny differences.
One game from the DQ franchise sold more than the entire Banjo Kazooie franchise. Fuck off Banjotards, he will be forgotten in a few months just like Ridley because he's a meme pick.
lel I've played literally all of them.
Shadow Dragon was genuinely bad FE1 and FE3 are better.
>generic anime swordies
Would it hurt them to give other weapon users a chance, even if they were anime like my boy Hector?
Not him, but Dragon Quest is casual as fuck. It's why it's so popular in Japan in the first place. There's really nothing gameplay wise or story wise that's special about the series, it's vanilla and tame as fuck, babby's jrpg.
>Muh hector muh hector.
Anna is the mascot of Fire Emblem and uses axes. She would get in before Hector does.
>story wise
play V and be ashamed of your words and deeds
Things that will never happen
>Wake up
>I want to play as Banjo today!
>Anna is the mascot of Fire Emblem
First, that's Marth. Don't try to kid yourself.
>and uses axes
Heroes Anna uses axes. Anna as an entire unit uses whatever the fuck they're given, and it's typically swords.
You know I've been bothered by all the manchildren complaining about the Hero despite being one of the coolest additions that we could have gotten, but I gotta say, there's on thing I can take solace in. You dumbasses didn't really affect the roster and we got 4 Dragon Quest characters at the same time. You can't change the end result, so I'm just going to enjoy my good video games while I eagerly await my favorite newcomer. Keep seething, dweeb.
>First, that's Marth. Don't try to kid yourself.
Anna is literally in every single Fire Emblem game.
Cope harder, Seethie Stevie.
Hector is literally never happening, they are not going to do affirmative action for a stupid fucking reason like weapon type.
Absolutely based first post.
All the fags saying dragon quest is boring or easy completely missed the point
It's been this way for a long time, though.
I don't know shit about DQ, is it actually good turn based or is it like Final Fantasy where the optimal strategy is pretty much always attack+heal after you do the OP buffs like haste?
Combat is very basic in DQ games. What makes DQ an amazing series is the world-building and story-telling.
Fpwp. Only the spinoffs are good.
It's actually pretty good. The way groups work make you have to consider more carefully your use of spells, and there are often attacks that can deal extra damage at no additional cost.
explain the joke to me galaxy brain user.
>spoonfeeding you an obvious joke
is that a code geass reference?
Fuck off retard.
>DQ hero, made by Square, gets a normal amount of content
>Square still jews Cloud's representation
Literally the only reason is because the DQ4 nigga has a sword and shield. DQ5 guy has a staff.
Who the fuck even genuinely considers Hector to be their favorite aside from the plebs that like to cheese through any game Hector is in?
I swear you FE7fags just want to see Tellius fail because none of their characters even made it into Smash.
Its extremely straightforward in the best kind of way.
but really the combat isnt even the best part. To use a food analogy, DQ is the chicken and dumplings of vidya. It's peak comfort food but for vidya. You'll laugh you'll cry but most importantly you'll feel. Shit's wholesome.
>one for Japan audience
>one for the West audience
I don't see a problem. Smash is Japanese game afterall.
But it's true. Isaacfags are retarded.
It's like the old FF where you can't just spam heals in a dungeon or else you will run out, so when you are running around outside town you can just spam whatever and then jump in an inn and heal up every ten fights, but when you're doing a serious dungeon dive you actually have to think about shit.
Toriyama does have a bit of sameface problem in humans but yeah, his monster/machine design variety is very underappreciated. Dragons, dinosaurs, cats, worms, slimes, skeleton knights, zombies, the guy has a huge variety of charming designs that really shines on the DQ Monsters series. The main Z villains themselves have pretty iconic designs.
>generic anime swordies
You apparently haven't paid attention to what this character is capable of.
Delete this pic immediately
Personally I really like the Nimzo design
He does have some 'samey' aspects to his designs even outside of sameface though when it comes to non-humans but they look cool anyway so who cares
You stop this right this instant.
>Isaac tranny seething over getting called out for their retardation
tranny get out
honestly I feel once we get an in-depth look at his moveset a lot of people are going to warm up to him.
He's looking like he's got 16 specials; that shit's going to be fucking nuts. I assume he's going to swap kinda similar to Inkling refills ink.
I was too late to meme Red Steel 2's Last Kusagari, not that anyone would have supported it. Of course, there are so many sword fighters in the game now, I don't even think he would be a good addition at this point.
His moveset kind of writes itself with all his crazy abilities in the game, plus he has range with his gun(s).
>someone who hates anime swordsmen
>liking sora
I don't think so, Tim.
quite possibly the most accurate post in all Yea Forums history.
FPBP as always still he shouldnt of been put in smash since now us dq chads have to deal with stinky smash babies
>She screams Erdrick's name and thanks Nintendo once she sees him
damn, Erdrick really is a chad
fuck off retard
>final smash shown
Yoshi wasn't in the trailer at all
5 is in the final smash, that's when she screams Yoshihiko's name.
most based answer
>Screams out CHADason's name
Is there a bigger CHAD in Dragon Quest?
Thank you for posting this. This was wonderful.
nigga get out of here Ike is my favorite FE lord and Hector is right behind him.
I feel for you dqbros, you guys did nothing but enjoy your games but unfortunately got caught in the smash autism crossfire, I’m going to main Hero and teabag after every win I get in elite smash just for you all
>already is more creative and more interesting than banjo's moves
>the most banjo can muster is 300k views
>hero meanwhile got 2mil in just a day
because muh magic, even though two swordsmen not counting Hero already does that
Just cut the echoes and Roy. Bam, variety.
>it's another Luminary is Trunks fag
He's an android, Trunks is MMO guy
Reminder that the Dragon Quest that came out in September and hasn't been released for Switch yet has still sold more copies than Banjo Kazooie ever did.
The aesthetic doesn't even make sense since right off the bat their face looks different from the other "anime" characters.
Erdrick is more of a title, you name III's hero yourself. Solo and Eight are not canon names.
Not that guy but it literally is lazy, as in "live action remake Disney movie tier" of sensibility.
>hurrr meta because RARE!
Reminder that Hector would probably just be an Ike clone, and that there is literally no mechanical difference inherent to the weapons/attacks characters use.
Why? What's the fucking need to fight against each other over 2 characters that are already confirmed? Are rosterfags really that much of a sad bunch?
rosterfags don't really play smash
Should I look for a fan translated version of Dragon Quest 1, or is the NES release "Dragon Warrior" my best option?
The Super Famicom remakes of I, II, and III are your best bet. They look and sound fantastic, and are rebalanced to be faster paced and less of a grind overall.
C O P E you bitch
do you even play smash?
DWI is fine, the GBC and SNES ports are better. The only DQII worth playing is GBC, even then it's skippable. SNES III is the best version of that game.
the fact that they're all just alternate skins says it all about how generic and disposable they all are. slime would have been the far superior choice.
>Because toriyama never exactly got arsed to learn draw properly
>What is all of his non human art
He's objectively a good artist, or at least used to be when he still had the energy to draw. Things like sameface are a consequence of sticking rigidly to the exact same style and not of inability.
I know you are probably joking, but slimes are supposed to be super generic.
in the context of smash, slime would be the opposite of generic. there's nothing else like it, whereas "the hero" is the most generic anime swordsman yet on a roster full of them.
that's fair
honestly this, i play so many games because of smash in the first place, i can't believe all the retards who stay in their bubble.
planning to do a marathon of all the good video games from each franchise repped by a character in smash once all the dlc comes out, feels fucking good
I thought you guys hated swordsmen because they all look and play the same
Hero is gimmicky as fuck and the only alt that looks like other characters on the roster is Erdrick.
OK, thanks
>still seething in 2019
FE chads still winning