Imagine be banned for this
Just another day in Resetera
>majority of Yea Forums is gay or bi
>still hates trans people
i will never understand
Imagine spending time on resetera just to screencap posts to share on Yea Forums.
>reposts resetera shit
>actively posts there and/or lurks for shit
>too chickenshit to say anything there at it'll come out as edgy, retarded meme shit
Nobody give a shit about trans-faggots in vidya. Nobody gives a shit about website wars. Nobody gives a shit. Goobergate ended when Trump got into office. Let it fucking go.
Yea Forums is pretty consistent with it's hate for ugly people
>actually being this delusional
a couple dozen individuals is not the majority of Yea Forums
this, its literally what r/Yea Forums does
honestly might as well just make /tw/ - Twitter already, contain this shit for good
god I need to masturbate to some tranny porn
Wait, if I have gender reassignment surgery ten years later, am I a trans woman right now? Can I still be a man if I have a vagina? Fuck transvestite politics in all honesty
it's a man in the game and they are men in real life and no amount of denial will change that
based retardera, never disappoints me in their insanity.
the cock just makes me even harder
I like this, but go the /fur/ route with it
Umm if trannies weren't men turning into women, how could they "transition"? They call themselves trans for fucks sakes, it implies they changed from one thing to another
Leaked image of the man that did that ban
They're mentally ill with perpetual victim hood, it really is no use understanding them.
Liking 2D Traps doesn’t make you gay user
Gays and bi's are just degenerates, trannies are dangerous, mentally ill pretenders.
dangers to themselves, but more importantly to our women and children.
The real problem regarding resetera is the amount of the devs that post there, like a silly amount.
peak comedy
What does being gay or bi have to do with being trans though
It's more about how they act. If trans people would shut the fuck up and stop complaining about so much shit people wouldn't have nearly as much of a problem with them
Wait, I don't get it...
What did he said that was considered "transphobic".
Dudes that want to become "women" have to indeed go through surgeries, take drugs, and dilated constantly, right?
Am I missing something? Is that not what those faggots do?
There’s a difference between pretending to be a girl and surgically destroying your body