During a Giant Bomb stream, Phil Spencer confirmed the PS4 version will also be released in the west as well. Sony didn't even go to E3 and won.
link it
What about PC though?
PSO2's already on PS4 in Japan and basically, the inclusion of PS4 means all the lewd gear's going to be gone. Play males since females will all have burkas.
it's on PC at launch
Is this outfit gonna make it, only time will tell
So this is going to die in ~2 years right? Because the western version is going to be 10 years behind on content and everyone that wanted to actually play will already have a JP account
burka armour is in
Do you dumb faggots read before you post? It's going to have all the content
Literally said in the announcement video that it would have all the content
Better question is will it release on all platforms in the west? From waht I remember it's on switch and even vita.
>Sony winning E3
Microsoft raped them just like last year, even if you exclude PSO2
Phil said all platforms, so probably
He's not wrong. Have you played PSO2?
Vita is a probability but unlikely, switch is incredibly unlikely because switch is actually done through streaming, so they'd need to set up new servers.
RIP boobies
>because switch is actually done through streaming
If this shit can run on vita then why didn't they just upres the vita version or some shit?
A cross-play game isn't going to be censored, especially one that isn't on sony first
oh boy we get an MMO after it's long past it's golden age and has had plenty of time to turn into a shitshow
tell me i'm wrong please i've wanted this for years and years and i'm just fucking salty as shit that it's taken this goddamn long
>switch running games at higher res than vita
that's funny user
I almost wish it fucking was
>every god damn pub you play with is a naked anime girl
Ever hear of too much of a good thing? You need that shit in moderation, I'm sick of seeing them at this point.
because the switch is actually worse than the fucking vita
it's really easy to change how assets look client side, user. they can alter what outfits look like to their players while not affecting anyone else. this means changing them rather than removing so it is unlikely
As someone who owns both: no
Why are the Phantasy Star girls all so delicious?
>upres to worse hardware
Vita is the good version of the switch that came out in 2012 but Yea Forumstards sabotaged it.
Beats me, but that's how it is. Same reason RE7 hasn't been brought over. It's not actually playing the game, it's just streaming it. It's incredibly unlikely pso2 switch ever makes it's way over because of that.
You forgot the most delicious.
Why is Lao the protagonist? Is he finally going to find someone who can fix this damn weather?
Real question! If the government is about to go "RANDOM BAD GACHA BAD LOOT BOXES BAD" will this game even have a chance? Not that it does anyway. Nobody's going to play PSO2 since everyone who wanted to / wants to, already does in Japan...
>PSO2 charging monthly because they can't make boob-bux and cat thongs anymore.
What's the most OP thing / class / race / weapon. What's the idiotproof way to make sure you're leveling the right thing? I'm paranoid of games with subclassing since leveling the wrong thing sucks overall..
If you wanted to play PSO2 you would have done it ages ago.
The fact that the game will "have all the content" is the worst offender, you will start a game where 90% of that content is irrelevant and only the scheduled endgame events matter.
The story quests have been reworked, all the things of the previous episodes have changed, most emergency quests are useless, and of course you can expect all or many of the collabs to be gutted.
Win10 only?
We don't know
They only stated PC, not platforms or OS
But it's safe to assume Win10/Microsoft Store+Steam
please dont use arino for your shitposts
This. PSO2 will be fucking dead as fuck if it has all the content.
>Have to grind to unlock all the difficulties
>800 hours filler before endgame swag.