how did you feel about this game?
How did you feel about this game?
Trash, Turok is better
I could never find all the spaceship parts as a kid, no matter how hard I tried looking everywhere, so I never completed it.
I used to like it, but I don't know if it holds up
>Turok is better
Seeds of Evil is though.
Vela was my childhood crush.
Nintendo comissioned Platinum Games to make a spiritual succesor of it
It needs a remake
Rescuing the villagers was a kick in the dick. Classic Rare bullshittery
Why is Nintendo buddy with Platinum though? Their games barely sell. Not that I'm complaining, but it is a bit weird
>that tfw when you accidentally shoot a villager
It's great. But fuck the controls, fuck the framerate and fuck the tribal hunting.
the best sounding game on the N64
Loved it as a kid but even then thought going back to rescue every tribal was bullshit.
Played it again as an adult and couldn't believe I played that shit.
>I could never find all the spaceship parts as a kid, no matter how hard I tried looking everywhere, so I never completed it.
happened to me, ended up looking for a guide on a magazine.
One of those games that I couldn't believe I beat it as a kid.
The final boss was stupidly hard.
>yfw you find the nightclub on that one planet
>yfw you find Tribal body parts outside of that guy's doghouse
Vela gave me a leg fetish.
loved it as a kid but don't think I could tolerate the bullshit now
it runs a lot better on rare replay, but it's a shame the "dual stick" control scheme is stick really fucky to control
What's wrong with the controls?
As a kid I bought it on a whim and Rare's name being on the box... and ended up loving it.
The early going was admittedly pretty slow, I thought, but once you could travel to any planet with any character I thought the game really opened up and I had tons of fun exploring. Even the massive fetch quest at the end where you have to rescue every Tribal didn't bother me too much because of this.
And to this day it remains among my favorite game soundtracks ever. The music was often so fucking atmospheric and greatly enhanced the setting.
Best part? Messily destroying the little Tribal bear things. Nothing like walking into a room to encounter a large ground of them. They see you and start jumping up and down, raising their arms for you to come save them. Then you use a shuriken to chop one of their heads off.
Not jumping with happiness anymore, the little fucks.
>tfw shooting one with the sniper from across the map and watching them splat
I couldn't beat it. It was fun reading the strategy guide though.
I absolutely loved it. The music, the setting, the weapons, but ESPECIALLY the gibbing. An N64 game where you can pick off individual limbs and literally liquefy a room full of enemies with a well placed rocket? Fucking perfection.
Post music
If the tribal count was halved and you didn't have to get all of them in one go, it'd be fucking fantastic, but that one collectathon with the conditions it imposes just sours the whole thing
rare sure had a hard-on for pointless revisiting areas to artificially pad out the length. like every one of their n64 games has this to some extent I think
DK64 being the worst, in my opinion
It was too ambitious for the time and it aged pretty poorly.
But it was a damn good try. I love the aesthetic.
JFG was actually the first game to have that issue, immediately followed by DK64
I remember I had a buddy who had it, and it was his all time favorite N64 game he ever played until he realized this. He never gathered the patience to finish it.
even like diddy kong racing makes you race on each track 3 times minimum to beat the game
I'll never forget the multiplayer. I never finished the story because of the tribals, so I think about going back to it.
But at least with DKR, each track visit was mere minutes and the actual locales were varied enough to prevent fatigue. A collectathon's padding is way more monotonous
>find that guys dog
>the dog is a asshole to lupus
>on a magazine
You might have found it if you looked IN a magazine, Pablo.
The music is where it's fucking AT, god damn they don't make sci-fi ost's like this anymore
One of my favorite games of all time. So many secrets and bonuses to discover.
I don't see it.
I remember the game being based as fuck but I tried to replay it and holy shit those controls. I wonder how the fuck I managed to actually shoot anything when I was a kid.
>walk in with an ant disguise and chuck a grenade
>had rainbow blood on
I also totally forgot to mention the fucking giant ant dance club. Seriously, you walk into it and see them getting down with loud space disco and lights and everything. Truly GOAT.
As for the music, the fucking music from the asteroid level at the end still sticks in my mind as one of the few tracks I'm comfortable referring to as 'epic'. Totally got me pumped to wreck shit back in the day.
Cerulean always sounds more hectic than it seems
Sequel when?
I'd settle for a spiritual successor, but no one seems inclined to it
Banjo Kazooie actually allowed you to clear every level your first visit, I believe.
Banjo Tooie was the exact opposite where every jiggy was a Rube Goldberg Machine between worlds.
I was expecting there to be a 3ds remake of this.
never forget, we almost got an official jfg comic by fucking jollyjack of all people
I love it. I still plug it from time to time and play it.
okay but that Vela though.
I think we need to see this depiction more, if you get what I mean
jollyjack does a lot of porn and it's pretty good, provided you're ok with furry and tiny heads