These are your two last DLC fighters Yea Forums, say hi!

These are your two last DLC fighters Yea Forums, say hi!

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Other urls found in this thread:


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>two demon slayers
As a Doomfag, this pleases my dick immensely

You posted the same character twice

Checks out

Attached: 1553801375764.gif (498x311, 1.23M)

you may want to double check

Attached: 1560455512693.png (1419x797, 1.86M)

Hi. I'm you but more popular and relevant.

Attached: tumblr_pmawfmx61s1wdpnbao2_500.jpg (500x327, 39K)

This Yea Forums strawpoll says the opposite

Attached: 1560396166812.jpg (957x1307, 150K)

Well, techinically the first one doesn't slay, just beat the crap outta them (with one notable exception).

Attached: Fightme.png (1920x1080, 2.2M)

>2 bloodthirsty genociders
Too hardcore 4 smash desu. One at most


Attached: 1481928546273.png (383x282, 104K)

literally no chance for either

A man can dream

I truly kinda think that Sakurai wouldn't mind putting Reimu in, but it was Ninty who got to chose the DLC fighters, and I'm not sure they feel the same. Although, with that said, the fact that ZUN is more open to 2hu on consoles, and that the Switch has more than a few now, maybe things have changed.

Attached: reimu plots.jpg (778x608, 291K)

Fun fact: In the end, Doomguy is more friendly than the asshole called Reimu.

The nips like SpungeBobu correct?


>tfw Master Chief never ever

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Attached: reimu moveset.png (1626x1398, 467K)

thank you very cool

Attached: dab.png (1423x718, 1.16M)

Attached: Fighters Pass.png (1980x1114, 2.65M)

>doomguy fucks a loli

Umm no sweetie

Attached: Bromance.jpg (900x563, 88K)

I like the moveset. Her FS should be her main spell from 8

Reimu fighter
Hakurei Shrine Stage
Yukari assist trophy that comes and warps a train like in the fighting games
Also Yea Forums, post the song that you would think would get remixed from 2hu or Doom if they get it
I'll start with the obvious two

Attached: 1560389277085.jpg (640x800, 44K)

Obvious ones

Attached: 1544757203077.gif (595x510, 29K)

>thinking Doomguy will be in
baka at all the retarded gaijins desu

Not sure about Reimu but a remix of Doom's Gate in the fashion of this would be perfect for his reveal I think. As for other remixes, my votes go to Beloved Tomboyish Girl from Touhou and I Sawed the Demons from DOOM.

Why did you reply to yourself, samefag?


Attached: 1558652031621.png (960x540, 292K)

Original moveset poster here. I updated it to include normals, FS and taunts.

Attached: Reimu moveset 2.0.png (2776x2365, 2.71M)

You could at least try harder.

Attached: 1531384472928.png (351x99, 5K)


Attached: 1560427266620.png (960x540, 117K)

>Reimu is added as a character
>this pushes Touhou towards the limelight
>new fans flood in and discover the decades of shitposting
>start spouting old memes like a bunch of TF2 players
>/jp/ gets a heart attack and gets catalog bombed
>Yea Forums tries to raid /jp/ during the initial reveal and /jp/ mods accidentally ban a bunch of /jp/ posters during the chaos
>/jp/ also enters a new era of paranoia because they think their board will be invaded when nobody gives a fuck about them and their idolshit anymore
>Touhoufags and /jp/ being forced to talk about the games again mindbreaks them
>Touhou threads on Yea Forums get insta-derailed by Twitter screencaps of random people saying ignorant shit about the games (and Touhoufags are too autistic to ignore them)
>a LOT of porn, mostly armpit screenshots of Smash Reimu
>people speculating about what musical tracks will be in and how hard Sakurai will suck EOSD dick
>Marisa and Sanaefags not shutting the fuck up
>three dozen reaction videos of nobody e-celebs acting confused
>at least half of them are making generic waifu jokes because they have no idea of who Reimu is
>collective outrage and confusion from western characterfags
>Neptunia/Love Live ironic weebs latch on Touhou
>they start bringing fumos to EVO
>they start banning fumos at EVO
>Gokufags become even more obnoxious because "an anime character is in"
>the bullet hell difficulty attracts souls-like fags and e-celebs
>Jap sites can't stop cumming and laughing at the Fatesfags
>2ch is on full shitstorm mode because she was a Sans tier meme choice
>Pixiv gets nuked so hard by crossover art that it becomes unusable

What the fuuuuuuuuck? Reimu?!
Ordinarily, I would tell you guys what Reimu's final smash is, but this is just as interesting!

but in truth, nothing changes.

Sounds fun.

Good taste, but I would add Clownpiece's theme to please the burgers

Attached: 1551054391338.gif (352x448, 485K)

Reimu would, no joking, be the tipping point that makes me buy a switch.

put a lot of work in it

This is the only time where your joke is funny

>1000 lines about stuff secondaries are already doing

Nope, you don't get it. for example: if Reimu makes into smash, Yea Forums mods would be unable to ban touhou back to /jp/.

It would never happen because it's technically not even Touhou, but could you fucking imagine if we got Takkoman music?

Attached: 1507420348197.png (1236x772, 603K)

Yea Forums's Yea Forums and /jp/ would explode on the spot
and it'd be worth it

Attached: 1549953543730.jpg (268x284, 10K)

>Yea Forums's Yea Forums and /jp/ would explode on the spot
Fuck that, the entire fucking internet would explode. Imagine how many people would suddenly become aware of the weird 2hu meme background noise that's permeated the internet for over a fucking decade now. People would suddenly know who "ebin WEW girl" is. Who "that girl with the red and white ribbon and the chinese text" is. What "those weird orb face things" are from. The implications of a 2hu character breaking into mainstream western awareness in such a major way are fucking catastrophic and I want to see every second of it.

Attached: 1414963798568.jpg (887x1097, 77K)

who the hell is the generic animu girl on the left?

I also think this, but with Antinomy of Common Flowers coming to Switch, who knows.

Marisa echo fighter

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Oh yeah, another thing that would happen is that ignorant fags (pretty sure they would be gokufags) would screams to all the heavens about why an "anime" character made into smash.


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Can't wait to see the entire site fall foul of "Who are you quoting?"

>Right click , copy and paste
I seen this before

>Mario, Ryu, Little Mac and Ken are fighting each other on Battlefield
>From the shadows a burst of energy travels along the ground towards the mass of fighters
>As they evade the attacks, a red hat with the words “FATAL FURY” falls by Ken's feet
>Ken picks it up and smiles. He throws it back at the anonymous attacker who catches it and puts it back on
>He charges a burning fist and rushes forward
>"TERRY Makes His Mark!"

Stage is West Albuquerque from Fatal Fury 2

>Wild Street (KoF 13)
>Kurikinton (Fatal Fury 2)
>Big Shot! (Fatal Fury 3)
>Spread the Wings (Garou: MotW)
>Onions Sauce for Geese (Fatal Fury 2)
>Departure from South Town (KoF 14)
>11th Street (Fatal Fury Wild Ambition)
>Oh Angel (Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture)
>Oh Angel (Japanese Version) (Fatal Fury: The Motion Picture)

Gimmick: True inputs like Ryu and Ken. Multiple methods of dodging from the multiple Fatal Fury games, including stepping into the background and split-second dodges.

Spirit Board:
Billy Kane (1 Star), Blue Mary (1 Star), Andy Bogard (2 Star), Joe Higashi (2 Star), Ryo Sakazaki (2 Star), Kim Kaphwan (2 Star), Kyo Kusanagi (3 Star), Iori Yagami (3 Star), Mai Shiranui (3 Star), Geese Howard (4 Star), Rock Howard (4 Star)

First four colors would be a blue (Billy), green and orange (Ryo) recolor. Terry has two alternate skins. One is his Garou: MotW appearance with a white color (referencing Andy) and a female Terry from SNK Heroines with a pink color.

Victory theme is based on the opening theme of Fatal Fury on the SNES:

Attached: 1375107665_1436653066_19589_imageAddr.jpg (750x1022, 273K)

Watching this one reimufag spamming his shit trying to coattail doomguy has been nothing but pure cringe

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Sounds pretty based.

I can't wait

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Fuck Leonfags

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>All the new porn of Reimu after being popularized by Smash
Still don't understand why everyone is saying she's getting in, but I have my own reasons now

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It seems like multiple have spawned after Banjo + Luminary's announcement

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I don't see the need to antagonize them, Leon's alright and if he got in over one of Reimu/Doomguy I wouldn't be upset.

OP here, I'm a doomguyfag who also played a couple of Touhou games and think they both deserve it but Doomguy moreso
Now suck my dong you useless shitposter

Attached: Doom2.jpg (1024x1024, 110K)

I want fanart of Reimu riding on Doomguy's shoulders as they bully the shit out of Clownpiece

Based, Leonfags should be gassed

>implying it's just one
>implying i don't want her too
I want a lot of different characters though, to be fair. Reimu's just the most recent one since I found out /vg/ has a whole list of 2hu torrents.

It's a meme that started as an excuse to make Touhou threads during the Smash DLC speculation time, although I think a few people have fallen for it unironically.

Attached: 56451570_p0.png (874x1093, 527K)

Youmu is a slutty girl

>Still don't understand why everyone is saying she's getting in
Smash has stopped being just Nintendo all-stars, and became something like a collection of the mist important/influential vidya character collection. And in terms of "indie" gaming, 2hu is a phenomenon, and has been for quite some time. It would make a bit of sense to include Reimu in Smash as a reflection of that.

No, fuck you

Attached: 43414_p0.jpg (352x373, 24K)

Before I never took it seriously but now that we have Joker and Banjo in the game I feel like anything could happen.

I see. That's cool I like the Touhou girls

Attached: 1560460252750.png (1092x1094, 719K)

Holy shit are you guys this autistic you can’t go one month without trying to start some new rosterfag war? Leon could get in with either Reimu or Doomguy. At least try to start a war with someone that makes sense, like a competing Indie for Reimu or another Bethesda Rep for Doomguy.

It's a joke that started out because everyone came up with dumb rules for who would be the DLC fighters. Like they couldn't be spirits, they had to be third party, had to have a game on the Switch, or whatever. Reimu fits nearly everyone's stupid made-up criteria so it's funny to bring it up and make rosterfags seethe.

Attached: Crash, Travis and Geno.png (870x488, 1.21M)

The people who have faked discord logs against us? Yeah let's be friendly with people trying to make us look bad

That's false. It's one person forcing it

>trying to start a war with LeonChads
>not only dickriding Doomguy, but also Piranha Plant for whatever reason?
Okay fag, if you want a war, you got one.

Anyone have the template for the fighter pass, including banjo and hero?
All of you need to play 2hu right now, if you haven't.
Star with 6 or 8.

Attached: 1414906750148.jpg (250x250, 16K)

all the spirit fights have these common rules

Stamina battle
Enemy has extra HP and deal extra damage
It is easier for you to dodge.

These try to emulate the playstyle of bullet hell games

I would've liked Morrigan+Doomslayer like that one text leak but we're getting edelgard and sylux. Imo it should've been Doomslayer and Crash.

Okay anti-Reimufags, find me 1 (ONE) reason why Reimu wouldn't be a good addition to the Smash Roster, no "muh animoo" shitposts
>hard mode: no "muh indie-game"

Attached: 1551024730314.jpg (720x711, 73K)

>Your post

Attached: LeonLaugh.jpg (700x474, 69K)

I hope one of the new DLC characters is Adol just to piss off smashfags with another "anime swordie"


Attached: 1560276391173.gif (602x431, 3.99M)

So now touhoufags will spam these threads while trying to stick to other characters in a poor attempt to leech some fame from them?



This thread made me a reimu believer.

shut the fuck up namefag

>2hu is a phenomenon
No it's not. MINECRAFT is what you'd call a phenomenon. 2hu is basically non-vidya trash that never left a tiny group of modders

>resident autistic tripfag screams at 2hu for 3rd time this day

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>Otisfags falseflagging again
How about no. Go back to the shithole you came from, iTranny.

Attached: anti-reimu-posters.png (1094x1750, 613K)

Why the hate on Leon? Not my favorite but a RE rep would be nice only problem would be the music unless they just throw in some random capcom game songs

Don't get your hopes up. Just remember that an outcome of some shit like Edelgard and Sylux is just as likely as this. Be prepared for disappointment and most importantly don't be obnoxious

Attached: 1551923794187.jpg (850x850, 103K)

>otisposter falseflagging again
2hu-doombros are friendly, not need to antagonise Leonbros

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kill yourself, tranny

Attached: cringe reimufag.png (371x115, 5K)

I'm just hoping MonHunbros and Leonbros don't get into a war since I really want both.

Attached: 1559661242349.png (893x783, 1018K)

Gives each company at least two unique reps.

Attached: A7FEF92B-FC21-49E0-ABEA-982126737827.png (1024x576, 808K)

>Otisfags falseflagging again
Way to out yourself as one, Imagine defending the discord leaks, Do you also think it's real?

Not an anime swordsman.
Youmu will get in instead.

>this is the state of rosterfag wars after Banjo killed Steve
What do these characters even have to do with each other

Attached: 1556934827107.jpg (480x480, 21K)

There's also a Touhou mod for Doom, which is honestly pretty fucking good.
And fun

Attached: 1560309879287.jpg (612x408, 63K)

Who's the second Atlus rep?

>don't be obnoxious
Please this, I don't want this Steve shit but now with Reimu. Fuck roster wars.

Attached: 9ad05f8770d5da08cf1ee587ce899029.jpg (2142x3000, 2.33M)

Nothing. It's just retards trying to stir shit up again. Looks like people are going to be paranoid about "otis falseflaggers" and "discord trannies" even more now.

Attached: 1548285294685.jpg (302x405, 76K)

>Atlus is owned by Sega.

This is pretty hilarious. Now I want to see Reimu and Doomguy having a tag team wrestling match against Chief and Miku

Attached: 1551396209694.png (445x333, 207K)

Reminder that any Reimu poster trying to start war with RE is a Steveposter attempting to false flag. There's no reason why Reimu and Leon can't be in at the same time.

Resident Evil appeals to the west primarily anyway. The only character who threatens Reimu's chances is Saber, but Stevefags have too much of a hateboner for animushit to avatarfag as her.

Attached: 1526786366386.gif (221x231, 516K)

I already got muh erdrick, I'm immune to disappointment now. I just wanna see the internet explode if it does end up being Reimu.

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Attached: laughing lunarians.png (342x343, 180K)

>implying anyone cares about reimpuke

Attached: miku3.png (960x540, 258K)

make it happen


Attached: banjodoomguy.png (423x422, 269K)

If they were going to pick some indie game never-ever shitter, why Reimu and not Sans? Now with Banjo in, "muh western character embargo" is no longer true.

Attached: 1521291370312.jpg (225x225, 9K)

>Halo more popular than Doom
>John more popular than Doomguy
>Halo or John more relevant than Doom(guy)
>a non-vidya character
>relevant to smash

The discord leaks were about that fake Reimu discord, but there's an actual server they used to make the leak. At least , and are part of them. Actually, anyone unironically pushing the Reimu vs Leon narrative is. It's literally the new Reimu vs Shadow.
Also it probably comes from iFunny

I don't want to see Reimu and Miku fight, they've always been friends. Maybe Reimu vs Saber or Shantae, fuck those.

HOLY FUCK you are desperate.
Goddamn I can't even tell if you are Falseflagging or just plain Autistic.
>L-Leonposters faked the Discord Logs
Got any proof we did that? Whats next, you're gonna say we're the big boogyman fucking you over from getting a roster spot

Attached: (You).png (607x408, 397K)

Doesn't make sense to pick a rep from a ripoff of another game when you could just pick one from the game it ripped off

The first three things to be you listed are all true.

This user is right, anyone hating on other characters is a Steve/Otisposter falseflagging
The only true enemies are Sansfags and Saberfags

Attached: 1560390648256.png (345x267, 33K)

>literally just trying to rip off ugly steve with a 0 effort miku
You could at least put in some effort, like that dude from /3/ who made the Sonic movie model.
Sans wouldn't get in even if an Undertale rep made it, it would be Frisk/Kris.

So is the last one since Sakurai already said his only limits to what characters he would allow in are "from videogames"

This except it doesn't have anything to do with Steve, it's just a bunch of ifunny refugees shilling their autism

Based and 2hupilled

>a non-vidya character
>What are Project Diva and Project Mirai

>The only true enemies are Sansfags and Saberfags
Fuck off, there's no "TRUE ENEMIES", just shitposters. Rosterfag wars are fucking retarded, leave Reimu out of it.

Attached: 1443916358606.png (302x207, 4K)

Videogames based on a non-vidya source. Just like Goku has videogames in spite of being non-vidya

I really don't understand how a sans moveset could work. Even then Toby Fox would probably tell Nintendo to put in a Touhou character anyway

Are you trying to be the new steveposting user because I believe you should stop


Rosterfagging in general is retarded
I miss being able to post steve to effectively derail rosterfag threads

Shitposters please adhere to

may i also add katalinafags, they are fucking insufferable

Attached: 1462269801974.jpg (480x360, 29K)

Who gives a shit about discord. I don't talk to anybody from an anonymous website on discord

fuck off reimu faggot

no one cares about reimu kill yourself

How do people still not understand this in fucking 2019?

So this is where it begins?
Stevetrannies are now "Miku"trannies?

>Got any proof we did that?
Yeah you even mentioning it proves it, If you didn't do it why did you mention it?

Attached: 1533725090740.jpg (480x360, 35K)

fuck off reimufags, stop leeching onto doomguy


Did any leaks mention reimu or doomguy?

keep seething reimpukes, miku created minecraft

Attached: MIKU.png (960x540, 240K)

>Today I was able to meet ZUN, creator of the Touhou series, and talk while drinking beers.
I am amazed Toby isn't dead from alcohol poisoning.

Attached: zun takes his first shot of 20.jpg (500x667, 85K)

*blocks your path*

Attached: inevitable.png (1920x1080, 2.19M)





Attached: 1560282992551.jpg (1124x711, 153K)

Fuck off iFunny raiders, go back to your shithole

You're dead, now get in your custom fit casket and ROT.

Attached: SUPREME VICTORY.jpg (750x407, 69K)

Please, I beg you, put in SOME effort to the model. Take notes from this thread.

Replace the japanese brony with Crash, Frisk or Fortnite and you're most likely correct.

does japan want reimu in smash?

Doomguy is kinda acceptable I guess but Reimu can fuck off. I do think we'll get two more boomer characters though. it's worth remembering Crash bandicoot was the most popular third party character in a poll for who should appear in melee. now he's super popular again and activision will probably jump at the chance to make money from licensing him. why aren't more people expecting crash?

Could we please not try and make another villain?

Bro just stop, I say this as a huge steveposter, that playmobile-y model simply lacks any of the charm that /our/steve did

Calm down other Doombro, Reimufags are our friends, no rosterfagging war please

Attached: Doom1.png (722x725, 94K)

based and yiikespilled

Attached: Yiik fag in smash.png (1920x1080, 1.52M)

Please user... I can't do it again... I'm not strong enough...

Serious question, Are you just baiting for Leonchads to reply to you or are you actually this autistic?

Attached: NiceBaitFag.png (774x771, 48K)

>everyone i disagree with is from ifunny
sorry buddy, i don't give a shit about touhou shit. a better nip pick would be phoenix wright or ryu hayabusa

Attached: fighter-pass-1.png (1920x1080, 2.36M)

>He actually tried to @ him
>He actually couldn't even hide his tranny habits
Holy fucking shit please tell me you guys are just parodying discordfags on purpose

Attached: 77b.jpg (640x559, 23K)


Attached: 1560452200515.png (795x1143, 355K)

Because everyone knows Crash has the biggest chances but no one wants to face the truth


this is just souless steveposting.

Attached: 1549865693149.png (939x690, 624K)

It's either that or a false flag. Probably a false flag

>iTrannies literally seething over getting exposed


Attached: BIRD AND BEAR.jpg (1280x720, 555K)

Attached: 1558477068624.gif (367x219, 523K)

First of many comfy Reimu threads turned into rosterfaggotry. I'm out

Attached: 1539996500224.png (900x800, 705K)

Yeah I'd assume, But you never know on Yea Forums.
There could be genuine Reimuposters trying to drive a wedge between Leon and Doomguy.

Attached: RE4_Opening.jpg (1200x675, 84K)

>trying to involve doom fans in an autistic war against other (likelier) characters
Fuck off.

Attached: pooh.png (367x337, 306K)

heads up retards next dlc is viewtiful joe. screen shot this and suck my dick in the months to come.

because the character with an important history surrounding Nintendo deserves i-
>no muh indie-game
damn it, I can't.

Attached: quote-body.png (310x496, 166K)

I'm confident

Attached: The DLC.png (1229x692, 1.2M)

This. Grotesque Steve is actually funny. This Miku render is just plain cringe.
Steveposting is also not done by one person. It helps.

Attached: steve7.png (960x720, 565K)

Since Reimu is going to be associated with rosterwars from now on, Marisa should become the face of Touhou threads.

Attached: 57685104_p7.jpg (600x700, 536K)

I want both because they both have a shit ton of source material to pull from


Attached: 1560303419653.png (454x600, 486K)

reimu niggers are discord trannies/stevefags in disguise

prove me wrong

Attached: 1560281645744.png (862x508, 119K)


seethy seethy lemon squeezy

Attached: mik.png (960x540, 99K)

*works mentally ill discord trannies into seething, blistering shoots in your path*
*draws dimes and yen in your path*
*is THE GUY (and gal) in your path*
*goes over another fan favorite upon his come back to the big leagues in your path*
*makes Yea Forums shit the bed*
*brings whites, blacks, hispanics, japanese and all others together to celebrate his long awaited return home*

Attached: Destroyer of Mentally Ill Discord Trannies.png (1920x1080, 1.51M)

Why bother covering up their names.

Attached: 1560290736956.png (1200x1200, 699K)

Attached: smashroster.png (1920x1080, 2.22M)

>prove me wrong
Reimu posting only started because of the Smash Ballot just like the rise of many post-brawl rosterfag characters like Lloyd, they are just unorganized like-minded people who come together in these threads. Back in my day we cried for Saki and Isaac

Attached: smash-reimu-reality.jpg (900x1197, 93K)

I don't have a single Steve image saved on my computer and I want Reimu in.
i also made this because Reimu's not my only pick

Attached: bubsmash.png (700x3000, 305K)

who the fuck is reimu?

Master Chief has more of chance given how buddy-buddy Nintendo had been with MS.


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>The "Nintendo history" meme
Hello 2015

Attached: youkaihunting.png (460x418, 12K)

Mii Gunner skin.

This is just kinda sad. Please stop, at least make a better model.

if you're gonna try to force things at least have the decency to publicize the model

Give me some good reasons why doomguy should be in over master chief

Attached: 000.png (93x121, 9K)

Needs to be more grotesque

i'm upset this won't happen

>pick is pretty much safe from all this rosterfag shit
holy based

stop bullying me I know it will never happen and I'm trying to accept it

Attached: 559-91cac8213597d748747481f2f82e0999.png (300x300, 13K)

Why the fuck was Yiik namedropped in so many other indie games years before it came out? Did the developer have blackmail on all these other people? Even Va11halla, what the fuck did he know about some Venezuelans?

stop replying to him, a few of the steveposter discords are attempting to create another war and theyre latching onto miku for some reason (probably because trannies love miku)

Doomguy has appeared on a nintendo console in the past and revolutionized the FPS genre

Bethesda's been supporting the switch for the past three years. They're pretty much guaranteed a spot at this point, with the only question being if said spot belongs to Doomguy or Dragonborn.

YIIK's first trailer honestly looked sort of okay.
That's really about it.

1. Doom has been heavily featured on Nintendo Consoles
2. Doom is more influential in the grand scheme of things
3. Steve is unironically the Microsoft front runner now

Someone explain to me why CJ from GTA San Andreas has no chance of being in smash bros

reimu fags are delusional

Now a good reason.

not him but you're the newfag here, bud

>unofficial mascot of the fps genre
>has a new game coming out on switch in a few months
Makes sense to me.

What the fuck is your definition of a good reason

Attached: 1553766625123.jpg (1029x1191, 161K)

At least try

Would prefer Leon and Doomguy to be honest

Attached: 1754737952633.png (1200x675, 1.02M)

He's black.

Post "Steve-Banjo Wars featuring Erdrick from Dragon Warrior" these rosterfag threads are feeling like a TV show that got one season too many.

because you are on Yea Forums(nel). No really, I guarantee you will see something Touhou related on even the banner. Just because your Discord boogeyman is true with Steveposting doesn't mean she has any relevance to your newfag shit does. This entire site is like 50% Touhou culture, it has always been

your model looks way too masculine to be a female btw

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I think having generic fighting guy X really dilutes the game. Ryu and Ken are bad enough

I wish Nintendo stop the smash dlc because the roster is already perfect and we are left with d to f tier choices
What next Monika for Smash bros?

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You can thank discord/ifunny trannies for this

>Dragon quest is extremely popular in Japan, but not much in the US
>Touhou is extremely popular in Japan, but not much in the US
I'm not going to say that she's a shoe-in, but her chances have gone up ever so slightly.

He's in.

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Has an character ever been announced at EVO?

This, newfags need to fuck off. Discord trannies are actually AGAINST Reimu. Just look at otisposters.

It's been 3 days and Reimu has already been ruined by rosterfaggots

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Here are the leaked name for the next Smash Brother Ultimate character.


When I went to the Steve discord they seemed pretty pro-doomguy and anti-reimu

>Steve is unironically the Microsoft front runner now
Master Chief has been synonymous with Microsoft for 18 years. Just because Minecraft has more sales or whatever, doesn't make Steve (who isn't even the face of minecraft) the front runner for MS.

How so? Rosterfags don't care about threads that aren't about Smash


Attached: doom-007.png (1980x1110, 3.09M)

>a Literal who and Master Chief

>Doom has been heavily featured on Nintendo Consoles
Literally meaningless

>Doom is more influential in the grand scheme of things
I direct you to Cloud being the first Square rep

>Steve is unironically the Microsoft front runner now
Imagine thinking the in a game full of company mascots, Xbox wouldn't have theirs

>master chief
this is the lowest quality of bait but I still enjoy it

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needs something a bit more square

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>Toby makes trailers especially for Nintendo
>Toby teased Deltarune only in the Nintendo version of Undertale
>Toby added a full boss fight in the Nintendo version of Undertale, while the PS versions only added a dumb side quest taking the piss out of trophy collecting.
>Nintendo worked to get GameMaker supported for Switch, specifically for Undertale.
>Undertale is more popular in Japan than the West, with cons and concerts for the thing.

You guys meme about Sans and shit being in Smash, but it's not like it's impossible at all.
Unlikely? Probably.
But the chance is higher than a lot of other characters I've seen wanted for Smash.

The lack of an UT spirit is what is throwing me off. Shantae and Shovel Knight have it, why wouldn't UT?

I think Travis will get in, though i think they'll hold him for a second season and release it closer to NMH3 to help promote the game

Frisk is the only one that's possible, and honestly it's probably not happening before Smash 6 or before Reimu gets in

I REALLY REALLY like this image, user. If only Cortana was as cute as Miku.

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Just give me Phoenix Wright, Viewtiful Joe, or Travis Touchdown.

>more sales or whatever
Minecraft(176 Million) has sold more than 12 times as much as the best selling Halo game(14.5 Million) and has been available on the past 3 Nintendo consoles. Anyone saying Chief is more likely than Steve is a delusional fanboy.

>discord/ifunny drama
>faction wars
For the love of god, Yea Forums. Stop doing this shit. The DLC was already chosen long before any of this started. There is no throne here, no winner, no one to get the prize and earn their way into the game just because they shitposted harder. There is no point on antagonizing others or forming alliances, this is not a war, but a big waste of time.

If you want a particular character, for whatever reason, that's fine, nobody is obligated to force you otherwise, and you are not obligated to persuade anyone to think like you do. You can say good things about your pick, but no matter how many people support it, the outcome of this DLC drama won't change. They can be the coolest there is, they can be old or new, but Sakurai already decided who he wants, and you are a fool if you think shitting up this board with your posts will change the future.

Rosterfags have been proved wrong over and over again, gatekeeping is meaningless when the director of this franchise is an absolute madman. Chose whatever character you want, be cautiously optimistic about it, but don't be a cunt, because shitposting isn't gonna change their fate. Character speculation is just that, speculation, and when you turn it into activism it sucks away all the fun from discussing these games.

Rosterfagging was a mistake

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Reimu unironically has a higher chance.

Absolutely this. All of this bickering is just a big waste of time and just makes everyone look bad. Just leave it be

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People just think Reimu and Doomguy would make for a perfect final double reveal to end the pass. And rightfully so.
But trannies don't like that so they shipost.

Getting into touhou was like taking the fucking redpill from the matrix. I suddenly realized that it had been all around me the whole time

Didn’t Stevefags try this exact shit with Banjo? Master Chief is synonymous with Xbox, it is the reason the console was such a success. The only delusion is thinking that Xbox’s mascot would get passed up for Steve. Minecraft gets a free stage at best.

The best worst timeline.

>Frisk is the only one that's possible

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i wish we had more comfy smash threads in general

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The difference is that Halo has absolutely zero popularity in Japan and no history with Nintendo unlike Banjo.

this, I don't want to start shitty rosterfaggotry, I just want two characters from my two favorite series

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also Banjo was highly requested, and I haven't seen Chief place in the top 30 yet of any smash poll

i just downloaded from the nyaa torrent and it didn't have 16.5 so thank you

Because by any metric that John deserves to be in, Doomguy overshadows him.

Game isn't out, and isn't made by Nintendo so they can't trust it will be finished so it can't pull a Roy either

>Resident Evil not in the game yet
Come the fuck on, it's one of the most iconic ips out there it should've been in way before fucking Persona and Dragonball quest

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Then you haven’t been paying attention because he placed top 10 in Source gamings poll and 11th in the Super Smash Bros Ultimate new twitter poll

Also Dragon Quest for the popularity thing.

The only metric he gets overshadowed in is age and significance, but we all know how much that helped Dragon Quest in Smash 4.

>Source gamings poll
Oh yeah this shit where like 1000 people voted

>Travis already deconfirmed by Suda 51 devs
>Geno is already a spirit, if he were to be added regardless he would've by now
>thinking a second season of dlc is even a possibility
Crash gets a pass though

>B-but that doesn’t count!
Fuck off.

Nah. Doomguy is more relevant, more popular, is actually on Nintendo systems, is more iconic, and appeals to a wider range than John does.

>using iFunny at all
You need to be 18 or older to use Yea Forums(nel)

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If Dragonquestguy can get a spell menu, I'd like to think Doomguy can get a weapon radial menu like Shulk, where he can switch between
>shotgun(featuring that grenade launcher thingy from '16)
>supershotgun(focusing on raw damage output, basically a slightly long ranged forward Smash he can use while moving or in air)
>Gauss cannon(chargeable, long range, single shot thing that can rip through shit like Robin's Thoron)
>chaingun(long range, rapid fire attack that needs time to spin up to get the full fire speed)
>Plasma Rifle(ranged rapid fire particles that don't need the spinup but also don't move quite as fast)
>Rocket Launcher(featuring remote detonation or a burst fire of weaker homing shots)
Which run off ammo meters that he has to replenish by engaging with normal/tilt/smash attacks, like the glory kill/chainsaw mechanic in 16.
His other specials can be things like the grenades(imagine a siphon grenade that can act like a temporary debuff) or even a rocket jump.

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I can't find the twitter poll, but Steve and Banjo both outpolled Chief in the Source Gaming poll

Because he's the pretentious boomer pick and if you don't like it you're a cringe dilating zoomer that should have sex with resetera discord trannies

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Is Reimu the new Steve?

3000 individual votes by which people could each vote for three characters. Multiple votes for one character were not counted.

Pic related is the poll from this

This had over 22,000 votes

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>Wanting the father of FPS games over a random Xbox mascot is pretentious

There's a whole lot of
in that post

The only reason I brought up the poll was to disprove the "no one wants him" bullshit.

Chief still has more going for him because of his significance to Xbox.

>father of FPS
not even kiddo

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Sooo looks like both polls have Steve in the top 6

Mind if I drop in?

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>Doomguy is more relevant,

>more popular
Wrong again

>is actually on Nintendo systems
Literally the only right thing you said

>is more iconic
Wrong a third time

>and appeals to a wider range than John does
Wrong a fourth time.

educate yourself before you commit to larping

Master Chef history with Nintendo is nonexistent, it's like asking for Kratos

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No, many people on Yea Forums genuinely like Touhou. This Yea Forums was founded on Japanese culture, and 2hu memes have been ingrained in its blood since its inception. This Doomguy and Reimu alliance came from love and passion for 2 oldfag IPs, and there's plenty of reasons why the alliance came up in the first place.

Stevefags are shitposters to the 12th degree whose sole existence is to shit on rosterfags. Their only goal is to cause chaos and tear down support for certain characters. It's what they tried to do with Banjo, it's happening again with Reimu and Doomguy.

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why would you want kratos over sony's mascot?

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>Doomguy is more relevant

>more popular
Doubt it. Just check searches for Doomguy or Doom Slayer vs Master Chief over the years.

>is more iconic
It's really not. Halo was on the top for a whole generation. It revolutionized online gaming and had a good competitive scene.

>appeals to a wider range than John does
Completely wrong. Doomguy is edgier Master Chief, which is alright in my book, but that doesn't sit well with a lot of people.

And again, Master Chief is the mascot of Xbox, and is the reason for the Xbox's success. The poll proves he is a popular character for Smash. Steve being higher than him doesn't mean he has a chance of getting in over him, especially not when multiple companies have their own mascots.

Cause he's not allowed for the same reason James Bond isn't

>Master Chef history with Nintendo is nonexistent
Sakurai already said this doesn't matter.

There is no alliace, keep Reimu out of your gay ass avatarfag drama. The overlap between Reimufags and Doomfags is just personal taste.

>reimufaggots have absolutely gone batshit insane and actually believe that their nobody waifufag bait has a chance when there are many other actually reasonable inclusions
>latching into doomguy, an actual decent newcomer, to spread a bullshit east vs west narrative

what a fucking surprise, we have a new bunch of deluded waifufags once again pushing their bullshit series. I guess they didn't learn from shantaefags and ashleyfags. prepare to get btfo retards.

>making up rules

Please go actually play the games.

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I honestly don't understand what's Reimufags problem.
I feel like steve shitposters bandwagoned to Reimu because Banjo got in.

Why would doomguy be in, he literally doesn't even have a name

>master chief hasn't been voted in any poll
>this one doesn't count

just how much of a zoomer are you? halo was fucking huge years ago, like actually huge. so much that master chief became the face of xbox. there are many people who have many fond memories of it. how is it impossible to believe people would like him in?

Literally everyones franchise in the game has been on a Nintendo system and I don't get why people would ask for a character like that

I feel like that could be the case too, If you noticed back before Steve was deconfirmed Stevefags never went after Leon, Yet now Reimufags are going after Leon. Could just be a coincidence though

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shit bait freind

>Pushing for a character that has genuine potential for Smash, is popular and is not a meme
>same things as autistic Steveposters ruining Smash threads with their endless shitposting
I don't understand, I just want Reimu and Doomguy to be in Smash since I think they're the two characters that deserve it the most now that Banjo (who was my first pick) got in

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>I don't get why people would ask for a character like that
>Why would people ask for a character just because they aren't on a specific console
Hm... it's almost like people don't give a damn about made up fan rules.

>Reimu gets in
>Everyone in the west will meme about ZUN's art from her Fighter Spirit
Oh boy

If Reimu was in (hardly believable), they would never choose to show her demon slaying side, I'm afraid

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fucking lmao at Reimufags, even Neptunia has more chance than her.

That's exactly what they're doing

>all these people not understanding why the sudden resurgence in 2hu popularity on Yea Forums in the last couple weeks
have you fuckers not been paying attention at all?
>Touhou Luna Nights came out, is getting its final update tomorrow
>TH17 is about to come out
>both of these things happening this close to the smash announcements
It's not some mystery shitposter cabal, it's just coincidence. The only people shitposting are the people trying to make up some fucking insane faction war between different people who like different characters, and you retards ought to know better by now than responding to the ones who are very blatantly doing such things.

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Would Reimu and Doomguy be friends? She is a massive asshole and he is pure silence.

See Actual Reimu supporters have no reason to shit on Leon. It's just another attempt by shitposters to ruin Smash threads.

can someone post the doomguy and crash fighter pass please

>they would never choose to show her demon slaying side, I'm afraid
If Reimu gets in, I fucking guarantee you her trailer will have her beating the shit out of Ganon, Palutena, Pit, Bayonetta, and anyone else even vaugely close to a Youkai in Smash.

Reimufags are just carefully optimistic about it. She has her pros as a character but Sakurai himself already said that not everyone will make it. The people who want her in know it is a long shot, but they will still hope because why not.

If you see any "SHE IS IN FUCK YOU CONFIRMED LMAO" kind of posts, it is most likely falseflag (I won't say by who because it could always just be a random troll). Being an obnoxious dickhead isn't gonna make a character more or less likely to be in the game, it is just trolling to hurt the image of those who support them a push a non existent narrative.

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These are retarded iFunny raiders/Otisposters falseflagging
It's been long know they fucking despise Reimu and shitpost any Smash thread with her as the focus

>made up rules when the game itself doesn't have a character like him at all

>ifunny screencaps
>genuine retards

Attached: 1539362114090.jpg (280x320, 40K)

>the crown prince and Seija are added as spirits
>they keep the hand fuck ups

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Damage control

Yes, made up, because the director himself said it doesn't.

>Shitty Sakuya
>Shitty Hina
>Smug Satori
Simple, rustic, delicious.

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what would Reimu's moveset even be?


Her final smash would be everyone turning into clones of her.

I dunno, I think they will cater more at waifufags more than anything, but again, it's such a remote possibility, I hope they do as you say.

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le sanae

It's not like 2hu doesn't already have fighting games or anything.

What is wrong with you.

I'll never understand you niggers asking for Doomguy or Master Chief

Nintendo doesn't give a fuck about iD studios, and they only tolerate Microsoft so long as they get Banjo. That's literally the rule above all rules, if the companies don't have a warm relationship, then nothing's going to happen.

she does absolutely nothing. I rather have the actual gunner ship than fapbait.

yeah, just like the OP right?

god maybe its due to the fact it came out in two thousand fucking fifteen. Just because something is popular doesnt automatically earn it a spot in Smash.


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>Ordinarily, I would tell you guys what Reimu's final smash is
It would obviously be fantasy heaven you fucking idiot

Vic Viper in Smash would be pretty based

Guy who screencapped it, I don’t know why I did it honestly. At first it was just the time stamps I covered but then decided to do the whole thing

>she does absolutely nothing. I rather have the actual gunner ship than fapbait.
Reimu is literally the ship in Touhou, as well as a boss in titles like TH8. Please go play the games.


I hate the idea of doomguy in smash but I would compromise for reimu

>Future Nintendo exclusives are possible.
Read the subtext, user. This is literally what I'm talking about.

>Literally everyones franchise in the game has been on a Nintendo system
Antinomy of Common Flowers is coming to Switch anyways.

First it was reddit, then twitter, then discord, now ifunny.
this boogeyman shit has to stop.
9gagCHADS rise up!

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Doom was literally so popular that it lowered the productivity of the entire country for years after its release. It made FPS go from a virtually nonexistent genre to the most popular genre in the medium practically overnight, and it did all of this in spite of being an independently released title. It still has a large active community to this day, a claim that literally none of the Halo games can attest to, even fan favorites like Halo 2 or CE, or recently released titles like Halo 5. Doom has an upcoming game releasing on the Switch, while the only upcoming Halo game is a reboot of the series after the last game completely destroyed its reputation even more than the disaster that was Halo 4 did, and isn't releasing on any Nintendo platform (nor will it ever). One of Doom's canon mainline games is exclusive to a Nintendo console (fan made source ports notwithstanding). Doom has been around longer and had a bigger influence on the industry than Halo ever has, no amount of delusion you might have due to a complete lack of understanding of the industry before you were born will change that.

>yeah, just like the OP right?
Yes, but it could also be OP being aggressive on purpose to start shit right away and ensure that his thread lives.

>Touhou music in Smash
I need it

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>and they only tolerate Microsoft so long as they get Banjo.
>He said basing his claim on literally nothing

No, Dovakin.

Doom songs would be walking on eggshells because of how much shit was stolen
It would probably just be nudoom stuff

Who is the girl on the left?

Sakurai also has respect for John Carmack.


Attached: switch.png (1153x583, 99K)

Reimu definitely isn’t happening.


Rocky from Pocky & Reimu

Hakurei Reimu

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>Oh yeah
Literal fake news

That's literally a tranny meme. Literally.

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>we might see le skyrim man in smash instead of based doomguy

I dont want to live in this timeline if that is the case. not even banjo and K rool being in will be able to balance out dragonborn being in smash bros

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OP here
I just wanted people to discuss these two characters mostly, guess I was too "rosterfaggy", my bad

I get that reference and I always wanted to play those games but never did

I would love a Touhou character in Smash but what sparked the Reimu hype all of a sudden?

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Why the hostility towards me in particular?

Fun fact, there is a character named "Becky" on the GBA game who is basically a green Pocky.

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Friendly reminder that Crash is very unlikely given that he didn't even make it to Sony's version of Smash due to Activision being turbokikes.

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Correction, Sakurai acknowledge Carmack for the literal fact that he was the one who made the FPS genre. That doesn't increase nor decrease Doomguy's chances.

It's like Agent Smith from The Matrix, or that part of Resident Evil 6 with the virus.

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>w-w-why didn't he just outright say that they were working on a fighter and spoil the reveal before the game even comes out
hm i wonder

Get ready for it, cause it's happening

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>how to get BTFO with one image

People act like there is some fucking conspiracy behind Reimu/Doomguy posting hiding behind multiple layers of falseflag attempts and psychological manipulation.
Its simple, doom and touhou are both boomer games where you dodge shit, you shoot shit, and there is no bullshit. This has been going on for more than a year now

To be fair though, given the quality of PABST I wouldn't be surprised if they just didn't want inadvertent brand blowback.

You don't have to apologize dude, I am the one pulling shit from my ass here. It's not your fault either that Doomguy and Reimu are attracting shitposters.

Even typing this down feels weird, we live in a strange timeline.

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Too many never evers and other unlikely characters got in, I think it broke some people

>That focus mechanic
I never knew I wanted her in the game until now

I'm sorry , allow me to rephrase. I personally belive that in this scenario, that your particular distaste for the protagonist of the doom franchise, has stricken me as an odd opinion, match that with your fondness for a character I would describe as the worse of the pair has left me quite disappointed in your opinions on the matter

Yeah but you can tell most Reimufags are waifufags just by the sheer amount of pictures of Reimu they have saved in their pcs.

Also this

What if Marisa is Reimu's alt?

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Remember that you rest on the shoulders of the giants. Now your place, zoomer.
And this doesn't even account before 2004.

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She always was a somewhat popular choice on Yea Forums, but i'd say the surge of Reimu is for two reasons
>1. DQ being in the game proved you don't need worldwide popularity, and being only mostly popular in Japan deosn't matter
>2. A lot of the more "obvious" choices got in already, so people are going to the "not obvious but still very deserving to get in Smash" picks, and Reimu and Doomguy are both exactly that, being the face of their respective genre
You're right, it's unavoidable. Smash threads always attract that special kind of rosterfag autism, but I didn't expect my thread to turn in that direction too

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Now, I love Zun's art, but it's certainly not for everybody. I would love to see people's reactions if he got to draw Reimu's character selection image

I mean, you're right, but my wife is from a different shmup series.

Dragon Quest and Banjo broke the last "seal" (global appeal required). Before that you had other shit like needing to be on a Nintendo console (broke with AoCF being announced to the switch) and Nintendo prioritizing first parties (broke with Reggie's IGN interview). She is still as possible as any other character and people just slowly opened up to the idea but this last direct was what broke the camel's back.

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Wait when did iFunny get involved? Is there a reason or is it just more scapegoating?

Not really a major fan request. Not even Japan really wants her in Smash, most see her and Saber as their country's Waluigi

I just like collecting Touhou fanart because
>it's fun seeing a famous mangaka like Namori draw fanart of a game you like
>it's fun seeing a Touhou artist you like get a professional serialization

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I really do not fucking like nu-doom and you know that doomguy in smash would use that design

Uh... thanks for proving my point I guess.

>one year of popularity
>overclasses a whole generation of domination

check the averages, idiot

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See Take it with a grain of salt though, same with the Discord leaks. It's easy to manufacture shit like this, specially when you don't need to provide any sources.

If that's the case then fuck it i can ride this shitpost train hoping for a Touhou character. I love the series and would love to hear Touhou music in Smash. Let's get silly
I know I'm potentially setting myself up for disappointment but I don't care

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nu-doom is one of the best shooters of the decade in my opinion

Got that Namori pic? I want to see 2hus in her style.

>it's fun seeing a Touhou artist you like get a professional serialization
It's a great feeling. I was a fan of Nakatani before YagaKimi because she drew some great touhou stuff, especially SakuRem. When she got serialized with Bloom into You (and it ended up being great too), I was so happy.

It's not doom though

Dare I ask? Sugu?

Careful optimism wins at the end. She is a fucking great pick as far as rosterfag autism goes but it doesn't really matter when the DLC was already chosen months ago before the hype train even started.

Yeah I made my comment and then found that post. Thanks for letting me know.

You clearly stand corrected. And that's just Google Trends.
Doom contributions to the video game community are immense.
It's a series started in 1993, retard.

is it zeroranger

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What’s with this rosterfag teaming up shit? If doomguy gets in, cool. But what’s with this alliance shit rosterfags are trying to start?

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>most Reimufags are waifufags just by the sheer amount of pictures of Reimu they have saved in their pcs
Do you not have cool/funny/cute pictures of various shit you're super into? Atleast personally, and I feel in good company, that having a bunch of pictures of certain characters is just an extended love of the source material.

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It's just shitposters and the occasional poor motherfucker who just likes both series and thing they'd both be neat.


no one is saying doom isn't important, but you are clearly underestimating halo's popularity you have seen the numbers and for some god forsaken reason still can't admit halo is more popular than doom overall. just stop posting.

I won't say because it'd basically be identityfagging. In any case, I really want Reimu in Smash for music and moveset potential, and because a magical girl, a playable indie character and a playable SHMUP character are all things Smash currently lacks.

Dude, was that Doom started off below Halo, had a sudden spike and then a steep drop off only to stay below Halo for like a decade and some years, only to then somewhat pass Halo (which is likely when 2016 came out) and then drop below Halo again. You literally just proved Halo is more popular than Doom. Again, significance didn't do jack shit for Dragon Quest because Cloud came first. If nothing else you proves that Doomguy would only come after Chief.

This sort of thing has been popping up since before the game even came out. I recall threads for Isaac and Skull Kid.

I can't understand how that one outlier can even be accurate. Doom 3 sold 3.5 million copies while Halo 2 sold 6.3 million in the USA alone

>Do you not have cool/funny/cute pictures of various shit you're super into?

No, I'm not autistic. That's Reimufags, everyone.

>All you proved was that

There are two slots left, it's only natural for people to have two go-to characters. It just so happens that Reimu and Doomguy have a lot of mutual support.

You're on Yea Forums. What exactly were you expecting? My reaction image folder is close to hitting 1.5 Gigs.

>It's autistic to save fanart of shit you like
I mean, okay dude

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Pretty much what I'm gonna be doing. Not gonna be putting my head in the clouds. She's a good pick anyway so I feel good riding this train even if she gets in or not.
Roster predictions is dead af at this point

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Not even a Reimufag, but who doesn't save pics they like?

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>official name
>unofficial name

Absolute legend

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go die, pedo

You wanna try Doom Slayer? Because I really doubt that would do any better.

Now show one going back to 1993
oh wait


it's literally the name with the most results. do the search yourself, the others are even lower than that and wouldn't even scratch chief's heels of you added them together.

fucking C O P E

Needs Persuasion Needle in there somewhere.
Also her final smash obviously needs to be Fantasy Heaven.

The guy who made that image made a new one, see


>Don't be obnoxious
You're on the wrong board.

Yeah, just noticed. It looks really good.

Oh wow, Doom was more popular than Halo back when it literally did not exist. What an achievement.

lmao why are you so insistent in antiquity? that means jackshit, the numbers speak for themselves if you're talking about popularity and relevance, which is the whole point of the argument, retard.

Doom didn't have a named character at first, it's useless searching for his name.
That's just Google Trends, tho.
Doom had more influence in the 90' than Halo did later in the 2000.

>all these people thinking Master Chief has a chance
Microsoft's not getting another character in the remaining two slots. At the most you'll see him as a Mii costume.

Bethesda getting a rep is all but confirmed at this point, the real question is if they'll use Doomguy or Skyrimguy.

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>Doom had more influence
>Muh Influence

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People being retarded and forgetting that every alliance after lizard bros was just two pricks acting smug and later eating shit.

I won't deny that Doomguy and Reimu have their similarities but making an alliance over it is dumb. Alliances in geneal are gay as shit and only help with fueling shitposting

>Doom had more influence in the 90' than Halo did later in the 2000.

there is literally no way to measure that. in your mind that's true and in mine it isn't not. maybe you're right, however, at the end of the day we were discussing smash inclusion and one of the arguments of doomguy being over chief is that he was more popular and relevant which is clearly a lie. that's it, you've been beaten, stop posting.

>Bethesda getting a rep is all but confirmed at this point
>Why is that?

Wow it's almost like videogames existed before you were born or something, weird how that works.
Why are you so insistent on antiquity? Halo is an irrelevant series that's been forgotten, Doom is the progenitor of the FPS genre. Halo wouldn't even exist without it.

I don't think any of my picks including Reimu will get into Smash but it's still fun to think up potential movesets, stages, and assist trophies for characters.

>fighter pack 2

>Halo wouldn't even exist without it.
And yet is exists and is more popular than Doom. Even Doom's 2016 resurgence wasn't enough to put it over for long.

Yeah, Touhou just works too well with stuff like this. I think I already spent hours just imagining what kind of trailer she could have.

>there is literally no way to measure that
Like, being alive during it, fucking kid?
>that's it, you've been beaten, stop posting.
Grow up
It sure did, but you probably haven't even played one, surely not before VII

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>Why is that?
Because they've spent the past three years being notable supporters of the switch. Pete Hines has also outright said they've talked with Nintendo about a Smash character. I see no reason why they wouldn't get a rep at this point.

Stop replying to him, he’s clearly trolling at this point. There’s no way someone could be this dense over vidya discussion on an anonymous board.

My point is influence means jack shit because we got a FF rep before a DQ rep. And not even the first FF character, not even the latest, we got the most popular. It's almost like popularity means a fuck ton more than influence.

Yep, I'm thinking this is the perfect final two.

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>I think I already spent hours just imagining what kind of trailer she could have.
What were your ideas?

Conventions that have been going on for well over a decade, even. Sometimes twice a year.


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Friskpoating is already the new steveposting

as a Reimufag I'd be down with Frisk since I love Undertale, but Reimu just has way more of a legacy and would make for a more unique playable character. We already have a lot of goofy kid characters.

Reimu will never get in

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Look cereal guy!

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>No, I'm not autistic

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Here is one

>trailer starts with a shot of a peaceful forest
>the silence is immediately broken by engine noises
>it's Wario driving fast
>a wooden box can be see tied up to his bike
>a bright light is chasing him from the sky
>the light shoots him multiple times but he manages to dodge
>meanwhile, in another part of the forest, an intense fight between Lucario and Greninja is happening
>Wario's bike gets hit on the back wheel
>he loses control and drives off a cliff, down a hill
>meanwhile Lucario is charging his aura sphere while Greninja charges his water shuriken
>as the two fighters launch their attacks, Wario falls right in between them
>there is a huge explosion and pieces of the bike are seen flying everywhere
>the box is launched through the air and opens on impact
>a small, black and white orb rolls out of it
>Lucario and Greninja confusely approach Wario
>he is fine, just dizzy from the explosion
>the lightbringer slowly floats towards the ground, catching their attention
>as that happens the orb begins to glow and move on its own
>it is attracted to the being like a magnet
>it orbits this character as its colors change to red and white
>the character is revealed as the splash screen happens
There would be a post trailer scene with Reimu drinking tea by the shrine alongside the (patched up) fighters.

>yet it exists
Yes, for now. Unfortunately it's basically dead, but the reboot might be able to regain some of that popularity.
> Even Doom's 2016 resurgence wasn't enough to put it over for long.
And yet it's nearly universally agreed that Halo 5 was a disappointment and it was forgotten in weeks.

Fuck off.

It's going to be Sora

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>not new IP
>responds 2 hours later
Who hurt you?

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I swear to god you fags disregard Frisk's existence on purpose.

>Namco still only has one rep
>SRW has been around since the Game Boy and continues to get games yearly
>Already has a perfect loadout ready for Smash with a mixed melee/range build
>Potential Superheavy
>Smash is lacking in Robots

Yeah, I think it's time.

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Not bad. I always pictured something with Palutena and the Pits and maybe Ganon myself. The KI crew is basically the closest we have to touhou's gods and mikos

I have long since lost hope in anything good happening for Sin & Punishment, so at least Reimu and Doomguy are other, potential forms of shooters receiving playable Smash representation.

Kris is better anyways. Undertale does have a chance as DLC, about as much as Reimu since we don't even know if Indies will ever make it as playable characters.

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Doom's legacy is much more important than Skyrim's. And let's be real, he only chooses characters that can emote and show hints of personality. Dragonborn is literally the barbarian equivalent of Steve.

user, I...

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My number 1 pic, but if it doesn't happen this year, with the release of III, it'll never happen. Also
>3 Square reps
>Disney issues

I think he'd be perfect for Smash though

Palu's guidance would be the perfect time for some banter. ZUN would probably be too anal about voice acting though otherwise we could have Kanako and Palu trash talking Reimu.

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Reimu is probably 20 by now.

You wanna bet on that?

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Do you rosterfags ever get tired of “THEY’RE IN!!!!”?
We have these same shitty threads about your circlejerk characters “being in”.
There is no rhyme or reason.
Little to no explanation to why the character you want is in, and any explanation either applies to several other characters, doesn’t matter, or is some type of mental gymnastics.
And its always this same mindless bullshit in every thread. But the worst part is that “the character I wanted since forever” is always Yea Forums circlejerk characters.
You don’t actually give a fucking shit if Doomguy, Reimu, Kiryu, or what ever is even in or not. You faggots just want to say that shit so that you can feel like you fit in with Yea Forums, despite all of you faggots being from Reddit.
And now that you got two of your circlejerk characters, where one of them you only cared about because of the datamine/rumors and never gave a shit before hand, you dumb faggots instantly assume that every character you “want” (aka what you say you want to fit in) is now in.
In fact, you always say that shit no matter what. This constant obsession over which fucking video game character gets in is not fucking healthy.

Please for the love of fucking god, discuss something else about Smash. Even speculate what their movesets will be (and don’t use fucking infographs someone else made), or how the series will be represented (like with music, stages, and spirits)
Something other than “THEY’RE IN!!!” bullshit
pic unrelated.

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>Doom's legacy is much more important than Skyrim's.
While true, Skyrim is also a lot more popular in Japan than Doom. I mean, I'd easily rather have Doomguy over Dragonborn, but I still think both have an equal chance at this point.


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>Palu's guidance would be the perfect time for some banter. ZUN would probably be too anal about voice acting though otherwise we could have Kanako and Palu trash talking Reimu.

Because ZUN is anal about voice acting, a good compromise could be using the various SFX from the games instead of yells and screams and grunts.

I'm no furry, but I would fuck that fox

She better be, with how frequently she hits the bottle.

Who the fuck is Layton. Is he from a dead series?

Touhou Cannonball has voice acting though.

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>ZUN would probably be too anal about voice acting though
Actually, there's a ZUN-sponsored 2hu game coming out with voice acting soon.

Now that's anti-hype. At least goes for Phoenix.

>We'll never get the Palutena's guidance equivalent of this
If Spiral Mountain doesn't have Grunty talking shit about each smash fighter I'm going to be livid.

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I'm just a bigger fan of Layton. I'd be fine with Wright though!

I don't see the nips at Nintendo considering such a Western appealing character like Doomguy without also considering an equally appealing character for the east. While other characters may appeal to the East, it's not quite the same as how big Touhou is there.

And the only character who can match Doomguy's literal-who status in the East is Reimu's literal-who status in the West. They're pretty much perfect for each other.

Fangames and fan content don't count.


Sorry to disappoint and go against your narrative here, but I’ve wanted him since brawl. Ever since snake got in I thought he’s had a minuscule chance, but a chance nonetheless. He’s always been a pipe dream of mine but I’m never going to be super vocal about wanting him to be in. Kiryu could be a fun character but I’d rather him in tekken. That being said rosterfags who don’t even play the game are cancer

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>a good compromise could be using the various SFX from the games instead of yells and screams and grunts.
Jesus no, imagine what we would get.

>"miss Palutena, I am trying to shoot this girl from far away but she is too fast"
>"Pit, you are fighting a shrine maiden, they are vile humans worse than anything you have seen before"
>"Wow, can humans really be so bad?"
>"Imagine dedicating your entire life to hunting down innocent creatures just because they are different. These heartless monsters will take advantages of any openings to exterminate you, show them no mercy"
>"Alright, them what should I do?"
>"Wait a second, I am calling a friend of mine, she may be able to help you out..."
>"I am glad that you could make it, Kanako-sama, how can Pit defeat Reimu?"
>"Did you get that Pit?"
>"Yes, I will try doing that, thanks for the tip"

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Every time.

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When will Nintendo reveals all the roster and DLCs so people will finally pull Touhou out of this shitposting cesspool of rosterfaggotry that's shitting up the board?
How long until eventually the falseflaggers you invited yourself turn Reimuposting into new Steveposting?

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The Capcom rosterfag war is supposed to be between Phoenix and Leon, you weeb.

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That's not a fangame. And even though it's not mainline, I don't think a Smash appearance would be considered any less derivative regardless.

Ninja Gaiden is definitely not as big in Japan than Touhou.

Reimu is a fucking savage.

TCB isn't a fangame.

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>Reimu in Smash

A new era of Hijacks could be upon us

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It won't, the whole point of Guidance, Codec, Lylat and the like is that they are voiced.

Remember no rules other than be video game character

The 9 score is what makes it perfect. Reimu gave her a high score for not needing to see her garbage dammaku.

>implying rosterfaggotry for Reimu will ever die
Touhou is eternal. It has existed for 2 decades without ever being close to dying. As long as Smash is still around, people will still want Reimu since all the gates are down regarding newcomers. This is your new future, Smashfags.

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reimu is the steve to doomguy's banjo

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based and true

Based, Joseph Allen for Smash.

Speaking of Phoenix, there's about three months until TGS happens. Considering that it's where all basically all major Ace Attorney news comes from already, and there's no real reason to favor another occasion/event over TGS, we can probably consider Phoenix soft-deconfirmed if there's no Smash related announcements by then.

pls phoenixbros, give him your energy

serves her right, i still can't get past her on normal