Why does sony hate having sex?
Why does sony hate having sex?
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astral chain is censored
What, the boxart?
why do girls have 4 mouth
i dont get it??
>Ears and eye sockets
Inb4 some incel blames transgender people
that's the joke
I guess left is the american version and the right is the german one.
Left has the letters covering her butt.
Not sure if that already counts as censorship.
owowowow no
What about armpit-mouths?
have sex
they don't want to trigger their incel fanbase
Shhh dude, keep it down. That's the secret one
god yes
Back of the knee?
>>Back of the knee?
tits retard
The boxart isn't censored you nitwit. The rating goes in the bottom left and the logo can't overlap any of the heads of the characters. There isn't anywhere else to put the game's logo without cutting off part of the logo, covering part of the logo with the game's rating, or rotating it to the point where it's a hindrance to reading it. The point is to make the logo as big as possible, not to cover her butt. If the boxart were censored, her spats would extend down to her knees.
thats eight
>tfw the world is slowly heading in the direction of Shimoneta’s portrayal.
You forgot nostrils.
Back of the knee maybe?
It's a joke. It's funny because they actually only have one mouth just like you; the humor is derived from the absurdity of the statement.
Welcome to Yea Forums newfag.
Based and beterpilled
When I find SOX, I'm joining
god, I wanna kiss/sniff a girl's armpit so bad.
it's like all I want at this point.
Does that mean there will be more horny sexually curious females in the future?
They shrank the logo in the German release, even though translucency is permitted for the rating. Why wouldn't they shrink and move the logo for the US release?
Yes, but only in glorious japan.
>mc ditches his old crush because there was a chance he'd actually get laid
Imagine being as gay as the main character of a japanese harem light novel.
the 4 hole is the hand
Because only horny incels would even think showing an ass on the cover was a priority.
It’s not that they censored, it’s that they saw no need to go out of their way to show it.
that's reaching, user
>literally ok when nintendo does it
It is, but faggots like
Will take anything they can get to try an make this seems like a bigger deal than Labyrinth Life.
jesus christ
I had a gf once, and she was a hippie/artsy type girl. She only showered like once a week and never wore deodorant. When she would get home from work, she would strip completely naked, then lay on top of me and put her armpit in my face. This was several years ago. I miss her, but at this point, I don't really know if I miss her specifically, or just miss having someone.
inb4 "normie." I was 28 when this happened. I'm 34 now.
Nintendo didn’t do it. There’s nothing censored.
Cope, Snoyboy
the joke is that later in the episodes, is revealed she has no idea about sex, she is disgusted by the sight of a penis. she is just a phony virgin but she still is against censorship. her claim about the 4 mouths is just her bluffing to sound more knowledgeable
user, he is baiting to instigate flamewar. just ignore him
Not if they're boards.
back of the knee is legit though. if this wasnt a worksafe board id post some webms.
based German assbros
have sex
only for chad
shimoneta was ahead of its time. the artist believed he was making a mockery to japan's possible solution to the oversexualization in media form when in reality it was reflecting western's shift to puritanism
That would make it 4-5.
She was referring to the urethra because she's a retard who saw it in a doujin and never thought to question it
Season 2 when?
Does anyone end up having sex in this anime?
user, it only gets worse after the content Season 1 covered. No Season 2 is a blessing. Just enjoy the fond memories.
the fourth one are hand anons. She is even making the gesture
I simply can't. They're just that gay
that would mean they have 7 mouths dumbass
This shit is so fucking weird
Who the fuck expected that liberals would be as puritan as fucking christian soccer moms?
elaborate, now! please?
quick rundown?
not that user btw
In that order.
armpit pussy is the best
>Forgetting the armpit
>No Season 2 is a blessing
Considering the only reason we're not ever getting a S2 is because Anna's VA died, I wouldn't exactly call it a "blessing."
there is no explanation on what would happen after being caught. he was not going to risk his life just to get off, but i do wonder. what was their method for procreating
Is it Attack on Titan bad?
I buy these. Thank you. Sounds like the perfect girl
I discovered this pretty nice game that has back of the knee.
Because I got doucebag status.
Preorder cancelled
user...you do realized futa isn't real? docking is physically impossible for now
If sex appeal isn't important, then why does the fucking cover art include it?
she definitely is. would have a lot of children with her
Wasn't there a story of a woman who went to the doctor either because she thought she was infertile, or she was incontinent or something, and found she had been having sex in her urethra for like thirty years?
>tfw constantly browsing Yea Forums and Yea Forums has given me an armpit fetish
sauce on this? you told me a summary last time but not the title
>she had been having sex in her urethra for like thirty years?
wait how, doesn't the penis has to get through the urethra?
American stores have some weird rules for cover art.
Wouldn't that hurt and lead to inflammation and swelling?
Actually, how did liberals became such hypocrites by going out of their way to censor anything related to sexualization? Were they being big time fart-huffers?
It's the same types of people, they've just jumped to a new religion.
they still are fart huffers
this desu
pacman theory i guess
I love how each censored word had its own unique sound effect so you always knew exactly what was being said, god that show was so freeing on so many levels
Stop playing new games retards
Pick your one online game
Then play old shit
Its still fun and theres enough fun old games to last basically forever
>PS4 cover does it
>20 replies saying LOL SNOY CENSORSHIP
>Nintendo does it
>immediate defense
Nintendo could come out tomorrow and say they're giving Sonic 06 an HD remaster and nintendofags would defend it
>cover vs outright censoring full games to the point where a dev has to completely remake the game
rly meg u thig
finally I get to use this pic
Normalfag. Even worse, a failed one.
But it's on the go!
it's called der Arsch though
>still have "DAT ASS" pics saved
>never use them
or "dieser Arsch" if you want a translation for dat ass
it's die Arsch
The joke is that it was previously sucks and fucks