ITT. Post your height and favorite game
I'll start
>Anything I can play in gzdoom
ITT. Post your height and favorite game
Other urls found in this thread:
Chrono Trigger
Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines
pikmin 2
6'2" air control quake
>guy making fun of the manlet is 6'4
why are tall people so insecure?
Animal Crossing
Souls games
unironically 5'5 fucking kill me
Ghost Trick
Dark Souls 1
For me all the posters here that are smaller than 5'9" are women, they have to be women right? Nobody else can be that small.
6' Zelda in the minish cap and Kirby games
and women are inferior?
age of empires 2
r u a grill?
Pokémon Red
>all the manlets itt
Wtf is going on?
Dino crisis
Are you a gnome?
Kingdom Hearts II
Yakuza 0
wow what?
>implying more than half this board is over the age of 12
I don't know what you expected.
>compensating lanklet create a thread to feel better about himself
The SoulCalibur series
Planescape Torment/Baldur's Gate
>occasionally feel short at 5'9"
>see this thread
Eh, it could be so much worse. SS2 is one of my favorite games.
Whatever lanklet i bet you can't even take down a rhino with a spear
Pokemon platinum
Deus Ex.
in feet
No, they are just smaller
That explains alot
Btw nobody cares that youre short
My cousin is tiny and can kick my ass
Is this you?
>everyone is either above 6' or below 5'9
Why such a divide Yea Forums?
>castlevania: sotn
lots of manlets in here, can i interest you in a booster seat?
Shenmue 2
I know it's not the best Elder Scrolls by a long shot but I just love the dark brotherhood quest line so goddamn much.
>1.76 m equals 5.77 feet
but you retards use inches because you can't use decimals for some reason
so in retarded american
1.76 m = 5'9 1/4"
People lying to try to make their opinion more valid.
Alpha Centauri or System Shock 2.
5'10 and 5'11 are all dope addicts and live on the streets of the major cities on the west coast
Deus Ex
thread theme
why are "people" under 6ft even allowed on this board
>be 5'9"
>brother is 5'11"
>drug addicted alcoholic scumbag
bretty gud
Because it's an anonymous site, faggot.
4 foot 3 master race
Threadly reminder that girls preferred height on men is 5'10. Anything taller is too tall and gangly looking. Anything shorter is too short and looks pathetic. Neither have an imposing enough frame to make a women feel safe
t. 5'10" guy with insecurity
I'm 5'9" so don't fuck with me
I'm 5'9 girl and a very polite guy who is 5'2 strongly believes I like him
To make the rest of us feel better about ourselves
I'm 5'2 and this ugly tranny thinks I have a crush on him
Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door
Reminder that you shouldn't fuck or date roasties that care about height.
>6'* fags
that's short enough to unironically be a different race. there are dogs taller than you. why even live?
t. keebler incelf
no wonder you are single
Men between 5’6 and 5’8 get the most action. Tallfag daddy longlegs btfo.
why should I care about this?
Nice try faggot.
I don't know why but they always feel like they have something to prove
Manlets, would your rather be taller with a tiny dick or stay how you currently are? Unless you are disadvantaged in both areas in which case you have my condolences
maybe one day you will grow kiddo
what's the point of being tall/good dick if you never ever get laid?
These threads remind me of this.
This isn't vidya though. We should probably discuss vidya.
no because i like the look of my comically large penis compared to my tiny frame
Need help getting the cereal down from the shelf, midget-kun?
Same reason why you idiots keep fucking womanlets, so manlets can continously be born.
I don't have one
>cod 4 was dope I guess
I don't play video games those are for nerds and virgins lmao get a life bro
Tetris DS
I don't pick favorites. My most played games are Final Fantasy XI (14,000), Team Fortress 2 (5818) and Dota 2 (3000). I have complicated feelings about all three of them, though. I don't think you can play a game that much and not develop complicated feelings.
No I’m perfectly good like this. Some taller women even find it cute that I’m shorter. They only care about confidence, don’t fall for the manlet meme.
170 lbs all muscle
Paper Mario
>not already being tall and also having a big dick
poor manlets, are you even trying?
6'0" (5'11")
Planescape: Torment
Yeah. ;_;
Tell me what you boast and I'll tell you what you lack
>170 lbs all muscle
yeah right
I love all the Homeworld games
Super mario 64
Army Men: Sarge's Heroes
Its the internet.
Nobody lies here.
Hence why all fags say they are over 5'8
No favourites
Fallout: New Vegas
>no wonder you are single
Better to be single than contract aids from a faggot tranny.
For me, it's the entire 4x genre.
It's not a meme, though, it's true to some extent. It would have to be for there to be height differences to begin with. Studies on married couples show that men/women prefer their spouse to be between 0 and 10 inches shorter/taller than they are, obviously with the median being 5 inches.
There's a cute nip image showing that the ideal female height is four inches shorter than you, but I never saved it.
Lmao. Im sure your dick is massive and not actually a pathetic 5 inches
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
show me your ass
>imagine being insecure or proud of something you literally had no hand in
Also gzdoom, but I'll use crispy if I can.
just say 5'9 bro
5 10
Fps games mostly, too bad quake is dead
jojo heritage from the future
E.T. for Atari
i'm 5'10 I think somewhere around there.
Favorite game is bully.
The Last of Us and God of War (2019)
You're right :[
15% bodyfat
what a fat ass
its not massive, its 7.5 inches
it just looks way bigger because of how small i am
dont make me do it
Fun fact:
90% of men have a dick size of 5.5in-5.8
You have no idea how unironically this triggers my bdd
If you have a dick thats 7.5 inches you are either a nigger or im the queen of England, mate.
So which is it?
Because dick size isn't correlated with height so you get heaps of these tall guys with average or small dicks, which look even smaller on their bigger frames so they get very insecure.
post your ass right now don't reply to me with garbage unless it is your ass.
The funny thing is it doesn't really matter women can't tell, my dick is like 6 inches maybe a bit over and they always assume it's bigger.
And 90% of men have pathetic cocks. Seriously if your cock isnt AT LEAST 6 inches you might as well be a woman
Im 5'4 and i hit 5.8
Which is literally average.
Counter-Strike 1.6 / Diablo 2 / Ocarina of Time
A three-way tie.
id rather stay how i am in that scenario. got cursed by genetics in height but somehow got a large penor
>his height is under 5'10
>Modded Minecraft
Science has proven that men with bigger dicks are also likely gay since they can be used for anal.
Checkmate, faggot.
>tfw 6.5" and it feels small
>The funny thing is it doesn't really matter women can't tell
yeh can confirm, I swear I'm not lonfer than 5 inches and half but my GF claimed is bigger, girth helps a lot
I'm fat though
You'll stick fuck Chad even under 5'10.
He has to be at least 5'7 and he can still probably date other women from different races that care less about height.
Who wouldn't stay the same?
My dick is more important than some height meme
>Drakengard 3
Morrowind I guess?
alright it's penis inspection day everyone post your dick
It's a hard choice but I guess fire emblem sacred stones
These kind of threads always depress me even more than I normally am
Mate, im 5'4 and i've had 23 girls fall for me.
Height and size ain't shit. It's personality.
Yea i mean why would a woman be able to measure anyways?
Mr. Jones I did it 2 days ago
Don't make me do it
Any tips on personality? I'm a khv at 26 and it still hurts I thought I'd get over it but nope.
god hand
I always imagine women getting a tape measure before a blowjob when they say shit like "he was 8 inches !" When in reality he was like 6
Literally just talk to people it's not that hard
You're either a nigger or a kraut.
Which one?
the evil within
Sure manlet
I'm shy bro it's to weird to just go up to people and talk to them
that's not a penis it's a number, i need visual proof
prove it
i'll give you a D if you don't show me yours
wind waker
Just talk to random people in a random place? Doesn't that seem weird?
big brain academy
>Dark Souls II: Scholar of The First Sin
Height is overrated unless you're a midget tier manlet
Either Freelancer or Killer7.
>imagine trying to pretend you are above basic innate human struggles
what a enlighted galaxy brain you must have user
Spyro 3
Cave Story
Muv-Luv: Alternative
5'3" Bayonetta
tekken 7
i thinks its pretty funny how so many of you manlets have gone this long without killing yourselves lol
>5 8
>Dawn of war 1
If you're are in school or have a job it shouldn't be to hard
There's no way so many of you are below 165/ 5'5.
If i was lying, prick
I'd make up a higher number and say i slept with all of them (i didnt)
But sure, believe what you want, virgin.
now this is based
I don't work with any girls, I'm also not in school.
Did you not know short people exist?
I am legit 5'3.9/5'4
I shit you not. And i am over 18
Hard to see them half the time.
Dark Souls 2
Final Fantasy Tactics, Dark Souls, Monster Hunter Series (4U if I had to pick one)
5'8 Demon's Souls.
I will post my dick don't tempt me.
We work beneath you, plotting your downfall so we can take power from below.
GTA San Andreas
do it nerd
>tfw i live in a country with an average male height of 5'7
Warcraft 3
Todd is 5'6. Most of us on the thread are below that lol
Doesn't matter my pp is bigger anyway
Haha I am also 5'6
Ace Attorney Investigations 2
>Threadly reminder that girls preferred height on men is 5'10.
I've never seen women post anything like
"No guys taller than 5'10" on their dating profiles.
5'11 or taller is the most common requirement though other than "taller than I am"
chrono trigger
This thread is averaging like 5'7"
Where the hell are you people from?
I'm from Michigan and 5'5. Most of the people here easily reach 5'10. I've felt prett ostracized because of it.
>Either Freelancer or Killer7.
>ctrl f 6'
>28 results
>ctrl f 5'
>58 results
No its always 6'
not good enough
don't go hard on yourself for things you have no control over
Dang well i tried
Southwest, full of gnome spics such as myself
However, the farther north I go, the more self-conscious I get
182 cm / 1,82 m
Sure manlet
I went years thinking i was 5'10 until i checked and saw that im actually 5'8. my licence has said 5'10 for half a decade. also my licence says i weigh 50 pounds less than i do now
190 Cm.
Batman Arkham Asylum
Those are from thots looking for a 1 night stand expecting him to have a big Johnson
>5.97112861 feet (5 feet 112132 inches)
>license has weight on it
lol what
here in minnesota its that way
The Shire, by the sound of it.
Damn. Manlet Ryckert.
Shadowrun (SNES)
Favorite is kinda being generous but I like Dragons Dogma a lot , either that or monster hunter
Now I understand why this is THE gayest board on all of Yea Forums, never mind the trap/tranny shit. Faggots here are obsessed with height, weight, fashion and dick size of each other, jealously comparing and grouping into separate cliques.
to be fair it's /fit/ leaking
Not gonna trade my peenor size for height just because other people might make fun of me,besides,its not like being tall prevents you from being a autistic tard,otherwise there wouldnt be a ton of lanklets coping in here and /r9k/
what's so wrong about locking eyes with your homie while fucking a random slut?
Those that can drive perfectly usually can tell,spatial awareness is something women usually lack
6'1 Ace Combat
Because the same fucking unwritten rules apply as for urinals and public bathrooms , eyes forward and keep quite.
You don't need to be a rocket scientist to literally get over something as basic as height. It's like this, you couldn't/can't control it, so why worry. You fucking brainlet.
Im 5"10
Also what the fuck is happening, why are so many guys short these days. I blame my parents although I'm taller than them
AC Syndicate (inb4 u wot m8)
Crossing from what list? With that weight it's probably bears.
tfw 5'5'' manlet
tfw todd is taller than me
Dark Souls
>being this fucking insecure
man compared themself in every aspect since the dawn of time
I bet you think working out and improving yourself is "gay" too
Stood in a line at a clothes store today and a guy a whole 1 and a half heads shorter than me was in front of me. It made me so uncomfortable because of the visible difference and on top of it he was with his gf. Dont mean that in a demeaning way, it just felt weird to me
Wow nice projection/implication and I'm the insecure one huh
Breath of the Wild or Animal Crossing. Too hard to pick a real favorite.
don't forget to moisturise your butthole sweetie
>pic related