Hard mode: don't mention mobility
Ultra hard mode: don't mention that it is a nintendo console.
Post reasons to get a switch
Other urls found in this thread:
I like kicking people's shit in on Tetris 99.
>post reasons to get a switch but you can't post this reason I don't like
Let me guess, exclusive doesn't count either because you don't like them huh? Poor snoy crybaby
It's more of a sony handheld than a nintendo console.
It's library is composed of:
-mainline nintendo (new and ports)
-a metric fuckton of indies
-weeb games
-AA japanese games
It's genuinely basically like having a Vita rather than a traditional nintendo thing, but with the added benefit of getting nintendo mainline titles.
Think Vita + 3DS all in one, or something.
If you're into indies and mid-smaller sized projects, this is for you.
If you only buy nintendo hardware EXCLUSIVELY for nintendo games and that's it, this console is probably not for you.
to hack it and use it as an emulation device that has actual buttons
Breath of the Wild
Splatoon 2
Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle
Super Mario Odyssey
Xenoblade Chronicles 2
Super Smash Bros Ultimate
Travis Strikes Again: No More Heroes
Super Mario Maker 2
Astral Chain
Daemon X Machina
Luigis Mansion 3
The Definitive Edition of Dragon Quest XI
Animal Crossing: New Horizons
Bayonetta 3
Breath of the Wild 2
Metroid Prime 4
>N-not those games!
I don't use mobility on expensive shit and I want to see if people would give a good answer without generic responses.
Even if you want literally no Nintendo games (why would you get a Nintendo console then) there's always jailbreaking.
>half the reason to get a Switch is because games that aren't even out yet
do whatever the hell you want, I don't give a shit.
Step 1: buy used Nintendo Switch™
Step 2: hack it and play hundreds of videogames for free
Step 3: ???????
Step 4: Profit
I personally bought a discounted Nintendo Switch™ from my wife's boyfriend. It's one of the greatest purchases I've ever made.
>N-not those games!
Literally half the games I listed are out right now, the other half besides 4 games are coming out all literally this year.
I'm sorry you have no games to look forward to this year. Seethe, cope, and dial eight.
boy or girl? also sauce plz
Simple. Pokém.. oh wait
MHGU,Smash,Odyssey,Bayo 1 To 3, Tropical Freeze, Mario Kart 8 deluxe, Dragon Qu'est 11, Fighterz,
Joy cons are my favorite controllers ever
If you like high quality casual games to chill and be comfy it's a great console. It's great if you have friends too, it's very focused on multiplayer and being able to play with a friend whenever you want.
Be real with me, isn't it cool being able to go to a friends house and play smash right there with no hassle? Of course if you are an autistic friendless faggot like me maybe the switch isn't for you
port, port, bing bing wahoo, ports, port, port, port, shitty gaymes
>I don't use mobility on expensive shit
Like cellphones?
zelda #40050
mario #5850809
Hack it and get free games.
Because I wanted it and have the disposable income to buy it.
I use it to play games on my balcony while its raining outside, with the rain it almost seem as I'm not lonely anymore.
>the only reason to get a PS4 is to play Death Stranding and FFVII
It's normal on current consoles.
Also this. Online is utter shit.
>work out with a gorl in Fitness Boxing
It's getting the a completed game in the form of the Trials of Mana Remake instead of the incomplete FFVII Remake.
smartphones existed longer than a decade, grandpa
My cellphone is a 5 year old phone that cost around 80 usd then.
Pulling a 180 and stopping with the censorship
Fantastic library of quality games
>Be real with me, isn't it cool being able to go to a friends house and play smash right there with no hassle?
Not only that but if you get a good third party controller/stick, you can turn your Switch into a portable weeb fighting machine.
It's pretty cool, takes 2 seconds to set up, people are sleeping on the Switch fighting game angle because the default d-pad options are terrible and it's not really the kind of systems for 3D fighters.
Anime shit tho?
It's mostly all there and it's so pratical.
1. Mobile, but not an itty bitty cellphone
2. No censorship
3. Nintendo doesn't treat developers like shit
4. UI isn't from 2002
>Post reasons to get a Switch. Hard mode: Don't explain it's main selling point
I would've said fucking pokemon but I guess that's no longer an issue
Look, you're either sold on their IPs and have been for a long time, or you're not and there's zero reason to get one. This is the Mario Zelda Metroid Smash Lugi Machine. If that doesn't sell you the damn thing, you're better off buying something else.
>don't post the two major reasons
good thread
you can hack it and get all it's games for free within 20 minutes of fucking around and following a guide and the thing is an indie powerhouse, so there's lots of little worthwhile games that are nice to play on a couch on a big screen or in bed before sleep.
So you're an ultra poorfag autist? Good to know. The Switch being a handheld and a Nintendo console with exclusives people want to play are the only reasons why people own it. It's like telling me to name a reason why people should own a PS4 besides "exclusives" and "allows you to play most current gen games". Shit thread.
It has games that you want to play
Literally worth it for Odyssey alone.
To play Nintendo games and some neat indies. That's literally it.
Literally only Smash Ultimate, and maybe Mario Kart 8, but id just hold off until Mario Kart 9.
when will Nintendo add web browser/Internet or the Netflix app?
>inb4 ITS A GAYMEN CONSOLE, TO PLAY GAYMES ON!!!!!1!!1!1!1!1!!1!1!!!1!!
not an argument. their previous gaymen consoles and handhelds had web browsing capabilities. their competitors offer these features too.
The exclusives are fun
The local co-op is nice when you’re out with friends and hanging out at a cafe or restaurant
I have the money (enough in spending money) but there is no reason to upgrade. I most likely will keep the phone until it dies.
Epin R3dd1t may may dudez! ;")
The OS is really fucking quick so it’s easy to jump into certain games more readily, namely indies
I’ve blown through my indie backlog since it’s so fucking easy to start a game up
And what if you don't care that it can be taken anywhere?
Last time I checked there was no rule saying you HAD to use it as a portable...
>reasons for buying a switch
>browsing the web and netflix
Nice try OP
>And what if you don't care that it can be taken anywhere?
Then don't
It has Nintendo games
Cheapest online for a console, constantly getting new ports due to -REDACTED-, flagship titles get constant updates sometimes for years (IE Splatoon 2 had 2 years of content updates, on top of balancing.), best Battle Royale game is an exclusive, (Tetris, fuck you, fight me), developers are crunch free (Aside maybe the ports?), multiple 1st party controller options, no achievements (Some people hate'em.), better custom avatar system (Fuckin Mii's, lol), bi-monthly or so Directs are like mini E3 announcements.
Oh yeah, and it's a portable Nintendo console with AAA games on it.
im not OP
This, its got some pretty good fighting games good for parties
>Street Fighter 30th anniversary collection
>Guilty Gear Bundle
>Skullgirls soon
Also it's a nintendo console
It’s a Nintendo console and I can take it on the go
it literally has the best games currently AND in the future out of all 3 consoles
True, but its d-pad is annoying and stiff to use. Sometimes I find it hard to shoryu on it. Plus, there's no arcade stick support. I don't use one, but it's a shame the option isn't there.
I just like Nintendo games
can't think of any with emulation being available. i would say portable but the battery life is a joke.
Lets be real here.
I can understand porting REmake, RE4 and even 5 to an extent.
But who the fuck was like, damn we should really port Zero and RE6 to the switch.
Nobody asked for it but capcom did it anyway, could you faggots think of anyone wanting to ever play RE0 or 6 again ?
SamSho collection soon, too.
I've solved the d-pad issue with a M30 (yeah i know some people on Yea Forums get autistic when it comes to 8bitdo but hey it solved it for me).
1) Games are actually good. The flagship games aren't just okay, they are fucking masterpieces. Odyssey, BotW, Smash, Mario Kart, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion. They aren't the same mass produced bullshit that Sony and Microsoft churn out every year.
2) Mobility. You said not to mention it, but it is worth mentioning. I just got one a few days ago and it is really far more seamless than I was expecting. Playing Smash on the couch feels just as good as playing it in handheld in bed.
3) Local multiplayer. I can take it with me and entertain myself and the kids in 4 player Smash anywhere we go.
Great selection of games
Actually getting unique and interesting exclusives
OS is fast as fuck, games boot up lightning quick and you can pause and access the home menu at any time
Can gameshare your entire digital library super easily with a friend
Controllers have great battery life
Gyro aiming support for pretty much all relevant titles, making it the best console for shooters
HD rumble is noticable and kinda cool, not really a big selling point but its neat
And fuck you: portability is great. You don't need to lug around a laptop and all of its accessories when you have everything you need in one convenient package. Even if you don't take it out of your home, being able to just relax in bed, on the couch, or even in the bathroom (if you're into that) just lets you enjoy games more.
>The flagship games aren't just okay, they are fucking masterpieces
Ok just shut the fuck up.
I own a Switch and i like it, but this kind of idiotic shit is exactly why everyone think the modern nintendo fanbase acts batshit insane.
I was actually impressed by the battery life. I played Smash for like 3-4 hours in bed earlier and considering it looked every bit as good as it does on a tv, that's pretty good.
It's getting pretty much every JRPG release that isn't Final Fantasy, and the games aren't censored.
There is stick support but its just very limited.
I use a pad most the time and have no problems, and even on joy cons I can still pull off forward quarter circle motions pretty fine.
I will say they are ass for playing charge characters or just ones who have extremely similar inputs for different moves like akuma.
Give me a Microsoft or Sony exclusive that will age as well as Odyssey.
10 years from now, Odyssey will still be seen as an outstanding game.
RE6 is fun, though.
Not even man.
Literally the only thing I remember about it is fighting a T-rex at the end of leons campaign.
5 is funnin co-op and I'd say it just about warrants a port, but it was definitely the last decent RE game capcom made for a while, when it started to shit out terrible spin offs n shit.
He's not entirely wrong. 9 out of every 10 flagship 1st party exclusives for Sony and Microsoft are 3rd person single player action games, loaded with cinematics, and designed in the art style of face scanning and hyper realism. A one weekend pump and dump and then move on.
Feels good not caring about bing bing wahoo
Get a Wii U and upgrade your PC.
Nintendo games.
That's the only reason. If you are not intensely interested in one or more Nintendo games, buying the Switch is wasting money.
when is the switch pro coming out?
are they literally waiting until the new sonys and xboxes are out?
Oh, that thing is beautiful. The d-pad kinda worries me though, it looks real similar to the original 360 d-pad and that was the worst thing in the world for fighting games.
I can't use joy-cons for games where your inputs need to be relatively precise. That's made for navigating menus and switching weapons.
I can do inputs on the stick when I play Ken in Smash Ultimate, but that doesn't translate to actual Street Fighter for me.
The only decent dpad I found for the Switch was the Hori Pokkén Pro Pad. Unfortunately it has no analog sticks and with the lack of mapping of controls in most games, this controller is underutilized. But the d-pad is accurate, which is a relief if you compare it with poor d-pads like Pro Controller or 8Bitdo SN30 Pro.
>The d-pad kinda worries me though, it looks real similar to the original 360 d-pad
No, no.
It's based off the Genesis/Saturn style d-pad, wich is fucking amazing for fighting games.
It's smooth, and allows you to input without hurting your thumb.
Microsoft "execution" looks somewhat similiar but i assure you their version is a goddamn abomination that misses the entire point.
Im sorry, but do you really use d-pads for fighting games ?
The only time I used them was for third strike on the dreamcast and they were terrible.
I don't understand how you could pull off fast motions without a stick or a thumbstick, seriously, can you legitimately play well just using a d-pad ?
Assmad snoy
How's the hacking scene coming along on the switch? Is it cracked wide open like the 3ds where you can install basically any game and play online? Last time I checked, last year, it was lagging pretty badly and you were pretty much just waiting to get perma banned if you fiddled with it
>Im sorry, but do you really use d-pads for fighting games ?
This style, specifically, works extremely well.
Obviously you ideally want a stick, but having these smaller controllers with a good d-pad helps complement the portable nature of the Switch (aka i bring the base, the switch and 2 of these controllers and it stays compact into a case or similiar, compared to carrying around 2 big ass sticks).
It's non existent.
Give it a few more years to grow.
I main PC and need some kind of console on the side, and the Switch is the furthest thing from a PC available to me in both function and content.
Oh shit, I get it now, I didn't realise the d-pad was meshed like that.
I literally pictured trying smooth motions on pic related's dpad when you were talking about it.
No one managed to give a good reason without mentioning the portability of it.
Is this really the only thing it has going for it?
it has more games than the ps4
>t looks real similar to the original 360 d-pad
No it doesn't.
I bought one yesterday for Splatoon 2.
>this kind of D Pad
also the fucking analog on the DC controller is thumb destroying anal cancer. inf act, fuck DC controllers even though I like the console.
You can mod it for free games/emulators. I know the Vita can do that too, but Smash Ultimate is getting a conversion mod to play like Melee, so nu-Project M is on the horizon.
based user
cuck janny
Hard mode: don't mention that it's portable
Ultra hard mode: don't mention that it can play games
playing games from bed
(thats the reason i bought switch)
It has games, unlike its competitors.
>when you reply to a deleted post like 5 minutes later
confirmed to have stroked your cock to it
It does?
fuck how do i delete this from my temp files
They are terrible.
Whenever I think about playing my old psx or SNES I always remember how uncomfortable my thumbs get after handling their dpads for five minutes and drop the idea from my head.
Nintendo's first party titles have always, and will always, be the draw to any console they do.
If you are not a fan of any of Nintendo's IP's, then the switch is simply not for you. Portable or no.
>kid shit
>shit thats not out yet
>mainline nintendo
$300 saved
I firmly maintain that you CAN play fighting games using the Sony d-pad.
I've even seen people win tournaments using this shit.
But....i don't really recommend it, you'll perform well with it but only after your left thumb has exploded into blisters and ruptured 20 times, forming an impenetrable callous armor over it.
It can be done, but it's not pretty.
>n-not those games!
Actually a decent list
japanese games
>don't mention mobility
fuck you, japanese games on the go
I mean, I guess the main question would be is there literally any benefit to doing it over a thumbstick ?
Especially in new controllers which usually posses two of them.
I'd argue its maybe more comfortable but I think you'd have to be an insane masochist to really believe that.
>I have different taste in games
Well, Thanks for shitting up the board a bit more. Have a (You)
It's like, fun, dude.
You can be as big of a pathetic slug fag you want to be but recognize that there are people with taste out there
>I mean, I guess the main question would be is there literally any benefit to doing it over a thumbstick ?
Yes, it's definitely more precise than a thumbstick.
Again, i'm not recommending the Sony approach, it's pretty painful, but it's a matter of fact that it's definitely much more precise and apt for fighting games than trying to play them with a thumbstick.
I will always recommend to people saturn style over it, obviously, because i want them to have an easy time and not fuck up their hands, but if someone asked me "should i play this with a thumbstick or a Sony d-pad", i'd always direct them to the d-pad, simply because if you want to even get halfway competent you just can't really do shit on a thumbstick, way too imprecise.
I have a switch that I love but you're spouting bullhshit.
>OS is fast as fuck
by what metric? Care to share those benchmarks? I actually find it slow.
But then again, my fucking games booted up whenever I flipped the switch on my SNES so.... call me old school.
>Gyro aiming
Neat, but not really good for shooters. It's good for the one off stop and pop, such as Zelda with the bow and arrow, but it's not good when the game is in first person and the core gameplay hinges around aiming.
It has videogames I personally enjoy/am looking forward to. That's it.
Fair enough.
Your making a pretty fair case for dpads user.
>inb4 you disagree with me
this fucking board sucks
donkey kang
animal crossing
mainline games in those series have, on average, been fantastic compared to the diarrhea that the majority of the industry puts out. if you like vidya, you like nintendo IPs.
>Cheapest online for console
Also the worst. It really isn't doing anything new or interesting.
It's the same Peer-to-Peer shit and features that were in the 3DS and WiiU, both of which were completely free.
Fuck. I mean, the 360 had private chat support and a complete social system back in 2005. The console even came bundled with headsets.
I love my switch, but don't bullshit me about the online at all. There is no reason for Nintendo to be doing this at all. They're just greedy.
Even Micro$oft is offering a certain amount of cloud storage FOR FREE
>No one managed to give a good reason without mentioning the portability of it.
Yes we did
>there are only two reasons why you should buy a Switch
guaranteed 100% to repel any women within you vicinity
Such as?
>y-you can't say that it is fast!
>it is slow actually
Start here and start reading down through the thread
It"s more similar to a Sega Saturn D-Pad, aka the best D Pad for fighters. Very solid controller for fighters.
>Doesn't address the point
Nice dodge there princess
Thinking about becoming a politician?
MHGU is one of the best reasons to get a switch
>DoN't MeNtiOn PoRtAbiLiTy
t. some goalpost-moving faggot.
Portability and Nintendo are the only reasons to get a switch. Without them you’re left with a little console that plays a bunch of ports that’s weaker than an XB1 and costs more. That’s not evening the playing field, that’s lowering the bar to your own personal level of what you see the switch as but you belong in a fucking oven
I really want another one right now since im getting the urge to replay xeno2 but waiting for news on Switchpro
X's a fucking turd and was a complete joke before MHW came out and suddently everyone was "ok with it" out of the blue.
Hmm i wonder why.
Get the fuck outta here with that shit.
Give me FU, 3U and 4U over that shit any day of the week.
You gay ass little niglet.
The only good exclusives you can't play on PC
but without the remark about the oven
>>Doesn't address the point
There was no point my retarded friend. One guy said "these are things I like and find important" and you replied "I don't like those and/or they are not important"
You were the one that actually ignored well over half of that guys initial post, lol
Has anyone even seen a switch out in public? Why does portability matter when no one fucking plays it outside their home?
Snoygger opinions are irrelevant
It's the only current gen video game platform that still has exclusives.
Because you play it WHEN YOU TAKE A SHIT
Nah, GenU is a great game.
I'm not seeing it user.
Now you might think I'm just some troll or a Nintendo hating snoy fanboy but no. I saw OP's question and I was genuinely curious what reasons can people give that can sell me on the switch without mentioning the portability of it and mentioning anything related to Nintendo which things like it's exclusive games.
I want to see people sell this purely on its standpoint as a console that you can enjoy without rid exclusives or portability.
i dont even know how to play.
By the metric of go compare it to any other console and how long it takes to reboot, open menus, etc.
Also you clearly are not familiar with gyro aiming if you don't think its vastly superior to any other aiming method using a controller. Using sticks is laughably terrible.
>have ps4
>no friends that have ps4
>ps4 is now just used for blu-rays and netflix
>would have about 5 friends to play xbox one with
>xboxfriends are normalfags so i'd only have red dead redemption and battlefront to play with
>would have one friend to play nintendo switch games with
>switchfriend would likely only have mario kart to play with. i'd like to get them to get splatoon with me if I went this route but that is a gamble whether they'd do it or not
what do?
ps. I already have a pc.
I don't play it though
Now I forgot to mention as well from this post That I good thing I see is that games on it are not censored unlike in sony which is a really good reason.
I meant battlefield
Are you denying that portability provides no use? Are you aware that 580 million portable gaming devices have been sold in the last 30 years?
God you're fucking dense. Here. Let me break it down for your autistic brain.
original claim:
>OS is fast
My reply as quoted:
>by what metric? Care to share those benchmarks?
Not only that, I backed up my opinion of
>I think it's slow
>My SNES booted really fast
>Ignoring half his post
Why the fuck would I point out or challenge the points that I agree with him on?
You've got nothing cupcake.
Mobility is its only advantage over other consoles. If you already own a PC, why buy consoles other than switch?
It actually has video games and not movies
It's too big to be practically portable. I've seen 3ds's, but never switches.
Also, nice goalpost move. Didn't even answer the damn question.
Honestly, I feel like the good online online console experience died with the 360.
There will be nothing like that era again.
>get rid of friends
>play good video games
I don't even see how is this even a question.
>I want to see people sell this purely on its standpoint as a console that you can enjoy without rid exclusives or portability.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate
Mario Kart8D
Shovel Knight
Donkey Kong Country Tropical Freeze
Stardew Valley
Everybody's Golf
Hollow Knight
Super Mario Bros U
Beyonetta 2
Octopath Traveler
Rayman Legends
Megaman Collection
>>I think it's slow
By what metric? Care to share those benchmarks?
I cant tell you whats right for you, but I like it I play a lot of Monster hunter and Disgaea 5. I am worried that some games will have frame rate issues , but for the most part I am enjoying it. Its kinda like a bigger Vita in a way
>It's too big to be practically portable
No it isn't
>Didn't even answer the damn question.
>Has anyone even seen a switch out in public?
Hold shit what a tough question
>By what metric? Care to share those benchmarks?
The SNES....
>battery life sucks
>uncomfortable to hold
>right stick to close to the buttons for bigger hands
>everything in the e-shop is cheaper on other platforms
>exclusives aren't that interesting
Don't get me wrong I like the switch, I just have no reason to play it other than exclusives
>buying a console that can be emulated
The SNES doesn't have a UI my very retarded friend
Yes it is
Mobile gaming has exploded because of cellphones, which fit in your pocket.
Tablets are "portable" too, but they never took off due to their size.
Don't trying to compare a switch to a laptop which people carry around for work/school.
You've got to be kidding me.
So, you think that an OS needs a UI to be an OS?
>emulating when you can hack
Yeah not interested in these games user, most of them I already played on PC. Even octopath is on PC already.
But I do have two games I really REALLY want and that would be Astral Chain and No More Heroes 3.
So tell me, will these 2 games be enough reason to buy this console?
Son, just stop.
>you can't carry it in your pocket
>btw you aren't allowed to counter this argument by saying you can carry it in a bag, I won't allow this
Based retard
Also, why the fuck would I need to fit a console in my pocket to carry it around my own house?
Samefag. Also my last reply to (You)
>Yeah not interested in these games
Good thing the question you asked had nothing to do with your personal tastes, Doug
>metric of go compare it to any other console and how long it takes to reboot, open menus, etc.
>missing the part about the SNES
Then I raise you the 360. Boots fast. Menus were fast, especially the original blade designs.
>Gyro still
Sit down for a few hours and play a FPS with only gyro. No stick assistance. Just gyro.
Come back and tell me that my point isn't valid
It's ok. Nobody blames you for giving up.
I mean, you've got school in the morning.
>Come back and tell me that my point isn't valid
You never stated a point
>don't use the sticks
Wow you really haven't got a clue. Using sticks is part of playing the game. Gyro allows you to aim precisely while still having the sticks available for movement and camera control. I honestly can't believe you're unintentionally being this naive.
my point
>not really good for shooters. It's good for the one off stop and pop, such as Zelda with the bow and arrow, but it's not good when the game is in first person and the core gameplay hinges around aiming.
Your point:
>Also you clearly are not familiar with gyro aiming if you don't think its vastly superior to any other aiming method using a controller. Using sticks is laughably terrible.
Either we are talking past each other, or you are just not reading my posts.
Why can't Nintendo release of announce the new models already, I can't justify buying a Switch right now knowing they're looking in the horizon.
Oh well, I guess I'll just start boarding the 1st party CEd until then
see the context of the argument
He's right. Gyro is superior to dual sticks
I tried the demo but my wrists started hurting more the more days I played. I wonder if it's because you're just punching the air or something.
Very possible that I just didn't do it right, but I got good scores.
>buy video game console
>play video games
>have fun
>Sit down for a few hours and play a FPS with only gyro. No stick assistance. Just gyro.
Come back and tell me that my point isn't valid
Ignore just hacked mine the other day. It has a learning curve but once you figure it out it's dumb easy. Only game I couldn't get working was Mario odyssey because it's the only game with anti piracy measures. You can install emulators, all switch games (including eshop and dlc) it's just fantastic. No way am I paying $60 for a game I may or may not like. Nintendo has always been a dice roll for me if I'll stick with their games. Especially modern Nintendo, far too simplistic to dump money on them.
Because it’s fucking convenient.
The only thing that starts up faster and goes to sleep quicker is the 3DS
Pick it up play put it down works on both paper and in practice
I can play Dark Souls on the train.
>don't mention mobility
>n-not those games
sonyfags cry harder
Just track down a used switch, new switches probably won't be hackable until years from now. Nintendo learned their lesson on the old model and I strongly doubt they would repeat it.
Just did that. Have been doing that. Your point is invalid.
You’re not doing it right
You’re core should hurt not your wrists
>go play a game improperly and tell me it isn't bad
Okay you obtuse retard, I'm done trying to talk at your level.
Astral Chain
Are there much reasons to buy a Switch, what's coming out in the next few months looks good, but then the Switch is set to have a massive drought early next year like last year. It's the same song and dance till it's discontinued
>2 games releasing march and june for the first half of the year
>4 games for the last half of the year
Nintendo still have yet to rectify this problem, and games announced in 2017 are still nowhere to be seen. People for years dunked on Microsoft and Sony for announcing games too early but Nintendo are looking to set a new standard for that.
>status pending
if you like nintendo games buy it if you don't fuck off
that's it
Get it if you see enough games that interest you to justify the price. It's just that easy. I got mine for Smash, Odyssey and Breath. Playing Xenoblade 2 now, dick is rock hard for Mario Maker because I love the look of making levels and mucking about in people's good and bad levels but I skipped the Wii U because I was pretty burnt out by adult life for most of that console gen and also the Wii U had this weird permanent aura of "about to be abandoned."
I want to try my first animal crossing next year, I liked Primes 1-3 and Sword/Shield might turn around(though the current GOTTA CATCH SOME OF 'EM debacle is really bad.)
>lol nintendy fanboy
i mean that's the entire point of nintendo console m8. you wanna play their first parties or you don't. I love Mario games and I gave Breath a try and greatly enjoyed it.
Breath of the Wild
Soon: Breath of the Wild 2
It did too, but a different kind of hurt. Core hurt like progress, wrists hurt like it was bad.
Maybe I'll give it another go.
It's ok to admit defeat
Because of the arm architecture, it was basically cracked from day 1.
Nah, you already lost
I have the $$$ to have a decent collection so I don't bother with hacked systems atm, I plan on using online a lot as well.
You can get the uncensored versions of games like DOAX3 Scarlet (F2P/English).
Good for you. It's still only 200$, and is literally designed to be carried around. If you don't like spending money then you should maybe have a different hobby
monster hunter
already great exclusives, small and easy to manage, plays nintendo games, is a crowd pleaser at gatherings
The lack of games lead me to picking up some fantastic indie games I would not have played otherwise.
I own this thing and I can attest to you that it doesn't have the lag issue of the ones with the analog sticks. And the DPAD is fucking amazing. That being said, I am curious as fuck about this thing right here...
World was so shit it made MHX retrospectively good. I hope iceborne fixes it.
>mobile game and Sonic company making USB fightan gaem controllers
lol what is the world coming to.
>lack of games
Contrarian or unironic "THOSE DON'T COUNT" poster?
If I buy a switch, they'll come out with the "NEW NINTENDO SWITCH PLUS" next week.
I don't care about hacking, I'm not buying many games but I'll use online 100%
You're retarded.
Exclusives are the reason anyone buys a gaming platform. If you're not buying a video game machine to play video games that I can't help you. If you can already play all the available game son that machine on hardware you already own, there's no point in buying that machine.
You can see the video games that are available for this machine. Do you want to play those video games? Then buy this machine. It's not a hard concept. This is how this has worked for the past 30+ years.
Also, it's not my job to sell you on this platform. I didn't fucking make it, I don't get a commission. If you want it, buy it. I think you're ready to make adult decisions all by yourself now.
And online play?
Is Switch stromg enough to emulate Vita or PSP? That alone is a good reason to buy it.
It has a game you like from that 1 Nintendo do series you liked. For me it:s MH and Metroid.
It has a nice amount of games if you didn't buy a Wii U which you probably didn't
It'll eventually be the next otome machine like the vita was.
Actually yes, in college I always see a bunch of dudes playing smash and screaming like monkeys in the cafeteria