>Nope. On July 2nd, 2019, ThinkGeek.com will be moving in with our parent company GameStop. After this move, you will be able to shop a curated selection of unique items historically found on ThinkGeek.com via a ThinkGeek section at GameStop
Not really important news but just kind of strange, Gamestop's already a discount Hot Topic/Spencer's really.
Gamestop to merge stores with Thinkgeek
Considering how drastic the ThinkGeek takeover has been at all my nearby GameStops, I'm seriously not surprised. It was inevitable the moment they started crowding tiny stores with a fuckton of random merch that goes nearly untouched.
I quit as a store manager at GameStop 2 years ago after they made me let go of the retarded guy working there for not pushing the collectible sales. He couldn’t make numbers sale wise (pre-owned/new/collectible/membership) but damn if the customers didn’t love him and he kept the store autistically clean, something that a lot of stores have trouble with. I was getting more junk than games in a lot of shipments and jumped ship because the brick and mortar game store is a thing of the past.
The way Gamestop expects employees to push sales weirds me out. I go there with a clear knowledge of what I'm going to buy before going in and the most they ever got me to get was an expansion pack for a game I was going to buy later anyways, and only bought because they gave me a discount. It just seems like a bad model for a games store.
I just don't know who they think most of this shitty merch appeals to, even those people that make loving Rick and Morty their entire personality aren't going to buy giant fucking pickle plushies.
That's not even the worse thing though, pic related is where I drew the line.
Similar reason why I quit a different game/comic/collectible store. Legit had customers coming in asking for me by name, did great on sales, kept everything tidy but couldn't push their bullshit cards etc. Finally got tired of my manager bitching at me and writing me up so I quit.
>Flying Conan
Ill take 10 thanks
If you went into a gamestop in the past 5 years, you'd see more overpriced crap then actual videogames.
They stock the whole store with shirts, cereal boxes, figurines, etc.
buy the dip
Rick and Morty hasnt been relevant since 2017 chief
It’s kind of weird to me that GaneStop expects its employees to push sales so much without paying them any commission for doing so. Someone really should let them know the carrot is far more effective than the stick
I didn't believe you when you said cereal boxes, fuck.
Are you sure about that?
The one out here in Florida has Cereal boxes behind glass cases and tons and tons of Shirts and Amibos and collectibles.
When Fallout 76 was announced they had merch EVERYWHERE
It wouldn't be so bad if the shirts were under $10, nope. They sell for at LEAST $20.
It depresses me how the merchandise mix at ThinkGeek dramatically changed after merging with GameStop. I know I have a catalog buried in my stuff somewhere, but it had all sorts of crazy stuff like handheld SNES emulators, canned bacon, caffeinated soap, wacky USB-powered items, titanium sporks, and a bunch of other crap I'm forgetting.
Gee mom, I can't wait to play Rick and Morty on my Nintendo Cereal System!
>Not available
Not available means out of stock and never refilled due to extremely low demand.
Rick and Morty hasnt been relevant since 2017, mate.
I've only ever bought one thing from ThinkGeek, and luckily it was on sale. Everything else is overpriced as fuck.
Now it's just overpriced generic crap.
Like shirts, they try and push a LOT of shirts on people. and those shirts are like $30-$50
They don't sell most of the cereal online retard, it's in-store only typically.
I miss 2012 so much. I want to go back to simpler times.
>was $39.99
Why do they even bother putting that sticker on things?
I went into a physical store a few months ago, and it was depressing. When I was in high school, the idea of a ThinkGeek retail store was amazing, but not like what it became...a bunch of Funko Pops, and the worst collection of shirts possible, like Hot Topic-tier.
The aforementioned catalog I have is from 2012, I need to scan it one of these days.
That was the peak of my childhood, IMO. I remember browsing the website and having my twelve year old mind blown.
I miss the late 90s to early 2000s so damn much it isnt even funny.
I meant Gamestop
I've never been in a ThinkGeek retail store.
Gamestop has become essentially what you described.
I feel you. The world felt simpler when you were a kid, all you had to worry about was Minecraft and the Wii, your world was school and home.
Minecraft was late 2000s so was Wii
But yeah. I meant more Viewmaster and magazine subscriptions and Blockbuster/Hollywood Video childhood.
I still remember Movie Gallery being a thing around 2006-2007, then it closed down because Netflix rose up to the monolith it is now.
I can't say I ever had magazines, except for the Lego club one and Highlights.
There is a perpetual sale that can go anywhere from 30-50% on everything clearance.
Do employees at GameStop earn minimum + commission? As someone with a tip position, it would baffle me that they don’t get a cut, especially when asked to go the extra mile in comparison to other retailers.
*technically on clearance, retail stores do this everywhere
Nope. A job at Gamestop can be described as being a car salesman but not earning commission. The only real advantages are discounts on games and a (very) flexible schedule in most stores.
>it would baffle me that they don’t get a cut, especially when asked to go the extra mile in comparison to other retailers.
I would believe they don't. I never saw any extra compensation at my shitty fast food job when the franchisee expected us to wait tables on top of our regular duties. That's one of the reasons I quit.
Hmm... Dark Souls... Hard pass. Jumpin' jiminy! It's Conan O'Brien! Wow! Are those mystery items? TWO mystery items? And socks? And a pin? And a deck of cards? And a jetpack Conan puzzle cube (not a "Rubix" cube, that's a registered trademark)??? Mom! Mom! Can I have $24.99 (formerly $29.99)? Plus tax.
I bought dress socks from Thinkgeek. And someone gave me an R2D2 measuring cup set for Christmas once, and I'm fairly certain it's from Thinkgeek. It's a cutsey idea, but I can't imagine the quality is going to be very good, so I've never actually used them.
$30 for fuckin cardboard.
Legit thought that was a huge turd from the thumbnail.
i can't wait to stop in and get some caffeinated breath mints my fellow geeks
>not using caffeinated soap
holding out for caffeinated condoms with tux the penguin on them
didn't realize that thinkgeek has transformed into a pop culture outlet store
>i am such a geek i like the most popular things that exist
this somehow even gayer than selling bawls
Pop Culture sells these days, though Pop Culture has mostly devolved to capeshit, Star Wars, and nothing else.
also harry pooter, game of thrones, and ironic pen and paper game playing
Hey now, the Big Bang Theory is geek as fuck. Science, am I right?
That's not even relevant anymore, boomer
I sold like 3 preoders to guy in a Rick and Morty t-shirt. they still exist.
got a box that in the store too. that fucking funko cereal NEVER SELLS. shit is more likely to get pennied out and thrown away. shits full of preservatives too. the Freddy Fazzbear ones we got like two years ago are STILL not at their expiration date (late September)
Only reason I go to Gamestop nowadays because sometimes they got really cheap collectors editions of games. Like just the other day I saw Dishonored 2 CE pc versionfor $16, employee told me it was eligible for a discount and managed to get it for $8.
Literally what?
haha her underwear is stringier than m-theory am i right fellow physicists in the audience
Shit's been around for 20 years and was pretty big for a while how have you not heard of it?
I havent either.
Im from the south east
probably because it's not relevant
i only know about it because it was part of the va linux system shitpire
I remember buying cases of Bawls from Thinkgeek waaaay back in middle school. That was... over fifteen years ago now. How the fuck they made it this long is a miracle.
All the cool stuff disappeared, really. The soundtrack shirt for example is gone.
I got a watch with an integrated microSD reader on it from TG. It was years ago, they no longer have that kinda stuff - instead it's all fucking WACKY watches that are nigh-unreadable.
What's a Thinkgeek?
>Reptar Cereal
Fuck ye-
>Tinned Candy
Fuck you.
It's basically a modern Hot Topic.
Can I trade in cereal at Gamestop?
tons of wasted capital including from gamestop itself since afaik they own thinkgeek already
that dotbomb companies always manage to find bagholders is amazing tbqh
Gamestop, now.
Logically speaking I doubt they updated their return policy for the cereal, so I wonder what would happen if you returned a sealed box
>even those people that make loving Rick and Morty their entire personality aren't going to buy giant fucking pickle plushies.
I have to admit though, I wish I could afford the boo bean bag chair.
Funnily enough they made a real Reptar cereal not too long ago, I wonder why Gamestop never got any of the real shit.
You were right
So are GameStop employees explicitly told to harass and pester customers to make sales then? I specifically refuse to go to GS stores now because every employee decides to follow me around the store trying to tell me what I should be spending money on pre-ordering and I can't stand that.
It's a ghost sales model. I am sure there's a more professional term for it, but it's very similar to how gym memberships are. Push the the membership to get the one time payment and hope you forget about it. Except GameStop doesn't offer anything aside from $2 discounts instead of actual lifestyle changes and it isn't recurring. It's a very bad model of making money in the short term and no reason to create for life customers. It's a bad model with no really good solution given the market they're in because of the rise of digital sales. I really can't think of a way they, as a company, could have prevented their decline with such heavy investment in brick and mortar retail.
>capeshit, Star Wars, and nothing else
Don't forget Harry Potter and Game of Thrones. You know you're a true geek when you like things that your your 62 year old boomer parents also like.
>Why do they even bother putting that sticker on things?
Major department stores have done countless studies that conclusively prove that just putting a "SALE!" tag on something without even lowering the price at all is enough to get people to buy it in droves.
Pretty much, yeah. Employees are expected to pester customers with every little thing possible, and corporate actually watches for that shit. Preorders, pro rewards, warranties, pre owned over new (including consoles) and collectibles
And trying to peddle that pro is only going to get worse since Gamestop is trying to remove the 10% discount in favor of a once per month $5 voucher that doesn't even carry over by month
>go to Gamestop to buy the new Call of Duty Advanced Black Ops IIIIIIIII
>buy Harry Potter Funko Pop for gf
>built-in message from JK Rowling tells her I'm gay
this is why i stopped going to radio shack when radio shack did something besides sell phones
>go in to pickup some parts because i don't want to wait for a mail shipment
>dude in the store won't stop hovering around me asking to assist me
>won't stop asking me for my address at the cash register
retailers deserve to die
It's a model that cares little to none to the actual customer. Imagine you were an employee who helped a customer exactly in the interest of the customer and educated them, but you were still berated. It's even funnier because in the fields of personal finance or real estate that is entirely looked down upon, but with this shit it's expected. Working for a company that expects you to only care for its interests and not have any care for that of your customer's interests is the sign of a dying company. There are exceptions but I feel my point makes sense
It sucks but that's just how corporate works. Hopefully this ends up killing gamestop
Oh it makes sense. The worst part is that they try to pretend that they're helping the customer in the process.
>Oh no, this'll save them money in the long run
>Customers like saving money, right? So give them a disk that's ready to crack for $3 less rather than a new copy
They try to sugarcoat greed and it's just the most disgustingly disingenuous shit
>calling your employees monkeys
>Customers like saving money, right? So give them a disk that's ready to crack for $3 less rather than a new copy
Jesus fucking Christ this aggrevates me when I shop there. trying to buy a fucking controller they were fucking flabbergasted that I wanted a new one instead of a used one, even though it was only like $5 more for a new one. I get it makes your job easier for me to buy a used one but fuck me I just want a new one.
What makes the model even more volatile is that it only works on people with literally 0 knowledge. Even moms who come in with their child will have their child look up at them and say "no". It only works on literally ignorant people, of which these days consist of an extremely small portion of the population.
I would really like to see in depth sales numbers for Gamestop stores. I'm really interested to see just exactly how well each store did and compare it to their location and local population. Employee turnover is worth mentioning but it never affects costs because no one ever gets raises or gets high tier bonuses if they even exist
I miss my favorite GameStop autists
>Super clean
>Played literally every game on the shelf
>Told me store numbers
>Had spare copies of every niche weeb game out there
I probably brought fucking 30 of those 2.99 Splatoon keychain things just so he can keep his sales number up
I fucking hated when I had to move.
Evan from GameStop on College drive Portsmouth VA
I fucking appreciate you man
This. They just mark shit up then discount it so you're paying what it's actually supposed to cost.
Fucking cancer
standard practice.
I kind of wish Radio Shack were still around, I'm into electronics as a hobby.
fuck you nigger i read it in her voice
Gamestop was one of the only places that carried MLP collectibles later on. But it's fucking sad to see a good portion of the stores be that, especially with the huge glass cases of $300 figurines, they can't sell more than one of those a month tops.
You’d be surprised.
According to a buddy of mine
In a month they sell anywhere from 4 to 28 in a month.
They sell like wildfire in the most completely fucking dead parts of the year.
it's a good hobby and it would be convenient if it were easier to get components in a pinch, but c'est la vie
IKR? I lucked out and I have a grandpa with a literal storage unit's worth of old components he didn't want, but it's be nice to have a place to go where I can get a specific resistor I need.
I thought that finally died out.
>remember when game stores actually sold games
It briefly had a series of rather well-made statuettes of the characters, and Japan is making more, but the stuff that they sold at Gamestop isn't being made. Show ends this year.
Do stores even do midnight releases anymore?
Last one I remember was Halo Reach or GTA V or something, definitely don't remember any this gen.
I was always bad at it. It felt so dishonest. When I had a great interaction with a kind customer, actually made suggestions based on their interests, it felt so fucking phony or scummy to try and tack on a 'oh do you have x card with us' etc etc. Basically turning what was a pleasant human experience into a robotic pitch. Thank god I wasn't in retail long. Other shit drove me up the wall too.
Just means you're a good person user.