Why do we hate gacha again?

Why do we hate gacha again?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I love boobs
I love porn
I love masturbating

They aren't good games and if I want to jack off I'll go to sadpanda

Attached: CorneredMotherfucker.jpg (413x459, 55K)

Whats wrong with their chests? Are they dying?

Missing skin indention.

because all you are doing is paying money for a chance at getting a pretty looking jpeg.
fuck that.

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Based and redpilled

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based, seriously why don't more people think like this?

they're for psychotic junkies with porn/gambling addictions. usually both

It's coorporate-sponsored fanart. I don't want to support these bigwigs, especially when fans will draw porn (the only thing that matters) for free.

no gameplay
if i wanted to look at jpegs i'd go to a booru, twitter, or pixiv

Oga booga big tiddies pepee hard haha must touch feel good ppghh aghhhh yes pepee feel god big tiddies


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Normalfags, casuals and tasteless ironic weebs that want to think that their glorified slots are actual game.

Oof mommy.

imagine the smell

>paying for a random chance at a picture to jerk off to
I cannot fathom anything more cucked.

>No Teddy Roosevelt or Queen Victoria servants
>No Lovecraft despite creating an entire class based on his creations
Fuck this game
Azur Lane is better in every way at any case.

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Imagine paying money and not LUCKCHADing all the servants you want for free.

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Fuck breeding with physical women, I love anime girls with huge tits an insatiable lust!

they should just be porn games.

You like being completely drained of your semen until you can't produce anymore or even move?

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Reminder he rate-up is right now, go roll user. You know you want to.

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Because gacha games are fucking garbage?
Nice tits and ass though. Shame it's being wasted.


FGO only ranked 8 as the most active gacha game.... beaten by Dragalia and FEH


Tha'ts what you get when you censor Emiya!!!!!

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Would he make sense for Smash? Would people be excited? I feel like he's the indie icon of there was going to be one

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i want to have my life ended by having my skull crushed inbetween two huge anime titties and i want it now

>thots and whores are good as long as they're anime

Who is this ninja bitch supposed to be, Hattori Hanzo?

one on the left looks like she fucks white boys

what are you supposed to do in this situation

uhhhh bro?

i bet anego is weak to anal


they used to be in #1 or #2, usually, changing spots with FEH or Dragalia depends on the event and roll banner. now they dropped to #8, when Demiya was censored

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Because you posting this image just made playing gacha obsolete. I can just search the images online instead of paying money to endlessly roll for them.

You can dump $300 and get jack shit.

Be smothered to death.

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I just want an english version of arknights

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For me, it's Altera.

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holy fuck i love big tiddies

I fucking hate how japanese artists use twitter to post their art. It makes it impossible to find their shit without scrolling through a million pictures of food, retweets, and other shit.

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Whats the fucking obsession with this franchise and turning ever historical or mythological figure under the sun into whores? Is it some weird tranny delusion from the creator? This seriously feels like those tumblr and resetera faggots who say that everyone in vidya is a tranny.

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Are you comparing an actual female body to trannies and their delusions? Not all female Fate characters were male historical figures anyway.

Who dat on the right?

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male characters don't sell

I can hate gacha and still just fap to these characters from artworks shared online, no reason to ever even download a single gacha fest in my smartphone.

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S-so soft...

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Francis Drake

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>Transgender dogwhistling

monk milkers

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Only boomers hate gacha.

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Why isn't Xuanzang more popular?

Attached: Xuanzang.jpg (850x1188, 261K)

Pretty monk.

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she will bear my children

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Congratulations on having them with her then user!

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Because jacking off to video games isn't a real fucking game. you lonely faggots need to grow the fuck up

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thank you aceman, you blessed bastard

Killing her in Extra was pretty weird. At first I was happy because I got rid of Shinji, king of the faggots but on the other hand I just killed a pretty cool servant. I pity she had to be summoned by shinji of all fucking people.


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Is there a limit to how much milkers a servant can have?

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Fuck no, push those limits user.

Too lewd

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Fuck, she looks soft as hell. I just want to hug in on a bed, beneath a blanket, all day long.

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you are a faggot if you need to ask.

>ever rolling for raitabortion

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Boomers are redpilled yeah. Why pay for a slot for sluts? Literally free everywhere else

I don't hate gacha, just low quality garbage shit ruining my porn like FGOshit

You know when I see characters like that I assume they are over 5'8, but in reality they are less than 5'2.

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Because I want a real game, Type-Moon, you hacks.

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Damn. What's the tag? Can only get "chest_press" to get certain images like these where massive mammaries converge.

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god i wish i could

They can't make real games

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that video has source my as written on it

Case in point: look at all the fap material anons are posting in here, and you didn't need to download shit to see it. Fuck gachas.

I think they're pretty fun.

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Favorite girl then?

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They weren't kidding about jap fascination with belts.
>A collar
>Floating armbands

Gachas are just low quality bait made for scrawny weebcucks to spend their money for a *chance* to get some drawings that took 10 minutes for an intern to draw. Since so many autists fall for that shit it's a goldmine for companies to steal money with no effort.

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Literally couldn't name a single character posted itt. I just see tits.


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That's a shame.

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have sex

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We can go bigger I'm sure.

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>another ecchi thread

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what would they feel like to touch? or lay your head on at night while she strokes your hair?

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At least a Small thread died for it.

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I don't pay shit for gacha. It's just something that lets me turn time I'd otherwise waste shitting or waiting in lines into little chips I can gamble with.

Yea Forums: i buy all these games solely because there are attractive females with large breasts in them without looking any further past that!

also Yea Forums: wtf why are games so shallow yet expensive now

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No raifu, no laifu.

Attached: ILpxh2n.jpg (800x1132, 712K)

Same here. I just got finished shooting a load to some pr0n.

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>Yea Forums: I'll pay for these lootboxes solely because they're pretty
>Yea Forums: wtf why are games so shallow yet expensive now
FTFY, also
>Yea Forums is one person

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time to pass the torch, one of you take over.

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use google.

How does a master get around to doing anything without having his balls drained constantly by all the semen demons in Chaldea?

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Canonically speaking, Servants don't need a Mana Transfer unless their Master a shit default power source.

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Twitter is absolute garbage as an art platform and I have no idea why people bother using it for that.

I love Refithia!

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>drawings that took 10 minutes for an intern to draw
don't bully pako you fuck

[email protected]

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Try "Asymmetrical Docking".

meditating with my wife

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Sounds fun.

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Why did you post your email?

I'm masturbating RIGHT NOW

For fun.

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its how i got her pregnant

I can’t read Japanese please help

I know meditation could do stuff but I didn't know it could get your wife pregnant.

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the removal of the e-mail field was a mistake

we could all have our own e-mail PM boxes

Never read or played anything fate but i liked the concept of summoning.
Do you get a choice or way to influence who you summons?
What if you don't like who you summon?
Or they don't like you.

What is she planning to do with all of those vegetables?

Big Boobies :D
But waiting 12 hrs for some lame point meter to fill up (or you could pay to fill it immediately!) for a likely rigged gamble that lands you the same useless common item you've gotten 50 times before is fucking awful.

they're not video games and they don't belong on the video games board.



Cleavage or under-boob?

>no armpit hair

Attached: image.jpg (480x353, 10K)

lets just say the meditation session turned into a mating session

I see.

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How come the porn is so good?

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I wish I was the one on the left.

we don't

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