Should I get this for $18? I love the first two.
I suppose. The series seems to have a tradition of being radically different with each installment. Just don't expect horse riding.
just pirate it
Yeah it's alright. Par for the course, really. They DO have a "Classic mode" option if the new gameplay changes aren't your thing, but I don't fully know what it does because I didnt try that yet.
Was pretty fun for a while - honestly didn't finish it because other games came out I was more interested in and I got a good way in. Some of its dumb and it can actually be pretty hard in some spots but also exploitable
Just finished last night. As a massive fan of the first two, I was initially very put off by the Souls-esque changes to the game and that Fury plays like a melee character rather than a mage.
Also, actual early game spoiler: Fury's horse dies in the early game and you never get to ride it.[spoiler/]
After finishing though, I think it's my favorite entry in the series. The combat is incredibly satisfying and the mage aspects are expressed more in her traversal and instant weapon switching than in combat -- not what I was expecting but it makes sense when you play it. The story is good and Fury has an actual arc, unlike the other two games which have a world that changes whole War and Death remain static. The game is very much about Fury and the ending makes for an interesting plot thread for them to pull on later.
The Crucible DLC helps iron out a lot of the game's issues by letting you get tools that make the main game less tedious. Don't be proud, look up how to get the Juggernaut enhancement ASAP and max that out first. The damage reduction is necessary to enjoy the game. The Chaos Enhancement is good too.
All in all, I spent ~$45 for the Deluxe and am very satisfied. Really looking forward to the DLC next month.
Also, somehow by the end of the game I ended up with kind of a crush on Fury. Not sure exactly how that happened. Just be aware that she has a well defined ass under that loincloth.
Well fuck me. At least I spoiled the spoiler. Most of that is fine to read, just ignore what's right after my warning if you're worried about it.
>I love the first two.
Where do you get it for 18 dollars? Digital? PC?
No, it absolutely sucks. The Dark Souls style gameplay completely clashes with the way it seems it should work, you have these long combo strings akin to the other game, but they are completely useless since you're going to be spending most of your time blocking and dodging and poking with small attacks. Just play Dark Souls again rather than play some shitty knock-off
Makes it so you can dodge interrupt your attacks and item use is immediate and has no animation. In my opinion it's the only way to enjoy the game.
it's more like dark souls than the previous ones
PS4 gamefly sale
Oh is that what it does?
>I love the first two.
Then... YES? How is this even a question dude
How's the game with the classic combat option they patched in?
an instant classic
The game plays differently than either prior game and has slightly weaker art direction since Joe Mad wasn't as involved. It's not bad but you can feel that it's a slightly altered team from the other two games.
As I mentioned in my long-ass, mostly spoilered post, it's still my favorite overall but I could see it not pleasing every fan.
At least twice as good. The original playstyle was really fucking awful. The changes sound slight on paper but they completely alter how you play. I also recommend the Obscurous Enhancement which increases i-frames during dodge. That and Juggernaut make the game feel much more like the older games.
Hmm, well, okay, but if you "loved" the first two games, and you can get the 3rd for almost bargain bin price, then why wouldn't you? Every cent counts so they can make Strife's game. Also buy DS: Genesis please.
No. Just wait until it's free on epic store.
>tfw Strife game is a mix of Banquised+DMC
i can dream goddamnit
I mean, I'm on board with you user. Especially at sub-$20, I'd agree it's no question.
And no need to beg, Genesis looks fucking grand. Can't wait.
I liked it a lot more than 2, which I thought was awful.
For $18? Sure, go ahead, it's not a long game