Game ends on a cliffhanger

>game ends on a cliffhanger
>never gets a sequel

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Dante's Inferno and The Wolf Among Us

Mega Man ZX Advent

Prince of Persia 2008

Dino crisis 2

>The Wolf Among Us
True, sad it only had 1 episode.

>game ends on a cliffhanger
>series goes dead
>comes back, years later
>ends on a bigger, even more baffling cliffhanger

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14 years later, still mad.

>Game ends with everyone dying
>Then shows title screen for sequel that becomes deconfirmed on twitter

Fuck EA jews

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>Game ends on a cliffhanger
>Never gets a sequel
>Sequel gets teased as a major seller for a handheld
>Initial production begins on sequel with collaboration from fans, hype, etc, everything looks great
>Sequel gets shitcanned and protagonist gets left on the moon

I will never not be mad. DO YOU HEAR ME, CAPCOM? I. WILL. NEVER. NOT. BE. FUCKING. MAD.


yes i am bitter

Joke's on you, Xenoblade Chronicles X2 is definitely going to happen!

>game ends nicely
>gets a cliffhanger added 10 years later without a sequel being confirmed

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Battlefield Bad Company 1 and 2

2 Just retconned 1's story, then ended on a cliffhanger itself

what game

>game ends on cliffhanger
>next game is a prequel
>next game is a soft reboot

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That's the first one that came to mind.

this is like 10 jrpg series i think


>we will never save Jenny
It hurts

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There are only two deadspace games

was about to post it, what a shame

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Star Wars: Republican Commander

What game?

>game ends in a cliffhanger
>next game is a reboot

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Anyone play that point and click game “dead synchronicity”??
It ended on a fucking time travel and a batshit ending that not had a single word said about it since episode one release

>Dante's Inferno
>Admitting to playing trash

>game has a self-contained story that develops its characters well and leaves you fully satisfied after the conclusion

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I just wanted to save Movieland one more time.

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>people want a sequel anyway
>devs cave to the pressure and release a sequel that satisfies no one

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That game was shit anyway.


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The perfect video game
Literally Dragon Age Origins. It was supposed to be a modern Baldur's Gate type game and was a one-and-done project.
"""FANS""" are the shitheads who don't know any better.



>game series has good lore and writing
>lore and writing is mostly removed after 2012 in favor of a mascot
>lore and writing might actually come back in 2020 because of the director and because the mascot is now a minor role

I’m hopeful

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What is Advent Rising

This sounds familiar but what game?

>Game has a cliff hanger
>"Sequel is coming soon!"
>The game wasn't profitable so no sequel
It fucking hurts. I want to know more about the lore.


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Sly Cooper 4

This. It fucking hurts so goddamn much.

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Morrigan's kid was a huge sequel bait though to be fair.

We're lucky enough to experience this twice with Shenmue

We will never ever get nicks full story after crashing the helicopter

We will never ever train with the horned alien to see the full extent of Gideons power
"Come with me human...there is much to be done" aaaaaaaaaaaaa

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Animal Crossing, Nogami's back at the helm for the newest game

What is Skies Of Arcadia

>game begins on a cliffhanger
>sequel never explains or follows on it

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>game series only has one sequel and billions of prequels

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Animal Crossing. Nogami is the director again after not working on a mainline game since the third game.

I liked the character episodes in the second and third game

What series?


Man, after that ending with Jenny I was anticipating a third game where you fight your way to Angelus and it ends on a cliffhanger involving the Witchblade, than a 4th game comes out where you play as Sara and have to take them both down since their rivalry is plunging the world towards destruction.

But alas, it was never meant to be.

It might still happen. One day.

I'm also hoping for a high-class Warhammer 40k game, but call me insanely optimistic.

>game ends on a cliffhanger
>eventually gets a sequel
>it's the last of us 2

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Could be worse, a sequel could be announced but exclusive to the Epic Store.

>The Lost Age ends on a cliffhanger, wait over seven years for a sequel to come out
>Dark Dawn ends on a cliffhanger, still waiting eight-and-a-half years later

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> 20 Years of forced stasis

Remind me to never get the attention of a gman anons

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>game ends on a cliffhanger
>sequel is lower several ratings and is rated PG-13 effectively ruining it

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>Oh wow this game looks good
>Read on Yea Forums it ends on a cliffhanger
>All motivation to play it is suddenly gone

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if game's story ends with cliffhanger, it's a shit story and it's probably better if there is no sequel. Cause what kind of people would end story with cliffhanger?

Deus Ex Mankind Divided

Someday, soldier.

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I'll never what was injected into Blade

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The memes, jack

I'm still mad about this

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>ctrl+f no half life

Really ?

It hurts so much, user. It hurts...

It was posted earlier you dipshit

>the ENTIRE second half of this game
what a fucking travesty

Sly Cooper, fuck sanzaru games

Came here for this

Kung Pow

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