Cyberpunk 2077 official twitter trolling the official Playstation twitter

BASED Cyberpunk 2077 official twitter btfo'd the official Playstation twitter

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based polaks

Those faggots (CD) didn't even have a conferance.

lmao look at these companies pretending to be people

Why the fuck is "Based" still not auto filtered

For fucks sake its been nearly 4 years

4chanx has had a filter feature for years newfag

>don't have a conference
>still get most views
>still be the only thing people talk about


-Oldfag since SAGE & Moot era

Ignoring blood in your asshole leads to cancer and eventually Death

>he doesn't know oldfag is pre 2006

Has anyone asked if Cyberpunk will be censored on the PS4?

when will twitter screencaps be banned

Agreed. There is a thick layer of irony in this twitter conversation

>still the only thing people talk about

aside from people arguing about the tranny poster i've hardly heard anything. There's more threads on a single smash bros character than cyberpunk, and the 2 threads up about it just seem to be making fun of it

Yes because of the demand from Sony. PC version would be uncensored (only Steam and GOG).

>Billion Dollar Corporation 1 : Blah blah blah
>Billion Dollar Corporation 2 : Blah blah blah

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Such a simple thing would improve the board so much that it isn't even funny.

You have no idea what that means
This is playful banter

did they actually fire the guy who made the "did you assume my gender" joke

based af

topkek @ overly seething so(n)yggers here

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Based, fuck sony

samefag self bumper

haha corporations talking like humans is funny haha going to consume product

What the frick is a moot error

IPs user

what exactly is btfo about this?



Attached: sony_btfo_twice.png (1892x994, 1.02M)

Ha ha ha we need kill all brands ha ha ha we really need to

Silence, brands

Oh my god so epic!!! I clapped when I saw him say no!!! I clapped!!! I'm going to go make yet anothet smash thread now despite there being one in the catalog already so we can discuss leaker discord drama!!!

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Cope harder

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yyyyeeeeoooongyea asked a quest dev guy and he said he hadn't heard anything about it

holy fucking kek CDPR

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