and it costs 9€ on GOG, thank god I pirated it
Jesus this game is atrocious
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Fuck yourself
I couldn't have fun with it either
t. Bleszinski
western devs can't make platformers for shit
I only played the first one
Jazz Jackrabbit 2 is great you tasteless nigger.
Shut your whore mouth zoomer brandon is a fucking legend.
This game has one of the best soundtracks of all time.
Sadly this.
Hey Cliff.
>Music makes a game good.
Are you an autist?
holy FUCK i love this song. I remember playing this game. The music from the hippie level was decent too.
When I played this as a kid I was super excited when I found a secret level in the castle world, but as soon as you beat the secret level it would drop you back into it. I was so upset because I couldn’t figure out a way to get out of it.
undisputably, undeniably, unequivocally BASED
I remember playing it as a kid, it was barely decent at best
the Alice in Wonderland level was the only memorable one
Lori a cute tho
Hey Cliff
I found it in a cereal box back in the day. Turned off after two levels. It felt like a Castlevania for kids to be honest but failed at being entertaining
I really hate that the Secret Files is such a rush job.
Even the title screen looks worse
My grandfather had one of those old 1000 games collection discs, and my brother and I would play the shut out of it every time we visited. There was a jazz jackrabbit demo on there I remember playing a lot. I think it also had a demo for worms Armageddon, which I played a ton of too.
original version
if you didnt know it got a remix fan album last year
ok, once again, what does the music has to do with it? the game is a shit platformer but the ost was fine, hell the haunted house music was great
I'm generally of the opinion that remixes tend to be downgrades for one reason or another, and this was no exception.
It's good, but the original goes on my playlist. This does not.
This for the most part, but a remix to an ancient song you already know is a nice feeling.
Obviously nothing can compare to the original composition but its by no means a bad tribute.
For its time this game was really FUN. Not hard. Not complex. JUST FUN.
Also had a level editor wich really made the experience amazing. I wasn't part of the online comunity because I had even less english than now, but it sure looked amazing. And playing local with friends was really fun too. Tons of modes even for the time.
Also to this day I support Alexander Brandon, his music is legendary.
Sure. Especially when it's one of the less popular tracks that never got much attention before, but you personally really liked. This album mostly covered all bases, but I can think of various tracks that didn't age well from other games, such as ones on Game Boy and the like. When I find remixes of those, it cheers me up a lot.
Of course not. I appreciate it.
Idk, back in elementary school a kid had it and let us borrow it from him (good old days without DRM)
everyone returned it to him the next day
I was the only one who kept for a weekend but even I stopped playing it halfway through
the level based on alice in wonderland was based tho
But i like it