Was it boneitis?

Was it boneitis?

Attached: Baldurs Gate 3.webm (1920x818, 1.78M)


Attached: boneitis.webm (960x410, 2.98M)

redpill me on Baldurs Gate
I know its an isometric CRPG series set in the Dungeons and Dragons universe. It's not turn based is it?

No, it's real time. But you can pause during combat and set up what you want your party to do. Think Dragon Age (DA1 was it's "spiritual successor"), but decently designed and not fucking awful.

Baldur's Gate was one of the first Real-Time-With-Pause games in the CRPG genre.

What was it really though?
He turns into like a Cthulhu monster

Attached: file.png (1920x816, 1.36M)

It was his one regret.



Why wasn't he wearing gauntlets or gloves? You're telling me he can afford a breastplate and shoulderpads but doesn't own any gloves? Just asking for an ouchie on his fingies.

What's happening to Aragorn!?

Fun games with lots of roleplaying and great dialogues
Killing people with fireballs en masse is deeply satisfying

Attached: 20180315175729_1.jpg (1920x1080, 309K)

>all that text
Big yikes from me dawg

do yourself a favour and google Mind Flayer lore, it's pretty rad

It's Cthulhu, dumbass

googled "Ceremorphosis"
>grossed out and turned on at the same time......
>come on bruh.jpg while looking at my bulge.
do you have anymore horror transformation stuff. i have some infectious urges that need to be slayed.........

Attached: moar-cat.jpg (735x577, 94K)

I think they mentioned during E3 that something is not right because illithid tadpole doesn't take over their host this fast and that it might be magical sped up.

For better sword grip, or just for cool factor.

What's that huge tentacle in the sky? And who are those floating guys? Other transformed squid-people?

Maybe he took them off because he wasn't feeling so good. It's nice to have your hands free and dexterous when you are doing something else besides actively fighting

Go away Pete Hines


Its not that great. People only jerk off about it because they're boomers and they're nostalgic about it. Baldurs Gate was so well liked at the time because it was like playing DnD with the game as the DM.
The combats trash because its based on fucking DnD with no actual DM, the choices are very very minimal and the settings boring. If you're interested in older CRPGs play Planescape.
Also, if you're playing CRPGs for their combat, you're a mouth breathing retard.

BG3 might use RTWP but I dont think it fits DnDs combat, so I don't know why they would use it. Obsidians recently said using RTWP with PoE2 was a mistake.
Also, even though its going to be based off of 5e, they're going to try to add in interactive shit to make combat fun, their examples have been: flipping tables or grabbing a chair and beating someone with it.

I think they mentioned that this was something new that kept to ceremorphosis in an interview but this is also a fucking trailer. Its supposed to be cool, sell the setting, the look of the game, the main threat and be thematic.
What else would they do? Have the guy go home and slowly get his brain consumed over the course of a few days?

Is Cthulhu actually in this game? I thought you had to license the character from HP Lovecraft's family or whoever owns it now

>As long as she has a damn fine ass, I'm open to suggestions

Attached: 1537182182976.jpg (324x278, 27K)

>What else would they do?
No i get what they did it was for the sake of cool, the grognard in me wanted answers though and they gave a satisfying one.

ooooooh shit, Baldur's Gate is real time?

Can you play solo or do you have to juggle a half dozen companions?

top reference
medium kek

I thought Mind Flayers had to insert a worm into your ear in order to convert you into one of them?

It is possible to solo, but you need to know the game in and out to pull it of. Normally you are supposed to run around with a full party.

parasite eve has a bitch transform into something that makes a horse noise