Why are Japanese games so much better than Western ones?

Why are Japanese games so much better than Western ones?

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Because you're a weeb.

>posts a Chinese woman
Why do you guys always do this? It's not hard to find pictures of Japanese women

Retarded nips can't make good FPS games.

Because they're made by people who care more about making a game and less about being woke

Ironically, they have soul.

day of the roast soon

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Vanquish is good

There are no SJWs there to infringe on their rights as creators.

chink doesnt have soul user



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Are you fucking retarded?
Is Vanquish a First Person Shooter?

yeah but it's not an FPS

arr rook the same

cry for me white trailer trash
cry for me
this is what I live for

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Japan never produced anything even close to the Witcher
sorry kid, looks like the west wins again

jap game devs generally create the game they want.
they dont shove in political agendas to please wokefags

japanese are nerds and still have a passion to make fun and interesting games for the sake of it, while western gaming has devolved into complete money-grabbing or pandering. don’t get me wrong, both sides have their fuck ups

GameFreak says hi.


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too bad the only pic of her feet is a low res far away shot

10 IQ points higher.

Japan never produced anything even close to Mount and Blade.
sorry kid, looks like the west wins again

I disagree.

Debate me.

Oh no no no

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No Japanese equivalent of Witcher 3
No Japanese equivalent of the Anno series
No Japanese equivalent of any FPS game
No Japanese equivalent of Assassin's creed when it was good
No Japanese equivalent of GTA series
No Japanese equivalent of Dying Light
No Japanese equivalent of Oblivion
No Japanese equivalent of Original Sin
No Japanese equivalent of Diablo type games
No Japanese equivalent of any roguelikes




Woah...this is a tough choice...

They are better because even with corporate suit intervention and demands, they're still allowed to be creative with everything else. The suits just ask that they add stupid shit to make more money like DLC and such. In the West, it's almost impossible to make the game the developer wants, instead they have to make what the suits demand and they have zero creative input in it at times.

white boys are cuter than white girls. The world has never had a need for Western women, even the Romans and Greeks knew this

>No Japanese equivalent of any FPS game
Everything else you said was irrelevant (and I don't know how relevant even this is since there's only a handful of good FPSs anyways), because those games all blow. Oblivion is only good because it's funny how bad it is.

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>bukkake gangbang galore
>scat and eel porn galore
Totally not degenerate xD

>world ranking
>US isn't even in the top 5


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That list is also outdated. It says US has an average IQ of 98, but it's probably actually 96 or lower now.

>implying I give a shit about the rest of this country when I'm a Masshole
As far as I'm concerned everyone here is honorary Japanese

Than why is south korean game absolute trash?

Niggers and spics are pulling the average down

are you implying wh*toids don't partake in that shit too? at any rate getting blacked is far more degenerate than eel porn

not americanized enough yet. Same deal for other asian countries on there.

Because americucks are too worried about hurting the feelings of a bunch of insane fags and niggers instead of worrying if the game is actually good or not

Literally a mutant.

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This is fake. Her nostrils are bigger at the end. Her jawline and chin also gets bigger.

Why do people idolize these monstrosities again?

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neither that since he's an normalfag

>one quarter of asian women marry white men
>less than 4% of white men marry asian women
Really makes you think.

Only their Horror games are, the rest of them are as garbage as western ones


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to be sincere the only real ugly things about her are the no eyebrows and the giant teeth...the first is probably on purpose to make it easy to apply the make up and the second would appear anyway if she just smiled it


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Because the JERK STORE CALLED, they're running out of YOU!

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Why do you keep making these threads? When are you going to Japan?

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Then where the fuck is their equivalent of AoE2, Warcraft, Quake and Civ?

>dark skin and actually cute
it really is just white women who can't be attractive

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>women "comedians"

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She looks fucking horrible, like an actual rice gnawing monster. Holy fucking shit get some standards.

this fat fuck will never be happy, may as well annoy everyone until committing suicide

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Brain scans show that people feel disgust when seeing interracial couples, even if they say otherwise. White guys do shit like this because they know non-white women give them bonus points for being white. There are white women like her in America, and they're not jungle monkeys, but he could never get them.

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>I-It's not t-true this c-can't be r-real

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probably a whitewashed drug addict too

>Western asians

That chick is barely Asian. She is probably more negrito/dravidian/papuan than actual East Asian.

Boomers are fucking blind.

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All this
>Asian women love white guys
>we're not your mail order brides! yaaassss women!
shit sounds completely foreign to me, and I'm American. I think I've seen three Asians in my entire life.

This. based af

Same language, same people and they look the same

Yeah Asain women are full of bullshit. They have white fever, not the other way around.

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Most people don't know the difference between Northeast and Southeast Asians. Most people think Mediterraneans aren't white. Most people think abos are black. Most people think Caucasian is synonymous with white.

Most people are stupid, user.

who is this, she's cute as fuck

beats me

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definitely white-washed catholic girl from New York or Cali, there is no in between


feel bad for the baby

She is cute enough without makeup. The worst part is her skin, which probably bad because she uses makeup.

That's most definitely skewed to western asians, gooks stay in gookland. Some get surgeries paid for by their parents for their sweet 16.

>that height difference

It's interesting they neglected to provide the race and sex of the participants. If the reaction in the insula is actually disgust as purported by some, I'm almost completely sure the ones disgusted most are Black Women and White Men. These two are the most fucking triggered when seeing their race (generally, opposite of their sex) fuck anyone who doesn't look like them.

>She is cute enough without makeup

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I don't think that's true, but okay.

America doesn't call non-white Caucasians "Asian" like they do in the British Caliphate.

>went to Asia, Japan, and Vietnam
doubt [x]

oops meant Japan and Vietnam*

Which 5'5 27 year old anti-social perma-NEET keeps posting these yellow-fever threads?

You fucking blind bruh? She has great facial structure.

Nigger, you gay.

What's wrong with ugly ass people getting surgery to fix themselves again? Every ugly person should do this

Are you poor bro?

>focus on pronouns instead of adding Lasombra

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>a dozen semi-attractive naked ladies
>a single jap



video games

>ottoman empire


I think at one point this could be debated. But western games have gone full retard on wokeness thats hard to ignore by even the most apolitical people. Plus western games are too formulaic, AAA publishers are scared shitless to fund anything that could possibly not sale well with normies, this is why nip games have so much better gameplay, especially now.

most people don't have 47 chromosomes,but you're special

It's true so long as you restrict yourself to playing console games (3rd person action games, fighting games, JRPGs) and eroge. HOWEVER
If you search for "japanese strategy games" you are directed to pages about Go and Shogi.
If you search for "japanese strategy games pc", you get "japanese samurai games pc" instead.

Japanese games are slowly becoming the new normalfag bait, with Microsoft pushing anime shit and Jap games becoming localized/ported to PC/streamed. Especially with all the sex appeal bait that normies eat up just as much as weebs.

Actual enthusiasts are now turning back to the west, with smaller indie developers and crowdfunding bringing old genres and games back to life.

Yea Forums will deny this though, in an attempt to retain their contrarian, weeb identity.

A shitposter is born.

i play exclusively on pc the best games this year were all jap

What you just said is l i t e r a l l y contrarian


You're a weeb. Thus you automatically do not have any taste.

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Were they 3rd person action games, fighting games or JRPGs?

re2,ac7,dmc5 and sekiro

The Studio's Owner is just being diplomatic