Undeniable soul
Undeniable soul
Other urls found in this thread:
everything about sunshine was soulful
odyssey was soulless
Odyssey and BotW have super shitty UI design that I agree that they're soulless. Makes me happy that Fire Emblem Three Houses actually has effort put into UI
When you fuckers refuse to buy the Wii U which was the most soulful console they ever made, then they have to subdue their trademark comfiness so that the average normie doesn't notice it. But, if you pay attention you can see that their menus and such still have soul. It's just hidden, like I said, so that retards don't cry about it being for children.
Thats the mario land 2 savestate selection screen you retard
Compete rack of soul
imagine actually being nostalgic for super mario sunshine
You're fucking gay. Soul doesn't have to mean 90s CGI aesthetic. Odyssey is dripping with soul, and anyone who can't tell is the definition of soulless.
>the Wii U which was the most soulful console they ever made
Not an argument.
if butt fucking ugly UI is what defines soul, sure sunshine had tons of soul
Sorry we didn't want to play with a Wii pro controller merged into a tablet.
>Odyssey is dripping with soul
Unironically looks good
Odyssey was fucking trash. 64 and Sunshines bros UNITE!
Why would they waste their time on a menu that the majority of players will hardly use?
last example is better
sound soul > visual soul
Why do sunshine fans hate odyssey so much
Why do the vast majority of modern games feel so homogeneous? I feel like nothing has an individual identity anymore.
Odyssey is Reddit's favorite 3D Mario, Yea Forums's favorite is Sunshine, go figure
First images are official Nintendo concept art zoomer. Don't know why you're shilling your unfunny youtube video over it.
Sunshine doesnt have brochures though
Its numale reddit fagot shit
I hate that "soul/soulless" gets treated like a meme because I think there's some truth to it and I like discussing why that is but all anybody ever wants to do is go "hurr old thing good new thing bad"
all games have minimalistic ui because none of them have the balls to just forego ui altogether
odyssey was a really good game, and people who dislike it are pure and utter nostalgiatards
I want to like this song but some rhymes are really forced.
So what's an example of a recent game with soulful UI?
So you thought the games would look like complete outdated shit? Well it looks last gen so you're half right I guess
I really wish I'd stop procrastinating on filtering "soul" and "soulless."
This image is so stupid and you should feel bad for saving it.
its more like the old game has soul and the new game doesn't
Mario 64 is the only good Mario game.
OOT and MM are the only good Zelda games.
Star Fox 64 is the only good Star Fox game.
The left isn't possible in real time yet. SGI workstations used raytracing.
>Why does a bonus level at the end of the game not feature the entire fucking game of SM64
How retarded is this image?
You just wanted New Super Mario 64?
odyssey has tight intuitive controls, but almost everything else about it is mediocre or shit.
"soul" doesn't actually mean anything
Why would I forgive you for being such a faggot? Go ask your father for forgiveness.
3D world is the best 3D Mario game
neither do modern games zoomer
Odyssey doesn't take you to the main menu when you start the game. I literally didn't see the menu until around 30 hours in, since you don't have to shut down the switch.
Yes. Mario 64 is the only Mario game I ever liked.
Don't be stupid. 'Soul' has whatever meaning people apply to it.
Yeah, 2D Mario but in 3D was very soul. And Brawl 1.5. And ruined WW. And Bland Kart 8. And fucking Musou Zelda. I wonder why the Wii U failed.
Is Sunshine zoomers first Mario?
Fuck off Sunshinefag
The Wii U failed because of bad marketing and timing, that's literally the only reason.
ok dad, don't you have some silver monster to be sipping
maybe its subjective, I don't know. So much wierd shit sticks out to me, maybe I'm being autistic
>the text doesnt fill up the dialogue bubble things all the way
>the spacing between characters is all fucky
>all of the things are slightly transparent colored but some of them are styled like brushstrokes while others are just solid
>why does the dialogue shit have to be curved anyways the boxes aren't always to the side and above the character, sometimes they're on the same height as where the characters head is
>fludd speech bubbles cover like half the screen sometimes when they pop up
Because teenagers like yourself were too busy masturbating to leave your room and buy it.
because all the Gamecube kiddies grew up and have nostalgia for shit games now
Yes, really
It's funny because I own that piece of shit console. And I would have sold it ages ago if I had a Wii, HDMI Wii/GC is literally its only purpose.
You thought it'd look like a shitty "ULTRA HD GRAFIX" mod?
Modern Nintendo hates soul
Soul refers to the clever techniques used to work around technical limitations of the time and genuine effort and charm put into a game.
What did you mean by this? It doesn't matter what you think of the Wii U library, it's basically the Switch library lacking a few games. Yet the Switch did incredibly well, despite just being a portable Wii U with fewer games at launch. Most people don't care about the games as much, they are led by marketing and group think.
I loved that menu back then
>Yea Forumsermin pretend this is the greatest thing since sliced bread, the revival of survival horror even
>goes multiplat
>it always sucked lmao
Then it happened again with Rayman, Sonic and even Devil's Turd.
Ray tracing just came out and you expecting any game to look like bottom left?
so you mean odyssey has more soul than 64?
My problem with Odysseeis that it's way too easy and lacks the traditional platforming which I'm used to. I don't care about soul, Odyssee as plenty of it.
As someone who loves all 3D Marios, this is the only complaint that has any merit
and are just nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking
so it's just another way of saying "i like this"
You probably just don't like it because you're soulless.
>going multiplat sucked out the core mechanic of ZombiU and axed local multiplayer
>Devil's Third on PC doesn't have the singleplayer
The actual look looks better
The Switch did well for being a console/handheld hybrid and having a Zelda at launch, the ports of garbage games had no influence. In fact, if people didn't care about the games as you say, the ports wouldn't rightfully underperform as they did.
I agree, but how do you actually describe it though?
It’s 2019 not 1999 grandpa take your fucking meds
Mandrama is the best example
>here's a vague idea of what we want you to convey. Go and say whatever
>megastars all over the place
>old fuck telling a bunch of geek writers in a room to make a scripted cringy speech the wrestler has to say verbatim
Same exact reason gaming is dead
BotW's menu is very soulless too.
He's only wrong about SM64 being the only good Mario, when it's actually the only good 3D Mario.
That pic is ironic right ?
i dont know anything about wrasslin
but the images you keep posting are pre-rendered promo art. it doesn't really make sense to compare a pre-rendered image to a video game.
does anyone have those scans from the jap magazine where the mario 64 stages were rendered like clay dioramas?
No, it's true, it implies there's a breaking point past of which corporate soulless greedy uninspired generic derivative sterile bland boring dull dour style kills all magic and imagination, and it's true. Look no further than RE2make and FFVIIr.
Odyssey blows Sunshine out of the beautifully-rendered Gamecube water. They're both worse than the Galaxies though.
That's a strange way of saying gamecube you whore.
No. Ur just too soulless to understand soul
>idea is that the canopy of trees act as a house
>lmao freestanding fireplace bruh
wtf i have literally never seen this particular screenshot before, did they seriously interpret it that way?
I like both.
Now the All-Stars remake of the original on the other hand.....
I'm only 30 you shits.
There's some truth to this, even if you're shitposting. Modern games are ridiculously cluttered and it's only gotten worse with recent grainy effect trends. You're bombarded with little details as visual noise and very few of them are actually interactive or even relevant, as opposed to low poly where the boundaries of a level are immediately recognizable and things like switches and buttons were often obvious overlaid low res textures.
Because it had bad marketing, most people didn't even knew it was a new thing and just an add-on for the wii also why it did so well in Germany compared to other markets
I genuinely dislike the bland, washed out colors of the original SMB3.
Did they do anything else other than fucking up the brick physics? It's a confirmed oversight and there's a patch to fix it.
Used to be, but like everything on this shithole, everything done ironically is eventually done seriously.
Germans love scat.
Did it have different marketing in germany or something?
As far as I can tell, you can basically translate soul to "I like the art design here better but I lack the terminology and understanding to explain why."
>were promised a 3d mario like 64 and sunshine
>got korok hunting in random asset pack worlds
>comparing a file select screen to a pause menu
fucking hell, i hope this is bait
i cant imagine having such shit taste
I don’t think foot fetish threads are allowed on Yea Forums
This. As demonstrated by this loser:
I'd say people were just aware that it was it's own thing. Bear in mind that Germany is traditionally a PC gaming country, someone who grew up with gaming likely started on the C16, 64 or Amiga. So your average boomer likely knows a guy who knows some tech, he isn't really that clueless about that stuff. And also bear in mind that Germans are penny-pinchers, so they will do some research on a product and also ask thier family or friends about it. I guess the Wii U being the only downwards-compatible console also really helped it a lot. It wasn't a huge sucess, but it had a comfortable lead over the Xbone which is much better than in most other markets.
thats odyessys main menu you fucking donut
I prefer All-Stars because I played it first.
>ruined WW
There's literally nothing wrong with WWHD
The multiplayer was the only good thing about Devil's Third
Sunshine also didn't have music or musical numbers
IT was good
>Fire Emblem
Sorry for your cognitive disabilities.
>Fire Emblem Three Houses actually has effort
Collecting shit is not fun in odyssey. Theres too many moons scattered too close to each other, making the main focus of the game trivial. Also linear platforming challenges are too short to be any fun and there are too few of them
>Left castle
Blocky shit that hasn't aged well
>Right castle
Smooth and pleasing to the eye
>Left indoors
Looks like some kid just painted shit on the walls for no reason
>Right indoors
Looks like the actual indoors of a whimsical fantasy castle
>Left Dorrie
Soulless, beady eyes. Looks like it just ate a toad as it kicked and screamed, begging for its life.
>Right Dorrie
Actually looks friendly, would swim with. Also fitting the hat theme of Odyssey well.
>techniques used to work around technical limitations of the time
has absolutely fucking nothing to do with soul
soul is about honesty and passion. a genuine belief and high degree of care for your game. a level of verisimilitude and depth that can only be achieved when the developers truly like the project they're working on. it's all about presentation and fun.
soulless is what happens when you get suits giving top down requirements like "hurrrr lets make a battle royale because those are popular" or "durrr open world, hur dur skyrim was gud so we gotta do that"
The fun stopped in Odyssey when it came time to go around the entire level with a metal detector, only to find a moon buried on some place that didn't look conspicuous at all.
Sounds like you interpreted it wrong
there were some retarded moons, yes, but there were plenty of enjoyable moons to more than make up for a full game's worth of content. should not be an issue unless you're an autistic completionist.
>people are unironically claiming Mario Shitshine is good now
Contrary to popular opinion, 3D Mario games never had soul
GCbabs have always been obnoxious as fuck.
So nostalgia has gameplay while soul only looks pretty. Alright, I understand now.
>looks fantastic even today
remasters don't count you dumdum
>invented revolutionary new tech
such as...
>shitting on SM64 soundtrack
pull your fathers' cocks out of your ears
>too autistic to pick up on personality without voice acting
maybe you should just stick to train watching as a hobby
Sunshine is one of my favorite Mario games and I loved Odyssey, Bubblaine felt like a love letter to sunshinefags
have sex lol
ps1 games have always looked like shit with all the aliasing. not a problem in the n64
SMG 1+2 > all
go waggle a wiimote up your ass
Wrong, Sunshine is equally soulless
I love both
If you want to see this turned up to 11, check out the Ninja Gaiden Trilogy pack for the SNES.
why people hate Sunshine ?
It's boring and too much of the mission structures are the same.
I unironically like old Nessie more.
Dorrie got redesigned to look like the one on the right way before Odyssey though.
This and without a single trace of irony.
nintendo makes games for people who used to say “no tag backs” after tagging someone back
I don't know, I liked them both.
is there DLC worlds for odyssey when that is going to happen
The console ITSELF has a profile selection.
You don't NEED a file selection screen.