>Made by the original contra team, directed by Contra 3/Hard corps/Shin Contra director.
>Gameplay similar to Neo contra, with new options
>said to be the biggest contra in term of contents
>Story is set between Contra 3 and Hard corps, new cast of 4 characters
>Bill and Lance are said to somehow be in the story
>apparently very fun to play, dev said they are listening to feedbacks, maybe the graphics will be fixed before release.

If you want to see some Kaiser gameplay, skip to the end of the video.

Attached: Contra_-_Rogue_Corps_-_01.jpg (1000x563, 166K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Of all the franchise gonna had to revise, it had to be the one no one cared about...

It looks like ass. It's a damn shame that an indie game made by TWO (2) fucking BRs can blow the original team the fuck out.

It looks like fucking trash

I never played Neo Contra because it was 3d, is it good?

>Based off of Neo Contra

That's not a good sign.

Blow me user, Contra is kino and I can't fucking believe Konami would throw me a bone like this

Attached: lolwalter.png (397x408, 291K)

Look, the gameplay look alright, but jesus, they have to fix the graphics before september, it's a real turnout.
bug contra is cool tho.

Attached: bugcontra.png (303x358, 185K)

cant buy it yet? damn fuck off

I docked Nintendo by an entire grade because of this shit

this game looks like it should have been out last gen.

im guessing this was actually developed for wii,ps3, and 360, then it got cancelled only to be revived recently just because konami doesnt have any games.

Damn, This game is really pushing the graphics of the wii!

>>Story is set between Contra 3 and Hard corps
Seem to be more linked to hard corps considering pic related.

Attached: hardcorp.png (343x441, 356K)

you can here

I wasn't a big fan of joymasher's other games but this looks promising and certainly a hell of a lot better than rogue corps.

man they weren't joking when they say it's made by the original team
this dude in the video is old

talking about blazing chrome

this looks boring as sin

This. I hope it's good since I love Contra, but Blazing Chrome is higher on my list of things to look forward to.

I doubt they could revive and old project like that.
>Inside of Box - Tom duBois Art
Okay this is based. the guy was the original contra illustrator. he also drew most MSX/NES game covers of Konami.

Attached: c-contra-38315040-1526-698.jpg (1526x698, 468K)

>those graphics
well at least it will run on switch undocked at 60 fps....
Game better be ultra fun because they are really shit.

Attached: sample06.png (1200x675, 1.32M)

This interested me and I don't know why. I've only played the original and ReBirth and while they're both good they weren't my favorites. Maybe it's how out-there and insane the trailer was (particularly Kaiser throwing copter blades like a windmill shuriken and suplexing a missile), although hearing they got OG devs inspires some confidence (of course it's not a lock since Kickstarted spiritual successors say that all the time, and so did MvC Infinite).

If we're talking indies that are Contra-style I'll quickly mention Mechstermination Force, by the guy who made Gunman Clive. It's a Contra-style boss rush game but you have to blow apart and climb on the mechs like a 2D Shadow of the Colossus, and the OST tries to evoke 70s/80s mecha anime music.

Attached: 1490577161224.png (656x712, 428K)

I'll give it a shot for 40 bucks. Not going to lie though, I was not happy with the isometric at first glance.

I just want to mention that the Collection is bullshit because it includes Probotector titles as separate games but didn't include 4 or ReBirth.

Thanks for sharing this user, it looks dope

Attached: AinsleyApproval.jpg (398x500, 44K)


anyone who played post 5th gen contra games KNOWS that fucking neo contra was trash

but shit, fuck shattered soldiers bullshit with getting 100% on every level to see the end.

not dying? i could do that, but ALSO getting 100% score? FUCK YOU

>I doubt they could revive and old project like that.
whys that?

its really no different than all these companies re-releasing old games and remasters.

you'd have to be mentally retarded to think they'd put 4 on there.

This guy totally is Bill using a different name or at least is related to him right?

Attached: intro_kaiser_img.jpg (511x344, 99K)

>Mechstermination Force
Sweet, thanks for telling me-

Attached: 1334100421470.gif (294x200, 220K)

He is the bad guy from earlier titles.

>website have plenty of gameplay
>it's hidden by everything and is on the background
anyone could extract this shit?

also what's the engine? seem more like UE4 than Fox engine.

Attached: top_harakiri.png (402x548, 252K)

Not that user, but I'm wondering if there is a way to put Contra 4 on consoles without totally screwing up the display.

>black girl in Contra as the "captain"

Attached: intro_captain_img.jpg (266x167, 21K)

>apparently very fun to play
It looks like fucking trash, so nobody is going to bother finding out how it plays if they don't fix that.

since he's a cyborg, i'd say he's pic related from hard corps.

Attached: Deadeye_Joe_-_02.png (300x299, 207K)

>Made by the original contra team, directed by Contra 3/Hard corps/Shin Contra director.
>with guns pointed to their heads

so like every big studios in japan?

What was he even doing before this? Are all the old guard at Konami just sitting around collecting cash now that they're mostly into pachinko shit?

I don't care who made it, it looks like absolute fucking garbage and nothing like Contra.

Contra>MGS, especially that boring pile of wretched dogshit MGSV

The pachinko are not made by the vidya part of the company so no, and pachinko are dead since 2017.
maybe they work on projects that get cancelled before the announcement? the MGA director also is still at Konami but is nowhere to be seing (we just knows he was asked at one point to do another MG), same for most big guys.

I hope something big will happen in the future, there's still a little hope, the contra team is quite small, same for the Yu-gi-oh/sport games team, so the other have to work on something, especially since they made a new studio for vidya last year.

Probably arranging papers or cleaning hallways. That's how it works over there, since quitting the company is "too much of a dishonor".

>>Gameplay similar to Neo contra, with new options
This is where they fucked up.

>nothing like Contra.
>he never played the PS2 games

It's nothing like the GOOD Contra.

Will he return?

Attached: Animalcontra_design.png (480x445, 92K)

More than likely it's Unity like Bomberman R and Hyper Sports R

Everybody talk about the things they like in run n' guns so I can steal them for my game

Fuck off. Contra is legendary.

>indie dev makes side-scrolling shoot-em-up #310471924
lol never seen this one before!
why don't you learn how to make real games?

It is short game. Easy but fine co op shooter. Not realy Contra game.

Eh. Would it have killed them to make a new 2D contra?

the story is so insane it's kino.

maybe they weren't sure if it was going to work well?
if the contra collection sell well, a 2D contra will be more likely.

>maybe the graphics will be fixed before release.
Doubt it, you can tell quite easily that this is a low budget game, redoing models and the like sounds out of the question.

>Mechstermination Force
That game is so good yet nobody played it.

user if you really wanted to make it, you would. You'd be a Metal Slug fan, a Contra fan. You'd look at those games and go
>Hmm, what can I do different, or even better.

what made hard corps special was the multiple characters with weapons/abilities unique to them and branching paths that could lead to bosses and even final bosses exclusive to that path.

No one bought Uprising so I bet the producers saw that as a sign to go 3d instead of 2d.

Looks like fortnite

If i remembers correctly, Bomberman R actually had some graphics fix in updates, so maybe it will be the same.

who thought this faggot was a good idea?
Of all the animal contra they could have choosed, they got the most boring one.

Attached: store_bonus01.png (540x540, 372K)

what would you do if given the opportunity?

A lot of the things that made those games special are the execution of the little details more than anything, just attempting to "do" the same or something similar isn't going to lead nowhere.

Desu Hard Corps has an enormous flaw that keeps from replaying it regularly unlike the other 2D Contras, and that's the fight in the ruins with the sphere drone that may or may not be piloted by Deadeye Joe. Far, FAR too much waiting.

Willing to bet more people bought Contra 4 and Uprising over Neo Contra.

Now that you mention it, I hope this game also gets the same treatment.

Many would say it's a bad game but I never understand why

I dont know if you're a paid Konami shill or just optimistic, but this is very clearly the game that was teased in 2011 that they dug out of a basement somewhere and ported to Switch. They use the fucking animation from the E3 2011 teaser in the trailer for Rogue Corps

Regardless, 8 years too late.

Attached: 1549892508382.jpg (810x688, 217K)

i wouldn't call it an enormous flaw but it is the low point of the game. it doesn't help that you fight in on every path.

Weapons that bounce/reflect on walls, that shit is always fun to use.

wasn't this animation already used in the other contra mobile games? seem to just be the new contra logo animation.
i'm also optimistic because the gameplay look fun at least.
datamining the game on PC could answer more questions.

Maybe but Neo Contra was released a long time ago and now 3d is the norm unlike 2d which tends to need people who aren't that easy to find nowadays if you wanna make the graphics look good.

Branching paths a la Hard Corps leading to exclusive bosses and exclusive final bosses. Each character has unique weapon effects. Just make Hard Corps but bigger and without the sphere drone since it's pretty much the perfect Contra game.

lo-ping will love this

i doubt the game will release in china will all the undead like enemies and this giant faggot, remember that the chinese are afraid of skulls

Attached: top_boss.png (1831x925, 2.1M)

user, all they need to do is follow what they did in Shattered Soldier.

>Wanting to support Konami in anyway, after hearing the abuse of employees working there.

Fuck Konami and the developers who refuse to leave the company. I hope the game fail.

>he doesn't know that all the japanese companies are like that
If Kojima wasn't kicked on, nobody would have gave a fuck, just like the other japanese companies.
jesus fuck user i'm scared now.

If they're gonna do this sort of perspective, then Alien Swarm is already a better Contra game than Rogue Corps.

Alien swarm was kino, can't believe the game soon will be 10 years old.

>That one recentish article with the original Castlevania creator saying even back then Konami were assholes and barely give him and his teams any budget

>Alien Swarm
Poor man's Alienation.

>tfw no hard corps uprising pc port

isn't the original CV creator unknown?
and if you speak about Iga, he said in his last interview he would return at Konami for a new Castlevania if they asked him...

seriously how hard could it be to do that?

You might wanna read this user

weren't all the jap companies like that before?

Contra is apparently really popular in China (which is the only reason Rogue Corps is getting made btw), there's a mobile game with a character just like this

Possibly but I can only really recall standout cases like Sega

How the fuck will all the skulls and all pass in China?

would explain the ugly graphics, because Chinese people don't have a lot of PS4 and mostly have crappy PC.
but then again, there's a lot of things that would get the game banned in China.

>Gunstar Heroes
The hack that lets you meme on everyone as Gunstar Green who has Street Fighter inputs for special attacks on top of weapons

where can i find that hack?

Anyone play the Hard Corps hack that combines all the stages and bosses? It's pretty cool, though they fuck with the story to sorta make it make sense (not that it matters that much).

>that combines all the stages and bosses
What do you mean?

That explains the panda.

they're going to change them idiot, the same way they make turn everyone in to robots and make the game 10% slower for Europeans

This. Literally looks like some Early access/unity garbage from Steam

My friend's at E3 and he said it was great to play. I have hope.

think he means they combine the paths into one path.
should try that one sometime sounds like it might be fun.

It's one long path where you see all the stages and bosses in one go instead of branching paths.

Oh, I am. It's just slow going and I'm always looking for inspiration.

Good call. In fact, I made one for a previous project. I tried importing it just now and it already works pretty well.

I already have an unlockable that lets you shotoclone like Mega Man X. There's not much point in the hadouken when you can just use a gun but it's there

Goodness me, sounds like a helluva run.

Avoid a move like the slide kick from Hard Corps. It's essentially a get out of jail free card with its million i-frames.

hmm that does look better

is not contra at all
not fast
zero platforming
no hype 80 synth music
contra's style was obviously inspired by 80 movies such as rambo, terminator, alien, and predator. This game does not borrow anything from these instead it has a wacky panda, corny dancing, boring as fuck music and is slow as a snail
it is a huge disappointment

really small fast moving projectiles that home in on your character

Platforming is confirmed in video.


Looks like shit unfortunately
>Neo Contra
Even worse, this is easily worst Contra after the Appaloosa abominations on PS1
Did anyone at this joke of a company even tried to maybe humor the idea of giving a hint of thought about researching which Contra games are liked and why?
Seems like Blazing Chrome is a better game to look forward to. Also there's this loveletter to Contra if anyone missed it

Attached: Super_Cyborg_cover_fix.jpg (750x1031, 234K)

Wow that's a huge ripoff

Here's some gameplay, doesn't look very good even if the player is playing like ass.
with some fix, it could be better, and they can still do it, but for now i'm very cautious.

Attached: top_kaiser.png (763x990, 1018K)


the fact it's made by the OG contrea team and the director of two of the best contra game is very weird.
maybe the old man is too old for the industry.

I think you have to upgrade your character for him to be fast and all, they said there's some customisation in the video.

Only fun characters to play seem to be the bugcontra and the girl, the guy is too slow, same for the panda.

Fucking look at him. Jesus Christ
>that absolute trash metrosexual styled facial hair with shaved skin sagging down under the jaw

Look at this fucking scrub.
Anyone who dislikes SS and Neo is a gigantic fag. Best Contra games since Alien Wars.
Look up the Shacknews Contra interview. Game has been in dev for 3 years and is coming out for everything. PS4, XBO, Switch and PC.

>in dev for 3 years
>with those graphics
did they had a team of 5 guys and a budget lower than MGsurvive or what?
gameplay from another team, noT IGN. With some other informations.

I'll just play the better-looking original I have fond memories of.

Attached: C3AW.gif (500x476, 773K)

Well, the team seem passionated i guess that's already a plus...but maybe it's time for the old guy to retire...

What a faggot.


Gameplay looks pretty good, nice to know people involved with some of the best Contras are still there.

That said is pretty annoying reading all the zoomers complaining about looking bad and not playing because #fuckonami muh Kojima, fucking faggots. I do admit that the trailer gave me a Fortnite lolsorandumbXD feel, but the gameplay vids look more like the more gritty feel of Shin and Neo which is what Contra's aesthetics are all about for me.