Can we dedicate a thread to discuss the worst PW game an why is this one...

Can we dedicate a thread to discuss the worst PW game an why is this one ? all the cases are retarded and all character bar 2 just make me ANGRY

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I liked it, sure it's not as great as some of the other games, but it's okay. It's s shame they didn't nail down 3D animations and expressions until the next game though.

mercy bump

I liked a lot of what it was going for, very little was executed well at all though
still think there should be some sort of penalty system built into Mood Matrix, though maybe the normal penalty system wouldn't make sense with it?

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DD is a lot like AJ to me, A.K.A, a ton of good or even great ideas thrown into the trash before they can make any sense or do something for the story.

most animations are great, however new ones are used for a short while, mostly at the end of a chapter

>5 the worst
>when 4 exists

Unless were going to start counting DGS or spin-offs it's always gonna be 4 unless they release something even worse.

i have way more fond memories of AJ than of DD, rivals were intimidating, the characters interesting and the twists were fun. imo the complete opposite happens in DD, most twists just spin the case upside down on the last minutes with retarded jumps of judgement that turns out to be right, everytime

the gimmicks at least were more fun than the mood matrix tho, magatama + bracelet were nice

I haven't been able to finish the 2nd case with the monsters because it's so bad. And I don't think I care about the next cases being "better" because I'm sure the dumb wacky humor and colorful setting will remain. I mean the first guy just bombed a courtroom and it was still treated like a funny robocop villain, that'd have been a big and serious case in past games wtf.

I want more like the first and last of Apollo Justice

It definitively is one of the weakest ones. Athena is just sort of there, Apollo gets a nice backstory out of nowhere, the game is always outright telling you the answer, and while I like the idea behind the big villain the execution is lame. Blackquill turned out a lot more appealing then I expected, and I liked the jump to 3D.

2nd case was okay imo
3rd case is annoying in that for everything wrong in it it also has some of the better character moments in the game

6 was better than 5 only because of Rayfa

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>Athena is just sort of there
I mean it very much is 'her' game, even if the circumstances behind how Phoenix met her in the first place are weirdly unexplained (Athena vaguely talks about Phoenix helping her out before but it's never really properly explained)

I actually liked 4, but 1 can suck my 3 inched pp

Case 2 was weak and Case 3 was pretty cool except the part where the killer is obvious from the start, Case 1 was alright and Case 4 and 5 were fucking excellent.
I won't say it's amazing but it stands above JFA and AJ.

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I like all the Ace Attorney games

Boring dialog, Athena and the final boss kinda ruined it for me.

People are so hard on Dual Destinies. It's not perfect but it has multiple things going for it. The DLC case is one of the best in the series for starters.

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I doubt anything there can be better than the final case of JFA. That kidnapping was one of the darkest things in the series and the case got resolved in a pretty original way.
Also the circus case made me sad and I didn't want to take down the culprit.