Images you are legally not allowed to post on Yea Forums anymore

I'll start.

Attached: 1544163807360.jpg (605x766, 39K)

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Attached: file.png (206x76, 941)

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This 8

Attached: 1531981463568.jpg (1024x427, 34K)

Attached: this8.gif (480x270, 1.74M)


I'm sorry, you boys dropped this.

Attached: 1533951097093.png (659x543, 508K)

Attached: 1430520007163.jpg (900x1200, 276K)


i think it's pretty ODD we haven't gotten a single 8 yet

Nah, that's still accurate. Banjo just picked up Steve's invitation later on his last run to collect Jiggies.

It's time to EVEN the sc8les


Attached: 1552834261779.png (500x500, 99K)


i see you've done this b4 but today is the day i move you back to 2

>he's actually putting it in Banjo's hand

Fuck it. Might as well attempt to get an 8.
If i do get one, Yea Forums has to sing "hello my baby hello my darling"

Attached: source.gif (500x375, 871K)

Why is 8 the thing now? What happened to 5?

It's Kazooie dude.

I thought it was eggs but why aren’t the tortillas cooked....


You can still post this one just edit out Banjo

Imagine the shitstorm if Steve still got in

Attached: 3ea.png (680x680, 264K)

which means that it can't be posted anymore.

Attached: steve (4).gif (502x522, 1.62M)

Anyone have weenie hut jr with Chrom, Ridley, Roy, and Mewtwo?

You were thrown off because of the POPCORN?

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Who the fuck would eat this shit

>points at his own quote and get an 8
There's your answer

Attached: 8.png (2048x1140, 581K)

Where are the other sour reasons?

Apparently Grant Kirkhope deconfimed them once. Even though we all found out he was lying the whole time to keep from breaking an NDA.

Say where's the "Never the guy. Never drew a dime" copypasta?

Attached: 1464649551355.gif (192x167, 20K)