Why do Nintendo fans like to pretend this disaster of a controller is good? I don’t get it

Why do Nintendo fans like to pretend this disaster of a controller is good? I don’t get it.

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But it’s extremely comfy and easy to use for my big hands. Little guy.

So do you just not care about the hilariously bad d-pad and squishy face buttons or you’re just too dumb to notice?

It's perfectly serviceable and the battery charge lasts for like two years.

The d-pad is the best out there, you're full of shit.

Wahhhhh d pad bad wahhhhh

I don't know what you're talking about dude. I bought one of these for my pc and the battery lasts fucking forever. Like 90 fucking hours or some shit.

Are you to busy having an autistic attack in your brain for you to be able to use a perfectly simple and good weighted controller?

>b-bad controler, r-right guys?

Prob a sony fagposter.

It is a very good controller, it’s clean and it sits very well in your hands

Find something else to get upset about please

The early models have a whack d-pad, and people complaining about how whack it was made them revise it for new models.

What's hilariously bad about it? Been playing fighting games and shmups with no issues on the thing for a while now.

Caring about the dpad weeaboo

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My ps4 controller just started having trouble and I have barely fucking used it. The right stick randomly makes my camera turn continually. My switch pro controller works perfectly fine, even though I have used it far longer and been much harsher to it.

You’re objectively wrong, Nintendo should be sued for selling this shit.


IQ: 93

And therefore, the d-pad is not bad anymore. Eat dicks.

I always found the sony controllers too light to be able to immerse myself in the gameplay experience as easily.

What else do you do with those big hands? ;)

Grab them by the pussy when they’re not looking?

>Early models

It was never fixed, it’s still one of the worst d-pads of all time, please stop spreading misinformation.

That’s hilarious, i can’t inagine how terrible you must be to not notice the wrong imputs.

Because this is the first non total shit controller nintendo has made, but isn't the best, just like botw, they only play nintendo, so they don't know about other things that have been out for 15 years.

It's made for baby hands, even the N64 and Wii had better controlers than any PS ones

The newer models have a longer pivot, so they did at least take steps towards improving it.

So that’s why i kept getting the sheika slate selection when trying to change weapons and shields.


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>Dpad is hilariously bad
Compared to what? The ps4? Are you fucking high? I had to order custom directional buttons from some shitty aftermarket company to make mortal kombat playable on my ps4. The Xbox 360 had one of the worst dpads ever made and was one of the most successful pc peripherals of all time regardless. The Switch pro controller is at least tied for best d pad of all modern controllers.

The wrong inputs happen when you're rapidly tapping opposing directions, and there's not a whole lot of games where that'd be necessary.

It's not good, it's just better than the shit tier switch controllers.

Let's not pretend like the Switch Pro controller's d-pad is even in the same league as the 360 controller's d-pad. The 360 d-pad has to be the worst d-pad I've ever used, and by a wide margin.

Cool story, when i press left on the PS4 D-Pad i don’t get random ups and downs.

This isn’t up for debate btw, it’s an objective fact, the Switch Pro Controller D-Pad is a poorly designed piece of shit.


manlet problems.

>extremely comfy
>longer battery life than the remaining years the earth will be able to sustain us
>motion sensors, 3d rumble, nfc, wireless

Too bad the d pad is fucking shit and the joysticks break if you stare at them funny

That’s a cool cope story, it happens in every single game that uses the D-Pad.

>no audio port for headphones
>retarded xbox layout made for fat gorilla hands and sausage fingers
>overly sensitive d-pad

Only thing good about it is the battery

my only issue is how close the dpad and the stick are. makes it impossible to solely use the dpad without accidentally pushing the stick in an unwanted direction

That IS one of the early models, retard.

it's fine, except for the triggers not being analog so it's basically unusable for non nintendo games.

>squishy face buttons
So you haven't used it then?

I've used my pro controller extensively over the past year and I can assure you I have never had d-pad issues in any of the games I've played. Stop pushing up or down on the d-pad when you want left or right. The d-pad isn't great, but it's nowhere near as bad as you seem to be trying to convince everyone it is.

No it isn’t you lying piece of shit, the fake news was “Xeno 2 controller fixes the D-Pad”, that was a lie.
The Smash one has the same issue.

Do you get paid by Nintendo or just lie and shill on the internet for free?

If you used any of nintendo's default controllers, you'd understand.

Nothing comes close to the Wii U pro. Its not even funny. The switch one is just weak

You are either lying or too dumb to notice, again, this isn’t up for debate.

Nintendo fans are children. It isnt about being educated, knowledgable or whatever, its about what makes Nintendo look good so they can sell it to others.

Its a mental condition, generally Nintendo fanboys have shit tastes.

I'm not debating, I'm telling you that you are way over-exaggerating the d-pad issues, and I have the personal experience with using one to know. Maybe you just got a bum unit, but your posts come off more like you're just a shitposter trying to stir the pot.

That’s because you’re a seething nincel desperate to lie and defend your favorite company.

I never had any issues with it. I wouldn't say it's the best controller ever made but it gets the job done.

Bad d-pad is the only problem. It's the second most comfy controller of this gen, behind the Xbone controller. Only problem with Xbone is that it doesn't have gyro, so I still use Pro for some PC games where aiming isn't a big deal but don't want cancer stick aiming.

Thanks for confirming that you're just another shitposter, I guess. At least now we know for sure not to care about anything that you have to say.

I accept your concession.

Sadly the switch pro pad doesn't have triggers with variable states they're just on off buttons so it just doesn't work for some games.

Played all of Hollow Knight with the D-Pad with zero issue.
The left joycon on the other hand is having the joystick drag like a motherfucker on every goddamn game and I have to replace it. $80 for a heap of shit.

My only complaints are no audio jack, no analog triggers and only one fucking color not counting special edition versions. Love to see some transparent fuchsia, jungle green, and indigo.

the lack of analog triggers is really the biggest problem, it means I can't just use it as my general PC pad.

Anything seems like a good controller compared to the joycons.

Real chad controller coming through

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I think the the two joycons with the included grip still makes it playable as a complete Switch controller if you've got nothing else really.

Dpad is so bad. You'll have to mod it which is unacceptable for a $60 controller.

joycons are based. zero dpad issues and i love the clickiness.

Why is every post a sad snoycel whining about Nintendo today?

every controller has issues these days, the xbone would be just fine but the bumpers are fucking shite.

>you have to mod it
No you don't. Xbox controller dpads are almost exactly the same and no one had an issue until it was Nintendo. PS4's dpad is complete shit, everyone defends it.

Nice projection autist.

ok, this guy.
this guy right here.
this guy is based.

>calling what the PS4 has a d-pad
Lmao you wish. Enjoy your disconnected buttons

I have manlet hands and I think it's a good controller. I just hate how every goddamn button on the thing turns the controller on. If you take it on a trip you're guaranteed to arrive with a dead battery.

I loved my Xbox One controller until the D-pad kept dying. I have done some horrible things to that controller to get rid of the double click and I might have to take some even more drastic measures.

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>zero dpad issues
Because there is no dpad

What's the finish on it like, same as the Xbone?

mate you're not supposed to use your face to press those

How the fuck do people play fighting games on the switch? Do they use the analog or awful d-pad? It's just surreal to me that those games are released to it and even more that people buy them

>Why do Nintendo fans like to pretend this disaster of a controller is good?

Stockholm Syndrome.

The bumpers a really bad, they are not as retarded as xbone bumpers but still feel very shitty.

Shitty sticks and face buttons also.

DS4 in comparison is pretty much perfect, you cant find a flaw in its ergonomics and build quality.

That’s because of nintendo.
A metal part of the joystick scraps the plastic that causes drifting

>hrrrrmmm well acktuwally...
you're right, its better than a dpad because there is literally zero chance of input bleeding.

There is zero chance of input bleeding on a DS4 too but it feels 100% better than those shitty little buttons.

DS4 would be great if developers would learn to make button prompts for it on the majority of PC games.

DS4 had durability issues with the sticks, my launch model controller didn't see that much intensive use but the grips started to wear out in just under a year. I don't know if the newer models have this issue but I imagine over time they too will wear out but slower.


best sticks, most accurate with highest range and resistance

best face buttons

best triggers

best dpad

best ergonomics if you dont have giant mutt hands

bluetooth dac

touch pad

rgb led lights

battery lasts whole day even after years of use, at least on the new model that comes with ps4pro

its snoy, so you get many contrarian internet points for not using one and shitting on it for no reason what so ever

Listen short stuff. When you hit puberty your hands tend to grow. Your turd licking attitude will probably diminish as well, either naturally or through better men kicking the shit out of you in an alley