Most autistic fanbase in existence

They could release a bag of shit with their logo on it and you shills would buy it or DLC where Geralt would fuck a horse and you'd scream 10/10.

Attached: CDP-RED_logo_720x405.png (720x405, 106K)

I dont understnad why you hate cd, the witcher 1 and 2 were good games, they say that 3 is great and cyberpunk looks great, where is the problem?

Smells like MAD in here.

CDPR makes games for meathead normies who would rather watch a "cinematic experience" like the witcher 3 on their ps4 then play an actual game.

I've put around 500 hours into their games and haven't given them a cent, and you?

Let’s see what the final product looks like before we start laughing *holds back laughter*

I suffered through witcher 1 and 2. The combat was horrible shit and the story wasn't that great. Only reason I managed to finish was because I used mods to fix the shit combat.

so edgy

Name a better AAA developer atm, I'll wait.

>OP thinks grand strategy is a good or acceptable genera

Was good for the time. now is obsoleted, but in 2007 was prety neat

Easy. Rockstar

>GTA online jewery

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Id, Warhorse, From, IOI, Square Enix

Pretty much and once you accept that you have no control over that you will be better off

No it wasn't. I played it during 2008 and it wasn't good. Take off your nostalgia goggles

Also this.


that would be Fromfags
>oh! they release Dark Souls v0.9 (but not Dark Souls)
>best game ever!

Whoa it's almost as if people have varying opinions

>these people will unironically say this isn’t a GTA clone

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>wolfenstein 2
>kingdom come deliverance was trash and you know it
>dark souls 2
>episodic hitman
>really? square enix? are you even fucking trying?

>he honestly thinks cyberpunk is a GTA clone
dont be stupid

scuare enix distributed the new deus ex, is something

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Once CDProjekt realized gameplay wasn't their strong suit and focused on offering a cinematic experience they attracted a particularly obnoxious fanbase.
Sad really.


Rockstar as a AAA developer is more competent than CD. Their worlds and game mechanics are more diverse and detailed than anything CD has ever produced. And unlike CD they actually attempted online even though they usually focus on single player.
Seethe harder and have sex.

distributing one decent game DOES NOT excuse all the bullshit

>tripfag unironically thinks his opinion matters

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Maybe i should, but i can enjoy the story and play it like a gloryfied graphic novel whit looting and monsters

Ye your opinion is shit and obviously influenced by your nostalgia goggles

>And unlike CD they actually attempted online
we dont want online cancer thats why wer stick with CDPR cause they dont pull that fucking bullshit the only way an online mode is acceptable is if its downloaded separately from the single player and the only games to do this so far are fucking terrible for other reasons

>what is nintendo?

Then why does it look like it?

This board has been shitposting about fucking Smash DLC characters for the better part of 6 months and will still be posting their dumb fucking meme characters for their party game long after whatever faggy reveals are made

because you are simple minded


fuck off faggot

You are delusional.

People actually tagged it as a "masterpiece" already, so at least you need to respect the fact that this fanbase can travel through time.

Attached: aWXnaKH[1].png (321x408, 135K)

Do you really think that BotW 2 is not an instant masterpiece all-time-classic?

to be ho-nest it could use a better cover all that yellow is wasted space and literally on one uses default protags

it will likely be closer to an older bethesda game but made well you know stats and attributes


The absolute state of video game opinions

It’s just polzoomers composed of central asiatics like anglos and germanics and jews hyping up their own shill machine. Central Asiatics need to support each other.

LMAO. Who even is this faggot?

Go back to Afghanistan already, Nigel.

>not knowing how to link a post

Don’t be so hard on him. He’s trying to fight my power, god bless his tiny soul.

I don't know about being a fan of the devs but they at least get my respect for releasing actual expansions which were some of the best DLC of the entire gen. It's too early to say if Cyberpunk will be decent but they've certainly proven that it's too soon to dismiss it as well.

>giving a literal who tripfag (you)s

Protip: it only shows how much you care and will only be used against you

Not even close to being as bad as Blizzdrones, Blizzard actually make shite games that people believe are all 10/10s.


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GTA was good until they made it online retard

Even the bad GTA is better than CDPR’s best

I seriously doubt that.

I never said online was good. Stop projecting. I said as a developer, rockstar at least attempted it. Regardless of whether it is shit, they attempted it. Their capabilities as developers go way further than CDPR.

Why doubt when you can know for sure by playing their games and comparing?

not as autistic as fucking trannies im sure

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>developer never released a bag of shit
>in fact, developer released several good games that gain cult followings
>hurr durr but I bet you guys would buy a sack of REEEE with their logo
What the fuck is your problem

Protip: they are the trannies

I'm getting shadowrun vibes from this
hope i could jack myself into cyberspace and fight off eldritch horror in astral realm

in that case we're all trannies
you're welcome to dial8

The more they talk about and show this game the more the hype dies.
Just shut up until you are ready to release it.

Fromsoft, CDPR and Nintendo have the worst fans in the industry.

You forgot Blizzard and their Blizzdrone cult that proclaim Blizzard to be the inventor of gaming and everything in gaming.

You forgot Sony. They are right at the tippy top.

why are they the worst fans?