Kotaku got BTFO
Modern Warfare not censored
Censor what? Is their no Russian 2.0?
Isn't Price like 50+ at this point? Would he still be serving?
It's during COD4 era
it's a remake I think
I think they're more in a hold up about killing child soldiers
Price is dead, nephew
what is there to censor?
You can shoot civilians and children, there's a cutscene where a soldier drags a teen girl by the hair and says "i like em young"
Blood & gore got more realistic, bullet damage on bodies
It's a glorified reboot. Not a sequel.
If you shoot children there's bullet holes on their bodies, game let's you aim and shoot at anyone
>there's a cutscene where a soldier drags a teen girl by the hair and says "i like em young"
pre-ordering now.
why dont more games do gore and bulletholes? a small detail but even with over the top gibbing, i feel more immersed in the game.
Polygon assblasted edition
Why do you sick people like all this violence in video games and movies? You are all fucked in the head.
so are they aiming to make it spec ops the line but not terribly done?
am i the only one retarded enough to want to buy this
lol nobody cares about the opinions of christian soccer moms
They're aiming to get attention & full price sales using shock factors.
>where a soldier drags a teen girl by the hair and says "i like em young"
based and redpilled
Go clutch pearls somewhere else you fucking loser
>new term to hide the fact you are self-censoring is "refining"
Oh so I'm the loser and not you disgusting basement dwelling weirdos?
The soldier who catches the girl is Russian, his commander contacts him to deliver her back, but he drags her somewhere
It's going to be fuckign awful lads. last good one was where you got to shoot up favella monkeys, negroes, and blow up paris..
>not violent
you don't win wars by treating people nicely, you weak minded soiboy
Just execute all violent people then. We can live in peace if all violent people are dead.
You breach drug trades there's blacks and latinos you shoot, other half of game is sandniggers
no way this is real
It's real, but the soldier is taking the girl to give to his CO, not for himself
That's what the press is complaining about, so it's in the current build
This game had no presence at e3, did they really get cucked out of showing anything just because Sony didn't go?
But then Yea Forums will be barren
>people still deny horseshoe theory
Its in a mission where russians gas some middle eastern town and then rape survived girls and women
Pretty much.
literally nobody DOESN'T like em young, what a retarded thing to say
I think Mason was in his 50s in the flashback missions in BO2
obvious lies. at least make it somewhat believable next time
Milfs and granny porn isn't a thing then
>lmao blood and gore bro!
>Meanwhile all tits and ass gets censored
>Blood & gore got more realistic, bullet damage on bodies
this game is starting to sound a lot more fun
Max Payne 3 may be a flawed successor to the series, but the bulletholes were very satisfying to see crop up on a body in bullet time and the final kill angle
>Refining the game.
Something about this seems off
I bet you'll fail the mission instantly if you do that in the German version.
They did the same in the MW2 airport scene
>muh gore
sikes, guess no more MK threads to contain the degenerates. all I wanna do is quickscope some noobs in mp.
Tbh most porn called milf is like 24 year olds.
If you like overly violent media there is clearly something wrong with you.
It's a remake set in the timeline where you kill makarov in pripyat.
>there's a cutscene where a soldier drags a teen girl by the hair and says "i like em young"
Wouldn't that be a violent action though?
Oh Jesus, Soldier of Fortune 2.0, that game was fucked up.
>watch MW trailer
>get sudden urge to play BF3 also CoD4
>they're both fucking great
>try out BFV w/ origin access basic out of curiousity
>utter dogshit
>looks worse aesthetically then BF3
>plays worse then BF3
Fuck why does MW reboot remind me of BF3 when DICE had the balls to do what CoD wouldn't
Yes and then the people carrying out the executing must kill themselves once their mission is over. Then everyone left alive is a peaceful person.
Its a remake of 4.
The not-iraq/iran nation is now not-syria.
The Russian civil war -> Brexit.
They just took the hypothetical but realistic shit from 4 and based it on real shit now.
the activision guys legit are more talented than the new dice guys now.
dice is now complete shit beside dice la.
i doubt it user, there's no soap and all, seem more like a complete reboot than a spiritural remake.
>do what cod wouldn't
other way around there champ. they fucked up bf3, 4, hardline, so bad that cod won most of gen 7 by default. BF tried to do new things and add gimmicks and CoD didn't. They barely changed the formula at all besides rebalancing and adding in some new guns, and people loved it.
That said, I think BF is probably due for a renaissance.
Oh boy, MW is going above and beyond what the faggot Swedes were ever capable of, believe me.
>BF makes hard left
>MW makes hard right
Interesting shit, the gore stuff is gonna be fucking rad, worked for MK.
Pretty sure the right would hide or make the no Russia thing seem OK, the left would call out CIA and government bs.
>you're either left, right or a centrist cuck
God I hate politics.
Welcome to 2019, enjoy your stay.
Nice! I expect big anime tiddies, just like the series has been known for before SNOY.
>Young girls are retarded
>Older women are less retarded but have their shit together
>Single young girls are normal
>Single older women with no kids is a red flag
Existence is pain
Shhhh you'll piss off the Americans. As long as there's no boobs they love it
Cod is back baby and it's white and right
I want to see her get BLACKED
>a soldier drags a teen girl by the hair and says "i like em young"
Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?
This is the dumbest, fakest non-troversy I've seen a game company cook up yet
>tfw you can't play Battlefield Heroes anymore, the best BF game of all time and quite possibly of the decade
Will this be the first cod anyone buys since mw3? Curious if im the only one here
Is it going to be as ground breaking as cod4 or is it just going to be a nostalgic cash grab? I doubt they could top the edgyness of No Russian
it's not going to be that edgy you fags
>B-but you will kill kids!
there's no source on your statements
Too bad it's still bnet exclusive. I'd buy it if it was on steam but now I'll probably just end up pirating because I really can't be fucked to use another client.
Half the campaign is played as a muslim woman. Hopefully in her last mission you just get beheaded for not wearing traditional hijab
i think thats code word for censorship
>israel good syria bad the game
Time to add some more names to the list.
Battlenet is really nowhere near as bad as chinese spyware store. I'd prefer if it was just on steam too but I can deal with it desu
Any country is good compared to any country that is islamic.
I will now buy your game
Dubai has the highest standard of living in the world, it's the richest place on earth. I'd rather live there than America or Japan
i wonder if they're going to keep ghost alive for this reboot
I hope so, would be cool being able to save him.
I really want to play the chernobyl mission again, i hope they redo it with the new engine.
Yeah, I wasn't speeding officer. I was just traveling more efficiently. It's a COMPLETELY different thing.