Give beggar money

>give beggar money
>"Excuse me Exile but what the FUCK do you think you are doing? Now that poor guy is going to get robbed and its ALL YOUR FAULT."
>tell beggar to fuck off
>"What the hell did you do that for Exile? What are you so cruel?"


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Other urls found in this thread:,_lightsaber#Name_Crystal

Beta AF desu.

To teach you that there isn't always an obvious right choice.

>ever pleased
Just like real life, no matter what action you choose to perform, it will never be the correct choice in a woman's eyes.

that is the whole point of Kreia. She shows you that the galaxy cannot be broken up into light and dark.

All that teaches me is to not talk to anybody because Kreia will get pissed at me

>Ok you're right
>Kreia influenced gained!
Literally all you have to do is tell her she's right and you gain influence.

>talking to people even though you don't in real life
Kreia is just telling you to be yourself.

You won't get an influence loss unless you stick to the extreme response either way, it's being inflexible that she doens't like.

By far, one of the worst video game characters ever.

>see someone drowning
>could easily save him
>"no you are going to get the fight away from him! better he drowns than being saved!"
This is how these people think.

>Retards still don't understand that Kreia is teaching you to be smart, and not to be Jesus or Satan


But she's not right, she's a dumb cunt

You're in for good favors, not maintaining honesty.

Just tell the woman what she wants to hear.

>giving money to drug users is the right thing to do

She wants you to buy her a tampon so she can get rid of that pms

She just wants you to fucking think for yourself rather than be blinded by dogma

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Do you get anything out of saving the drowning man? That is the question.

Kreia is centrism incarnated

>all the light side actions have the best outcome in the end
>all the dark side actions have the worst outcome
>neutral is not an option
lol dumb cunt

I tried making a neutral guns character but guns are almost worthless and the amount of points you have to spend in them is insane.

I noticed something interesting on my latest playthrough, when she's teaching you to read minds and she cant read Bao-Dur's mind and assumes you cant either, if you have high enough intelligence (16) and 20 persuade you can actually lie to her and pretend you couldnt read his mind either instead of telling her
I wonder why that is, I never figured it out, but its interesting that the Exile can actually detect something is wrong with her motivations if you have high stats

>feminist logic

>being a nigger cunt to people leads to being alone and sad

It doesn't matter in the end what she thinks. If you fight her and beat her she's wrong about everything.

I liked the part where you lie to the mercenaries about sabotaging Khoonda in Dantooine and she compliments you and gives you + influence. Also she doesn't like it when you try to solve every problem by mind raping people (A.K.A. Force Persuade)

>try to save a drowning man
>he pulls you down with him
This is a thing that quite often happens.

She's not a centrist at all though, she's just LARPing as a centrist, she's actually a Sith trying to eliminate all life

quality obsidian writing


>>all the light side actions have the best outcome in the end
The best outcome for whoever you're saving. It often leaves you out of pocket or simply wastes your party's time.
Which isn't really a problem from a gameplay standpoint and is a dissonance between the game and the narrative. It's also your problem that you can't get past this.

Not really, the game could punish you for wasting time. Mass Effect 2 did it

>Help the blind mechanic, but hack his droid for a better cut
>Kreia go up

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actually my example was based on a quest in the actual game
if you save a guy from the rampaging robots in the telos robot factory she goes about how you got the fight away from him and all that

That's why I said it's a dissonance between the game and the narrative.
No wonder Kreia offends you.

>neutral is not an option
This is my biggest complaint with KOTOR2, they were trying to break the dichotomy of light/dark but they gave zero gameplay incentive to be neutral at all, it would have been cool if there was a neutral prestige class like Grey Jedi as opposed to Jedi and Sith

please tell me which would be the advantage of letting a planet die or dantoinne failing to be rebuilt, no reason to go dark side on them

>Letting some old woman's opinion matter this much to you

Just how beta are you

Just give her the d she so clearly needs and move on with the mission

No she doesn't you liar.

visas best girl

I think I vaguely remember that. Do you actually get anything worthwhile out of saving him?
Leading him back to the entrance seemed like too much effort.

>she's actually a Sith trying to eliminate all life

That was her motive prior to getting her shit kicked in by Sion and Nihilus because both were dependent on the force and didn't want her getting rid of it. It's not what she's trying to do during the actual game, you fucking numpty.

You can save all the Jedi masters and all the planets while staying dark side

Nigger are you really asking what would be the advantage in letting a planet full of /pol/ tier politicians go the way of the dodo?

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The entire party in Kotor 2 being utterly unlikable is the only reason I still play Kotor 1.

The waves have claimed her, let her fight for her own life!

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>Mass Effect 2 did it
Don't be retarded, user.

>That was her motive prior to getting her shit kicked in by Sion and Nihilus because both were dependent on the force and didn't want her getting rid of it. It's not what she's trying to do during the actual game, you fucking numpty.
user, I..
Did you even finish the game?

You get lightside points only.

Reminder that if Kreia's plan worked, and the exile wasn't just a pussy who cut themselves off from the force, the galaxy would now be truly free.
But alas that wasn't the case, and the force always must swing back into place, which gave us gems like the force awakens, the last jedi, and soon, rise of skywalker.
She tried to warn you, but you're too stupid to even understand some basic Nietzschen philosophy.

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>Exile, why'd you do that?
>Fuck off BOOMER

I am talking about Telos, based on your actions the restoration project either succeeds or fails

Kreia doesn't advocate either of those, dipshit.

If you tell Kriea you'll think about what she said, you usually gain more influence back than was lost.


the galaxy doesn't deserve to be free

Are you retarded? The game kills some or all of your crew depending on how long you take to reach the final mission

Not him but clearly you didn't, she wants to kill the force to free the galaxy of force imposed destiny and the madness it causes and the whole game is about her trying to find a way to do it WITHOUT killing all life. Fuck she literally has a line of dialogue telling you she doesn't want to death of everything because "there's no victory in such things".

>the galaxy would now be truly free
And completely devoid of any life, you dumbass

Yes, did you you moronic mongoloid? She's not trying to kill the force, she lied to Atris in order to lure the Exile to Malachor and to have them kill her former apprentices along the way.

You denied him the opportunity to grow stronger, and for what? What did you gain for saving him?

Are there any must have mods for KotoR 2?

>please tell me which would be the advantage of letting a planet die
Telos is an insane money sink that may not even succeed and the republic is fragile.

Holy shit you're a brainlet.

Which planet are you talking about?

only if you did a specific mission first
you could waste as much time as you wanted until you had just that mission and a loyalty mission left pretty much

There is literally one moment at the very end of the game where if you fuck around too much something bad can happen. Before that point you can fuck around as much as feel like. Don't be a retard.

To enrage you so you turn to the dark side.

You may be retarded.

She does if you lead the guy out

The restoration project is the only thing you really need

>dantoinne failing to be rebuilt
I wonder

>Do you think I seek the death of all living things? There is no victory in such things. I do not want to win our war like this, little Jedi. When I win, I wish it to be because I was right, my teachings true.


>being cut out from the force literally kills you
>let's cut everyone/destroy the force

She doesn't, go find a lets play or something because all she does is complain about wasting time.

Rad, thanks guy

>She's not trying to kill the force
She is very much trying to, but after learning about the truth during the council meeting she understands it's not possible without total annihilation, so she proceeds to do what you said.
lol how about you actually play the game

I don't remember /pol/ tier anything in kotor2.

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The point is Dantooine is a planet of incompetents playing politician, but are too busy screeching about the opposition, knifing each-other in the back and committing incest or selling off bothersome relatives to actually do anything.

It doesn't though, it's brought up that severing someone's connection with the force was used as a non lethal punishment by the jedi.

>She is very much trying to

Then why does she go out of their way to let the Exile know about that and practically submit herself to die?

>you got the fight away from him
what the fuck does that mean?

>Yes, did you you moronic mongoloid? She's not trying to kill the force, she lied to Atris in order to lure the Exile to Malachor and to have them kill her former apprentices along the way.
Jesus christ what is this fucktarded headcanon

>After casting Traya out of the Sith Order, Sion and Nihilus began an assassination campaign against the Jedi, unaware that they were aiding their former Sith Master. Because of this the Jedi, who were either killed by the Sith or in hiding, were nearly gone from the galaxy. Traya, who assumed her former identity of Kreia, had left Malachor V and returned to Republic space, seeking Meetra Surik, also known as the Jedi Exile.

This is the official canon, now fuck off with your revision

She tells you that you gained nothing, and took the struggle from him, or some such. Far as I recall, anyway

>jedi masters literally died by being cut out from the force
>the only reason the exile is still alive is because he become a force parasite leeching from around her

I recall the special saber cristal being OP as fuck if you're grey to compensate the absence of prestige class, did I dream it?

I don't know what that game wants from me. It goes out of its way to teach me that the only winning move is not to play, but at the same time APATHY IS DEATH.

>and took the struggle from him
You recollection is wrong.

The crystal only powers up if you are light or dark

The chad keeps this bitch in the party for the extra exp but ignore everything out of her mouth


I have played the game.
You just proved me right. You literally just posted what I said.

but she does, if not there in some other instance

Because she needs to first rid the galaxy of the mistakes she caused, and then herself. She cannot win, her plan won't work, it's a dignified death. I'd assume she also wants the exile carry on what she taught them.

Nothing in what you quoted goes against what I said. Nion and Sihilus kicked her shit, and she seeks the Exile afterwards to use as a trump card in revenge. That's all prior the game, during which she isn't trying to eliminate the force. ;)


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Golly, it's almost like she isn't trying to get rid of the force then!

>1000 "muh Tifa & female design threads"
>Post one of the most well written characters
>"Why am I always wrong, babys 1st philosophy!"
>Same thread
>Same complaint
>Gets BTFO every time
>"No its not deep, shes just a bitch"
>"feminist logic"
>"pleasing women"
>get told why your wrong
>"fuck off old lady"
>"neutral not an option"
Don't you guys have threads to yikes, cringe and have sex in

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I'm almost persuaded I did try a neutral playthrough once, and at one time I 're-synchronized' my personal crystal by taking it our of the saber, picking the dialogue options etc and it ended up with way bigger stats than I ever had in other playthroughs. Then again, it was on xbox shortly after release, so I'm not confident on remembering it correctly.

Yes, because she /NOW/ knows it cannot be done without killing everything. But up to the point of the Dantooine council meeting she thinks (You) are the key to getting rid of the force WITHOUT killing everything.

the masters did not die from being cut from the force

Game knows if you cheated and decides to fuck you either way.

The comic in
It was clearly made by some blue haired cunt who hates only hates men more than she hates herself

She is giving you a shit test. You need to be alpha and own up to your decisions and stand firmly on your believes when confronted. She will be instantly wet and begging for your cock in no time.

the constant "she wants to kill the universe bro" is what gets me every time
at this point it can only be trolling

If more people paid attention to the prologue about what the exile was doing, they would also be suspicious as fuck about Kreia from the start.

Imagine you are the exile from Peragus stage, you have cut yourself off from the force and Galactic events for the past decade and enjoying VIP status when suddenly you were attacked and the nezt thing you know is that some weird old lady shows up with all the ships, droids and other baggages of your Ex-boss who caused all that shit led to your exile in the first place.

Then said old lady tells you that some very weird new sith are hunting you down as the last jedi while she, the all powerful/knowledgable force-user just hangs around you being neither Jedi or Sith. And then suddenly you have a force bond.,_lightsaber#Name_Crystal

It's not really better, maybe on a caster the wis/cha bonus is good but it certainly doesn't make up for not having a prestige class.

Maybe I am remembering wrong but wasn't it like this:
>they try to cut you from the force if you accept
>Kreia intervenes and reverse the process
>they get cut from the force and die because of it

user finish the fucking game. You dont have a clue what you're talking about.
Traya manipulated Nihilus and Sion, she deceived them into thinking they were careying out their own will when it was all apart of her grand machinations to bring the Jedi out of hiding. Thats her whole shtick. She's the betrayer not the betrayed, she even refers to herself as the betrayer.

>she is very much trying to
So did she or didnt she? Why are you arguing for? She very obviously did and then it failed

To prepare the exile for the realization of strength. That any strength borrowed from another is never yours. Strength from wealth does not imbue the owner of the wealth with real strength only the illusion of it. This is shown by the beggar being robbed. Meanwhile causing unrestrained terror is not real strength either because it causes uncontrollable reactions that you can't predict.

>So did she or didnt she?

that's just how the character acts in the game. No matter what you do she'll spin some way to make it bad. You have a problem with seeing boogie-men in everything. Maybe spend less time on /pol/

She asks you to consider your actions and justify them, which you can do.
Also just placate her sometimes. She's an old crone, humor her.

>"No its not deep, shes just a bitch"
this is true though

No you retard she did and then it failed YOU SAID IT YOURSELF LMAO
Its the central fucking plot of the game surely you're not denying that

Kreia sexually harassing you whenever you get a new female party member is great. Just like my grandmother whenever she heard I made a new lady friend as a kid.

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Why can't I just walk past the beggar?

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She really just wants you to learn something from her. I don't think it's that she necessarily objects to your actions, I think she just wants you to see how simple things can be interpreted as good or evil, just or unjust, light and dark that you would never think twice about.

She wants you to question things before doing them.

pic related. No one dies from being cut from the force.
brainlet, how many anons have to prove you otherwise?

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Because he's a filthy street rat looking for a fucking handout.

She is a social darwinist, you can't refute this.

>No you retard she did and then it failed
>Kreia wants to get rid of force
>fug not possible without killing all life
>Meet le exile
>Wow okay maybe is bossible ::DD
>Dantooine council meeting
>Well fug not bossible after all :DD
>time to suicide and take the bad I caused with me

>If more people paid attention to the prologue about what the exile was doing, they would also be suspicious as fuck about Kreia from the start.
I was but the game doesnt really give you any appropriate responses

>Imagine you are the exile from Peragus stage, you have cut yourself off from ts who caused all that shit led to your exile in the first place.
>And then suddenly you have a force bond.
Thats actually a side effect of the Exile's condition, he leeches the force from all around him which forms bonds with those around him, it's why everybody on the crew is a force sensitive and it attracted to him, and why all the girls are hardcore yandere

>it's like an absence int the Force
>is dead
>gee wonder what killed him!

She's just asking you to explain your actions.
There's no malice in it. You're just too used the WATASHI NO BIGTITS YAMETE SEMPAI type games where everybody sucks your dick no matter what you actually do.


>pic related
God, the second game was full of convoluted bullshit. Avellone really doesn't know when to stop.


Not to mention the amount of time she spends just dumping on any and every love interest

My favorite character? T3-M4 of course!

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The success of Telos project means more projects like that, when there are in-game suggestions that it's a vanity project for the Republic which is costing it stupid amounts of space money, space money which could be used in some better way. Like maybe financing a military which doesn't job to every fucking threat in the Galaxy. Or ending slavery.

They weren't cut from the force she drained them of the force which killed them
When the jedi cut the force they just put a kind of mental block on the person so they cant feel the force, Kreia literally ripped the force out of them entirely and it killed them
This is what she wanted to do to the whole universe and she realised after she was defeated that she had fucked up because it would have just led to mass extinction

I did this on my first run through the game for some reason. Didn't even know there WAS an option to kill them. Kreia loved me, but I think that's 'cause I was 8 years old and just did whatever I thought would be the good option at the time.

>healing a dying planet ecosystem that was destroyed during the war is not an important issue

Attached: 2rdkbw.png (205x246, 4K)

>your character cuts himself from the force
>known that serving the force from people is a non lethal punishment by jedi
>jedi masters get killed, says there bodies are lifeless and absent from the force
>post exactly what it says
>"gee wonder what killed him!"
so your baiting, here your (You)

Fucking retards

>you'll never be dommed by a young Kreia

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Old woman is basically Yea Forums. Top contrarian.

>she deceived them into thinking they were careying out their own will when it was all apart of her grand machinations to bring the Jedi out of hiding

Citation needed. one line from a star wars wiki any autist can write on isn't enough. There isn't anything in the game that supports this. If eliminating the jedi was her goal why does she reprimand the Exile for killing the masters if you go dark side? This would also imply that she deliberately went out of her way to get exiled, stripped of the force, and nearly died in order to carry out her tenuous plan, which is beyond contrived. Get bent you moron.

>your character cuts himself from the force
He cuts himself from the force to avoid dying at Malachor V.
>known that serving the force from people is a non lethal punishment by jedi
>jedi masters get killed, says there bodies are lifeless and absent from the force
Thats because the force wasnt "severed" it was drained out of them.
This is all clearly explained in game.

>want to smash the blind pale goth chick with big tits
>"don't you dare tongue punch her chocolate starfish, breed my qt big tiddy aryan tomboy daughter instead"

she didnt want the jedi dead because when they are dead she cant prove to them that her teachings were right


>playing through KOTOR 2 again
>skip Peragus because fuck that
>go through Telos mostly good, helping the Ithorians because my character wants to heal their connection to the force
>I really did it just to get the FP regen though
>Otherwise morally grey / maverick
>get to Nar Shaddaa
>Kreia is pleased with all of my decisions except the one she always scolds you for at the beginning
>Nearly every choice I make
>"Excellent, Exhile. yOu have CREATeD a FoRCE ECHO"
>these choices she likes vary from awful to godly
>eventually finish all the quests on Nar Shaddaa this way
>5 levels later, still on Nar Shaddaa and the red eclipse haven't attacked
>tfw went too morally grey / neutral to actually piss off the exchange or anyone else of note

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>reading comorehension
Your proof is when you meet her on Malachor and she fucking explains it.
Eliminating the Jedi wasnt her goal, bringing them out of hiding so they could face her judgement at Dantoone was.
Again, you would know this if you had finished the game.

Shes drained them of life. Thats what they died by. Life drain. It even says it in>drained of life
Its a dark side ability in the game and the animation is exactly the same when she uses it.

So she was Arren Kae right? The only inconsistence I felt with that theory was she was apparently "very beautiful" during the Mandalorian Wars
How long ago was this? Because the Exile still looks pretty young whereas Kreia/Arren Kae looks 1000 years old

The Republic has thousands upon thousands of those planets.


True essence of Yea Forums.

If not for the low quality brainlet posts this thread would die and be buried by another 30 E3 threads. Be thankful.

She's an old bitter woman who gives a fuck about her opinion

>literally stated that the Exile should be dead because he is like a hole in the force
>literally a mistery about how he/she is still alive
>lol no dude! getting actually cut from the force and not just having some jedi block put on you doesn't have any effect on you!

>what could be gained by learning about my past? I didn't do porn I swear

But all the masters are still hiding you fucking pillock, the way you end up finding their locations is completely incidental.

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Atton seems to think she would've been beautiful when young too. I think Arren Kae being a master would've been fairly old, at least 40 at the start of the mandolorian wars. Add some very hard living and it's plausible that like 10 years later a 50 somethings year old woman could look so old.

She didnt drain them of life she drained them of the force and they died. Oh my christ almighty why is this game got so many retarded fan theories.

I will explain it for everybody so there is no confusion:

Her plan was to use her apprentice to destroy the force, since all 3 of her apprentices were "holes" in the force. She took interest in the Exile because the Exile was able to cut himself off from the force to avoid dying at Malachor when all the Jedi there died due to the tear in the force. She saw this and figured that the force could be destroyed without causing the death of all things as some with the ability to deafen themselves could survive.

Getting cut off isn't lethal

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For you to understand, you fucking brainlet

fags are just being autistic anyway, its incredibly easy to prestige within your first planet. Especially if you start Nar Shadda like everyone does. Prestige into whatever class you want, and then just start making whatever decisions you want
you just need to lean good/evil until then

Old people are never happy. Just like women. It's twice as bad if it's an old woman.


considering she was Revan's master, and Revan is supposedly older than you since he was a commander of yours iirc in the Mandalorian War, I'd bet Kreia is in her late 60s

>Literally stated the force users couldn't imagine a life without the force as they rely so heavily on it
>kreia literally teaches you not to rely on the force because its a weakness
>interpret it as you die if you get cut from the force ok dude

>Her plan was to use her apprentice to destroy the force
>all 3 of her apprentices were "holes" in the force
Sion wasn't.

>Kreia was Revan's master
>she also fought in the mandalorian wars
>she also was the handmaiden mother
>she also was behind everything
Yeah nah

but you die if you are cut from the force

Cutting off the force is what the Jedi do
Kreia does not want to deafen people to the force she wants to destroy it entirely
She didnt "deafen" the Jedi she literally ripped their souls out using her bond with the Exile
She even says right before she does it "Now feel what the Exile feels"
>Traya strongly believed in the will of the Force, viewing it as a conscious entity that controlled the destiny of all living beings. Thus, she came to believe that the Force was a cruel deity and actually sought to destroy it. The fact that Surik was virtually the exact opposite of Revan had been what drew Traya to Surik in the first place. Whereas Revan was "the heart of the Force" in Traya's eyes, she viewed Surik as "the death of the Force." At the end of her life, however, Traya seemed to be somewhat reconciled with the Force as she became one with it.

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>ADD brainlets in these threads every fucking time

and people wonder why AAA doesn't give a shit about 1P campaigns anymore

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>Playing Kotor 2 without TSLRCM
Don't do it, user. Without the mod it's not even worth playing.

That's the problem. Weak-willed retard.

I bet i've played it more than you have, kreia was not trying to destroy and these retarded leaps you're making in your headcanon in a desperate attempt to justify this don't make it so.
You should play the game again and pay a bit more attention this time.

*destroy the force

This mod is shit. Cut content was cut for a reason.


except none of her students were holes in the force. Nidus and Scion were dark side teaching gone out of control that they actually consumed the users. Shes states this.They all got their powers from malachor, which was a conversion tool to make force sensitives join the dark side or die. Nidus got his power from malachor, just like Scion and the Exile. The exile lived without being converted because you were the only one who cut themselves from the force instead of giving into it.

Kreias interest in you was to understand how you were able to live thorugh malachor without becoming another scion or Nidus.

I'd like Kreia more if she wasn't unabashedly Chris Avellone's talking piece just going 'LOOK HOW STUPID THIS SETTING IS, GEORGE LUCAS SURE IS A HACK". You're not wrong but you don't need to fucking Brian Griffin your character to tell me that.

it was cut because LucasArts were full of retards and didn't gave them time to finish it
not a surprise a half-way finished content was cut and isn't good


Sion's problem is being dependent on the Force, not being a hole in it. Jesus, man. That's fanfiction.

No she doesn't, learn to start a youtube video at the relevant bit and maybe i'll watch it, i don't need to in order know you're wrong but at least i'll be better able to dismantle your retarded argument.

>Chris Avellone's talking piece just going 'LOOK HOW STUPID THIS SETTING IS, GEORGE LUCAS SURE IS A HACK"

Yet he's writing for another Star Wars game, hmmmst

She says many things. She's Lady of Betrayal. She was really happy when I defeated her at Malachor and died happy, knowing her pupil surpassed her.

Things brainlet say:
>being cut from the force doesn't kill you
>Kreia wasn't try to destroy the Force
>Kreia is handmaiden's mother
>Chris Avellone is a good writer

Probably burns him up that he didn't actually get to finish KOTOR 2.

This is literally true and it's the point everyone always misses. In terms of dialogue getting Kreia's influence to rock bottom has the same effect as maxing it. She wants you to think for yourself. Telling her to fuck off accomplishes that.

>none of her students were holes in the force
Holy shit, I'm actually stunned that you people comment in these threada when its clear you've literally never played the game.
>The affliction painfully ravaged (Nihilius') body while rendering him aWound in the Force.
>Wound in the Force

Kreia IS handmaiden.
You never see them in the same room. Kreia wants you to fuck Handmaiden (her). It all adds up.


>you can take Handmaiden and Kreia in the same party
>they will both be in the same room
What now?

Cope/seethe/dilate/have sex/cringe/yikes/rent free

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>She just wants you to fucking think for yourself rather than be blinded by dogma
Have you considered that dogma may be dogma for a reason?
>jUsT tHiNk fOr yOuRsElF! Who cares what the Church Fathers, bishops, councils have decided on. t. Martin Luther
>splits Christendom into tons of denomination, unity completely ruined

it's a force illusion

Kreia lies, she manipulates. She's using force bond fuckery to give you double vision.

>being cut from the force doesn't kill you
It doesnt. Proof: Revan and Exile
Being drained of the force does, however, unless the individual can cut themselves off first, like the Exile.

>Kreia is handmaiden's mother
Its pretty obvious

What? All she's saying is how she used you to engineer that defeat of hers and your enemies in order for you to become stronger.

The Exile is only alive because she leeches the force from others. She would be dead without it.

>Its pretty obvious
From what?

>kept together by duct tape and the Force
>not a hole in the force

Ok he's not a "Hole" literally like the Exile or Nihilus but he is an abberation of the force and thats why Kreia was drawn to him
She sought the death of the force and both Sion and Nihilus were her failed attempts, the Exile was her new prospect


go jedi jesus or go home

>gotta keep doing human sacrifices to keep the sun rising!
you can follow dogma without being blinded by it, brainlet

Remember that time Kreia used force lightning on T3? I remember my game bugged out at that part and I just sat there and watched Kreia zap T3 for like 20 minutes before realizing something was wrong.

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Yes, she says she used you to destroy Sith and Jedi. She hates those - not necessarily as concepts but as they exist in the current time. She also despises Force but she didn't want to destroy it. Not really possible.

Consider the following - you know that she wants to "destroy the Force" by jumping down the Academy core, killing herself and severing your link (which isn't actually a real thing, lol). So she gets there, waits for you, fights you and dies. Whoops, no link, no severing, nothing. She just thanks you for offering her mercy, which is a really sweet moment. You are her greatest student, and she can die happy now.

Wow you actually admitted you were wrong. Neat. Anyway, read this:

Are you so impatient you cant watch more than 2 seconds?
>I used you to gather the Jedi so they could be destroyed.
>In you I see the potential to see the force die, that is what pleases me.

She REALLY hates droids

kind of makes sense for the story too, do everything light side because you were a jedi then start making choices as your own person like kreia tries to convince you to do

>she didnt want to destroy it
>I use it to understand it so I may learn how to kill it.
You are WRONG

This reminds me of Dragon Age: Origins with Morrigan and some other characters
>help the mages so they will fight the blight with me
>"dude why would you help them? fuck those mages"
>we need their help
>"we could have gotten the templars help and not bothered"
>no option to say the mages are way more powerful and helpful
>morrigan disapproves (-3)
>go to get a cure for a major lord's sickness
>need his soldiers and political influence
>this small cult will help you out if you dont take the cure from them
>one of my party members says "don't you need help? why are you turning the cult down?"
>i either change my mind, tell my party member to fuck off without explaining, say i dont trust them, or say i dont want any help fighting the blight
>i tell him i dont trust them
>"but don't you need help fighting the blight?"
>i pass a persuasion check to convince him
>still get disapproval, except it's only 2 disapproval instead of 5
This shit pisses me off, and it's a problem in every bioware/obsidian game. Video game writers are just retards, plain and simple

Kreia attempts to subtly drive the Exile to the dark side. She doesn't simply tell you "kill children, rape everything on your path" but she manipulates you in such way that you end up distrusting and abusing the trust of your companions. By following her teachings, you lose part of your free will. And it's implied that she can fuck with everybodys mind, including yours.

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No I'm not wrong and you are completely wrong in every regard. I just clarified so you couldnt keep up your strawman.
Again, watch the end of the game (since you never finished it)
Skip a minute in and watch her say "I want to destroy the force" about 4 times in a row.

>can't make Jedi babbys with Visas and Brianna
>no hatesex with Atris
>canon MC is a grill

>typical scene written by Avellone
>"10/10 deconstruction so deep!!"

>By following her teachings, you lose part of your free will
oh boy

Let me ask you something Yea Forums...
Is it the mark of great writing or terrible writing that people to this day either don't understand Kreia OR can't even agree what her philosophy/values are?

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>playing KotOR II for the fourth time first time understanding the plot because I didn't speak English as a kid
>totally ignore Kreia and her bullshit
>be bros with Atton
>always listen to Bao-Dur's whining as a true friend
>bed Visas
>have naked fights with Brianna who has a crush on me
>this drives ex-gf Atris nuts
>helping everyone
>have literally only light side points
>Kreia is "why don't you listen to the shit I'm saying REEEE"
felt good desu

>so I may learn how to kill it
But she can't and in the end she doesn't want to.

She's not a nihilist
Apathy is death

>Nihilius is a wound in the force because he consumes all life non stop and drains force.
>The exile is a wound in the force because she can dominates will and denies the will of the force.
>Scion just uses the force to stay alive even though his body is long deceased
>"guys kreia wanted a world where only those deaf to the force could live"

No that was a dark side ultimatum. Kreias ultimate lesson and what everyone failed to do except you (possibly) was to deny the will of the force, even if it promised you power. Because it will kill and use everyone in the galaxy if you let it have its way. The exile was a way to live, feel the force, and have free will at the same time.

>people to this day either don't understand Kreia OR can't even agree what her philosophy/values are

Considering that most people who would play a star wars rpg are autists and/or dumb teenagers I'd say it's understandable why

Its the mark of retards who never finished the game
The game isnt difficult to understand its all explained very clearly to the player in the final scene, and the canon has been expanded through books and is all on Wookieepedia
Kreia is a good character but shes not fucking Machiavellian Nietzsche. A toddler can understand her motives and her goal. The problem ITT is idiots.

Justify indulgences Papist, I dare you

Nihilism doesn't inherently mean apathy

She's trying to make you think about things, but really, she's just a bitter old cunt.

cringe, Kreia is a terrible character

>the canon has been expanded through books and is all on Wookieepedia

no one cares about your extraneous fan fiction

The writing is great but it's so convoluted that you need to replay the game many times to understand what really is going on. Also the fact that is a unfinished game doesn't help much to the cause.

>grey Jedi
>in a universe where being evil literally turns you into a methhead and being good turns you into space Jesus
Miss me with that gay shit

The plot is overwritten, but Kreia by herself was fine. She literally tells you what her philosophy and values are.

Post scriptum bullshit, my dude. Literally the same shit that lead to Revan actually becoming the "nicest guy you've ever met / twisted fucking psychopath" thing.

people just don't want to accept that the game is way simpler than what they think so they reject the truth to build up some far fetched hedacanon to make it sound deeper

Don't know much enough about Catholicism yet, but there ARE people who know enough to justify it.

The Exile was dicking about in the outer rim alone for an untold amount of time. They don't "leech force" from anyone. People are drawn to the Exile the same way they were drawn to Revan.

>"guys kreia wanted a world where only those deaf to the force could live"
Thats not what I meant, she just saw potential in the Exile to deny the force so completely that it utterly destroyed it and left a wound. She wanted that for the universe.
Timestamp 2:45
>Kreias ultimate lesson and what everyone failed to do except you (possibly) was to deny the will of the force, even if it promised you power.
By destroying it.
>Because it will kill and use everyone in the galaxy if you let it have its way.
She says it causes death in a never ending cycle of seeking "balance.
>The exile was a way to live, feel the force, and have free will at the same time.
Wrong. She thought it was a mistake to teach the exile to feel the force again. She hated the force, she sought its complete destruction, a world without the force.

>If you do enough mental gymnastics to rationalize paying money to have your sins "forgiven" (which only Christ can do Accord to the Scriptures) that means its okay
Catholicism has been hijacked by the synagogue of Satan. Only Christ can save you, friend.
Video games btw


Everything in that quote happens in KOTOR2.

Then maybe you should play the game.

Its good writing with multiple paths, which make people elitists as to the true intentions of characters. While also making neck beards who REE because they believe they know all like
So just like any game with a story

It just has more to do with the fact that Kreia's whole schtick is lying, and she also happens to be the biggest mouth piece for exposition in the game. I do think KotOR2 has incredible writing, and Kreia is a fantastic character, but the argument comes more from obfuscation than anything else.

>Catholicism has been hijacked by the synagogue of Satan.
What is Matthew 16:18-19?

How was she going to destroy the force? Actually, physically, HOW?

Not a justification for simony and rejection of His gospel, that's what

That's just her reasoning for everything. She considers you doing anything as something that prevents others from accomplishing the same task themselves. She's whiny like that.

>Being unsatisfied with every outcome regardless of what you do is trying to show you the possible effects of your actions
No, it's just being schizophrenically inconsistent with the character portrayal. A characters personality/morality should remain consistent regardless of the player choice or it doesn't make narrative sense

>Wrong. She thought it was a mistake to teach the exile to feel the force again.
how is that wrong? The exile could feel the force yet have her own will. Yeah Kreia hated the force, and didn't want to teach you at first, but "you are beautiful to me exile".

False statement. Game allows you to finish *all* of its content before reaching final mission and you are still able to save everyone. Git gud.

t. Never used GOTO

I never actually finished these games. Is playing them nowadays still the same "install the unofficial patch and skip that one planet"? Any other quality of life mods I should install?

Thats the point user. She couldn't. But she wanted to.

What about all the other great sages of history? I am going to listen to them too.

keira is legit retarded most of the time and unfortunately the game doesn't really allows you to give intelligent responses. At least you can tell her to go fuck herself every now and then.

It's funny how many double digit IQ tards actually thinks it's a smart, well written character though.

She's supposed to be a character, not a automatic blowjob machine to reward player choice. She has no fucking stake in whether a beggar gets some change or not, she couldn't possibly care less about that. She DOES care about making sure the Exile understands the importance of weighing his actions and understanding that good and evil aren't defined by a rigid code of conduct. No matter what choice you make in that scene, it hasn't got a fucking thing to do with the lesson she's trying to teach, because she's a character with her own agency.

Just get the restoration patch and the mod that lets you pick between Hanharr and Mira because Hanharr is shit and nobody wants him. You dont need anything else. Peragus is fun you shouldn't skip it.

>Everything in that quote happens in KOTOR2.
It's another writer's view on things that happened in KOTOR2. No different to autists on Yea Forums and their eternal back and forth.

>tell beggar to fuck off
you're the hero seattle needs

You have nothing to lose by saving him, presuming you're competent enough to rescue him (so that you don't drown with him). What you could gain for a bit of effort is the possibility of favors, rewards, etc.

The mass shadow generator would be used again to target all force sensitives everywhere leaving very little left in the galaxy. You put a shop to that though in game.

>he doesn't like P U R E P A Z A A K
>he doesn't want to charge up the Handmaiden's loading ramp, and make Kreia feel it all while Atris seethes in her snow-blasted temple
>he doesn't feel soothed by Bao-Dur's uncomfortably silky voice

>people missing that Kreia being an hypocrite is part of her character

No it is literally paraphrased right from Kreia's mouth.

You literally start the Mass Shadow Generator yourself. That is the thing you do, and no one gets deafened by that, it just destroys the planet.

>Wasting your time on the possibility of reward in saving a man you know nothing about
>When you could press on and potentially save someone you know has a higher station or simply serve yourself better

Bao-Dur sucks
HIm and Disciple are the worst.

>white person

Notice how we're both talking about "potential" outcomes. Since both results are theoretical, it doesn't matter which I choose, for both are just as likely to occur as far as I'm aware.

yeah... you sabotage it... thats how you stop the plan...

What was Kreia's tax policy?

You start it. That's the entire thing you do, you just start it again. It's a gravity bomb. It makes gravity. Do you not remember anything about the ending?

The difference is you put yourself at risk to save a drowning man you know nothing about, while serving yourself instead is already in your best interest.

>Beggar wants money
>The only 2 choices, give money or put distance between you and him, result in you getting told to feel like shit

Where the fuck is the option to be "smart"?

The Exile forms force bonds easily, but not to the point where any nigger can just walk up to him and go Sup'Brotha and become his force homie.

And even if you assume the force bonding happened only at the tailend of the Peragus event, there is enough evidence for the Exile that Kriea influenced some of it so that they can have their little bonding romp through the tutorial stage.

That's why the devs lampshades abit on the contrivance of the events in Peragus with a highstat character.

>God Tier

>Good Tier

>Meh Tier

>Shit Tier

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what's... with... alll... the... ellipses...

>magically force lift him out of the water
>why did you do that, you took the fight away from him baka

Now I see why these threads are always eternal back and forth's. Why dont you read anons question and what you believe the ending is again until you see whats wrong?

I'm disappointed you cant actually kill Atton when his past gets revealed
>I fucking hate the jedi and they should all be killed
>I killed tons of them and enjoyed it
You can say "Keep talking if you want to die" and he replies "Go ahead and try it I might be more than you can handle"
I so badly wanted to force crush him but the game makes you back down like a little pussy

No, you are thinking too much in conventional Bad Guys progression.

Kreia knew she couldn't kill the force directly but she can make the entire galaxy less dependant and less of a slace to its will.

By the time she finished off the Jedi Masters on Dantoine, she had already finished wiping on out all the dogmatic lightside users and the old Jedis.

After you killed Nihillus, she knows you have taken out one of the strongest siths in the Galaxy and also confronted the worst possible future for the Exile.

She then forces you to confront her at Malachor V because she needed to know if the newguard she trained is enough to overcome herself as the strongest forceuser still left in the Galaxy.

If you're lightside, you and your companions form the new Jedi council who are more pragmactic. If you're darkside, well you killed everyone and then you kicked her down a pit and became Emperor.

The Mass Shadow Generator can't "target force sensitives", it's a gravity bomb, WHICH YOU TURN BACK ON to destroy the planet. Because it's a fucking gravity bomb, that does nothing to the force outside of kill a shitload of force sensitives sitting in orbit around it.

It has nothing to do with Kreia. I don't think the Sith or Kreia even say the words "Mass Shadow Generator" during the finale, so "the Mass Shadow Generator was going to do it" is hardly an explanation for how Kreia was going to "kill the force".

>Better than anyone in KotOR 2 Tier

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Avellone addressed this, its mainly because all the companions in KOTOR had sidequests, you got to know them
In KOTOR2 they weren't given enough time to flesh any of the characters out other than Kreia and Handmaiden (because they were important to the plot)
Chris was an advocate for having about half the amount of characters and having them all fleshed out with sidequests and all that, but the higher ups told him they needed to meet a "quota" to compete with Bioware, ignoring the fact they had about twice the development time.
I think thats the only reason Mandalore is a companion, I dont think he was originally intended to be. He doesnt make any sense as a companion anyway. I feel like he was just supposed to be a temporary character on Iziz and that was it, but to fill out the roster they just made him a permanent character.

Never played, is there no option to tell her to fuck off and if she cares so much she can give him money? That's some RPG y'all got.

You can tell her to fuck off but you lose influence

Main character sounds like a loser.
>if she cares so much she can give him money

Bear, Bull, Bear, Bull, Bear, Bull, Bear and Bull.

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She describes how it works quite extensively but not the physical act she has to perform to do it. But there's no doubt that she could have done it if she wanted to.

Does anyone know anything more about this?


I cant remember if she says it but Atton and the main character both say that she wants to lure and kill the main character in the heart of Malachor which would sever their ties and make a singularity in the force that would kill it for good
I believe this is said on the ebon hawk just before you face down Atris

So she's doing it dishonestly and doesn't even give a shit? Seems like there are better ways of teaching someone about the importance of their actions. She couldn't just give a Uncle Ben speech about the fact that power comes with responsiblity? I think that explicit lesson would be far more effective than simply chastising you regardless of what you pick, that just leads to indecision

I see. So, she was going to do SOMETHING. Her entire planned hinged on a nebulous action with zero definition, that totally would have worked guys. Also, keep in mind, she also said she was just going to fucking kill herself to kill the Exile if he didn't show up (which was all also bullshit, since her claim that her death would kill the Exile was also a lie), so she was going to do that SOMETHING, some time AFTER she also killed herself.

All this while only mentioning it once, to one person who she knew was going to talk to the Exile, then not tell any of the Sith, or even bring it up again in passing conversation when the Exile reaches her. I feel like killing an aspect of reality is probably the sort of thing she would have mentioned at some point.

She chose the name "Darth Traya", as in the Master of beTRAYAl. She built an empire out of her ability to lie. It's kind of her thing.

Why are Visas and Handmaiden such fetish tier waifus
>both massive sub bottoms that want to be dommed
>visas is hardcore yandere "kill everyone and then myself" tier
>handmaiden wants the exile to literally beat the shit out of her
Is Chris into that stuff?

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There is a serious lack of Handmaiden ryona

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>Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you. As the Father sent me, even so I send you." And when he had said this, he breathed on them, and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained." John 20:21-23
Not to mention indulgences are NOT the sacrament of reconciliation aka confession aka the forgiveness of sins (which is also done at baptism), which is given out freely.

Kreia is radical centrist

what about Mira tho

why would he be a loser if she tells her to fuck off? You can tell everyone to fuck off, kill innocent people in front of the good companions, then switch companions and help some random npc and give him money. you dont need influence with nobody, you can complete the game without it

Mira is a cunt
Can you even romance her I thought she just calls you an old man

gods, I feel like it has been years since I've seen this character archetype in western games. we need more of it, that is for sure.

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>Can you even romance her

no but she's clearly into kinky shit which makes it worse

Maybe that would somehow send an "echo" through the force to kill it. The way I understood how it works is to "infect" the force. You need a "wound"(Malachor V) and then you need to "attack" it by sending an echo(poison) through it that spreads throughout the galaxy and kills it all. Or maybe the singularity would simply deafen the force a million times fold than what the mass death on malachor caused and kill it that way.
So maybe you are right, but we obviously don't know for sure, then again, I don't think we have to

while valid complaints do people not realize the publisher wanted this out as fast as possible and they had nowhere near enough time
besides just the cut content restored iirc there's a still a ton they couldn't do like irrc a neutral path
gotta dig up that info

It's almost easier to manipulate someone if you actually tell them the truth though, maybe not the whole truth, but everything they need to know to fulfill your will, they can verify the stuff you told them and have no idea about the stuff you forgot to mention

shit test: the character

Seething Kreiafags being btfo

Nothing she says is explicitly wrong, and it can all be verified. That's the point. There was no "right decision", but "You did no worse than any other choice you could have made, but maybe next time there will be a better choice that isn't the one you normally make, maybe" doesn't have as much impact as "Your choice had all these bad effects, so think about the consequences from now on."

Kreia is an egotistical cunt whose personal philosophy is basically a less extreme version of the sith code, but there's a whole lot of wisdom in what she's saying and she absolutely BTFOs the fundamental tenets of the Jedi


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seen both
both terrible

>"It is good that you have never wondered what lay beneath her robes, if her alabaster skin was aswhiteand unblemished as her face. Or if perhaps she bore the scars of slavery... and if that would stir you more. Perhaps her deferent tone would change once you held her by the throat, and showed her how far a Jedi can fall."

>"Never have you wondered what it would mean in the Echani rituals if the two of you sparred and fought - and you won, completely and utterly? If perhaps she would give in, surrender herself to you? Few are the thoughts that can hide in the shadows of your mind, exile..."

Jesus Christ Kreia.

Is Kreia the biggest retard filter character of all time?

>Kreia is an egotistical cunt
She IS the most knowledgeable , powerful person in the galaxy, so that's a given.

>the philosophy of kreia
That video is so absolutley cringeworthy I cant believe it has so many views. Chris Avellone thinks its cringe too.

>ask her who the fuck is gonna know a begger has money and rob him
>her ‘muh neutrality’ mentality breaks

>anime avatar


tell me, which one of you faggots posted this?

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>Chris Avellone thinks its cringe too.

when and where

More waifus, your grace?

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>If Kreia had succeeded, the Jedi/Sith war would never have happened!

Imagine missing the point this hard.

In an interview someone asked him about the fan theories about Kreia and he just refused to even talk about it because it annoys him

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so you're just making shit up, okay

Go ask him

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it's because avellone hates star wars and what it stands for, I imagine the last thing he'd want is discuss some fan theories about a character that he wrote specifically to be a mouthpiece for his cricitism of the SW mythos

No, all you had to do was saying you will will at least consider her words to gain influence with her, so you can still disagree with her.

Basically you only need to show that you are willing to learn.

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if you can cut yourself off from the force and get it back, why would the masters cutting you off again matter?

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The source is Chris
Go ask him on twitter right now

The only reason the Exile felt the force again is because of the bond with Kreia, he felt it through Kreia and she taught him to feel again

Donald Trump thinks you are a retard. He said that, if you don't believe me, ask him on twitter.

This is why I love these threads

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>She tried to warn you, but you're too stupid to even understand some basic Nietzschen philosophy.
Nah, Nietzsche is cringe and bluepilled and Kreia's just a self-serving, bitter, and cowardly fence sitter.

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Because what the Exile did wasn't technically "cutting off" the Force, it was deafening himself to it, becoming a blank spot for it. It was still able to flow through the Exile from others, hence becoming a big collection bin for it as soon as he came into contact with Force Sensitives. Getting cut off from the Force wouldn't allow the force to move through him at all.

Think of it as the Exile emptying himself out, and the Masters building a wall around him.

>Commits sudoku to give the Exile PTSD therapy


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No she just treasures free will above all else. And she isn't sitting on any fence by trying to deliver freedom to the galaxy.


>some literally who opinion

On the off chance you're still here, I just got done doing a gunz run and I fucking melted everything. What did you try?

i think he was referring specifically to the OP dilemma

He could have gotten shit drops. Since you don't have any stat modifiers to damage, not getting a couple good Rippers could be pretty disastrous.

ah found the retard

Yeah blasters are absolutley trash compared to literally any melee option
Plus you can also get the melee finesse perk which let's you use dex so bpasters dont even get that exclusive benefit

Are you telling me that Kreia is just Chris Avellone's shallow self insert to berate and lecture the player because he doesn't like Star Wars?

That is a fair point. My final weapons were an Onasi Blaster and a Mando Disintegrator. Not quite 2 Rippers, but they still shat on everything Malachor could throw at me.

I believe that it is also canon that the force permeates everything regardless of whether you can sense it

disintegrator is better than ripper

Is it? I've honestly heard conflicting accounts.

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Its the next tier up, its the best one in the game

>instead of KOTOR 3 we're getting a fucking hollywood shitfilm
Not like this

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Atton suspect it might have been some serious stuff for her to look that worn out..

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>muh """""freedom"""""
She gives you no reason to even think that's what she actually wants. Damn near everything she tells you is a lie, so clearly she has the entire galaxy's best interest at heart.

She's a contrarian to play devils advocate.

Which seems completely retarded; the whole point of KOTOR was that it was star wars in video game form, so why make it a movie?

Kreia really wasn't that complex of a character, she was just a mouthpiece for Avellone.

bro, you are supremely retarded

Right off the bat thats wrong, you get 3 options and the neutral option doesnt do anything THEN you get presented with the stupid choice to either be a nutcase or be a pussy

It's been seven years, how do people like you don't understand that new material is not being made for the old canon anymore?

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You got a point or what?

Either stand firm in your belief without being a cunt about it or tell her you'll think on what she said.
>That dialogue where she talks about you you pinning the Handmaiden down and what would happen if she submitted to you

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but it is, they're making a kotor trilogy of movies.

Huh, neat. Zersium is still the best rifle, right?

you mean this?

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The Mandalorian wars were fought from 3976 (first raids) or 3964 (Revan's entrance to the war) to 3960. KOTOR I took place in 3956. KOTOR II took place in 3951.

oh no
they're gonna ruin it so bad...
please never ever use Kreia in this disney shit

>always do the opposite of what Kreia says
>gets the best results in the game
makes you think

different beggar

She mainly doesn't like droids because of her lack of influence over them.

>not completely winning her over so she spills the beans on some of her secrets
>not having high enough int and awareness to notice when she's lying and deceive her instead

She is explaining how both light and dark are retarded.

Noice. Both are pretty hot but the idea of defeating a chick so hard she just submits to you gets me fucking diamonds

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No its not its the same one. You get 3 options and if you pick the middle one (sorry I don't have any credits to spare) it loops back to those two options where you can only threaten him or pay him. Its blatant bullshit.

This. The brainlets can't comprehend this. It's honestly amazing.

>not making your purpose to fail her completely and utterly.

Do not argue about a subject you know nothing about. It's to the benefit of nobody, especially yourself. You're wasting everyone's time and you're becoming a massive fool because of it. The Catholic church became a self-worshiping, murderous group of bandits that hid behind the veil of worship, abandoning the teachings of the bible and of God, only to try and make up their own rules. Martin Luther saw this and argued that the church should be a place of worship, not a place that is worshiped. The pope is a made-up rank for a man who spews out bullshit, the Vatican is full of pedophiles, and the church blatantly extorts people for money in order to "absolve your sins."

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Kreia: Disapproves

So Atris used your lightsaber as a dildo right?

So Echanis are perverts who do after-spar sex?


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Absolutley, what did you think those vibration cells are for

It's a trilogy set in the Old Republic era of the new canon, it's not a literal KOTOR movie.

>ywn fight Brianna until she's all sweaty exhausted then slam her on the ground and push her down as you fuck her until her mind breaks and she becomes your dark jedi cumslut

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They're used to bioware games where you "win" conversations, and thus a conversation that doesn't have a "NPC says I'm right" choice confuses them.

Echanis equate sparring as dating rituals, if you've defeated her she's meant to be your wife and mother of your children

Gunslinger build can get really crazy, since it can get access to the Mandalorian Ripper/Disintegrator which have insane critical threshold that could be improved even further.
And it works really well with sneak attack modifier, since sneak attacks always triggers on disabled enemies.

The only issue is that force speed only work with rapid fire on ranged weapons.

They even gave her sexy makeup if you corrupt her and make her your sex slave
They knew

Why do Obsidiots have such an inferiority complex? I am so glad their precious company crashed and burned while Larian is now the hotness.

Why the fuck didn't I get handmaidens sisters as gfs then when I wrecked their shit? Why was it they disliked her again?

Ranged weapons are complete trash for the first half of the game
I recently tried a rifle run and it was almost impossible on normal difficulty, I had to savescum every fight and abuse the AI

But, Your Grace.
The franchise is empty.

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Larian is a reddit tier company and nobody was talking about nuObsidian garbage.

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>the nu-Jedi council is basically an ex-Jedi killer, a smuggler, a daughter of a former Jedi, a blind Sith apprentice and a mechanic


>implying I didnt destroy them

two handed guns are strictly worse than dual gun weapons since they don't get damage bonus from strength, but instead get massive damage bonus from crafting weapon mods.


AKSTUALLY my revan died fighting rakghouls in the sewers of taris and never met bastilla

Huh didnt know that
Is there a good resouce that tells you all these details?
Also what determines drop chance, because I swear I was getting heaps of drops on one of my characters but on that rifle run I got almost none

Which one is the smuggler? Mira? I thought she was a bounty hunter since Atton is the jedi killer.

for being a "peaceful" monk culture, they sure do have alot of statues/engravings of them with their weapons out.

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This guide is really extensive:

Based end to legendary sith lord

>From the moment I heard your voice across the galaxy, I have longed for you—When I heard it, I loved you more than my own life. And I wanted you to be here with me, for as long as you will let me love you
GOAT waifu

it's not a weapon, it's a meditating tool

>western roleplaying
if only they could learn from the japanese on how to do it right.

Handmaiden is better but Visas is a close second
I take both

>Everything in the new films ranges from derivative to beat-for-beat retreads of EU content
>"It'll be different this time!"

Your desire for her praise is your flaw.

Because she's the product of their father's infidelity behind their mother's back, with some Jedi hussie who would go on to provoke a bunch of anons by arguing the merits of giving a homeless man money.

Doesn't Vrook immediately see through your bullshit and try to kill you if you're dark, no matter what you do?

>crazy ex-gf craves your cock
what you do?

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If you save Khoonda, side with the Queen, and save the refugees from the Exchange you can avoid fighting them


>When you're pumping points into DEX and subsisting in ranged mediocrity and you finally get that ability that uses DEX instead of STR as the damage modifier

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I still don't get the ending and what Kreia tried to accomplish by fighting you on malachor
she wanted to validate the exile's strength, but to what end?

Fuck her cute young spunky tomboy servant instead

If she killed you at malachor it would have opened a wound in the force that would have killed it
At least that was her plan
And if you beat her then you would have proved her wrong and surpassed her

That's retarded. Why would she want to kill all life in the galaxy?

It's undoubtedly a weakness overall but does inadvertently reinforce the fact that the majority of the party hates one anothers guts and just wants to keep to themselves

well she ain't really been wrong about the force perpetually throwing the galaxy into conflict consuming countless lives

which one? she has five of those

Not only does that not apply to ranged weapons but that feat doesn't exist in the game.

She didnt she wanted to kill the force, it just so happened that it would also kill a ton of life and she didnt really realise her hipocrisy

>not living with your choices
god damn it user you had one fucking job

She passed on her teachings (those that were worthy of passing on anyway, she's aware of her flaws and glad the Exile wasn't just mini-Kreia), but for the Exile to reach his full potential, he had to move past Malachor. Since Kreia is a huge proponent of growth through conflict (much like the Echani, whom she had a fetish for), she set herself up as a final obstacle for the Exile to overcome, and in doing so, overcome his past as well.

Don't listen to he's just straight up wrong.

Are you talking about the finesse feat? Those feats only make it so the dexterity attack bonus (IE accuracy) applies for melee weapons.

You're retarded. People are huge fucking hypocrites and wishy washy as fuck. C'mon, use that thing between your ears, user.

>You do not know the indignity of being compelled to save something you do not believe can - or should be saved, it it beneath me.
Based G0T0.

if the Exile is male and you talk about Atris with Brianna, choosing certain dialogue options heavily hints that the Exile and Atris were secretly lovers before the Mandalorian Wars and she is pissed not because you left the Jedi Temple to fight in a war, but because you left her
>did you touch him? did you look upon him with love?

It would kill literally everything, and it's a real stretch to say she didn't know how the Force and life are linked.

I'm not wrong faggot and you're not wrong either, it was a test, but she also desired the death of the force
That was her prime motivator
Actually watch the final cutscene instead of mashing through dialogue

Nah, she had a crush, and never got the balls to do anything about it. Just like leaving with the Exile for the Mandalorian Wars, it's something she desperately wanted, but was too much of a dogmatic slave to ever take.

I knew she loved jedi jesus but I don't recall the dialogue hinting that they actually were lovers.

Not everything. Just force sensitives, and there are force sentitives that can shield themselves from such an event like Kreia and the Exile for example.

Find even a single reference to "killing the Exile will open a wound in the force". A single one.

The fucks at Disney doesn't deserve this beautiful edgequeen creature.

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Literally everything. The Force is created from life. The only way to kill it is to kill all life.

The entire conversation with Atton then again with Atris before you go to Malachor?

you can tell Brianna that Atris was more than a fellow jedi to you and hint that your relationship was forbidden

Give me a quote.

This game did a good job of giving your character a defined backstory but still letting you shape them how you want. Like how you have plenty of opportunities to voice your opinion on the mandalorian wars.

use that thing between your legs and have sex

No you dumb retard your player character is living proof that you can exist without the force and Kreia literally tells you this on Malachor

Neither did bioware, that's why they stuck her in ToRtanic.

Avellone's failure to understand the franchise doesn't change the fact that the Force is created from life.

How old is the Exile suppose to be? Are they actually suppose to be old or just very worn out and world weary?

>save the refugees from the exchange
This one you don't actually have to do. If you instead fuck around with Goto's shit (swoop track, pazaak den, etc.) you don't even have to enter the Refugee quarter before shit hits the fan.

Source: My most recent playthrough.

thanks, that's kinda what I assumed but it's unclear since the ending part is so rushed
a part of me thinks she was suicidal at the end and didn't really have a concrete plan, she wanted to wipe the slate clean with eradicating the sith and the jedi and leave behind a worthy successor
the beauty of it all is that we know her hatred of the force was justified and all her teachings were ultimately for naught, the force would still bring 'balance' to the galaxy through endless war and it's basically a big fuck you to the star wars universe from avellone

I wasn't talking about using the bonus on guns :)

Doesn't matter since you're still wrong.

Fucking hell why dont you just play the god damn game
>In the Star Wars video game Knights of the Old Republic II, the final antagonist, Kreia (Darth Traya) wanted to completely destroy the Force by sacrificing herself and the exile in the wound in the force on Malachor V. This should generate a chain reaction to destroy the force.

So many English text in this game.

the latter
when you try to hit on Mira she tells you that you are too old for her, you can answer "hey I'm not that old", then she explains she didn't meant actual age difference but that wars made your soul worn out
also you are supposed to be the same age as Atris and given how the other masters are all boomers I always thought she is in her 40s

but the exile absorbs force from everything around him, he doesn't exists without the force

Prove it retard

Improved Finesse isn't in the game.

No, she is deaf to the force but not without it. Otherwise, Kreia won't be able to identify you while in exile and you'll just be like Anton.

why do i even bother arguing with these people

Okay retard

>Using a random fucking Youtube description as proof

Jesus Christ. Let me help you out.

Atris is the only person to ever mention the whole "literally kill the force" plan. Ever. In the entire game, from the end on, that is the only mention of killing the force (not counting Nihilus just chowing down on all life, which, I think we can all agree was not Kreia's master plan). This is because it's a lie. Just like "I'm going to stab myself and then you'll die too" is also a lie, because the Exile not only manages to survive Kreia's death, but the death of THOUSANDS of force bonds (even though that one took some desperate measures). Just like Kreia leading the Sith to conquer the galaxy is ALSO a lie, because she fucking hated the Sith.

And I don't know where you and "tehPrincessJ" got this nonsense about her achieving this mystical death of the force through flesh sacrifice, because as I said, there's literally not a single line even hinting at that.

Kreia did plan to use an echo to defeat the force, a single action growing into a cacophony that would span the Galaxy. But it wasn't a literal fucking echo. The echoes were a metaphor for how a single action can butterfly effect outward to change the course of history, the very concept that Kreia tried to illustrate in the OP. The Exile was her echo, a single person able to look beyond dogmatic adherence, who would then teach others, who would in turn then teach others, whom would touch the lives of hundreds more, and thus a single drop would echo outward, building upon itself until it changed the Galaxy.

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No it uses Dex instead of strength as the damage scaling modifier, and on hit whichever is higher on a d20 roll

It's impressive that people are still to this day butthurt about Kreia.

>youtube description
What the fuck?
Go to 4 minutes you mouthbreathing RETARD

>Atris is the only person to ever mention the whole "literally kill the force" plan. Ever.
Kreia literally says she wants to kill the Force.

Wrong on several levels.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-13 Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II The Sith Lords Feats — StrategyWiki (925x235, 45K)


Provide. A. Quote.

Just one quote that says "she will do it by killing herself". Atris also gives the the threat of "If you don't go, she'll kill herself", but it's a threat of what happens if the Exile doesn't go. In fact, the preceding line in response to "how is she going to do it?" is "I don't know".

not that user but no, if you watch the ending she says she sees in the exile the potential to weaken the force's grasp on the galaxy like a poison
literally nothing is said about destroying the force once you confront her

I don't think so. I think she MAYBE mentions she WANTS to kill the force once, but I don't think she ever mentions she is, and she certainly never directly states "I will create an echo to destroy the force" or any such statement of intent to a specific plan.

>I see the potential to see the Force die
>I will learn the way to kill it
Neither of these are subtle.

"She seeks to create another echo by fighting you at the heart of Malachor"
You braindead retarded fucking idiot
Drink cyanide and take a bothan droid disruptor to the head


Multiple characyers including Kreia literally say that she wants to KILL the force
They LITERALLY use the words "Kill" amd "Destroy"
Why are you being so monumentally thick headed

>pushing her to the wall, tearing off her robe and impregnating her isn't an option
I love this game but this boss battle sucked

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I'm so frustrated I can't even spell properly now
Every siggle one of your fan theories is disproven here
and here
Before you shitpost STOP and watch these videos.

>"She seeks to create another echo by fighting you at the heart of Malachor"
See, when I said "give me a quote", I didn't mean "make one up" one you literally made up right now doesn't actually count as a quote, you fucking idiot.

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lmao dog you are so fucking dumb

Not liking Atton Rand is a sure sign of shit taste and low intelligence

Its called "paraphrasing"
Fucking retard go back to Yea Forums
Cant even sit through 1 minute of dialogue

I liked him until he got super aggressive with me and said he enjoyed killing jedi then threatened me
What the fuck dude

isn't he working on a star wars game right now, a really generic shitty one?

dying light 2 looks good though

then why even go to Malachor to face her

Atton sucks
>dude be he is complex! you must like him

See, I'm asserting that your paraphrasing is wrong. This assertion is supported by the fact that when asked to provide a quote, something that takes roughly five seconds in paint, you instead choose to paraphrase, and present it as a quote. Because there is no quote. Because there is no line that CAN be quoted, because it doesn't exist, because that's not the plot of the game.

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Whiny cunt. Zaalbar betrayal best day of my life.

Because Malachor is a wound in the force too, its what caused the Exile to cut himself off from the force to shield himself from death, tons of jedi on Malachor died due to this. This is what Kreia wants to bring to the whole universe. She hoped to cause a chain reaction.

>>duhHhh why use a youtube description!
>isnt even in the youtube description its from the wikipedia
>show him literal clip of the game of atris saying that she wants to meet the exile at the heart of malachor because she believes she can "destroy the force" in those exact words
>>lmao dood u dont even provide quotes!
>>omg lol u paraphrased instead of transcribing 3 minutes of text into your post because im too lazy to watch the video? disproven

>tfw you remember you could literally gas your entire party to death on malachor
god that game allowed you to be edgy


your party gets imprisoned and you could either free them or turn their cells into gas chambers

Kinda related but Jade Empire was brutal too, cleaved the head right off of Hou when the fork in the road hit

>But Wikipedia!
>But a Youtube clip I'm unable to find a single quote supporting my claim in
Nigga you literally have to find one line of dialogue. Just one. You really think you're totally incapable of finding a single line of a dialogue IN THE ENTIRE GAME about something, but it's still true, because you read it on Wikipedia?

All you have to do is find one quote my man. One quote and you'll make me look the fool and prove your point. Just one line that says "Kreia plans to kill the Exile on Malachor to create the echo".

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Mandalore was a wound in the force because of the shit ton of Jedis and Mandalorians that were killed by the Mass Shadow Generator. The Jedis that were not squashed by it also died because of so many of their force bond mates dying sent the feedback through the force.

Repeating it again caused jack shit because there's only a bunch of siths and the Exile with his party members that could be affected by it. That's why it blew up in the Lightside ending.

>"Now she seeks to create another echo, a wound in the force, greater than the one before, greater than the one you caused. It will deafen all touched by the force until no life is left. You were strong enough to withstand it once - but few have your strength in such matters especially if they are unprepared. She needs you there. If you choose not to follow, she will murder herself at the heart of Malachor and you will die along with her. She seeks the death of all Jedi, all Sith... and the death of the Force."

Just a boy blowin' off some steam, no big deal