How do we feel about XSEED?

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All I know about them is that they're the ones who bring all the niche anime games and YS to North America so they seem alright.

They kept supporting the psp for longer then they had to, bringing some good weebish titles, and the fanbase while small would pay and support them for it...
However, where the fuck is the class of heroes 3? It was supposed to release last year

I like them

>class of heroes 3

i swear to god you niggers are beyond retarded.

Gimme new wild arms

I like their niche releases, but not really their mainline like senran kagura, their recent releases haven't been that good either

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xseed hire this man

Based Policeman

Not anymore.

They are onions.


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fuck, I just remembered there are actual 12-14 year olds on twitter
I have to try and remember this when I see dumb shit every day on that website

Only game I can think of I care about they have is the Rune Factory series.

They made that faggot Nightwolve go on a huge rant, so they are alright in my book.

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Why don't they release on xbox?

I REALLY don't get this meme

theres no weebs on xbox consoles

well of the YS games I've gotten around to playing at least

basically mocking something as gay

Must have imagined Tales of Arise and Phantasy Star Online 2 at Microsoft's E3 show a few days ago.

XSEED is not a developer, and the games they license almost never have Xbox versions because no one in Japan owns an Xbox.

Tales and PSO have the boomer aura around them and because of that they are probably the least offensive to gaijins. But we're talking about the anime stuff that make casual americans cringe because they can't handle exuberant teens and high pitched voices.