What does Yea Forums think of The Witcher 3

What does Yea Forums think of The Witcher 3

Do you think it's a masterpiece like critics say?

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comfiest game of all time

Undoubtedly game of the generation. That is until Cyberpunk 2077 comes out.

Yes and I don't actually care for it myself. The combat I found samey. But I acknowledge its importance even if its jsut for being a successful rpg.

I know one person that beat this game out of like 12 that own it.

It's No Masterpiece, And Here's Why

pretty mediocre, the open-world design hurt it a lot and as such it's not even better than the first game, but much better than the second at least, what a damn shitshow 2 was

PSA: Goty edition on steam with 70% discount if you feel like buying games

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#1 most overrated game of all time

It's basically a glorified VN.
The open world is horrible, the crafting and gear is inexplicably a downgrade in every way from TW2 and the combat is infamously bad.

Potential to a great game shame the controls were poo

It would've been masterpiece if it didn't play like shit with terrible combat and wanky movement and if quests design was more than activate batman vision and go to quest marker to talk to npc/kill something.

Didn't play it until 3 years after release because I wasn't interested and didn't believe the hype.

Doesn't make my top 5 games of all time, but objectively speaking it might be the best game I've ever played. 10/10 and deserves the praise it got

Found the CDProjekt dick sucker.

Is it a good game? Yes.
Is it better than Bioware and other western developers' rpgs released in the last 10 years? Yes.
Is it the best game ever made like it's fanboys claim? No.

Great game, but do yourself a favor and play it on a real platform such as XboneX or a good PC

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based objective poster
I want to replay it on pc but don't want to be stuck for another 100 hours

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>Hold X to gameplay

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I can't wait to pay full price for the vastly inferior "portable" version!

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How about I hold X to cave your fucking skull in?

It has pacing issues and the combat is just serviceable but overall it's a good game. I see a lot of people hate on Witcher 3 but have much worse games above it.

i need a new ps4 game.
should i get the witcher or horizon?

i'm also considering god of war

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The are all worth a single playthrough, just get the cheapest one

definitely witcher

is this viral marketing? there have been 10 threads a day for weeks. I have just enough money on my playstation wallet to buy this game but I'm not going to, fuck you

it's currently on sale for 15 dollars, that's why i was considering it

anyone has that drowner pasta? makes me laugh everytime