Hideo Kojima

Is he a genius or a hack?

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The guy is, as we speak, fisting two chicks while eating sushi off of a third.

>MGSV is essentially Metal Gear Solid: Choose Your Adventure Edition with all paths that you can possibly take being canon
>Chooses to call "choose your own adventure" something that movies and books could never do despite that books already did

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pretentious hack who has never made a good game on his own


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Neither. He's really good at following through with serious emotional themes, but he's terrible at writing story that makes sense or characters that act in a logical way (because this might get in the way of his precious themes)

Unironically a genius.
He wrote pic related in 2001.

While Konami sabotaged a lot of shit in MGS5, his message about language was no less brilliant.

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Absolute hack in every way.

He's a hack when it comes to making video games.
He's a hack when it comes to pop culture.
He's a hack when it comes to food.
He's a social media hack.

Hack hack hack.

>unironically genius
>starts with 'we are formless' hippy bullshit

Absolute YIKES!

the AI was describing itself as a virtual entity, retard.
This was written by Tomokazu Fukushima, not kojimber.

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>couldn't get further than three words
Its really not surprising to anyone that you don't get it, when you admit to a shortcoming like that.

Genius turned hack, he's only as good as his source material

How do you know which parts were written by him and which were written by Hideo? Is there a breakdown of this somewhere?

I've never played MGS but Death Stranding looks like a cool game. However, it sort of looks like it might make more sense as a movie? The storytelling looks pretty cool, with some pretty cool ideas, and great presentation. But the gameplay looks like a lot of walking around, sometimes riding a motorbike, sometimes beating up enemies, but a lot of just walking around.

Also MGS V looks pretty cool, but stealth games kind of annoy me. I don't want to think too much with a video game, I just want to kill things and have fun.

Does Yea Forums think Death Stranding will be a good game to play? Or will it be boring gameplay? I don't even have a PS4 by the way, but the trailers for this game have intrigued me.

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I think Death Stranding will be good. Like Metal Gear Solid V, I expect it will give you a lot of ways to solve different situations, and it seems like it'll have some fun items to play around with.

He doesn't. It's just a coping mechanism people came up with to help their doublethink of loving Kojima's old games while still hating Kojima. They are just retards who want to be like the cool contrarian Kojima haters but can't commit.

>Does Yea Forums think Death Stranding will be a good game to play?
I think it will be good. I liked Breath of the Wild running around, climbing and traversing the environments. If you didn't this might not be your kind of game like how you said stealth isn't your kind of game.

Genius in the same vein as as the wachowskis
But he made some fantastic games, can't really criticize him. You can't expect anyone to keep creating masterpieces, I don't even think that's possible. Prove me wrong kojimbo.

he's credited as codec writer during end credits of all three.

MGSV is basically Far Cry with more focus on stealth. You can easily run and gun through most of it

That would seem to suggest he wrote the random, context-sensitive codec conversations that happen when you randomly call people up.

Y'know, as opposed to the massive philosophical futurist essay that predicted the current state of the internet 15 years before it happened.

He's a westaboo

neither, he's sporadically interesting

Kojima is a hack, Hideo is a genius

MGS4 and MGS5 exposed him as a hack.

Yeah it does remind me of the videos I've seen of MGS V. Not sure if I have the patience for that kind of game anymore. Maybe when I was a kid and had more time on my hands, but now I just want to shoot shit.

Yeah maybe it isn't. I'll still watch videos about it though and see what it reveals.

>You can easily run and gun through most of it
Interesting, didn't know that.

Why do people pretend that the internet didn't exist in 2001?
The stories about MGS2's localization also ironically creates its own "context".

That was cringe highschool level essay stuff. I hate how autobiographical parts of his games are. The stories he writes have no integrity since he randomly decides to either focus on boobs and ass or have a long dramatic speech about something that isn't related to the theme of the game.

Definitely a hack, but I can see why tasteless incels (gamers) would like him.

Somehow both.

>I don't want to think too much with a video game, I just want to kill things and have fun.

How about you kill yourself?

>getting this fucking triggered
LMAO what the fuck is wrong with you?

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Unlike you, I was alive back then.

It was not like this then.

>t. Member of a small gated community, cringing in fear of a larger forum

Nice roleplaying.


Hack, Death Stranding looks about as fun as watching paint dry

The open world in MGSV was a totally pointless waste of space and time, DS looks like its going be more of that boring shit

The tits in Kojima's games are weaksauce, so he can't even do that right

Reminder that most of the hate you see for Kojima comes from SJWs who put him on a permanent shit list because of Quiet not wearing clothes.

Other than like, Stardew Valley and Cave Story, who the fuck ever "makes games on their own"?

What a stupid comment.

>I invented a new genre: the stranding genre
>nice. but you walk alot like in a walking simul-

He is a good businessman that exploits stupidity, and adapts with the flow of time.
>Built his career by making parodies of 80s action movies thanks to the fact that no one gave a fuck about copyrights in Japan back then
>Added everything he could think of (sci-fi, magic, tacticool shit, mecha, everything that is popular with dumb murican kids) to one franchise, making it into a perfect combined fodder for barely intelligent animals that his fanbase consists of.
>When dumb murican kids became dumb murican adults and switched their interests from videogames to watching TV shows Netflix all day - he decided to cater to them by hiring a bunch of third-rate Hollywood actors from popular TV series to once again create the best chew for idiots.
Good thinking. Its a bit sad that there are enough retards in this world for this approach to be successful, but oh well.

zomg, kojima was the first to EVER come up with themes that have been showing up in science fiction for decades before 2001!

Great representation of how he sees himself

so he has three hands?

Then you obviously wouldn't struggle to name a few.

Lets say, one from each decade, since that was your claim.

Everything surrounding Quiet was retarded but I thought her relationship with Venom was handled really well. Probably one of the better things about MGSV

Looking at posts ITT, it seems pretty obvious.

Gotta lot of people who act savvy, but then they also seem kinda stupid and hostile.

My main complaint with Quiet was that her tits were too small, it was impossible to fap to her

>fapping to Quiet
Haram tbqh

never produced anything worth spending a second of your life with.

All of his games are must play classics

Your post is literally the first mentionning Quiet though.

Team cherry did, they are just 4 motherfucking people

You can eat sushi off someone without using your hands

>Like Metal Gear Solid V, I expect it will give you a lot of ways to solve different situations
How does MGSV allow that exactly?
There are dozens of guns, sure, but you are extensively punished for using guns, so they are not an option.
For stealth you have tranq gun, tranq sniper and gimmicks that usually make noise or attract unwanted attention.

maybe if you dont bother looking like a pig

He's a genius.

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Kojima is a hack, Hideo is a genius

Yeah, that's why the whole "there are so many ways to play" angle wrung hollow for me, which wouldn't really have been a problem if the game didn't have the empty open world, the miserably boring story, and the tedious grinding/base management garbage.

>Everything surrounding Quiet was retarded but I thought her relationship with Venom was handled really well. Probably one of the better things about MGSV
I just realized this is true. What I looked forward the most thorough the entire game was the development on Venom's relationship with Quiet. That was after I realized he just wouldn't have any fun interaction with Ocelot.