Have you ever been banned from a video game?

Have you ever been banned from a video game?

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Hahahahaha faggot

lmao OP you faggot nigger

I think my first roblox accout got banned after I played the work at a pizza place game and kept putting myself in the oven while fighting with people in chat

Overwatch for playing too much hanzo and widowmaker and not communicating with my team. They eventually unbanned me though.

get dabbed on bitch

If you're not playing the meta then you betta get fucked

I got banned yesterday from fucking mario kart ds on private wfc server because i leaved at the fucking character selection screen because my friend wasnt ready and an admin was in that lobby what a cunt

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Play Wii instead
CTGP niggas unite

>act like a gaynigger in public
>get treated like a gaynigger

>say the N-word after buying a brand new car
>dealership immediately confiscates my new car without refunding me
welp, I said a mean word so I guess I deserve to lose my hard earned money despite the fact that we have a thing called freedom of speech in this country

Once in FFXIV
I shouted "congratulations to the 45th president, Donald Trump" in the Idyllshire on the night of the election. Got a 24 hour ban with a nasty e-mail to not do it again.

based op
>taking picture your screen
nvm cringe kill yourseld

>don't play the meta
>do better than my entire team
>get banned


HaTeSpEeCh Is NoT fReEsPeEcH

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>say word
>lose access to your purchase
When will Ford start installing microphones so they can come and tow your car away if you say nigger while driving it and have Twitter approve of that?

this is the dumbest post I've ever encountered on this site

and that's saying a lot


I once got banned from a freelancer server for saying "shit" because they had a strict no bad language rule because think of the poor childrens.

sorry I can't use discord seeing as I don't speak Chinese

Samo reason as you and in the same game even. I called the playstation users faggots because they keps scoring own goals.

The Orthodox Jews are never the rich and powerful ones in the glass towers. It’s too bad they get the front of the hate despite being the least of the problem.

>act like a faggot child
>get treated like a faggot child
>complain about "MUH FREEZE PEACH" like a faggot child

votebanned once for being too good

I got banned from a Gmod Dark RP server for shotgunning an admin in the face.

no because I know how to behave in a polite society

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Why can't the left churn out good insults?

Got banned on Dokkan Battle for using a modded version for playing during a WT. Which was weird because i played during a previous one and didnt get caught. Ah well, i was f2p and barely played.

better start learning, the future is chinese

>The Orthodox Jews are never the rich and powerful ones in the glass towers
but they still rape kids

Some ukranian faggot hijackedy steam l, used it to cheat in csgo and got my account vac banned. I didn't care about csgo so its like whatever but having red text that says VAC'd is what really pisses me off

You CLEARLY don't browse this cite very much then. This doesn't even make the top 20.

All i've managed to get is a 24 hour suspension from PSN for "cheating". I fell off a cliff on some map for Resistance: Fall of Man.
Butthurt faggots.

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Yeah I have a permabanned account on League of Legends

That sounds hilarious.

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>Drive around shouting racial abuse at random passers by
>government takes my license away

WTF BROS?!?!?!?!?

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If the government isn't doing it to you, it's not a free speech issue.

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Imagine unironically being banned in Rocket League. I've never used the chat but I've gone afk and played against my own team hundreds of times, and never got banned.

Jews are jews are jews.

So do Catholics.
I say we kick them both out.

Without the rich Jews to hide that shit, they wouldn’t be able to get away with it.

5 times from league of legends, going for number 6

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>used to think all the gangweed shitposts about gamers being oppressed for not being able to say the n-word were just memes

>they actually have some truth to them

How fucking retarded do you have to be to think you should be allowed to have "KikeFagKiller69" as your username and be able to spam the word nigger in every chat.

What if the government is owned by corporations?

how cucked do you have to be to think words should be banned?


Doesn't mean we can't complain.
Nobody is saying that the government needs to step in, but shittalking a company policy we disagree with is perfectly reasonable.
Just like, while recognizing it's perfectly legal, I might be upset if a store near me didn't supply something I liked.


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Don't bother. Threads like these get created every day, and no matter how many times you explain it, these children still don't get it.

>lying on the internet

you should at least try to form an argument





It's free check it out

what are you gonna do about it?


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>buy game
>say word
>money stolen

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Did you say "hey look at me, I'm a Jew haha" haha



>plays Rocket League
>keeps spamming nice save! or nice shot! until someone rages and insult me
>report them
I dont even care about the game


















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>puts spaces trying to avoid punishment
>gets banned anyway
>seething from ban
why do you f aggot n iggers do this?

>Person is annoying
>They do something that's bannable
>Report them
>They can no longer use thing they paid money for

Smell ya later loser!


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>act like a gaynigger in public
>get the support of the entire country and the scorn of an ex-underground website
>get showered in money, whites fired

ok i got one for you
Almost without exception these online games include a EULA agreement that you have to agree to in order to play. By accepting those terms and playing you are agreeing to abide by those rules and the developer has a right to suspend your account if you knowingly violate them, which spewing racial profanities almost always does.
your analogy is entirely inappropriate and reflects poorly on your critical thinking abilities, as later evidenced by attacking your critics with non substantive arguments such as post formatting.
I am convinced you are an imbecile and couldn't find a logical thought on this subject even if one crawled up your ass and gave you an orgasm through prostate stimulation.

This analogy would work if the dealership paid for your car maintenance and gas. Because you can still play if 'banned', just not online.

Which is kind of their decision how to moderate their online community?

When DS3 came out on PC I soon got a warning because I made a low level twink according to japanese info and spent a week destroying people. I guess they reported me for hacking because I could 1-3 shot them easily while taking minimal damage and have maxed out estus.

Welcome to Clown World 2019.

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get fucked nigger faggot


A few times yes

>It's too bad they get the front of the hate
Yea. Too bad.

Yes you do. Conform to society or gtfo.

>low level twink
show your twink ;)

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I'd get banned from Smash 4 every single week


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Why did companies instantly jump to bans and suspensions instead of settling for taking away the chat feature?

To me it just seems like they actively hate their consumers by taking their product away from them. I don't care what mean words said (especially if the chat is filtered), being an asshat in chat should never deserve a ban. Removing the ability to chat would remove the problem of mean words from the "toxic" morons, and they'll still have the game so they can foolishly buy in to your microtransactions.

Outright bans for "toxic chat" are bad for the consumer and the company. They make no sense.

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>Pay hard earned burgerbucks on a game
>Exercise my right to free speech
>Get banned for hurt feefees


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Yes I wrote customer support that their service was beyond awful and they banned me, no fucks given about the game though

I got banned for afking once. Banned a lot for teamkilling.

Because you'll be a major liability to the team if you can't properly communicate with them.

I'm almost certain i was banned from ds2 online for a while for helping people kill bosses as sunbro and then killing them with lifedrain patch

> paying for a game run by a scam outfit that bans users for being hard people to get along with and who are poor sportsmen

just use the fucking chat-ignore feature
> game doesn't have chat ignore

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there's a thing called "terms of service" for all you retards out there who keep screaming about MUH FREEDOM OF SPEECH

yea, thanks for reminding me babe

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Soft skin fucks would be eaten alive in minutes on any old goldSRC based game. Voice chat was a bloodbath

What does this even mean?

>I-It only protects you from the guber-
Eat a dick.

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>He acts like this is something only soiboys do when Yea Forums constantly bitches about being called racist or nazis

Never been banned myself, but I did cause someone to get banned for "crit hacking" by using the Kritzkrieg the day of the Medic update.

"Ban the account, but not the credit card."

Money making scam


what reason did they have to ban you? it surely can't be political, because shouting I love trans rights would definitely not get you banned.

my brother called someone a faggot on fortnite and now all the digital games I had bought got fucking locked by sony. Had GoW, spiderman, rdr2 and horizon all wiped off the system. Never buy the digital jew Yea Forums, especially not on ps4.

what are you trying to imply? 98% of the people on this board are söyboys, moron

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>what reason did they have to ban you? it surely can't be political, because shouting I love trans rights would definitely not get you banned.

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>No argument
He's 100% right you know.

You don't get to complain about getting your shit kicked in for being a cancerous faggot. Stop treating the rest of the world as if it were Yea Forums, you entitled shit.

Maybe in extremely competitive settings, but it shouldn't matter in casual games.

This makes more sense. Ban them so they have to buy the game again. Wonder if this will be enough to end up in court one day.

That's exactly what I'm implying

No, if you get mad enough at a videogame to curse at literal children playing it you definitely have something mentally wrong with you. I have gotten plenty of people banned though. Nothing beats fucking over retards who can't control their emotions.



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damn, that faggot got BTFO
how will xe/xer ever recover?

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I have been banned from plenty of minecraft servers, and I've been banned from league of legends multiple times. Surprisingly I've never been banned from overwatch even though I'm a completely toxic asshole on purpose

>Wonder if this will be enough to end up in court one day.
it goes to court when someone gets enough vaccine to become so autistic they spend their life reading laws these companies could've broke, then actually files the fucking court case with a lawyer.

> implying anyone has the fucking money to dish out against a multi-billion dollar industry

the only way to stop them is to physically threaten them.

> internet tough guy in real life meme

"3.3 Profanity and Offensive Language. You may not use profanity or any language that a reasonable person would find offensive. The Game is for a user aged 13 and older. You agree to behave accordingly."
Straight from the e-mail

Do these idiots really think that teenagers don't talk like this?

wait wait I missed something here what's wrong with spotify?

We live in a Clown World. Life is just one really long running joke. Have you seen the guys who are cutting off their dicks and thinking that they're women? Truly hysterical stuff.

why do you keep buying and playing games that have these game-wide bans? you're asking to have your money stolen.

The worst part is I'm in my 30s and they called me a child for congratulating a democratically elected official on their victory ONCE. It was a real eye opener.

>pay for game
>a report you never get to see is looked at by someone you cannot contact
>money stolen

This is some Soviet Union bullshit. How is this legal?

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I've been banned from PSN at least 5 times and had one of my accounts perm banned all from "game sharing". When I called and asked Sony why they always told me it was because I was on other peoples accounts.

Also once I bought over $500 worth of games while on this guys account with his credit card so I could play them on my account, I was like 13 at the time.

>mean stuff

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i think they removed racist music from their catalog. that's not even why i personally hate spotify though.


Just fucking remove voice and keyboard talk from games clearly people dont want to talk to each other especially in this turbo autistic enviorment if anti social bubbles retards create for themselves. Better yet just give them an option to turn off all forms of communication and warned that reporting people for """""harassment"""" wont be looked at.

streaming your music instead of downloading it is generally zoomer behavior

Question: Do teenagers actually get upset that they can't say faggot nigger without getting banned? Even racists get tired of people who just spam shit to be edgy and EBIG TROLL.

I got muted for like 12 hours when my friend convinced me to play the new wow xpac with him and I called someone a nigger
I played from TBC-Cata and talked all sorts of shit in public chat and never even got a warning

New Admin banned me from my favorite comfy 2fort classic server because I capped the flag and he was on losing team, two years later and I had forgotten about it until this thread popped up, Still mad. Fuck servers that gave Admin privileges to toddlers with credit cards

You know, at Disneyland - if security has to physically throw you out of the park, Disney will actually refund your ticket.
How do game companies get away with being more dishonest than fucking DISNEY?

Simply epic.


I got banned in a game chat because I called a bunch of people who were talking about how they had no friends boring faggots.
Then I got banned from the server because I started to spray scat porn all over their base.
I felt bad after.

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there's nothing wrong with this

Dota 2 several times for belittling mexicans.

there's unironically nothing wrong with this, it's just an extention of stream sniping and trolling on public servers

Fuck faggot streamers especially deserve to get fucked raw in the ass.

Got banned from a Neverwinter Nights server once. Some DM on the server kept undressing my character and making sexual comments about them as a joke. So I pk’d some newbies. I was too young to have a very functional concept of justice. I didn’t mind not being able to play so much, but there were some people on the server I liked and didn’t know how else to contact them, so that sucked. I eventually unbanned myself using my leet hacking skills and googling intitle:”index of” nwncdkey.ini. I forget the exact filename, but yeah, the game stored cd keys in an ini, and server bans were key based.

I must have done some retarded shit like naming my new character the same as my old one or something, though, because I was almost immediately banned again.

It absolutely is. Google is looking at a class action lawsuit for that very reason.

Honk honk!

How do they know the account of the person honking the horn


>Stream sniping being an issue
That's the cost of streaming. If you're going to stream competitive shit you either put a huge delay on it or just don't.

>don't hate mice! It's not their fault that rats are a plague on the human race! They give rodents a bad name!
Vermin is vermin, rabbi.

Correct answer

okay rabbi

>get trade banned while doing dailies
>appeal ban with video of me getting banned while doing nothing
>get banned even harder
serves me right for trusting a gook

yeah I hacked too much

>have a real good night with the huntsman on a Yea Forums tf2 server
>got permabanned for hacking within an hour

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Why does the left suck corporate cock? Aren't they supposed to be anti-establishment?

Once, for 2 hours, for typing in english in a french-european server, while a GM sperg was ingame.

Manchild told me "Here we talk french" & banned me just with that.

No, But i have been banned off social media a few times.

I don't play online games


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