Nothing is fun anymore

nothing is fun anymore

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Have Sex

Play Papers Please. As someone working 9-5 who used to play video games almost 24/7 it strikes a good mix of vidya and real life work.

wojaks aren't funny anymore


seething incel

I wish I was loved.



what? he's right
sex is fun

t. zoomer

It's fucking true, isn't it.

You'll get used to it.

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end it

i did. one of you fat fucking femwhales decided to add me on facebook for the quick D. got you deleted right afterward for smelling like shit


dont end it user, go all in and do whatever the fuck you want. Live live to its fullest


Stuff is fun when I completely ignore Yea Forums.

Take a break. I get burned out on vidya every once in a while and pick up other hobbies.

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Frankly it makes me SICK that other people are having fun

Its boring cumming is good

Tried it a few times with a few people, I could take it or leave it

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As I get older and the existential dread of real-life responsibilities consumes me more with every passing day, I find it nigh impossible to derive enjoyment from comics, vidya, TV, movies... every once in awhile I do. But not often.

>feels like using somebody body to masturbate
Don't fall for sex meme, lads.

This guy gets it.

I'm sorry you've never had good sex with a person you genuinely care about.

For me, Vidya isn't fun any more, just turned 37 last week and the only game I've actually wanted to get in the last 12 months was Chaosbane and it turned out to be a bit poo. I just sold all my vidya stuff and got into MTG, having much more fun hanging out with mates, a few beers, banter and slinging cardboard

>tfw it's becoming harder for me to pick on the mechanics of a game I haven't played before

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>I just sold all my vidya stuff
lol you done fucked up. See ya in a year.

You're getting old user

Rheinmetall AG stocks.

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Internet screwing with your dopamine.

Are you saying i should invest or something?


This, but unironically.

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>childish belief telling others to stop acting childish
religion. not even once.

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Everything STOPPED being fun when everything STARTED being about money.

Friendly reminder that money has and will always be an extension of another persons will,desires,intentions and demands and when you accept money for ANYTHING you are allowing another persons psychological shit into your pool of creativity.

>Animations and art were fun and adventurous and routinely slaughtered social sacred cows like it was a fucking religious holiday.
>Product reviews weren't beholden to "investors" narratives and didn't have to pull punches in their reviews of products.

Nah, I'm done for good, I guess Yea Forums probably hears that a lot but I really, truly don't enjoy gaming as a hobby anymore so why would I continue to put time and money into something that I get no enjoyment from?

then be lovable

>people on Yea Forums will say things like this then turn and unironically defend capitalism

Because you will probably want to play games in the future. I'm guessing someone put you up to it and you kind of fucked up there. Why else would you actively sell off something you've enjoyed in the past instead of just stashing it in the closet somewhere. You done goof'd and it's kind of shameful you're this weak in your 30s.

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This. It sounds vague, but instead of being sad and lonely think about why anybody would want to be around you. Work on yourself and make others want to be around you. It takes time, but that's really the only way to gain meaningful relationships. It also takes a lot of work to maintain friendships and romantic relationships.

henlo stinky lizard

neither have most people
they just have sex because they want to cum
nobody likes each other because most people are superficial faggots

Daily reminder that the world is just shit right now. The easy answer is to say "Oh, you're depressed" but the fact of the matter is that everything is dead. Video games are dead, movies are dead, art is dead. Literally nothing in life is worth doing anymore. You just happened to be born in one of the most pathetic and meaningless eras in all of humanity.

Sorry, I guess.

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I very much doubt that's true. Doing a mental tally I'd wager that most people I know have has meaningful emotional sex with someone they've cared about. You have a warped sense of reality.

I'd agree maybe with the fact that most people aren't currently with someone they've most enjoyed sex with, but what you're saying is kind of crazy.

epic, simply epic

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The world is the best it's ever been. Do you know the saying about smelling shit everywhere you go?

What's bugging you friend?

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>have has
have had** I'm retarded. Sorry.

You're an adult, take an interest in something outside entertainment media. Global politics is pretty interesting right now.

It's...really not.

Racial tensions are at an all time high, Muslims are overflowing into every single civilized country and reducing it to a state of chaos and violence, movies and video games have been infiltrated by leftists and turned into political mouth pieces, and it's literally not safe to go outside anymore if you live in Europe. The internet's not going to exist soon thanks to government intervention and corporate greed. The rich are just getting richer while the poor are eating each other alive to stay afloat.

Nothing is right in the world. There's literally no one to turn to except the grim reaper. Death is the only way out of this fucking clown world that we live in.

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>Implying this is the fault of capitalism
>Implying this isn't the fault of mass "SOCIALIZED" funding platforms like paypal,patrion,gofundme, ect

Let me ask you something. When you accept money from ONE person to fund a project, you're allowing them to influence you, correct?

So... what happens when you allow THOUSANDS of people with conflicting beliefs,morals,ideologies,butthurts,religions to fund your project?

But how does one cater to such a clusterfuck of contradiction?

You have to make the blandest,safest, most boring piece of shit imaginable just so you won't step on any toes.

This is not the fault of capitalism; it is the fault of socialism.

people like you need prophets and dictators to give them meaning

capitalism killed art through the relentless pursuit of money. it's more profitable to churn out uninspired trash, and it's only going to get worse as long as corporates are in charge

Fuck off everything else is boring.

>Global politics is pretty interesting right now.
No it ain't. Anyone heavily interested in any kind of politics is more than likely the most boring, least useful person in the room.

>what are investors

i know that feel

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Nobody put me up to anything mate, the decision was mine alone. Besides, my lad has a XboneX so on the offchance something interesting gets farted out then I'll still have a means to check it out

>and it's literally not safe to go outside anymore if you live in Europe.
You clearly have never been to Europe in your life. What would you know about the outside world anyway?

Please just leave you astroturfing faggot.

Kill something, fuck something, build something, alternatively have something try to kill you, fuck you or destroy something.

>it's literally not safe to go outside anymore if you live in Europe
americans actually believe this? i thought it was just a meme, but they really believe it?

Statistically you are wrong on all counts actually. It might seem like everything is worse entirely due to how accessible news are and what news organizations are these days. Not to mention aggregation algorithms that tend to pick stories that you've claimed interest in previously, so if you're reading and watching negative articles, you'll have more and more negative pieces of media suggested to you. Seriously, unsubscribe and decouple yourself from politics and news for a couple of weeks and you'll be a lot happier. You have a negatively skewed world view at the moment.

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It's easy to say you do or don't like something without actually knowing it.


>it's literally not safe to go outside anymore if you live in Europe
there are problems in the world but that's fucking pathetic, stop being a princess

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