Art style of the vidya franchise becomes worse with every new installment

>art style of the vidya franchise becomes worse with every new installment

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>that young Picasso

literally his dad cheating him into art school

>I dont know what art is: the thread

>art is subjective blah blah no such thing as bad art
Fuck off.

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Pointing out your ignorance is not the same as saying there are no standards. You still know nothing about art.

Standards are subjective from person to person. What IS bad art? What IS art? What IS? Look at me being a pretentious douchebag.

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then explain yourself nigger.

Only the first 3 are good

Art is reactionary. Picasso solidified the foundation for memes.

respect my !Artistic! expression you ignorant plebian

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and thus, in making a joke, art

checkmate nerd

No, he did shit in his art class. They would have known

Exploring the mental state of emotionally fragile humans (i.e. most artists unless they're sociopaths) is much more interesting then portraits

How are you all so underaged and stupid Yea Forums? Even someone with little to no knowledge of art like myself gets that Picasso got bored of drawing the same old vanilla shit and then wanted to move on to more abstract and challenging art. It’s like a fetish

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Be honest, how often do you sniff your own farts?

yeah, I mean if by 15 you are painting pretty much photorealistic stuff you may as well go crazy

Picasso has got to be the single biggest fraud in art history. I don't mean his actual work, I mean the 3 paintings on top. 14 years old my fucking ass. Not a lot of people know that his father was a classically trained painter, it's not that hard to put two and two together.

>Just making a painting of what someone looks like
>Flexing your creative muscles by distorting what someone looks like in various ways
Yeah I wonder why people praise Picasso's later work more than his paintings as a young man.

This, the invention of pictures made it obvious that painting something realistic is never going to be impressive as making up some weird schizo shit, what am I supposed to say about some trees? Nice brushing technique? Fuck off that's only technically impressive, doesn't make me feel like looking it at it

Reminds me of the schizophrenic artist that drew cats.

Photorealistic painting is bad art because it's literally just an inferior version of a photograph, a technology we've had for decades. If you paint and aren't doing unusual things that isn't possible with just photos like what Picasso did in his later years then you're just a hack who's wasting everybody's time. People who are impressed by "realistic" paintings are the ultimate brainlets.


Classical painting is soulless because you're just reproducing exactly what you see like a robot and following all the procedures that have been fully explored and thoroughly explained for a very long time. It's completely mindless.

Yes we know. He went from drawing competent but generic art to just drawing shitty art.

"Scene Composition" dumb nigger, have you heard about it?

Cope. 19 yo Picasso is a charcoal sketch

>total curent day plebs not understanding raging against the plebian-media degenerate camera hype

>saying taste is subjective is pretentious
You going to call me a wanker for saying I don't like caesar salad dressing?

>an absolute showcase of skill, patience and talent
>"lol I'll just take a piccy"
Kill your literal self

stupid nigger

why should anybody bother listening to (((art critics))) if they admit art is subjective. why should anybody have the right to complain about some games having ugly and brown art styles if its all subjective.


Picasso was the goat

I honestly think he started to literally shitpost with his art to see how long people would fall for it.

This is what I hate; retards like you that sit on your fat ass all day browsing the catalogue waiting to respond first. I never get yous no matter how hard I try so getting the first post is important. It's the same thing on every board. Assholes like you that make a moronic first post that aren't worthy of responses. What if I have something informative to say but can't, because of your selfishness? Imagine actually getting off by taking that opportunity away from somebody. Enjoy your "FPBP" responses, because that's all you have in life. Fuck you. Seriously.

>Picasso browses /d/
Deepest lore

Classical painting has objective qualities to it whereas modernist art is purely subjective and about the "message" behind the art. Classical painters had always prided themselves at replicating the beauty of nature, whereas modernist clearly aim at subverting it. It's realistic art and sculpting of the renaissance that we tend to hold dear rather than the more stylized forms of art from the medieval era.

Why should I base whether or not something might be worth experiencing based on their opinion and our shared interests?

Hang on...

More like
>video game finds a fun gimmick but keeps using that same gimmick for the rest of the series

Van Gogh is the greatest modern artist, prove me wrong

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