What's next for her career?

What's next for her career?

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the wall

>What's next for her career?
What career?

my dick

suck cock for crack

SFM footporn

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she's now a character for a free to play spanish? game
its not bad but also not good

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i hope
i REALLY hope


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Kek, Joost had a career?
I thought she was just Kojima's cock sock for a while.

>"I don't know what to do, user. Death Stranding seemed like my last chance...I'm 30 years old now..."

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Begone black DSP.

>Kojima said she should be in Death Stranding
>she failed to follow up and claimed Kojima never contacted her for the role
>this is somehow Kojima's fault
Like any employer, you contact them and not wait for a call back.
Joost is a retard who blew whatever chance at a career she could have had.

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disappearing from the spotlight like all other small time video game models. She can't even do good voice acting so unless there's a Quiet like silent role she's gone for good.

This. She's already hit it.

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Blacked Raw