How will The Outer Worlds compare to Fallout New Vegas? Are we trusting her to write a compelling story?

How will The Outer Worlds compare to Fallout New Vegas? Are we trusting her to write a compelling story?

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did you watch the gameplay? it looks like absolute shit

what's she doing with this loser?

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I wish I hadn't seen that

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it looks pretty good, eat shit,

don't care about the gameplay as long as the writing is good

seen what

>How will The Outer Worlds compare to Fallout New Vegas?
The Outer Worlds will be much better. Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky are at the helm

>Are we trusting her to write a compelling story?
When she's led by Boyarsky? Sure. She wrote the Gullet in Deadfire, which I liked, and Boyarsky had some material for her to watch for The Outer Worlds like the movie Brazil.

Whats the image from?

>The Outer Worlds
*holds up spork*

She's just yet another 5/10 obese single cat-lady bitch who happens to have smooth milky-pale legs.
Get your testosterone levels checked. Grow some self respect.


>Are we trusting her
No. It doesn't even matter what comes after this part. Women aren't as competent as men, in anything, unless it's smelling or something. It's the trade-off they make for having a baby factory inside them.

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But does her butthole looks like?

>Confusing Boyarsky + Cain humor as randumb
You're now imagining how insufferable Yea Forums would be if it existed when Fallout 2 came out.

Is she... Is she not wearing any pants...?

This is how men think of women, males are literally insane.

I hope so.

Fallout 2's shitty jokes were it's biggest flaws.

fallout 2's obnoxious humor was always criticized though

Megan looks like she wants to leave Obsidian and go suck off Swen desu

It will be bland and boring. Just like all other Obsidian games.

It’s not insane when it’s true. Stick to raising children and makin sammies, tranny

I'm a man and I'm frighteningly aware that the average woman is much more competent than me. It sucks.

Fallout 2 has Reddit humor, even before Reddit was a thing



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this, 100%. it's sad fact from the point of view of women, but a fact regardless.

imagine the smell

it's nature. Men provide, women take care.
You don't need to be competent because your vagina means your life is on easy mode.

read a book then you faggot

imagine putting your pp there h-haha

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you are wrong, women are better than men especially in writing, linguistic, social skills, it's just men are more commonly extreme cases, best and worst writers are men.

There isn't a single good writer left at Obsidian

You’re reading right now retard, why aren’t you playing a video game?

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It wasn't the humor it was the fourth wall breaking brainer. Even Chris avellone admit this.


I can tell that you were still sucking on your mom's tits or you weren't even born when Fallout 2 came out.

>tfw comes out a week before Death Stranding
I am probably the only person looking forward to both these games and them being the same time is suffering.

You're no man.

Not really expecting quality from new writers.

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>Megan currently works as a senior narrative designer at Obsidian Entertainment. Her game titles with the studio include the RPGs The Outer Worlds, Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire, and Tyranny. An experienced professional with nearly a decade in the industry, she previously worked as a senior game designer on the MMO Wildstar at Carbine Studios where she managed a team of content designers and developed fresh, fun, new video game content. Prior to that, she was a lead content designer and game writer on the MMO Fallen Earth.
Not sure what to expect desu


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>pic with nice thighs
>thread is about feet
I fucking hate footfags so much.

It looks like it's going to be janky as fuck.

>Chris Avellone having a say in anything
Fuck him. Fallout is better off without him.


>women are better than men especially in writing, linguistic, social skills
That could be true, since I don't even know how you measure those things.

>Megan Starks

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more masculine brains are more autistic, actually, good at systematizing, math, low empathy, highly rational. many male writer probably have feminine brains compared to average male.


>haha poster
Every time

an interview with Game Informer.

She has been working in vidya for 7 years. Don't trust her novel, trust her games.

I'm trusting her to wear short skirts, not wear a bra or panties and have her leg open every time she sits down.

The Bull-Bear stuff would've been good if it wasn't shoved everywhere. It's like they were so proud that they came up with a reasonably good idea that they forgot that it would spoil if they included it literally everywhere.

Ok Mr Urquhart, I'll take your word for it.

Not everybody can have patrician taste.

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cute feet

shes old now

I literally watched this show, not because of just games but to get an upskirt of her.

Is rewinding time considered a cheat?