Defend this

Defend this

Attached: isthmus.png (1310x1260, 1.4M)

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They wasted so much potential in SupCom 2

>Dead game
LOL not even FAF could save it

>Defend this
with what UEF?

i'll spam tier 1 air fighters

Tower enemy with T2 Rocket launchers, lauch 20 at once when the com is stationary.

I wish I was good at this game.

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I love the idea and concept but can't manage the heat

t. guy who loses his shit on early harass and can only play with t3 bombers vs turtling AI

Bruh the water and air units make it super complex

You can just duck into the water at the stage when you meet up. Your goal is try to get as much mass for your team as possible, maybe get some pot shots on the enemy com while you're at it, and then maybe as a 3rd try to stall them part way or do some harass, but at least keep them from getting past, knowing that later then game no matter what you will become secondary to the pond players. Giving the non-island side a bit of extra support if the situation dictates and opportunity offers is a good thing to keep in mind too. Hopefully your air player isn't shit.

Zero-K is better

Unit shields being broken at a code level didnt help.
Aeon shields in supcom 2 absorb 85% of incoming damage, this is a stacking effect but they also have 50% reflect chance, since reflect makes the incoming projectile YOUR projectile you take 0% damage as FF is not a thing
So Aeon stacking shields is fucking insane, its so powerful it totally absorbs multiple nuclear blasts. Fuck that shit game.

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This is my smol wife

Attached: sbil39.jpg (1466x908, 103K)

Symmetrical RTS maps are cancer

the price is right at least

Man did I love to just go 2v8 with a friend against CPU turtleing and building experimentals.
What a blast we had.

the fuck is this low res image supposed to represent? is this loss?

pick uef, plop shields, don't forget to scout for memes and hope that your naval players are not retarded.

I never understood simpletons like you. The AI is retarded.

To be fair, we were like 14.

>supcom 2
Fuck off.

Then I take my previous post back.

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How did they cock up 2 this bad? How is it even possible to cock up this hard?

The game is well optimized and the maps look good though. The whole "flow" gimmick to stop units getting stuck path finding sorta works.

Then you have the shit story, shit cartoon art style, shit upgrade system, shit experimental units that do zero damage and no AA guns so air just fucks your shit up.

>muh rts

Attached: 9423808-old-african-black-man-with-characterful-face.jpg (786x1300, 222K)

With love from Rvssia

Attached: 8890.jpg (849x443, 134K)

>"flow" gimmick to stop units getting stuck path finding sorta works.
What's that?

I find that's it's one of the few rts I can enjoy while still sucking at it. It's cathartic to just amass huge armies and watch them go.

If you try to move units like this in any other RTS game, they will get stuck.

I remember all the hype when SupCom 2 came out.
>woah dude this is the Starcraft killer!
>like look at SupCom's nukes compared to SCs lmao SC is a game for kids!
>game comes out and is forgotten in a month
In the end only Starcraft could kill Starcraft

I only recall people shitting on it for being crappy and consolized.

Commentator sounds on drugs

No you fucking don't
No one wanted SC to be downsized, most of all the fans
Next you'll say DoW2 was well received

Now why would someone lie on the internet of all places? SC2 was savaged for being a pile of stripped down garbage on release.