Dota Underlords

Here is your new Valve game bro
>copy pasted gameplay from the original Auto Chess
>literally half assed dota asset flip
Yup. I think Valve is back.

Attached: battle_pass_beta.png (970x550, 781K)

its shit


Only chinks care about autochess btw.

Attached: 29bebcbf6f400816ad0b5eb903926e4e.png (930x894, 398K)

Stop it
Let it die like artifact

Isn't this what people literally wanted?

>fans: we want HL3
>valve: here's dota 2 bro
>[dota 2 becomes irrelevant to all but russians and chinks]
>fans: we want HL3
>valve: here's dota 2 but with cards bro
>[artifact dies after a few months]
>fans: we want HL3
>valve: here's dota 2 but with chess bro

why do they keep thinking this is a good idea


what is this and why did it appear in my library

Attached: Capture.jpg (194x46, 2K)

>artifact died for an inhouse assetflip with copypasted gameplay

fuck you Valve.i hope the 4 automeme games coming out make the fad die out in 1 month like it deserved to in march.

it'll become the next battle royale :^)

its fun, its free, i see no problem with it.

It's not f2p, you need to be a dotanigger and buy a season pass to play it

thats just for the private beta, open beta coming next week
this has nothing to do with artifact, artifact is still being worked on. they just rebranded some people custom game a group of people made.

this is literally what valve does best though

>this has nothing to do with artifact, artifact is still being worked on
>artifact is still being worked on

just like half life 3.

mobile TRASH

why do you think a company owes you anything

Looks like a mobile game what the fuck did they really get that threaten by riot that they decide to release this ass looking of a game

Attached: mobilegame.png (1152x798, 1.35M)

>mobile game looks like a mobile game
truly a perplexing question, user

Attached: 234.png (1148x612, 1.06M)

Its because it launches the same time on mobile as PC and has crossplay. I imagine this might just be quick beta and the actual game will be able to disable the black outlines among other things.

I think Riot's TFT launches mobile down the line, and doesn't launch with rank.

Riots TFT is in the league client itself so porting it to mobile would likely take a while.

>That fucking mobile game UI

Attached: images.png (318x159, 7K)

>Dota Underlords
>Underlord not in the picture

valve can't game anymore