Why is Yooka-Laylee a soulless 2.5 platformer now? I thought the original's whole appeal was being a 3D collectathon.
Why is Yooka-Laylee a soulless 2.5 platformer now? I thought the original's whole appeal was being a 3D collectathon
looks like crossbreed of inferior BK and DKCR. the platforming looks weak as shit, at least the music will be good. maybe people from retro moved to playtonic?
>first game was a soulless collectathon
>second game is a soulless 2D platformer
Watch the third one be a soulless kart racer.
Because collectathons are trash and everyone was reminded of that during that meme revival period.
They shit the bed with the first one and now they're trying to squeeze out as much money as they can by reusing the same assets I guess
They need to make another game to recoup losses from their bad video game they made
>Odyssey praised
>Hat in Time praised
>Y-L was the only flop
lol, nice try playtonic artists
But there's legitimately hundreds of by-the-numbers 2.5D platformers out there.
All genres can be trash when the devs do a hack job.
They need to make another game to stay in the game making business and make money from selling video games.
asset flip duh
It is unironically better than those two games. People only hate on Yooka-Laylee because of the JonTron fiasco. A Hat in Time is cringey as fuck like a PBS Kid's show and Mario hasn't been good since SM64.
Watch them try to imitate Crash but do a shitty job at it like they did trying to imitate Banjo.
But that shouldn't be allowed to happen. Buying video games is morally wrong.
>People only hate on Yooka-Laylee because of the JonTron fiasco.
Are you retarded? People hate on it because it has terrible level design in a genre where level design is everything.
But it was soulless already in 3D.
Seems more like they're trying to copy DKCR.
Wait, they're making a sequel?
>Make bootleg Banjo-Kazooie
>Take the same characters and make bootleg Donkey Kong Country
What other Rareware games can they make a Yooka-Laylee version of?
It had different types of levels. They also showed a level with an overhead view that had platforming similar to platforming in Link's Awakening which considering the LA remake coming makes YL2 look bad.
I say why exactly, but aesthetically the game looks bland and soulless.
Viva PiƱata
Bootleg conker. It goes back to 3d but the writers were fired and the new ones make the duo total assholes.
Perfect Dark.
I can't*
Are you kids incapable of speaking without using forced memes as a part of your vocabulary or what?
>not making a spin off with that snake character that everybody liked
Didn't Amazon Deutschland accidentaly leak a new Banjo game?
If so they need to hurry the fuck up and release YL2 before even the tiny bit of buzz it still has will be one like Sals cock.
I thought it looked fun
The artstyle looks great again but if they use Unity for this too the game will be shit and (You) know it.
more like yooka-gaylee am i rite lmao
Was this really made by the same guys as Banjo Kazooie?
Or just the same concept artist and music composer?
Because if not how the fuck did the level designer forget what made Banjo great? Fuck to this day BK is perfectly playable and fun
The bad it female fagso
I just watched the Nintendo Treehouse demo of the game, and it looks fucking awesome.
>try to be banjo
>Try to be Mario/Classic Sonic
They didnt have the level and game designers. The most important
are the top down parts just puzzle levels?
When designing a game, make sure the characters and background have different enough levels of light or colors, or it gets hard to distinguish the character from the background.
the original game was shit and this looks pretty good by comparison.
Bootleg Kinect sports which was a bootleg of Wii sports
Its a "spin-off"
Well no wonder. The art and music are great but without the leveldesign and gameplay as a foundation it was destined to fail.
woo boy that looks like deep fried dog shit
Looks nice,
That Kinect pet game and you get to pet both of them.
i sure love that saturated green, put it all over the fucking screen